Android adalah sistem operasi berbasis Linux yang dikembangkan oleh Android Inc pada tahun 2005. Google membeli perusahaan ini pada 2005 dan mulai mengembangkan sistem operasi untuk perangkat seluler. Versi awal Android tidak diberi nama, tetapi mulai versi 1.2 diberi nama makanan ringan seperti Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, dan seterusnya untuk membuatnya mudah diingat pengguna.
Wonderful People (Submitted to Tahoma West 2014)Andrew Bussey
Mark is waiting at a bus station for bus 3067 to take him to his online college graduation in Albuquerque. He is joined by an elderly woman named Lady who is waiting for her deceased husband William, and a mechanic named Tubby. Lady talks fondly about her late husband while Mark waits impatiently for his bus. A mechanic named Busty is working on repairing broken down buses outside. The group at the station offer Mark advice and companionship as he waits to embark on his journey.
Pankaj Bisht is seeking a middle-level position in retail sales and operations in a reputed organization. He has over 5 years of experience in fashion retail. His roles have included assistant store manager at Arvind Brands Lifestyle Ltd and TIMEXGROUP, where he was responsible for store operations, sales, inventory management, customer service, staff management, and achieving sales targets. He has a graduate degree and seeks to utilize his experience and skills to contribute to the growth of an organization.
Trafigura Group Pte. Ltd. reported financial and business highlights for the six-month period ended 31 March 2016. Group revenue was $44.1 billion, down from $48.2 billion in the prior year period. Gross profit was $1,172.9 million, down from $1,514.6 million in 2015. Oil and petroleum products accounted for 62% of revenue while metals and minerals accounted for 38%. The company saw a continuation of strong trading performance and growth in traded volumes. Key industrial assets also transitioned from construction to commercial operations during the period.
This document analyzes the music video for "Troublemaker" by Olly Murs featuring Flo Rida. It discusses the camera angles, editing, lyrics/visuals, and mise-en-scene in the Olly Murs and Ella Eyre sections of the video. For Olly Murs, the video focuses closely on him through midshots and close-ups to promote the artist. It follows a narrative that matches the lyrics by showing the female protagonist causing trouble. Shots are cut to the beat and lyrics. The setting includes a cafe and nightclub to portray Olly as upper-class. For Ella Eyre, the video shows her having fun from different perspectives, enjoying time with friends to represent
Olly Murs represents himself as a cheeky and fun-loving person through his music videos and website. His music videos typically show him joking around and enjoying himself, though his video for "Dear Darling" shows a more emotional side as he sings about a broken relationship. Both his website and "Right Place Right Time" video emphasize his playful personality through images of him laughing and engaging in silly acts. This helps create a star image of Olly Murs as someone who doesn't take himself too seriously and likes to have fun.
James' audience feedback question without videosjlishman
This document discusses the feedback received from an initial screening of a music video to classmates. There were several strengths identified, including the variety of shots used, how the pace of editing matched the tempo of the music, and the linking of narrative and performance. However, weaknesses in the lighting at the end and lackluster ending performance were also noted. Based on this feedback, the filmmakers re-shot the ending with better lighting and a more engaged performance from the couple. A second screening showed clear improvement, with audience members noting the enhanced narrative clarity and improved overall quality from the adjustments.
Brand guide (brand book) is not just a beautiful, stylish book that should have any self-respecting company. It is a kind of passport company, a major document governing certain provisions, from corporate ethics and company image to building relationships with the dealer network.
In Russian practice, the brand book is usually called the guide to corporate identity, i.e. the document containing the description of all elements of the brand and their correct use. Actually, it is not so.
Nathi is a South African musician who grew up in poverty and faced lack of opportunities but found love for music and art from a young age. He entered a local talent competition and won, nurturing his skills over the years. In 2014, established artist Vusi Nova heard Nathi sing and insisted on collaborating with him on a song, bringing Nathi from Maclear to Johannesburg to record "Noma Kanjani". Nathi's journey has been difficult but he has persisted through hard work, and is now celebrating the release of his debut album "Buyelekhaya".
Dokumen tersebut membahas sejarah perkembangan sistem manufaktur mulai dari zaman prasejarah hingga abad ke-19. Sistem manufaktur telah berkembang dari penggunaan alat dan bahan sederhana menjadi penggunaan mesin-mesin produksi modern. Beberapa negara maju seperti Inggris dan Amerika Serikat masih bergantung pada sektor manufaktur yang menyerap banyak tenaga kerja dan berkontribusi besar pada perekonomian nasional
Wonderful People (Submitted to Tahoma West 2014)Andrew Bussey
Mark is waiting at a bus station for bus 3067 to take him to his online college graduation in Albuquerque. He is joined by an elderly woman named Lady who is waiting for her deceased husband William, and a mechanic named Tubby. Lady talks fondly about her late husband while Mark waits impatiently for his bus. A mechanic named Busty is working on repairing broken down buses outside. The group at the station offer Mark advice and companionship as he waits to embark on his journey.
Pankaj Bisht is seeking a middle-level position in retail sales and operations in a reputed organization. He has over 5 years of experience in fashion retail. His roles have included assistant store manager at Arvind Brands Lifestyle Ltd and TIMEXGROUP, where he was responsible for store operations, sales, inventory management, customer service, staff management, and achieving sales targets. He has a graduate degree and seeks to utilize his experience and skills to contribute to the growth of an organization.
Trafigura Group Pte. Ltd. reported financial and business highlights for the six-month period ended 31 March 2016. Group revenue was $44.1 billion, down from $48.2 billion in the prior year period. Gross profit was $1,172.9 million, down from $1,514.6 million in 2015. Oil and petroleum products accounted for 62% of revenue while metals and minerals accounted for 38%. The company saw a continuation of strong trading performance and growth in traded volumes. Key industrial assets also transitioned from construction to commercial operations during the period.
This document analyzes the music video for "Troublemaker" by Olly Murs featuring Flo Rida. It discusses the camera angles, editing, lyrics/visuals, and mise-en-scene in the Olly Murs and Ella Eyre sections of the video. For Olly Murs, the video focuses closely on him through midshots and close-ups to promote the artist. It follows a narrative that matches the lyrics by showing the female protagonist causing trouble. Shots are cut to the beat and lyrics. The setting includes a cafe and nightclub to portray Olly as upper-class. For Ella Eyre, the video shows her having fun from different perspectives, enjoying time with friends to represent
Olly Murs represents himself as a cheeky and fun-loving person through his music videos and website. His music videos typically show him joking around and enjoying himself, though his video for "Dear Darling" shows a more emotional side as he sings about a broken relationship. Both his website and "Right Place Right Time" video emphasize his playful personality through images of him laughing and engaging in silly acts. This helps create a star image of Olly Murs as someone who doesn't take himself too seriously and likes to have fun.
James' audience feedback question without videosjlishman
This document discusses the feedback received from an initial screening of a music video to classmates. There were several strengths identified, including the variety of shots used, how the pace of editing matched the tempo of the music, and the linking of narrative and performance. However, weaknesses in the lighting at the end and lackluster ending performance were also noted. Based on this feedback, the filmmakers re-shot the ending with better lighting and a more engaged performance from the couple. A second screening showed clear improvement, with audience members noting the enhanced narrative clarity and improved overall quality from the adjustments.
Brand guide (brand book) is not just a beautiful, stylish book that should have any self-respecting company. It is a kind of passport company, a major document governing certain provisions, from corporate ethics and company image to building relationships with the dealer network.
In Russian practice, the brand book is usually called the guide to corporate identity, i.e. the document containing the description of all elements of the brand and their correct use. Actually, it is not so.
Nathi is a South African musician who grew up in poverty and faced lack of opportunities but found love for music and art from a young age. He entered a local talent competition and won, nurturing his skills over the years. In 2014, established artist Vusi Nova heard Nathi sing and insisted on collaborating with him on a song, bringing Nathi from Maclear to Johannesburg to record "Noma Kanjani". Nathi's journey has been difficult but he has persisted through hard work, and is now celebrating the release of his debut album "Buyelekhaya".
Dokumen tersebut membahas sejarah perkembangan sistem manufaktur mulai dari zaman prasejarah hingga abad ke-19. Sistem manufaktur telah berkembang dari penggunaan alat dan bahan sederhana menjadi penggunaan mesin-mesin produksi modern. Beberapa negara maju seperti Inggris dan Amerika Serikat masih bergantung pada sektor manufaktur yang menyerap banyak tenaga kerja dan berkontribusi besar pada perekonomian nasional