KLEIN ALEXIA-resumeAlexia KleinAlexia Klein-Goldberg is a freelance translator specializing in English to Portuguese (Brazilian) translation. She has expertise in medical, pharmaceutical, chemistry, science, early childhood education, special needs, disability, commercial, and accounting fields including law contracts. She has comprehensive training and degrees in chemistry, pharmacy, and worked as a junior scientific researcher. She is meticulous, detail-oriented, and strives for the highest quality work.
Facultade de ciencias empresarialesMafezita PedrozaaEste documento presenta los detalles de un proyecto académico realizado por María Fernanda Pedroza Jaime para su título en Gestión y Evaluación de Proyectos. El proyecto fue supervisado por Jair Jesús Carrillo en la carrera de Administración de Negocios Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad UniRemington en Cúcuta, Colombia en 2016.
Customer Account Representative Thomas CravensThomas CravensThomas Cravens is seeking a customer account representative position and has over 23 years of customer service experience. He has a background in customer service, marketing, and sales. Cravens has experience resolving customer concerns through effective listening and collaborating with other departments to complete customer orders. He has computer skills for accurately entering information and meeting order quality standards. Cravens has a Bachelor's degree in Social Work and a certificate in frontline services from Western Technical College.
CV TemplateThulani RadebeThulani Radebe's curriculum vitae provides details about his personal information, education history, work experience, skills, and references. He has a National Diploma from the University of Johannesburg and worked as an Administrator/Personal Assistant at Alpha & Omega financial services for six weeks per year over three years. His skills include proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, communication abilities, and being hardworking, organized, and highly motivated to work with diverse groups of people. A reference is provided from Benny Bulacho at Discovery Health.
Low tech devicesChantelle (Chelly) NeyLow-cost assistive technology devices that can benefit students with visual, learning, physical, and sensory impairments are available from dollar stores. These include magnifying glasses, large print books and calculators, pencil grips, weighted vests, fidget toys, and iPad cases created from inexpensive materials. Dollar stores offer many items that can be adapted or combined to create assistive tools for students with disabilities to aid independence and learning.
ANÁLISIS DE LA PARADOJAMarianna QuinteroEste documento resume el libro "La Paradoja" sobre liderazgo escrito por James C. Hunter. El libro analiza el verdadero significado del liderazgo a través de siete capítulos que exploran temas como las definiciones de liderazgo, los paradigmas antiguos y nuevos, un modelo de liderazgo de servicio, el amor como fundamento del liderazgo, la importancia de crear un entorno saludable, las etapas en el desarrollo de un líder, y los resultados de aplicar un liderazgo
Reuse Permit Program June 2015Paul WakagawaThe document summarizes Idaho's recycled water reuse program, which issues around 20 permits per year to 130 active projects reusing over 8 billion gallons of treated wastewater annually. It also highlights the evolution of a large potato processor's reuse system from unlined lagoons to advanced membrane treatment allowing some treated water to be reused internally. Finally, it notes the challenges of using land treatment and monitoring groundwater quality to evaluate reuse permit compliance.
Homework gridKate ToddThis document outlines homework tasks for a student over the course of one week. It includes instructions to read for 15-20 minutes each night, either from a book from school or the library or being read to. It also provides examples of mathematics, physical activity, word work, spelling, teaching parents something new, playing games with adults, using a computer for schoolwork, and hints for completing the assignments. Students and parents are asked to sign upon completion of the homework grid for the week.
Cuando la Teoría de Números se encuentra con la Geometría Algebraica. Una inv...J. Rogelio Yoyontzin Perez BuendiaEste documento introduce la geometría algebraica y cómo se relaciona con la teoría de números. Explica conceptos como conjuntos algebraicos, variedades algebraicas, ideales y la correspondencia entre ellos. También presenta las conjeturas de Weil, que establecen propiedades de la función zeta de una variedad sobre un campo finito de manera análoga a la hipótesis de Riemann. Finalmente, resume cómo se demostraron las conjeturas de Weil en los años 1960 y 1970.
Basics of uv spectroscopyRahat Inayat AliThis document provides an overview of ultraviolet spectroscopy. It defines spectroscopy as the study of interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation. It explains that ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopy measures the attenuation of light passing through or reflecting from a sample. Some uses of UV spectroscopy mentioned are detection of functional groups, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and showing relationships between compounds. It also defines ultraviolet radiation, noting it comes primarily from the sun and has wavelengths shorter than visible light. The principle of UV spectroscopy is explained as molecules absorbing UV radiation to cause electron transitions between energy levels.
The pop-out effect: how to improve choice through information architectureStefano BussolonFinding something is the first step in decision making, but making a choice is the second step.
Information architecture should help users not just to find things, but also to make the right choice. From findability to choosability.
Because information becomes knowledge if it helps an agent to take a decision.
The presentation covers the following topics:
- the paradox of choice
- why is it difficult to choose
- the metaphor of pop out
- the cost of the cognitive bottlenecks
- how can we overcome the choice overload
- the role of information architecture to increase the choosability
ANÁLISIS DE LA PARADOJAMarianna QuinteroEste documento resume el libro "La Paradoja" sobre liderazgo escrito por James C. Hunter. El libro analiza el verdadero significado del liderazgo a través de siete capítulos que exploran temas como las definiciones de liderazgo, los paradigmas antiguos y nuevos, un modelo de liderazgo de servicio, el amor como fundamento del liderazgo, la importancia de crear un entorno saludable, las etapas en el desarrollo de un líder, y los resultados de aplicar un liderazgo
Reuse Permit Program June 2015Paul WakagawaThe document summarizes Idaho's recycled water reuse program, which issues around 20 permits per year to 130 active projects reusing over 8 billion gallons of treated wastewater annually. It also highlights the evolution of a large potato processor's reuse system from unlined lagoons to advanced membrane treatment allowing some treated water to be reused internally. Finally, it notes the challenges of using land treatment and monitoring groundwater quality to evaluate reuse permit compliance.
Homework gridKate ToddThis document outlines homework tasks for a student over the course of one week. It includes instructions to read for 15-20 minutes each night, either from a book from school or the library or being read to. It also provides examples of mathematics, physical activity, word work, spelling, teaching parents something new, playing games with adults, using a computer for schoolwork, and hints for completing the assignments. Students and parents are asked to sign upon completion of the homework grid for the week.
Cuando la Teoría de Números se encuentra con la Geometría Algebraica. Una inv...J. Rogelio Yoyontzin Perez BuendiaEste documento introduce la geometría algebraica y cómo se relaciona con la teoría de números. Explica conceptos como conjuntos algebraicos, variedades algebraicas, ideales y la correspondencia entre ellos. También presenta las conjeturas de Weil, que establecen propiedades de la función zeta de una variedad sobre un campo finito de manera análoga a la hipótesis de Riemann. Finalmente, resume cómo se demostraron las conjeturas de Weil en los años 1960 y 1970.
Basics of uv spectroscopyRahat Inayat AliThis document provides an overview of ultraviolet spectroscopy. It defines spectroscopy as the study of interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation. It explains that ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopy measures the attenuation of light passing through or reflecting from a sample. Some uses of UV spectroscopy mentioned are detection of functional groups, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and showing relationships between compounds. It also defines ultraviolet radiation, noting it comes primarily from the sun and has wavelengths shorter than visible light. The principle of UV spectroscopy is explained as molecules absorbing UV radiation to cause electron transitions between energy levels.
The pop-out effect: how to improve choice through information architectureStefano BussolonFinding something is the first step in decision making, but making a choice is the second step.
Information architecture should help users not just to find things, but also to make the right choice. From findability to choosability.
Because information becomes knowledge if it helps an agent to take a decision.
The presentation covers the following topics:
- the paradox of choice
- why is it difficult to choose
- the metaphor of pop out
- the cost of the cognitive bottlenecks
- how can we overcome the choice overload
- the role of information architecture to increase the choosability
бекбулатова айгерим+современная школа искусств+решение
1. Современная школа искусств
• , -302,Айгерим Бекбулатова РЭиТ лидер команды
• , -302,Иманбаев Асхат РЭиТ директор
• , -302,Сейтов Сагдат РЭиТ ответственный за
• , -302,Макажан Маргулан РЭиТ заместитель
Технари Бекбулатова Айгерим bekbulatova95@gmail.com
2. Ключевое решение
( )ценность
• ,Важнейшее отличие вашего решения от всего что
?есть на рынке технология и способ достижения
• ?Какие новые возможности открывает Ваше решение
,возможность участие в конкурсе выиграть
главный приз и поступить ВУЗ на грант
• ?Как меняется повседневная жизнь клиента Что в нее
?добавляется или что исчезает появляется
,интерес в искусстве далее они могут открыть
для себя новые перспективы
3. !Кратко изложите суть Вашего решения
• с помощью нашей подготовки дать возможность
каждому человеку открыть свои таланты в
искусстве и осуществить его дальнейшем
• Новые навыки и достижение
• Ценность времени клиента
• Оплата под залог
• Рассрочка
4. ,В чем инновация Вашего
• В используемых технологиях
• В обслуживании и операции
• Бонусная карта
• Конкурсы и выставки
• Призы
• Участие в международном конкурсе
5. Какие Выгоды дает Ваше решение по сравнению
? ?с конкурентами В чем основное преимущество
• Новый позитивный опыт
• Дисконтная карта
• Удобный график
• Лучшее и более удобное расположение для
( )?клиента точка доступа
• Более низкая цена владения
6. Какие Выгоды дает Ваше решение по сравнению
? ?с конкурентами В чем основное преимущество
• Новый позитивный опыт
• Дисконтная карта
• Удобный график
• Лучшее и более удобное расположение для
( )?клиента точка доступа
• Более низкая цена владения