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Sams Vox Pop:

Dylan: Im here with Sam Lenard, Im just going to ask him a few questions
about the Metrolink. Sam has the construction of the Metrolink affected you
in any way?
Sam: Yeah it really effects, going to and fro from college and traffic as well, it
causes loads of traffic and it takes ages to get to places.
Dylan: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink once its finished and why?
Sam: Yeah I do, its a fast way to where I want to be, its cheap as well, and its
cheaper than the bus
Dylan: Yeah thats great, do you think Oldhams Metrolink might have a good
or bad influence in Oldham?
Sam: I think it might have a good influence in Oldham in the future, its more
likely to bring people into it, and its making it look a bit nicer so, in the future
Dylan: Thanks.
Sam BlakeboroughsVox Pop:
Kieron: Hi Im here with SamBlakeborough, hes just going to
answer a few questions. Has the construction of the Metrolink
affected you in any way?
Sam: No it hasnt because the Metrolink does not run into my area
Kieron: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink and why?
Sam: No I cant see myself because like I said it doesnt run into my
area and I can see the tickets being quite expensive.
Kieron: Do you think Oldhams Metrolink might have a good or bad
influence in the Oldham area?
Sam: Its got potential to have a good influence on certain residents
due to the fact itll be easier to get to work for some people
however, places like that where people have to sit quite together
have possible hopes of antisocial behaviour.
Kieron: Thank you very much.

Will Kays Vox Pop:

Kieron: Hi Im here with Will Kay and Im just going to ask him some questions regarding the new
Metrolink in the Oldham area. Has the construction of the Metrolink affected you in any way?

Will Kay: Well yeah, because I have to college in Oldham and the roadworks make you go on a
huge diversion and whenever Im driving or on the bus, you have to take a ten minute diversion to
get around and its quite annoying.

Kieron: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink and why?

Will Kay: Well yeah I think I will, I think its a great thing because its the best way to get round to
places like Manchester without getting the bus which is horrible and yeah I like the trams me, I
think there petty good, the fairs are decent.

Kieron: Do you think Oldhams Metrolink might have a good or bad influence in the Oldham area?

Will Kay: Well their saying it might boost the economy or drive more people into Oldham but I
personally think that, theyve put a lot of money into creating in a way to get people to get out of
Oldham, I think its going to take anybody who wants to shop in Oldham and people will be
thinking well why would I want to shop in Oldham if its only 20 minutes down to Manchester, so
thats going to take a lot of money away from boosting the local economy. I dont think its a
terribly positive move to be honest.

Kieron: Thanks for your time.
 NeevesVox Pops:

 Dylan: Hi Im here with Neeve and Im just going to ask her a few questions on the
Metrolink. Neeve has the constructions of the Metrolink affected you in anyway?
 Neeve: Erm well, cause theres been quite a lot of traffic in Oldham, its made me
late for college quite a few times so been in trouble and that and things
 Dylan: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink once its finished?
 Neeve: Erm might do, and like it depends if its cheaper than the trains to
Manchester and things then I will do. But if its about the same price then Ill still
get trains cause its closer.
 Dylan: And do you think Oldhams Metrolink has a good or a bad influence on
 Neeve: Erm, well its quite a good influence but erm, I think quite a lot of people
just wont pay for the tram and theyll just end up going on it for free and things so
they wont make the money back.
 Dylan: Thank you.

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Metrolink vox pops

  • 1. Sams Vox Pop: Dylan: Im here with Sam Lenard, Im just going to ask him a few questions about the Metrolink. Sam has the construction of the Metrolink affected you in any way? Sam: Yeah it really effects, going to and fro from college and traffic as well, it causes loads of traffic and it takes ages to get to places. Dylan: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink once its finished and why? Sam: Yeah I do, its a fast way to where I want to be, its cheap as well, and its cheaper than the bus Dylan: Yeah thats great, do you think Oldhams Metrolink might have a good or bad influence in Oldham? Sam: I think it might have a good influence in Oldham in the future, its more likely to bring people into it, and its making it look a bit nicer so, in the future maybe. Dylan: Thanks.
  • 2. Sam BlakeboroughsVox Pop: Kieron: Hi Im here with SamBlakeborough, hes just going to answer a few questions. Has the construction of the Metrolink affected you in any way? Sam: No it hasnt because the Metrolink does not run into my area Kieron: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink and why? Sam: No I cant see myself because like I said it doesnt run into my area and I can see the tickets being quite expensive. Kieron: Do you think Oldhams Metrolink might have a good or bad influence in the Oldham area? Sam: Its got potential to have a good influence on certain residents due to the fact itll be easier to get to work for some people however, places like that where people have to sit quite together have possible hopes of antisocial behaviour. Kieron: Thank you very much.
  • 3. Will Kays Vox Pop: Kieron: Hi Im here with Will Kay and Im just going to ask him some questions regarding the new Metrolink in the Oldham area. Has the construction of the Metrolink affected you in any way? Will Kay: Well yeah, because I have to college in Oldham and the roadworks make you go on a huge diversion and whenever Im driving or on the bus, you have to take a ten minute diversion to get around and its quite annoying. Kieron: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink and why? Will Kay: Well yeah I think I will, I think its a great thing because its the best way to get round to places like Manchester without getting the bus which is horrible and yeah I like the trams me, I think there petty good, the fairs are decent. Kieron: Do you think Oldhams Metrolink might have a good or bad influence in the Oldham area? Will Kay: Well their saying it might boost the economy or drive more people into Oldham but I personally think that, theyve put a lot of money into creating in a way to get people to get out of Oldham, I think its going to take anybody who wants to shop in Oldham and people will be thinking well why would I want to shop in Oldham if its only 20 minutes down to Manchester, so thats going to take a lot of money away from boosting the local economy. I dont think its a terribly positive move to be honest. Kieron: Thanks for your time.
  • 4. NeevesVox Pops: Dylan: Hi Im here with Neeve and Im just going to ask her a few questions on the Metrolink. Neeve has the constructions of the Metrolink affected you in anyway? Neeve: Erm well, cause theres been quite a lot of traffic in Oldham, its made me late for college quite a few times so been in trouble and that and things Dylan: Do you see yourself using the Metrolink once its finished? Neeve: Erm might do, and like it depends if its cheaper than the trains to Manchester and things then I will do. But if its about the same price then Ill still get trains cause its closer. Dylan: And do you think Oldhams Metrolink has a good or a bad influence on Oldham. Neeve: Erm, well its quite a good influence but erm, I think quite a lot of people just wont pay for the tram and theyll just end up going on it for free and things so they wont make the money back. Dylan: Thank you.