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MGMT 697
Social Media Final Project
December 6, 2013
Ben Weinheimer

SUNY Geneseo Graduate – BS in Accounting
UMass Amherst – Isenberg School of Management
MBA Candidate – Expected June 2015


CPA Candidate – Expected January 2015


PwC Audit Associate 2006-2007


PwC Tax Associate 2007-2009


PwC Tax Senior Associate 2009 – 2013


PwC Tax Manager 2013 – Present

I currently work in the Tax Reporting Performance
Improvement practice at PwC. My current advisory
role includes process improvement analysis, tax
software implementations, Sarbanes-Oxley 404
guidance, and accounting for income taxes under U.S.



I am a public accountant who longs for more than crunching numbers.
I understood this when I began my professional career as an external

I would not last as an external auditor because I felt like people were scared
of what I would find. It was a tense relationship and one I did not enjoy.
I knew this career was short-lived so I switched to Corporate Tax. This
included tax compliance and reporting services.

Two things in life are certain: Death and Taxes
I was still a public accountant, but the tax compliance and reporting side of
the business was more favorable to my natural skill set.


Who would not want to help clients fight off the Internal Revenue Service?!!



The skills developed in the first 5 years of my career were an excellent
foundation to embark on a purely tax consulting role.
The latest move was to the Tax Reporting Performance Improvement practice.
This is a National role within PwC and I devote my time to many aspects of
tax transformation for major corporations.
This includes process improvement analysis, tax software
implementations, Sarbanes-Oxley 404 guidance, and accounting for income
taxes under U.S. GAAP.


Of course, that is not all I have done in the last 7 years….
I completed the Certified Public Accountant exam in May of 2012.
In order to be certified in Massachusetts, I need 150 credit hours and I have 3
years to complete it.
Thus, I enrolled in the Isenberg School of Management to pursue my MBA.


I am an avid sports fan and like many sports. I played soccer, lacrosse, and
basketball growing up.
For a boy who grew up in Syracuse, NY, I enjoy Boston teams due to my
Grandfather’s influence. I dislike the Yankees!!!!


When I can find time, I love to play 18 holes. I find peace and serenity when I
am on the golf course and the world just slows down. These days, this time is
difficult to find!




Interestingly enough, I was on a project in Texas for work for the last year
and half. I ate many delicious steaks during this time and gained a few extra
I decided I needed to get back to my fighting (normal) weight and began a
rigorous morning routine. I run about 4 miles every other day and do interval
weight training as well.
I have lost the 28 pounds I gained and I have never felt better!


This class has really opened my eyes to the professional branding abilities of
social media. It has also shown me that you can engage potential target
audience through a specific strategy.


Given the conservative nature of the Public Accounting industry, it has been
difficult to put my vision into play. However, I felt LinkedIn provides the best
platform for immediate engagement with my target audience.


I will utilize Twitter to deliver industry news or any tax accounting or tax
technology updates that I find relevant. I will not lean on Twitter for
consistent engagement with my target audience. It will be more of a platform
to inform those interested and point them to other platforms.


Lastly, I hope to develop a tax technology forum to discuss everyday issues
with my target audience. This piece is still being designed, but it would be the
best way to develop relationships and build trust with my target audience.


Give me a shout on any social network! Whether it is professional, personal
or anything in between, I am happy to chat!!
Ben Weinheimer or @bweinheimer17


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Mgmt 697 social media final project

  • 1. MGMT 697 Social Media Final Project December 6, 2013
  • 2. Ben Weinheimer ? ? SUNY Geneseo Graduate – BS in Accounting UMass Amherst – Isenberg School of Management MBA Candidate – Expected June 2015 ? CPA Candidate – Expected January 2015 ? PwC Audit Associate 2006-2007 ? PwC Tax Associate 2007-2009 ? PwC Tax Senior Associate 2009 – 2013 ? PwC Tax Manager 2013 – Present I currently work in the Tax Reporting Performance Improvement practice at PwC. My current advisory role includes process improvement analysis, tax software implementations, Sarbanes-Oxley 404 guidance, and accounting for income taxes under U.S. GAAP. 2
  • 3. ? ? ? ? I am a public accountant who longs for more than crunching numbers. I understood this when I began my professional career as an external auditor….. I would not last as an external auditor because I felt like people were scared of what I would find. It was a tense relationship and one I did not enjoy. I knew this career was short-lived so I switched to Corporate Tax. This included tax compliance and reporting services. 3
  • 4. ? Two things in life are certain: Death and Taxes I was still a public accountant, but the tax compliance and reporting side of the business was more favorable to my natural skill set. ? Who would not want to help clients fight off the Internal Revenue Service?!! ? 4
  • 5. ? ? ? ? The skills developed in the first 5 years of my career were an excellent foundation to embark on a purely tax consulting role. The latest move was to the Tax Reporting Performance Improvement practice. This is a National role within PwC and I devote my time to many aspects of tax transformation for major corporations. This includes process improvement analysis, tax software implementations, Sarbanes-Oxley 404 guidance, and accounting for income taxes under U.S. GAAP. 5
  • 6. ? ? ? ? Of course, that is not all I have done in the last 7 years…. I completed the Certified Public Accountant exam in May of 2012. In order to be certified in Massachusetts, I need 150 credit hours and I have 3 years to complete it. Thus, I enrolled in the Isenberg School of Management to pursue my MBA. 6
  • 7. ? ? I am an avid sports fan and like many sports. I played soccer, lacrosse, and basketball growing up. For a boy who grew up in Syracuse, NY, I enjoy Boston teams due to my Grandfather’s influence. I dislike the Yankees!!!! 7
  • 8. ? When I can find time, I love to play 18 holes. I find peace and serenity when I am on the golf course and the world just slows down. These days, this time is difficult to find! 8
  • 9. ? ? ? Interestingly enough, I was on a project in Texas for work for the last year and half. I ate many delicious steaks during this time and gained a few extra pounds…..woops! I decided I needed to get back to my fighting (normal) weight and began a rigorous morning routine. I run about 4 miles every other day and do interval weight training as well. I have lost the 28 pounds I gained and I have never felt better! 9
  • 10. ? This class has really opened my eyes to the professional branding abilities of social media. It has also shown me that you can engage potential target audience through a specific strategy. ? Given the conservative nature of the Public Accounting industry, it has been difficult to put my vision into play. However, I felt LinkedIn provides the best platform for immediate engagement with my target audience. ? I will utilize Twitter to deliver industry news or any tax accounting or tax technology updates that I find relevant. I will not lean on Twitter for consistent engagement with my target audience. It will be more of a platform to inform those interested and point them to other platforms. ? Lastly, I hope to develop a tax technology forum to discuss everyday issues with my target audience. This piece is still being designed, but it would be the best way to develop relationships and build trust with my target audience. 10
  • 11. ? Give me a shout on any social network! Whether it is professional, personal or anything in between, I am happy to chat!! Ben Weinheimer or @bweinheimer17 11

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Overview agendaThe day is divided into two 90-minute segments with a break for lunchThere’s a lot of content built into the day, but we want to make sure everyone walks away with a level of comfort and understanding of the solutionSo please ask questions and make it an interactive day.Take notes today on the questions and answers you’re hearing. You’ll likely get similar questions at your local market training.