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Navigating wicked
Program overview
Todays business problems are increasingly impossible to
define, let alone solve. Why? Because theyre not just
complex  theyre wicked. If the problem is wicked, then
ambiguity rules and traditional problem-solving approaches
not only dont work, but usually make the situation worse.
What areas are prone to wickedness? Change, culture,
innovation, large scale IT projects, brands, communications
and even strategy. If you have multiple stakeholders, are
experiencing confusion, discord or lack of progress; if the
issue is defined more by what you dont know than what you
do, and if it morphs with every attempt to address it, then
the problem is likely to be wicked.
Wicked problems have the highest levels of uncertainty and
ambiguity, but also potentially yield the most value. Dealing
with ambiguity, creativity, innovation management and
strategic agility are four of Lomingers Big 8 competencies
that few executives possess. However they have been proven
to make the most significant difference to an individuals
career and to the performance of the company in which
they work.
This program will focus on developing these competencies
and enable you to learn the creative mindset, abilities and
techniques needed to stand out in your field.
MGSM Executive Education
T: +61 2 9850 9016
E: executive.education@mgsm.edu.au
W: mgsm.edu.au/execed
True genius lies in the capacity for evaluation of
uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information.
For program dates, locations and fees refer to the Open Program Calendar or visit
MGSM Executive Education can also tailor this program for your organisation.
T: +61 2 9850 9016
CRICOS Provider 00002J
Program facilitator
Mo Fox is a true hybrid thinker; an accomplished
artist with an extensive corporate background in
advertising and strategy who consults, speaks,
writes and trains in the area of creative strategy
and applied creative thinking. Her eclectic
background means she thrives on combining
structured analytical thinking with free-form creativity to get
sharper, faster, stickier results.
She has worked across a wide range of industries in Australia and the
UK, with companies as varied as Toyota, IKEA, Kelloggs and CBA.
Mo is renowned for her ability to solve highly complex problems and
generate innovative ideas in a short space of time  and to engage
people in the process.
Mo is the director and creator of Studio Thinking速, a methodology
that uses art practices to achieve commercial business results by
teaching people how to think differently and how to find and
leverage their own innate creativity  the secret to having a true
competitive edge.
She speaks on subjects such as disruptive innovation, managing
ambiguity, ingenuity, perception and change, influence, and of
course, complex and wicked problems.
Program objectives
This program is designed to provide the frameworks, tools and
techniques needed to navigate in environments defined by ambiguity,
where clear problem definitions and solutions do not exist.
It will challenge current business assumptions, and demonstrate the
creative problem-solving approaches that are the key to unlocking the
value in such fuzzy and frustrating spaces, facilitating a mindset shift
to a more flexible mode of operating.
Program outcomes
	 Identify and understand the dynamics of different classes of
	 Anticipate the barriers to solving wicked problems
	 Understand the mindset and abilities needed to operate effectively
in this space
	 Practice pragmatic tools and techniques to navigate the ambiguity
of wicked problems
	 Become more comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity
	 Become more flexible and resourceful in how they think, respond
and lead
Who should attend
	 Mid to senior-level managers in all industry sectors
	 High-potential managers or those wishing to extend their career by
learning these valuable skills
	 Business managers responsible for innovation, change or IT
Program timetable
Day 1 	 Developing a new mindset
	 Three levels of problem: Distinctions and dynamics
	 The power of ambiguity
	 The creative approach to fuzzy problems
Day 2 The creative approach:
	 Tools and techniques
	 Defaults and triggers
	 Managing stakeholders
	 The way forward

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MGSM Navigating Wicked Problems

  • 1. Navigating wicked problems ACQUIRING THE KEY TO UNLOCKING FUZZY PROBLEMS Program overview Todays business problems are increasingly impossible to define, let alone solve. Why? Because theyre not just complex theyre wicked. If the problem is wicked, then ambiguity rules and traditional problem-solving approaches not only dont work, but usually make the situation worse. What areas are prone to wickedness? Change, culture, innovation, large scale IT projects, brands, communications and even strategy. If you have multiple stakeholders, are experiencing confusion, discord or lack of progress; if the issue is defined more by what you dont know than what you do, and if it morphs with every attempt to address it, then the problem is likely to be wicked. Wicked problems have the highest levels of uncertainty and ambiguity, but also potentially yield the most value. Dealing with ambiguity, creativity, innovation management and strategic agility are four of Lomingers Big 8 competencies that few executives possess. However they have been proven to make the most significant difference to an individuals career and to the performance of the company in which they work. This program will focus on developing these competencies and enable you to learn the creative mindset, abilities and techniques needed to stand out in your field. TO ENROL OR FOR MORE INFORMATION MGSM Executive Education T: +61 2 9850 9016 E: executive.education@mgsm.edu.au W: mgsm.edu.au/execed True genius lies in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information. WINSTON CHURCHILL DURATION 2 DAYS (NON-RESIDENTIAL) LOCATION DATES COST MGSM NORTH RYDE, SYDNEY PROGRAM DATES ARE AVAILABLE AT MGSM.EDU.AU $3,600 (INCLUDES GST)
  • 2. FIND OUT MORE For program dates, locations and fees refer to the Open Program Calendar or visit mgsm.edu.au/execed MGSM Executive Education can also tailor this program for your organisation. T: +61 2 9850 9016 CRICOS Provider 00002J Program facilitator MO FOX Mo Fox is a true hybrid thinker; an accomplished artist with an extensive corporate background in advertising and strategy who consults, speaks, writes and trains in the area of creative strategy and applied creative thinking. Her eclectic background means she thrives on combining structured analytical thinking with free-form creativity to get sharper, faster, stickier results. She has worked across a wide range of industries in Australia and the UK, with companies as varied as Toyota, IKEA, Kelloggs and CBA. Mo is renowned for her ability to solve highly complex problems and generate innovative ideas in a short space of time and to engage people in the process. Mo is the director and creator of Studio Thinking速, a methodology that uses art practices to achieve commercial business results by teaching people how to think differently and how to find and leverage their own innate creativity the secret to having a true competitive edge. She speaks on subjects such as disruptive innovation, managing ambiguity, ingenuity, perception and change, influence, and of course, complex and wicked problems. Program objectives This program is designed to provide the frameworks, tools and techniques needed to navigate in environments defined by ambiguity, where clear problem definitions and solutions do not exist. It will challenge current business assumptions, and demonstrate the creative problem-solving approaches that are the key to unlocking the value in such fuzzy and frustrating spaces, facilitating a mindset shift to a more flexible mode of operating. Program outcomes Identify and understand the dynamics of different classes of problem Anticipate the barriers to solving wicked problems Understand the mindset and abilities needed to operate effectively in this space Practice pragmatic tools and techniques to navigate the ambiguity of wicked problems Become more comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity Become more flexible and resourceful in how they think, respond and lead Who should attend Mid to senior-level managers in all industry sectors High-potential managers or those wishing to extend their career by learning these valuable skills Business managers responsible for innovation, change or IT projects Program timetable Day 1 Developing a new mindset Three levels of problem: Distinctions and dynamics The power of ambiguity The creative approach to fuzzy problems Day 2 The creative approach: Tools and techniques Defaults and triggers Managing stakeholders The way forward