This tutorial identifies barriers minorities face in accessing healthcare in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas. It discusses disparities like low quality care, high minority populations, and high rates of low birthweight among minorities. It also looks at barriers minorities face in breastfeeding like lack of resources, education, and social support. Finally, it discusses practices like WIC that provide incentives, peer support, and culturally competent educational materials and videos to effectively promote breastfeeding among minority groups in the target region.
This document discusses the theory, instrumentation, and applications of dispersive and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It begins with an introduction to IR spectroscopy and the IR region. It then covers dispersive IR instrumentation, which uses prism or grating monochromators to separate wavelengths, and has limitations like slow scan speeds and limited resolution. The document introduces FTIR instrumentation, which uses an interferometer to simultaneously measure all wavelengths and overcomes the limitations of dispersive IR. It concludes that FTIR provides faster, more accurate and sensitive analysis compared to dispersive IR.
A method of obtaining an Infrared spectrum by measuring the interferogram of a sample using an interferometer, then performing a Fourier Transform upon the interferogram to obtain the spectrum.
This document provides an overview of UV-visible spectroscopy. It begins with an introduction to UV-visible spectroscopy and electromagnetic radiation. It then discusses the principle, instrumentation, applications, and derivative spectroscopy of UV-visible spectroscopy. The document also covers topics such as absorption laws, chromophores, solvent effects, and the Woodward-Feiser rule for calculating absorption maxima based on molecular structure.
Lipids are a broad group of organic compounds that includes fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins, and others. They are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents and contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen or phosphorus. Lipids serve as a food source and include fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and other compounds important to plant and animal metabolism. Fatty acids are the main constituents of lipids and can be saturated or unsaturated, affecting their melting points.
1. The document discusses different types of lipids including fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and steroids.
2. It explains the structures and properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Triglycerides are formed from glycerol and three fatty acids and are a major form of fat storage.
3. Phospholipids are a major component of cell membranes and contain a phosphate group. Cholesterol is an important sterol that is a component of cell membranes and precursor for other substances.
Mass spectroscopy is a technique used to analyze molecules. It involves ionizing molecules using electrons, accelerating the ions, and separating them based on their mass-to-charge ratio using electric or magnetic fields. The ions are then detected, producing a mass spectrum that is unique to each molecule and can be used to determine molecular structure. Mass spectroscopy requires only a small amount of sample and provides accurate molecular mass and elemental composition information. It is a destructive technique as the sample is consumed during ionization and fragmentation processes.
The document discusses lipids and fatty acids. It defines lipids as a heterogeneous group of compounds related more by physical than chemical properties, that are relatively insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents. Fatty acids are aliphatic carboxylic acids that occur mainly as esters in natural fats and oils. They can be classified as saturated or unsaturated based on whether they contain double bonds. Common saturated fatty acids include palmitic acid and stearic acid, while monounsaturated fatty acids include oleic acid. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain two or more double bonds and important examples are linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid.
UV/visible spectroscopy involves the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Absorption spectroscopy measures the absorption of UV or visible light, while emission spectroscopy measures light emitted from a sample. The wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation are inversely related by the equation c=了僚. Electronic transitions in molecules, such as *, *, n*, and n* can be detected using UV/visible spectroscopy. Beer's law states that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration and path length. Chromophores are functional groups in molecules that absorb UV or visible light.
This document discusses infrared spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It begins by defining the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum and describing how infrared radiation is produced by molecular vibration when the applied frequency matches the natural vibration frequency. It then explains how FTIR works using an interferometer to measure all infrared frequencies simultaneously, producing a faster analysis. Key advantages of FTIR are also summarized such as speed, sensitivity, and requiring only one moving part.
Bridging the Gap Between Data Science & Engineer: Building High-Performance T...ryanorban
Data scientists, data engineers, and data businesspeople are critical to leveraging data in any organization. A common complaint from data science managers is that data scientists invest time prototyping algorithms, and throw them over a proverbial fence to engineers to implement, only to find the algorithms must be rebuilt from scratch to scale. This is a symptom of a broader ailment -- that data teams are often designed as functional silos without proper communication and planning.
This talk outlines a framework to build and organize a data team that produces better results, minimizes wasted effort among team members, and ships great data products.
This tutorial identifies barriers minorities face in accessing healthcare in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas. It discusses disparities like low quality care, high minority populations, and high rates of low birthweight among minorities. It also looks at barriers minorities face in breastfeeding like lack of resources, education, and social support. Finally, it discusses practices like WIC that provide incentives, peer support, and culturally competent educational materials and videos to effectively promote breastfeeding among minority groups in the target region.
This document discusses the theory, instrumentation, and applications of dispersive and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It begins with an introduction to IR spectroscopy and the IR region. It then covers dispersive IR instrumentation, which uses prism or grating monochromators to separate wavelengths, and has limitations like slow scan speeds and limited resolution. The document introduces FTIR instrumentation, which uses an interferometer to simultaneously measure all wavelengths and overcomes the limitations of dispersive IR. It concludes that FTIR provides faster, more accurate and sensitive analysis compared to dispersive IR.
A method of obtaining an Infrared spectrum by measuring the interferogram of a sample using an interferometer, then performing a Fourier Transform upon the interferogram to obtain the spectrum.
This document provides an overview of UV-visible spectroscopy. It begins with an introduction to UV-visible spectroscopy and electromagnetic radiation. It then discusses the principle, instrumentation, applications, and derivative spectroscopy of UV-visible spectroscopy. The document also covers topics such as absorption laws, chromophores, solvent effects, and the Woodward-Feiser rule for calculating absorption maxima based on molecular structure.
Lipids are a broad group of organic compounds that includes fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins, and others. They are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents and contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen or phosphorus. Lipids serve as a food source and include fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and other compounds important to plant and animal metabolism. Fatty acids are the main constituents of lipids and can be saturated or unsaturated, affecting their melting points.
1. The document discusses different types of lipids including fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, and steroids.
2. It explains the structures and properties of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Triglycerides are formed from glycerol and three fatty acids and are a major form of fat storage.
3. Phospholipids are a major component of cell membranes and contain a phosphate group. Cholesterol is an important sterol that is a component of cell membranes and precursor for other substances.
Mass spectroscopy is a technique used to analyze molecules. It involves ionizing molecules using electrons, accelerating the ions, and separating them based on their mass-to-charge ratio using electric or magnetic fields. The ions are then detected, producing a mass spectrum that is unique to each molecule and can be used to determine molecular structure. Mass spectroscopy requires only a small amount of sample and provides accurate molecular mass and elemental composition information. It is a destructive technique as the sample is consumed during ionization and fragmentation processes.
The document discusses lipids and fatty acids. It defines lipids as a heterogeneous group of compounds related more by physical than chemical properties, that are relatively insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents. Fatty acids are aliphatic carboxylic acids that occur mainly as esters in natural fats and oils. They can be classified as saturated or unsaturated based on whether they contain double bonds. Common saturated fatty acids include palmitic acid and stearic acid, while monounsaturated fatty acids include oleic acid. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain two or more double bonds and important examples are linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid.
UV/visible spectroscopy involves the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Absorption spectroscopy measures the absorption of UV or visible light, while emission spectroscopy measures light emitted from a sample. The wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation are inversely related by the equation c=了僚. Electronic transitions in molecules, such as *, *, n*, and n* can be detected using UV/visible spectroscopy. Beer's law states that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration and path length. Chromophores are functional groups in molecules that absorb UV or visible light.
This document discusses infrared spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It begins by defining the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum and describing how infrared radiation is produced by molecular vibration when the applied frequency matches the natural vibration frequency. It then explains how FTIR works using an interferometer to measure all infrared frequencies simultaneously, producing a faster analysis. Key advantages of FTIR are also summarized such as speed, sensitivity, and requiring only one moving part.
Bridging the Gap Between Data Science & Engineer: Building High-Performance T...ryanorban
Data scientists, data engineers, and data businesspeople are critical to leveraging data in any organization. A common complaint from data science managers is that data scientists invest time prototyping algorithms, and throw them over a proverbial fence to engineers to implement, only to find the algorithms must be rebuilt from scratch to scale. This is a symptom of a broader ailment -- that data teams are often designed as functional silos without proper communication and planning.
This talk outlines a framework to build and organize a data team that produces better results, minimizes wasted effort among team members, and ships great data products.
1. Dubla alegere a lui Al. I. Cuza ( 1859 ) Conform articolului 49 al conven釘iei 樽n cele dou principate au fost alei trei caimacami. n Moldova au fost alei Anastasie Panu, Vasile Sturdza ( reprezentan釘i ai Partidei Na釘ionale ) i tefan Catargi ( din tabra antiunionitilor ). n 鄭ara Rom但neasc to釘i cei trei caimacami alei, Ioan Manu, Emaniol Bleanu i Ioan Al. Filipescu, fceau parte din aripa conservatoare, fiind deci cu to釘ii separatiti.
2. n Moldova, candida釘ii la domnie din partea grupului conservator erau fostul domn Mihail Sturdza i fiul su Grigore ( ofi釘er 樽n armata otoman sub numele de Muhlis Paa ). Partida Na釘ional era reprezentat de Vasile Alecsandri, Al. I. Cuza i Costache Negri. Mihail Sturdza
4. n 鄭ara Rom但neasc, candida釘ii partidei conservatoare separatiste erau fotii domni Gheorghe Bibescu i Barbu tirbei , din partea Partidei Na釘ionale candid但nd Nicolae Golescu. Gheorghe Bibescu i Barbu tirbei erau fra釘i. ( acesta din urm fusese adoptat de bogatul su unchi, Barbu tirbei ) Gheorghe Bibescu Barbu tirbei
5. Candidatura lui Al. I. Cuza s-a datorat faptului c obiectivul final rm但nea prin釘ul strin, iar cel ales trebuia s fie, 樽n viziunea unionitilor, un domn intermediar, un loc釘iitor, mai ales cineva care nu ar fi fost dornic de a fi domn i mai ales capabil de a se retrage 樽ntr-un moment prielnic realizrii dorin釘ei privind prin釘ul strin. Alegerile din Moldova de la 5 ianuarie 1859, l-au desemnat c但tigtor pe candidatul Partidei Na釘ionale, colonelul Al. I. Cuza, ales 樽n unanimitate.
6. La 24 ianuarie 1859, Adunarea electiv din Bucureti, dei era alctuit 樽n majoritate din elemente conservatoare, sub impulsul Partidei Na釘ionale i datorit interven釘iei directe a maselor adunate pe Dealul Mitropoliei, 樽n jurul cldirii unde aveau loc dezbaterile i manifest但nd pentru Unire, l-a ales 樽n unanimitate, domn al 鄭rii Rom但neti pe domnul Moldovei, Al. I. Cuza. Unirea fusese 樽nfptuit ! Poporul rom但n a pus puterile garante 樽n fa釘a unui fapt 樽mplinit care va deveni de altfel, 樽n anii urmtori, politic de stat ( politica faptului 樽mplinit )
8. Dubla alegere a lui Al. I. Cuza a ridicat problema dac a fost sau nu o 樽nclcare a conven釘iei de la Paris. n tabra favorabil recunoaterii s-au aflat Fran釘a, Rusia, Prusia, Sardinia. Pentru a se discuta aceast problem, reprezentan釘ii marilor puteri s-au 樽nt但lnit 樽n cadrul Conferin釘ei de la Paris ( 1859 ) care a recunoscut dubla alegere. Recunoaterea unirii depline a Principatelor va fi recunoscut de ctre cele 7 mari puteri la Conferin釘a de la Parsi din 1861. Din anul 1862, Principatele Unite au adoptat oficial numele de Rom但nia.
9. REFORMELE LUI CUZA - Secularizarea averilor mnstireti 2 MAI 1864 Cuza d o lovitur de stat i instaureaz un regim autoritar ; 造 constitu釘ia- Statutul Dezvolttor al Conven釘iei de la Paris; - Legea electoral votul cenzitar;
10. - Legea agrar 1864 Prin Legea rural din 14/26 august 1864 , peste 400.000 de familii de 釘rani au fost 樽mproprietrite cu loturi de teren agricol, iar aproape al釘i 60.000 de steni au primit locuri de cas i de grdin. Reforma agrar din 1864 , a crei aplicare s-a 樽ncheiat 樽n linii mari 樽n 1865 , a satisfcut 樽n parte dorin釘a de pm但nt a 釘ranilor, a desfiin釘at servitu釘ile i rela釘iile feudale, d但nd un impuls 樽nsemnat dezvoltrii capitalismului
11. - Legea instruc釘iunii publice 樽nv釘m但ntul de 4 clase obligatoriu i gratuit; apar primele universit釘i: *Iai 1860 *Bucureti 1864. -A fost organizata armata nationala
12. S-a 樽nfiin釘at C.E.C-ul; Au fost adoptate - Codul Civil - Codul Penal S-a stabilit autocefalia Bisericii ortodoxe rom但ne fa釘 de Patriarhia de la Constantinopol.