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Michael J. Brown Jr.
2910 Hwy 53
Poplarville, MS 39470
Bachelor of Arts, December 2014
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
Major: Criminal Justice
Minor: Community Studies
GPA: 3.6/4.0
Cum Laude
Minimum Standards Certification, May 1995
Harrison County Law Enforcement Training Academy, Long Beach, MS
Associates Degree, May 1993
Pearl River Community College
Major: General Studies
Overall GPA: 2.1
Crane Creek Baptist Church, Perkinston, MS
 Responsible for the spiritual teaching of the youth in grades 7-12.
 Planning and organizing fundraisers and events at the church.
 Attend mission trips with the youth in many parts of the US.
 Completing monthly ministry reports.
 Drive the church bus to pick up youth in the community.
Professional Standards Investigator/Accreditation Manager, March 2014  Present
Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS
 Manages and coordinates the Police Departments accreditation process CALEA The
Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies and MLEAC Mississippi
Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission.
 Creates and updates proof matrices and databases, updates/maintains accreditation-based
software, retrieves incident reports, correspondence and all other documents to meet
CALEA and MLEAC standards.
 Arranges and coordinates mock reviews of department compliance with CALEA and
MLEAC standards.
 Conducts employees orientations and ongoing training on new and revised policies, as
well as the CALEA and MLEAC standards and process; acts as liaison between police
administration, other department employees and outside agencies in accreditation effort.
 Participates in regular CALEA and MLEAC conferences at the local, state, and national
 Compiles and maintains all proofs of compliance with the CALEA and MLEAC
accreditation process. Updates and notifies the Chief of Police, Office of Professional
Standards, and command staff of changes to any CALEA and MLEAC standards or
changes to the CALEA and MLEAC accreditation process.
 Conduct investigations of alleged misconduct by departmental personnel or any other
matter deemed appropriate by the Director.
 Maintenance, security, and confidentiality of all investigative files.
 Oversight of the Departments publications, accreditation and grant programs program.
 Coordination of all new-hire applicant files.
 Develop, maintain, and implement a recruiting plan.
 Develop and maintain a multi-media approach to recruitment and attend job recruitment
 Identify, train and schedule recruitment officers.
 Make recommendations to management on retention strategies.
 Conduct exit-interviews on all out-going personnel.
Crime Scene Investigator, December 2012  September 2014
Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS
 In-depth crime scene investigation.
 Processed of evidence, photographed and fingerprinted suspects and provided crime
scene investigations.
 Coordinating with the state crime pathologists and other professions when required to
pursue criminal cases.
 Training other officers regarding fingerprint kits and other evidence gathering apparatus.
Violent Crimes Investigator, January 2007  December 2012
Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS
 Responsible for daily criminal investigations on crimes against persons.
 Ensure that all assigned files are properly investigated and the results documented.
 Investigated, Homicides, Suicides, Natural Deaths, Accidental Deaths, Cold Case
Investigations, Missing Persons, Robberies, Rapes.
 Prepared all the cases for the court proceedings and testified to the facts of each case.
 Interviewed witnesses, victims and interrogated suspects.
 Was the lead Investigator in two cold case homicides which lead to the arrest and
conviction of the suspects. The cases were from 1994 and 1978.
Criminal Investigator, August 1998  January 2007
Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS
 Responsible for the investigation of general crimes criminal investigations.
 Investigated, Burglaries, Larcenies, Felony Shoplifting, Embezzlements, Credit Card
Fraud, False Pretense and Forgeries. Investigate Deaths, Missing Persons, Rapes and
 Ensure that all assigned files are properly investigated and the results documented.
 Prepare all the cases for the court proceedings and testify to the facts of each case.
 Interview witnesses, victims and interrogated suspects.
 Interrogate suspects.
Patrol/DUI Officer, November 1997  August 1998
Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS
 Enforced statutes and ordinances, maintained the public peace, investigated traffic
accidents and facilitated an orderly traffic flow and protected lives and property.
 The street pattern of the city, with particular attention to accessibility of railroad
crossings and other potential hindrances to emergency responses.
 Patrolled high risk establishments for burglaries and/or robberies; e.g., banks,
pharmacies, convenience stores, and casino parking lots and places frequented by tourists
and visitors to provided required assistance.
 Alleviated serious traffic entanglements disrupting the orderly flow of traffic.
 Recognized the existence of traffic or safety hazards and reported these problems to the
proper authority as soon as possible; i.e., street damage, malfunctioning storm drains,
damaged fire hydrants, inoperative or damaged traffic control devices.
 Completed required reports and secured all collected evidence prior to the end of shift.
 Made a good faith effort to pursue cases, including arrests and traffic citations through
complete judicial or administrative processes.
Corrections Officer/Deputy Sheriff, August 1993  November 1997
Pearl River County Sheriffs Department, Pearl River County, MS
 Was responsible for the daily operations as a Correctional Officer at the Pearl River
County Jail.
 Booked and fingerprinted inmates into the jail.
 Transported prisoners back and forth to court and Dr. appointments.
 As a patrol deputy I enforced statutes and ordinances, maintained the public peace,
investigated traffic accidents and facilitated an orderly traffic flow and protecting lives and
 Assisted citizens with assorted civil matters that were heard in the Justice Court System.
Loss Prevention Officer, October 1990  August 1993
Wal-Mart, 際際滷ll, LA
 Was responsible for the investigating internal theft.
 Apprehended shoplifters.
 Assisted with store audits, inventories, safety issues for employees and customers.
 Trained new store associates on how to prevent shoplifting, internal theft and how to be
safe in the workplace.
 Installed and maintained CCTV systems.
 Was responsible for these duties in multiple stores within my district.
2005 The Medal of Merit by the City of Biloxi
2006 Awarded Police Officer of the Fourth Quarter by the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce
2006 Awarded Police Officer of the Year by the National Exchange Club
2012 Awarded Police Officer of the Third Quarter by the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce
2012 Awarded Police Officer of the Third Quarter by the Biloxi Police Department
2012 Awarded Police Officer of the Month of July, 2012 by Biloxi Police Department
2015 Selected to receive recognition for Outstanding work in Community Studies from
University of Alabama, New College Life Track

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Michael Brown Resume Final

  • 1. Michael J. Brown Jr. 2910 Hwy 53 Poplarville, MS 39470 Michaelbrown143@hotmail.com 601-795-1528 ______________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, December 2014 The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL Major: Criminal Justice Minor: Community Studies GPA: 3.6/4.0 Cum Laude Minimum Standards Certification, May 1995 Harrison County Law Enforcement Training Academy, Long Beach, MS Associates Degree, May 1993 Pearl River Community College Major: General Studies Overall GPA: 2.1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE YouthPastor,September,2014-Present Crane Creek Baptist Church, Perkinston, MS Responsible for the spiritual teaching of the youth in grades 7-12. Planning and organizing fundraisers and events at the church. Attend mission trips with the youth in many parts of the US. Completing monthly ministry reports. Drive the church bus to pick up youth in the community. Professional Standards Investigator/Accreditation Manager, March 2014 Present Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS Manages and coordinates the Police Departments accreditation process CALEA The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies and MLEAC Mississippi Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission. Creates and updates proof matrices and databases, updates/maintains accreditation-based software, retrieves incident reports, correspondence and all other documents to meet CALEA and MLEAC standards. Arranges and coordinates mock reviews of department compliance with CALEA and MLEAC standards. Conducts employees orientations and ongoing training on new and revised policies, as well as the CALEA and MLEAC standards and process; acts as liaison between police administration, other department employees and outside agencies in accreditation effort.
  • 2. Participates in regular CALEA and MLEAC conferences at the local, state, and national levels. Compiles and maintains all proofs of compliance with the CALEA and MLEAC accreditation process. Updates and notifies the Chief of Police, Office of Professional Standards, and command staff of changes to any CALEA and MLEAC standards or changes to the CALEA and MLEAC accreditation process. Conduct investigations of alleged misconduct by departmental personnel or any other matter deemed appropriate by the Director. Maintenance, security, and confidentiality of all investigative files. Oversight of the Departments publications, accreditation and grant programs program. Coordination of all new-hire applicant files. Develop, maintain, and implement a recruiting plan. Develop and maintain a multi-media approach to recruitment and attend job recruitment presentations. Identify, train and schedule recruitment officers. Make recommendations to management on retention strategies. Conduct exit-interviews on all out-going personnel. Crime Scene Investigator, December 2012 September 2014 Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS In-depth crime scene investigation. Processed of evidence, photographed and fingerprinted suspects and provided crime scene investigations. Coordinating with the state crime pathologists and other professions when required to pursue criminal cases. Training other officers regarding fingerprint kits and other evidence gathering apparatus. Violent Crimes Investigator, January 2007 December 2012 Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS Responsible for daily criminal investigations on crimes against persons. Ensure that all assigned files are properly investigated and the results documented. Investigated, Homicides, Suicides, Natural Deaths, Accidental Deaths, Cold Case Investigations, Missing Persons, Robberies, Rapes. Prepared all the cases for the court proceedings and testified to the facts of each case. Interviewed witnesses, victims and interrogated suspects. Was the lead Investigator in two cold case homicides which lead to the arrest and conviction of the suspects. The cases were from 1994 and 1978. Criminal Investigator, August 1998 January 2007 Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS Responsible for the investigation of general crimes criminal investigations. Investigated, Burglaries, Larcenies, Felony Shoplifting, Embezzlements, Credit Card Fraud, False Pretense and Forgeries. Investigate Deaths, Missing Persons, Rapes and Robberies.
  • 3. Ensure that all assigned files are properly investigated and the results documented. Prepare all the cases for the court proceedings and testify to the facts of each case. Interview witnesses, victims and interrogated suspects. Interrogate suspects. Patrol/DUI Officer, November 1997 August 1998 Biloxi Police Department, Biloxi, MS Enforced statutes and ordinances, maintained the public peace, investigated traffic accidents and facilitated an orderly traffic flow and protected lives and property. The street pattern of the city, with particular attention to accessibility of railroad crossings and other potential hindrances to emergency responses. Patrolled high risk establishments for burglaries and/or robberies; e.g., banks, pharmacies, convenience stores, and casino parking lots and places frequented by tourists and visitors to provided required assistance. Alleviated serious traffic entanglements disrupting the orderly flow of traffic. Recognized the existence of traffic or safety hazards and reported these problems to the proper authority as soon as possible; i.e., street damage, malfunctioning storm drains, damaged fire hydrants, inoperative or damaged traffic control devices. Completed required reports and secured all collected evidence prior to the end of shift. Made a good faith effort to pursue cases, including arrests and traffic citations through complete judicial or administrative processes. Corrections Officer/Deputy Sheriff, August 1993 November 1997 Pearl River County Sheriffs Department, Pearl River County, MS Was responsible for the daily operations as a Correctional Officer at the Pearl River County Jail. Booked and fingerprinted inmates into the jail. Transported prisoners back and forth to court and Dr. appointments. As a patrol deputy I enforced statutes and ordinances, maintained the public peace, investigated traffic accidents and facilitated an orderly traffic flow and protecting lives and property. Assisted citizens with assorted civil matters that were heard in the Justice Court System. Loss Prevention Officer, October 1990 August 1993 Wal-Mart, 際際滷ll, LA Was responsible for the investigating internal theft. Apprehended shoplifters. Assisted with store audits, inventories, safety issues for employees and customers. Trained new store associates on how to prevent shoplifting, internal theft and how to be safe in the workplace. Installed and maintained CCTV systems. Was responsible for these duties in multiple stores within my district. AWARDS 2005 The Medal of Merit by the City of Biloxi
  • 4. 2006 Awarded Police Officer of the Fourth Quarter by the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce 2006 Awarded Police Officer of the Year by the National Exchange Club 2012 Awarded Police Officer of the Third Quarter by the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce 2012 Awarded Police Officer of the Third Quarter by the Biloxi Police Department 2012 Awarded Police Officer of the Month of July, 2012 by Biloxi Police Department 2015 Selected to receive recognition for Outstanding work in Community Studies from University of Alabama, New College Life Track