Michael Chiay of MCI delves into the depths of hybrid technology and how it can enhance your events. This presentation was delivered at the CEI North Asia Forum, held on September 24-25 at the naked Retreats, China
The Changing Role of Information Professionals: New Opportunities Created by ...Larry Hawes
The document discusses how information professionals can take advantage of new opportunities presented by Enterprise 2.0 and social business. It describes how two information professionals, Mary and Jane, incorporated social media and user experience work into their roles. Mary was able to make organic changes within her company that aligned with the corporate strategy. Jane faced resistance when she tried to make usability a priority and her dedicated group was disbanded. The document advocates learning about existing social sources, adding social responsibilities gradually, facilitating communities, tying efforts to strategy, and setting measurable goals.
This document discusses building better connections across media. It notes that mobile and social media are now integrated into all ad campaigns, whether planned or not. It advocates for "connected content" and "connected planning" to build connections between different platforms starting with the original campaign idea. This involves connecting disciplines like content, digital, and media, and maintaining connections throughout the entire campaign lifecycle from ideation to evaluation. The goal is to create coordinated, well-integrated campaigns across multiple channels.
Social Media's Role in Cost-Effective Digital CommunicationsGranicus
Scott Burns, CEO and co-Founder of GovDelivery, discusses social media within the context of a complete digital communications strategy at GovDelivery's social media conference.
Are you feeling crazed trying to keep up with social technologies but feeling like you are sliding further behind? Most of us are but there is another way to approach the challenge.
Darren Sharp's (senior consultant Collabforge) presentation to the Innovative Ideas Forum 2009 on social networking for cultural institutions. Hosted by the National Library of Australia in Canberra on 27th March 2009.
Forum website: http://tinyurl.com/dm4r2w
Truebridge provides an education based marketing system called "Smart Life Connect" that helps financial institutions generate more revenue by using life event content delivered through their existing communication channels to uncover customer needs, initiate dialogues, and set up sales appointments. The system provides a library of educational content organized by life events and topics that customers can access online or through mobile to learn about their financial needs and be connected to specialists. Financial institutions are able to leverage this resource to strengthen relationships with customers and generate more cross-selling opportunities.
Synteractive developed a social networking application called SocialRally using the Windows Azure cloud platform and Microsoft TownHall technology. SocialRally allows large organizations to interact with audiences of millions through a single, centralized social media interface. It provides a highly scalable solution through Windows Azure's pay-as-you-go model. Building SocialRally on these Microsoft technologies gave Synteractive an enterprise-grade platform to innovate and reduce costs and time to market.
Changing marketing communication landscapeVinish Joshi
The document discusses how technology and information have transformed the modern economy into a "people driven economy." It notes that while technology has changed greatly over time, some things remain unchanged, like the importance of understanding how consumer behavior changes with new technologies. It also provides examples of how brands have successfully leveraged new technologies to connect with consumers in new ways and across multiple platforms.
The document describes Emergent Reality, an Interlocked Social Information System (I.S.I.S.) that aims to connect associations, government, research communities, and non-profits through a shared information platform. It provides a visual walkthrough of the system and discusses its key technology components, including a data-driven web application that leverages commercial and open-source storage, analytics, and visualization tools. The system focuses on innovating how flexible user-generated metadata can interconnect with established taxonomy structures. It is intended to be scalable from local to global use through an information brokerage service model that drives revenue and collaborative partnerships.
The document discusses collaborative development in virtual worlds. It defines collaborative development environments as virtual spaces where stakeholders can work together remotely to create deliverables and supporting artifacts. It examines theories of activity, actor networks, and group cognition to understand interactions in virtual worlds. Virtual world collaborations are shaped by real-world practices and those specific to the virtual world, favoring adaptability over strict planning. Intellectual property systems embedded in digital artifacts in virtual worlds both enable virtual trade but also allow individual modification by default in collaborative scenarios.
We have heard countless times that the 'future of events is Hybrid'! But how do you plan for a Hybrid Event? What should you be mindful of? Well, here's a quick checklist of the top 7 things.
Open Humanitarian Initiative - ESRI User Conference PresentationGisli Olafsson
The Open Humanitarian Initiative aims to improve information sharing and management capacity during humanitarian disasters through two main streams: 1) Developing technology such as data standards, a sharing platform, and visualization tools. 2) Building capacity through training, developing digital volunteer communities, and establishing a culture of research and innovation. The initiative seeks to bring together global partners from technology, academia, and humanitarian organizations to help design and implement its projects and deliver timely, strategic information to improve disaster response outcomes.
Ein Beispiel f端r ein m旦gliches Event Konzept anhand eines Markenereignisses f端r die UBS. Die Grundidee baut auf dem 2013 eingef端hrten Claim "Wir werden nicht ruhen" auf und ist gekoppelt mit einem der gr旦ssten Public Events der Schweiz: Dem Z端ri F辰scht.
Die Pr辰sentation wurde im Mai 2013 von Oliver Scherrer erstellt. Alle in Jahresfrist nicht verwirklichten Pitch-Ideen werden hier ver旦ffentlicht.
Bitte bedienen Sie sich :)
El documento describe EarthCheck, un programa l鱈der en certificaci坦n de turismo sustentable. EarthCheck ofrece un proceso de seis pasos que incluye benchmarking, cumplimiento normativo, enfoque en 叩reas clave, desempe単o, comunicaci坦n y certificaci坦n. El programa eval炭a diversas 叩reas ambientales, sociales y de gesti坦n para empresas y destinos tur鱈sticos. EarthCheck tiene presencia en m叩s de 80 pa鱈ses y ha ayudado a empresas y comunidades a reducir su huella ecol坦gica.
Top 10 Tech Strategies To Support Your Hybrid Eventtechsytalk
This document provides 10 strategies for enhancing hybrid events, including setting clear goals for the event, considering the necessary technology, varying the agenda and content for in-person and remote audiences, simplifying communication, assigning a virtual concierge, having speakers address both audiences, connecting audiences, alternatives for group activities, and using real-time collaboration tools. The strategies are aimed at achieving objectives and engaging both in-person and remote target audiences for hybrid events.
Kurz Pr辰sentation zur Bewerbung von Firmenanl辰ssen | scherrers b端ro [k]Oliver Scherrer
Die Pr辰sentation wurde im Juni 2013 von Oliver Scherrer f端r scherres b端ro [k] erstellt. Alle in Jahresfrist nicht verwirklichten Pitch-Ideen werden hier ver旦ffentlicht.
Bitte bedienen Sie sich (oder melden Sie sich f端r ein neues Konzept) :)
Zur Bewerbung f端r ein Praktikum in der Strategischen Planung bei Advico Young & Rubicam hat Oliver Scherrer folgende Pr辰sentation erstellt.
Gerne k旦nnen wir die angeschnittenen Themen bei einem Kaffee genauer betrachten.
The Rise of Hybrid Events and Enhanced Engagement.pdfThe Thandur
Hybrid events, which seamlessly blend virtual and in-person elements, have emerged as a dynamic and versatile solution to meet the evolving needs of audiences in a rapidly changing world.
Virtual events offer companies opportunities but also risks if not planned correctly. The pros of virtual events include improved branding, increased engagement and attendance, and reduced costs compared to in-person events. However, the cons can include reduced interaction quality if the virtual format is not acknowledged, hesitance from slow technology adopters, and an outdated approach from hosting teams unfamiliar with virtual events. Successful virtual events require planning across five elements - the platform, media, content, people involved, and their interactions.
Social media intro for banking employeesKamales Lardi
My presentation on social media for an international private bank in Zurich. The presentation focused on providing an introduction to social media and key tips for employees who use social media for business.
1) SocialThinkers is a web development agency that specializes in agile development and community building.
2) They focus on developing simple, targeted online solutions that provide added value to users and drive engagement.
3) One case study involved developing a website called kulturkenner.de to showcase arts and culture in North Rhine-Westphalia by linking events, allowing users to plan activities and share recommendations with others.
Kred Events is a social media marketing and influencer identification program that uses real-time leaderboards and analytics to generate awareness, excitement, and participation for events. It tracks influence and outreach on social media before, during, and after events to help event planners identify influencers, see what content and speakers are most popular, and gain feedback and connections between attendees. Case studies show how branded leaderboards at events brought communities together and helped people discover shared interests.
Discover the dynamic world of hybrid events, where physical and virtual seamlessly merge to create engaging experiences for attendees worldwide. Explore the benefits, features, and future potential of this transformative event approac
2014 reality check: digital is no longer novel or experimental. It's everywhere! And it is slowly being integrated across different industries, and for different purposes. In this presentation I lay out trends in how brands are creating seamless digital experiences to enhance users' lives.
The last presentation that I created during my time at w.illi.am/.
Truebridge provides an education based marketing system called "Smart Life Connect" that helps financial institutions generate more revenue by using life event content delivered through their existing communication channels to uncover customer needs, initiate dialogues, and set up sales appointments. The system provides a library of educational content organized by life events and topics that customers can access online or through mobile to learn about their financial needs and be connected to specialists. Financial institutions are able to leverage this resource to strengthen relationships with customers and generate more cross-selling opportunities.
Synteractive developed a social networking application called SocialRally using the Windows Azure cloud platform and Microsoft TownHall technology. SocialRally allows large organizations to interact with audiences of millions through a single, centralized social media interface. It provides a highly scalable solution through Windows Azure's pay-as-you-go model. Building SocialRally on these Microsoft technologies gave Synteractive an enterprise-grade platform to innovate and reduce costs and time to market.
Changing marketing communication landscapeVinish Joshi
The document discusses how technology and information have transformed the modern economy into a "people driven economy." It notes that while technology has changed greatly over time, some things remain unchanged, like the importance of understanding how consumer behavior changes with new technologies. It also provides examples of how brands have successfully leveraged new technologies to connect with consumers in new ways and across multiple platforms.
The document describes Emergent Reality, an Interlocked Social Information System (I.S.I.S.) that aims to connect associations, government, research communities, and non-profits through a shared information platform. It provides a visual walkthrough of the system and discusses its key technology components, including a data-driven web application that leverages commercial and open-source storage, analytics, and visualization tools. The system focuses on innovating how flexible user-generated metadata can interconnect with established taxonomy structures. It is intended to be scalable from local to global use through an information brokerage service model that drives revenue and collaborative partnerships.
The document discusses collaborative development in virtual worlds. It defines collaborative development environments as virtual spaces where stakeholders can work together remotely to create deliverables and supporting artifacts. It examines theories of activity, actor networks, and group cognition to understand interactions in virtual worlds. Virtual world collaborations are shaped by real-world practices and those specific to the virtual world, favoring adaptability over strict planning. Intellectual property systems embedded in digital artifacts in virtual worlds both enable virtual trade but also allow individual modification by default in collaborative scenarios.
We have heard countless times that the 'future of events is Hybrid'! But how do you plan for a Hybrid Event? What should you be mindful of? Well, here's a quick checklist of the top 7 things.
Open Humanitarian Initiative - ESRI User Conference PresentationGisli Olafsson
The Open Humanitarian Initiative aims to improve information sharing and management capacity during humanitarian disasters through two main streams: 1) Developing technology such as data standards, a sharing platform, and visualization tools. 2) Building capacity through training, developing digital volunteer communities, and establishing a culture of research and innovation. The initiative seeks to bring together global partners from technology, academia, and humanitarian organizations to help design and implement its projects and deliver timely, strategic information to improve disaster response outcomes.
Ein Beispiel f端r ein m旦gliches Event Konzept anhand eines Markenereignisses f端r die UBS. Die Grundidee baut auf dem 2013 eingef端hrten Claim "Wir werden nicht ruhen" auf und ist gekoppelt mit einem der gr旦ssten Public Events der Schweiz: Dem Z端ri F辰scht.
Die Pr辰sentation wurde im Mai 2013 von Oliver Scherrer erstellt. Alle in Jahresfrist nicht verwirklichten Pitch-Ideen werden hier ver旦ffentlicht.
Bitte bedienen Sie sich :)
El documento describe EarthCheck, un programa l鱈der en certificaci坦n de turismo sustentable. EarthCheck ofrece un proceso de seis pasos que incluye benchmarking, cumplimiento normativo, enfoque en 叩reas clave, desempe単o, comunicaci坦n y certificaci坦n. El programa eval炭a diversas 叩reas ambientales, sociales y de gesti坦n para empresas y destinos tur鱈sticos. EarthCheck tiene presencia en m叩s de 80 pa鱈ses y ha ayudado a empresas y comunidades a reducir su huella ecol坦gica.
Top 10 Tech Strategies To Support Your Hybrid Eventtechsytalk
This document provides 10 strategies for enhancing hybrid events, including setting clear goals for the event, considering the necessary technology, varying the agenda and content for in-person and remote audiences, simplifying communication, assigning a virtual concierge, having speakers address both audiences, connecting audiences, alternatives for group activities, and using real-time collaboration tools. The strategies are aimed at achieving objectives and engaging both in-person and remote target audiences for hybrid events.
Kurz Pr辰sentation zur Bewerbung von Firmenanl辰ssen | scherrers b端ro [k]Oliver Scherrer
Die Pr辰sentation wurde im Juni 2013 von Oliver Scherrer f端r scherres b端ro [k] erstellt. Alle in Jahresfrist nicht verwirklichten Pitch-Ideen werden hier ver旦ffentlicht.
Bitte bedienen Sie sich (oder melden Sie sich f端r ein neues Konzept) :)
Zur Bewerbung f端r ein Praktikum in der Strategischen Planung bei Advico Young & Rubicam hat Oliver Scherrer folgende Pr辰sentation erstellt.
Gerne k旦nnen wir die angeschnittenen Themen bei einem Kaffee genauer betrachten.
The Rise of Hybrid Events and Enhanced Engagement.pdfThe Thandur
Hybrid events, which seamlessly blend virtual and in-person elements, have emerged as a dynamic and versatile solution to meet the evolving needs of audiences in a rapidly changing world.
Virtual events offer companies opportunities but also risks if not planned correctly. The pros of virtual events include improved branding, increased engagement and attendance, and reduced costs compared to in-person events. However, the cons can include reduced interaction quality if the virtual format is not acknowledged, hesitance from slow technology adopters, and an outdated approach from hosting teams unfamiliar with virtual events. Successful virtual events require planning across five elements - the platform, media, content, people involved, and their interactions.
Social media intro for banking employeesKamales Lardi
My presentation on social media for an international private bank in Zurich. The presentation focused on providing an introduction to social media and key tips for employees who use social media for business.
1) SocialThinkers is a web development agency that specializes in agile development and community building.
2) They focus on developing simple, targeted online solutions that provide added value to users and drive engagement.
3) One case study involved developing a website called kulturkenner.de to showcase arts and culture in North Rhine-Westphalia by linking events, allowing users to plan activities and share recommendations with others.
Kred Events is a social media marketing and influencer identification program that uses real-time leaderboards and analytics to generate awareness, excitement, and participation for events. It tracks influence and outreach on social media before, during, and after events to help event planners identify influencers, see what content and speakers are most popular, and gain feedback and connections between attendees. Case studies show how branded leaderboards at events brought communities together and helped people discover shared interests.
Discover the dynamic world of hybrid events, where physical and virtual seamlessly merge to create engaging experiences for attendees worldwide. Explore the benefits, features, and future potential of this transformative event approac
2014 reality check: digital is no longer novel or experimental. It's everywhere! And it is slowly being integrated across different industries, and for different purposes. In this presentation I lay out trends in how brands are creating seamless digital experiences to enhance users' lives.
The last presentation that I created during my time at w.illi.am/.
Are your meetings as social and mobile as your clients expectMotivAction
The document discusses how social media and mobile technology are changing the way meetings and events (M&E) are planned and experienced. It provides information on how to integrate social media and mobile apps to increase engagement, drive participation, and make events more measurable and impactful. Key considerations for planning a mobile event experience and leveraging social media are also outlined. The overall message is that M&E professionals need to embrace these new communication channels to better connect with clients and improve events.
The document discusses challenges companies face with social media and information sharing. It notes that by 2015, 80% of enterprises will lack an approach for dealing with social media information, and that social media is shifting power to customers. The document advocates that Capgemini can help companies address these challenges through collaboration technologies, social media solutions, and knowledge management services.
DCA 4 Trends That Will Drive Marketing Growth In 2013Odem Global, Inc.
Hundreds of the worlds leading brands, from UNICEF to Coca-Cola to Twitter, have created an environment in which consumers can compete to get what they want. With the advent of hybrid media intertwining mobile technology with social media and cloud-based content, four growing consumer trends have emerged that change how brands, in turn, compete:
NFC in Social Media: Fact, Friction, and Fiction. Presentation delivered by St辿phane Doutriaux, Founder of Poken.com, at the NFC Bootcamp series (www.nfcbootcamp.com)
Mastering Hybrid Events: A Comprehensive Guide for Success.pptxJohnKMuller
Discover the ultimate path to triumph in event hosting. Our comprehensive guide empowers you with expert strategies and insights to flawlessly navigate the realm of hybrid events, ensuring seamless engagement and resounding success. Whether you're new to the concept or a seasoned organizer, this guide is your key to mastering the art of blending in-person and virtual experiences for an unforgettable event journey.
The document outlines four keys to successfully deploying a social business network: 1) Governance - ensuring relevance through appropriate oversight, support and metrics; 2) Structure - establishing the right types of groups and communities; 3) Conventions - clarifying expectations for participant behavior; and 4) Practice - promoting adoption through champions and notifications. It provides examples for each key and emphasizes that social networks require active facilitation and guidelines to drive ongoing value for an organization.
This document provides an overview of a company that specializes in social engineering and change management. They apply techniques from fields like social media, marketing, organizational development, and education to better understand people and influence outcomes. The company has extensive experience in digital communications dating back to the early internet. They help clients by analyzing social capital and developing neurographic profiles to effectively communicate and drive collective action. Their dynamic agency model provides specialized resources globally to meet client needs.
This document summarizes key trends from SXSW 2011 related to digital marketing and innovation. It discusses the convergence of offline and online experiences, use of transmedia storytelling, integration of game mechanics, evolving factors that drive purchases, emergence of micro-communities, and importance of actionable analytics. The document emphasizes leveraging these trends to create engaging experiences for consumers by understanding their preferences, social networks, and providing value and utility.
The document discusses best practices for driving adoption of enterprise social software. It recommends establishing ROI and momentum by demonstrating how social software can accelerate key processes like idea generation and learning. It also suggests overcoming objections by emphasizing benefits like increased productivity, decision making speed, and engagement. The document provides guidance on launching a social environment, including starting small, appointing a community manager, and tying launches to real-world events. It stresses sustaining adoption through community governance, advanced analytics for measuring success, and promoting top contributors.
Moms and Social Media. Thoughts on sharing, connecting, and the imminent role of mobile for brands and marketers to consider in their efforts to engage.
Memedge Consulting is a young Swiss company that provides services in communication, collaboration, and business intelligence. It integrates these areas into a single concept using various communication channels, collaborative tools, and open innovation strategies. The company's approach, called Meme-Edge, helps spread ideas and information within organizations by treating them like cultural units or "memes" that must replicate, spread, and evolve over time through selective pressures. Memedge helps clients balance in-person and virtual interactions, nurture business networks, shape dedicated communication programs, and approach new ideas by considering how to help them survive and spread.
4. Already in 2012 one seventh of the world
population has a facebook user profile
5. 500,000 apps for countless
functions turn the
smartphone and tablets into a
Digital Swiss Army Knife
6. Hybrid Conditions
Separated from analogue, tangible level
A hybrid of the real and the virtual
Hybrid instruments, hybrid media, hybrid workplaces, hybrid
social structures
Requires whole new thinking and mindset
Hybrid scope: communication, marketing, events
7. Extinction of Traditional Events?
Are traditional events endangered by the
virtual world?
Are they even threatened by extinction?
Or do hybrid events open up a whole new
understanding of live communication?
- with an unprecedented depth and
intensity when it comes to relationships
between companies and target groups?
9. Defining Hybrid
Virtual extension of a real event
Allowing clients who cannot participate in the actual event a
chance participate in its virtual counterpart
Hybrid Events = Live + MoSoLo
Interlink live-marketing with mobile applications, social
media applications and location-based services
10. Hybrid Boosting
Hybrid Events: high amount of contacts with
maximum contact intensity
11. Hybrid Boosting
Clients do not only buy, they create,
share, recommend, support or
criticize companies, products or services in
the virtual world.
They do not only look for information, but
also for fun, contact and exchange with
one another
Hybrid boosting targets the absolute
networkability of incidents,
experiences, content and social
12. Network of Mutually Advantageous Relationships
Target New
Groups Content
Content Communities
14. ROI
Return on Involvement
- From planning phase to well after the event has taken place.
- More intensive engagement with content, deeper immersion with the
Return on Interaction
- Personal exchange relationship between event participants and
event objects
- Enhances the brand-participant relationship with each download,
each comment and each video clicked.
15. ROI
Return on Insight
Hybrid event communication leaves traces in the virtual space,
which can be followed up, made visible and measurable
quantitatively and qualitatively
Return on Investment
- Caches cash in the mid to long term
- Hybrid event communication can create additional intensity and
- Established hybrid event strategies can be built on, cultivated and
developed further, and thus contribute to lowering the overall
investment for live-marketing
- Apps contribute to a much higher degree of learning and knowledge
than conventional, mere physical events without virtual elements
16. "Its not who attends
your event, its who
Sebastien Tondeur
Chief Executive Officer
MCI Group
17. Meet Smarter
Designed with the dual objective of providing delegates with a first-hand
experience of a hybrid event while showcasing Killarney as the perfect
host destination, MeetSmarter took place in late June with 100 attendees
Live stream of the business sessions was broadcast to 400 additional
delegates globally.
A staggering 124,000 twitter impressions were achieved.
Edited recordings of the business sessions have been available on
meetsmarter.com and are currently being accessed 24/7 by people all over
the world
Google Analytics lists participants from 57 distinct countries including
North and South America, all over the European continent, China, India
and Australia.
Hybrid technology creates a significantly wider audience for the meeting
content in terms of geographical and chronological reach so that
magic lives on.
18. International Conference on Emergency Medicine
- June 2012
MCI was official organiser of the 14th edition of ICEM from
27-30 June 2012
Social media mandate inclusive
Within this short time I have had access to absolutely current
clinical information and challenging view points on practice. This
has been real time and dynamic, and has also allowed the
potential for interaction following this hashtag has provided me
with plenty of information and allows me access to current
thinking in Emergency Medicine. It has also provided me with
links to people, studies, place and keeps me inspired about
continual learning the only thing that would be better would
be being there
Dr. David Corbet