MiChem Dynamics is a privately owned company that provides turnkey solutions and consulting services to laboratories and food manufacturing companies. Their services for laboratories include assistance with startup, quality systems implementation, ISO 17025 accreditation, management, auditing, and training. For manufacturers, they offer microbiology and chemical testing support, results interpretation, root cause analysis, and certification consulting.
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1. Background
MiChem Dynamics is a young and dynamic, privately owned company. Our employees are highly sought after and respected in the industry, being qualified microbiologists with experience ranging from practical to strategic level.
As a technical assessor with the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS), our company ensures current relevance to not only industry, but also custom questions and challenges in laboratory services.
We want to build mutually beneficial, long term relationships with our clients, providing personalised and creative solutions to selected frontrunners in the food, health and safety industry.
Services offered for laboratories
Turnkey solutions for start-up laboratories.
Consultation in laboratory quality systems (LQS).
Implementation of ISO 17025:2005 standard as required to obtain SANAS accreditation
Management of laboratories
Internal audits
Scope extension through development of new method.
Training (In-house)
Services offered for food manufacturing companies
Microbiology and chemical testing consulting.
Interpretation of results obtained from laboratories
Root-cause analysis (corrective action) for results out of specification
Certification consulting (GAP audit and Implementation):
FSSC 22000
HACCP - SANS 10330
ISO 22000
ISO 9001
ISO 18001
ISO 14001
Thank you for taking the time to read our company profile.
If there are any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.
Business Address: 13 Weitz Street, Malanshof, Randburg, 2194
Postal Adress: P.O Box 1225, Fontainebleau, 2032
Tel: 082 770 7127 / 082 407 8948
Email: santie@michemdynamics.co.za / vinay@michemdynamics.co.za
Website: www.michemdynamics.co.za
Main Members: Santie Ewald and Vinay Moodley