Freesoftwarealternatives 100903075340-phpapp02Gurpreet Singh SondThe document provides an overview of free and open source software alternatives to popular proprietary software. It lists alternatives for desktop environments (GNOME, KDE), office suites (OpenOffice), graphics programs (GIMP), browsers (Firefox, Chrome), media players (VLC), audio programs (Audacity, Ardour), video editors (Kdenlive, Cinelerra), and more. It also discusses Ubuntu variants like Ubuntu Studio and advantages of using free software like no viruses, licensing fees, or privacy/security issues.
TicketsAcademy of Art UniversityThis document analyzes different customer segments for concert ticket purchases. It identifies three key segments: Omniscient Trendys, who enjoy social interaction at concerts and are open to new music; Private Enthusiasts, who are passionate about music and rely heavily on reviews; and Tag-Alongers, who attend concerts socially but are not deeply passionate about music. The document illustrates the different influences and stages from awareness to purchase for each segment. It also analyzes their social media behaviors and provides suggestions for how brands can target each segment, such as connecting Private Enthusiasts through local enthusiast communities.
Nom urj lastotgooPhhThis document provides an overview of several topics related to Mongolian language and culture, including:
1. Phonology and orthography of the Mongolian alphabet.
2. Different dialects of the Mongolian language.
3. Traditional Mongolian script and transition to Cyrillic alphabet.
It discusses phonetic rules, differences between dialects, and history of writing systems in Mongolia with some comparative analysis between regions and over time.
Science and technology of multifunctional oxide and ultrananocrystalline diam...Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em MateriaisPalestra plenária do XI Encontro da SBPMat. Apresentada em 24 de setembro em Florianópolis (SC) pelo professor Orlando Auciello (Laboratório Nacional de Argonne e Universidade de Texas em Dallas - EUA).
On the search for novel materials: insight and discovery through sharing of b...Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em MateriaisPlenary lecture of the XIV SBPMat Meeting, given by Prof. Claudia Draxl (Humboldt University, Germany) on October 1, 2015, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Strings and pointersGurpreet Singh SondStrings are arrays of characters that end with a null character. They can be declared using character arrays or pointers. Strings passed to functions are passed by reference as pointers. Common string functions include strlen to get length, strcmp to compare strings, strcpy to copy one string to another, and strcat to concatenate strings. Strtok breaks a string into tokens delimited by a specified character.
презентация Microsoft office power point(2)ZhukovaMaria
Guia de exelzykro31La guía proporciona instrucciones para realizar varias tareas en Excel, como insertar hipervínculos, gráficos, tablas y comentarios; cambiar el formato, estilo, orientación y color; ordenar y filtrar datos; agregar funciones y ecuaciones; e imprimir el documento.
Social Media Disclosure: Why It Matters Carol FowlerWhile most consumer reviewers are honest and transparent, more bloggers and other social media professionals are increasingly posting content to cater to advertisers; and more advertisers are using content marketing and social media platforms to spread their brand message. When do you know the message is really a commercial? In this Power Point, prepared for Social Media Week Chicago, September 2013, Vice President of Content for Carol Fowler explains the issues and gives the warning signs that content may not be as genuine as it seems. Viewpoints uses clear disclosure to let its audience know what is ad-sponsored. Carol gives examples of recent uses on Viewpoints.
Opportunities at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH).Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em MateriaisThe document summarizes opportunities available through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, including CAPES-Humboldt Research Fellowships for Brazilian researchers to conduct postdoctoral research in Germany. It provides details on eligibility requirements and durations for postdoctoral and experienced researchers. The document also summarizes the speaker's own research experience in Germany through an AvH fellowship, studying the role of metals in Parkinson's disease using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The fellowship had significant impact on the speaker's career, resulting in multiple publications and participation in international conferences.
Changemate - Концепция конфигурации проектов измененийSergei PenkovУправление изменениями на основе Changemate.
Описание процесса конфигурации портфеля изменений и проектов изменений
Improving agency partnershipsWeiss IdeasThis outlines how companies can improve their agency relationships and productivity, the processes for implementing it and the role of how a "Chief Agency Officer" can help.
Technology in the classroomtbrown83More and more schools are incorporating technology into classroom lessons to allow for a smoother and more innovative way of teaching students. Common classroom technologies include digital projectors, interactive whiteboards, and student response systems. Over 65% of school districts have data dashboards installed in classrooms and 84% utilize video conferencing for virtual field trips. A teacher discussed how using Minecraft in a lesson engaged students in decision making and explaining their choices. The teacher's first-hand experience showed that using a projector and document camera instead of overhead transparencies saved time and engaged students more through interactive lessons using technologies like clickers.
презентация Microsoft office power point(2)ZhukovaMaria
Guia de exelzykro31La guía proporciona instrucciones para realizar varias tareas en Excel, como insertar hipervínculos, gráficos, tablas y comentarios; cambiar el formato, estilo, orientación y color; ordenar y filtrar datos; agregar funciones y ecuaciones; e imprimir el documento.
Social Media Disclosure: Why It Matters Carol FowlerWhile most consumer reviewers are honest and transparent, more bloggers and other social media professionals are increasingly posting content to cater to advertisers; and more advertisers are using content marketing and social media platforms to spread their brand message. When do you know the message is really a commercial? In this Power Point, prepared for Social Media Week Chicago, September 2013, Vice President of Content for Carol Fowler explains the issues and gives the warning signs that content may not be as genuine as it seems. Viewpoints uses clear disclosure to let its audience know what is ad-sponsored. Carol gives examples of recent uses on Viewpoints.
Opportunities at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH).Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em MateriaisThe document summarizes opportunities available through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, including CAPES-Humboldt Research Fellowships for Brazilian researchers to conduct postdoctoral research in Germany. It provides details on eligibility requirements and durations for postdoctoral and experienced researchers. The document also summarizes the speaker's own research experience in Germany through an AvH fellowship, studying the role of metals in Parkinson's disease using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The fellowship had significant impact on the speaker's career, resulting in multiple publications and participation in international conferences.
Changemate - Концепция конфигурации проектов измененийSergei PenkovУправление изменениями на основе Changemate.
Описание процесса конфигурации портфеля изменений и проектов изменений
Improving agency partnershipsWeiss IdeasThis outlines how companies can improve their agency relationships and productivity, the processes for implementing it and the role of how a "Chief Agency Officer" can help.
Technology in the classroomtbrown83More and more schools are incorporating technology into classroom lessons to allow for a smoother and more innovative way of teaching students. Common classroom technologies include digital projectors, interactive whiteboards, and student response systems. Over 65% of school districts have data dashboards installed in classrooms and 84% utilize video conferencing for virtual field trips. A teacher discussed how using Minecraft in a lesson engaged students in decision making and explaining their choices. The teacher's first-hand experience showed that using a projector and document camera instead of overhead transparencies saved time and engaged students more through interactive lessons using technologies like clickers.