Детский музей. Выпуск 2Grand Prix, Advertising Research CentreОбзор для номинации "Художественные музеи - детям" грантового конкурса "Музеи Русского Севера", организованного ОАО "Северсталь"
Детский музей. Выпуск 2Grand Prix, Advertising Research CentreОбзор для номинации "Художественные музеи - детям" грантового конкурса "Музеи Русского Севера", организованного ОАО "Северсталь"
Z_SAS_Intro_of By-BM_H2020_MSCA_IF_2015_Project_TREICEPZoltan Sas, PhDThis document provides an introduction and overview of the H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 By-BM project. The project aims to develop geopolymer binders from industrial by-products and wastes to provide a more sustainable and lower carbon alternative to traditional cement. The project will involve research and training exchanges between Queen's University Belfast and the University of Hasselt to characterize materials, develop geopolymer formulations, and evaluate their properties and potential to immobilize toxic and radioactive wastes. The fellow expects to gain new skills in geopolymer science, lab methods, and network with other researchers through this 24 month project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 program.
Titltltltl ing 3felix_k9The document discusses different techniques used in titling sequences for films such as Reservoir Dogs, Godfather, and The Departed. It analyzes how the fonts, colors, pacing, and information revealed sets expectations and grabs audience attention. Specific techniques highlighted include revealing well-known actors to attract viewers, using subtle titling in The Departed to generate intrigue without giving details, and symbolic imagery over the word "father" in the Godfather to foreshadow a significant character. The goal of these varied approaches is to engage audiences and encourage predictions that keep them invested in the film.
Capt. O. Egorov Appl_Form Capt. Oleg EgorovOleg Egorov has applied for the position of Master. He holds qualifications and certifications as a Master with over 3000 GRT as well as other relevant maritime certifications. Egorov has over 25 years of experience working aboard various container ships and general cargo vessels of different flags as Master and other officer positions. He is currently ready to begin service on March 15, 2016.
Boy short film felix_k9The document discusses various film techniques used to tell the story of a girl who wants to be a boy. Close-ups and still camera shots are used to focus on characters' facial expressions. Low-key lighting reveals the girl's unhappiness, while high-key lighting shows her happier as a boy. A bag she carries suggests suspicious activity and a long trip, advancing the plot. Various visual elements like lighting, mise-en-scene, and editing reinforce the storyline and themes.
titlingfelix_k9The document discusses different techniques used in titling sequences for films such as Reservoir Dogs, Godfather, and The Departed. It analyzes how the fonts, colors, characters shown, and information revealed in the titles impact the audience's understanding and interest in the film. Specifically, it notes that revealing well-known actors, implying significant characters, and leaving some details ambiguous keeps the audience engaged to learn more.
Boy short film 2ndfelix_k9The document discusses various film techniques used in a short film about a girl who wants to be a boy. Close-ups and fixed camera shots are used to focus on facial expressions showing her depression. Low-key lighting reveals her sadness as a girl, while high-key lighting shows her happiness when thinking of herself as a boy. Her wearing of a black hat conveys her desire to be a boy through stereotypical gender signifiers. Editing, camerawork, lighting, and mise-en-scene help tell the story in the short film format which allows little time or budget for complex action scenes.
организация урока математики в условиях реализации фгос пузакова г.а. 1130Geramorozov1440организация урока математики в условиях реализации фгос пузакова г.а. 1130
Comparison of excess radiological risk of building materials and industrial b...Zoltan Sas, PhDTo get an insight into the radiological features of potentially reusable by-products can be reused in building materials industry a review of the reported scientific data is necessary. This study is based on the continuously growing database of the By-BM (H2020-MSCA-IF-2015) project (By-products for Building Materials). Currently, the By-BM database contains individual data of about 431 by-products and 1095 building and raw materials. It was found that in case of the construction materials the natural isotope content varied widely (Ra-226: <dl-27851 /><dl-906 /><dl-17922 /><dl-1350 /><DL-3001 Bq/kg). The average Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 content of reported by-products were 2.52, 2.35 and 0.39 times higher than the building materials respectively. The gamma exposure of bulk building products was calculated according to IAEA Specific Safety Guide No. SSG-32 and European Commission Radiation Protection 112 based I-index (EU BSS). It was found that in most cases the I-index without density consideration provides a significant overestimation in excess effective dose.
Sas NORMVIII 2016_sZoltan Sas, PhDTo get an insight into the radiological features of potentially reusable by-products can be reused in building materials industry a review of the reported scientific data is necessary. This study is based on the continuously growing database of the By-BM (H2020-MSCA-IF-2015) project (By-products for Building Materials). Currently, the By-BM database contains individual data of about 431 by-products and 1095 building and raw materials. It was found that in case of the construction materials the natural isotope content varied widely (Ra-226: <dl-27851 /><dl-906 /><dl-17922 /><dl-1350 /><DL-3001 Bq/kg). The average Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 content of reported by-products were 2.52, 2.35 and 0.39 times higher than the building materials respectively. The gamma exposure of bulk building products was calculated according to IAEA Specific Safety Guide No. SSG-32 and European Commission Radiation Protection 112 based I-index (EU BSS). It was found that in most cases the I-index without density consideration provides a significant overestimation in excess effective dose.
Introduction of By-BM Project; Geopolymer production from industrial by-prod...Zoltan Sas, PhDThis document outlines the goals and planned activities of the By-BM project, which aims to characterize the radiological properties of industrial by-products for use in geopolymer production as an alternative to traditional cement. The project will create a database of by-product compositions, characterize sample materials, produce geopolymers with varying ingredient mixtures, measure radon emanation and structural properties, and investigate leaching behaviors. The goals are to optimize geopolymer mixtures to reduce radiation risks while maintaining structural integrity for construction applications. Partners at Queen's University Belfast and NuTeC will collaborate on material analysis, geopolymer synthesis and testing, with the overall objective of developing sustainable low-carbon building materials.
Introduction to By-BM database built for characterization of industrial by-pr...Zoltan Sas, PhDData was looking for with following conditions:
Individually reported sample information about the Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 were obtained by gamma spectrometry
Average results were used only if the investigated material originated from same site, e.g. quarries, mines, brand, type of BM
In several cases the U-238 activity concentration values were published
To avoid the disequilibrium in the decay chain the data was imported into the database only if the results were obtained from the Rn-222 progenies (Bi-214, Pb-214)
мастер класс деятельностный подход на уроках математики саталкина т.в. 587Geramorozov1440мастер класс деятельностный подход на уроках математики саталкина т.в. 587
1. 15 и 18 мая в нашей школе №1440 в3,5,6,8и 9 классахпрошли уроки "ВремяДоверять". Ребята приняли участие
в интереснейшейигре-тренинге, посвященной Всероссийскомудетскому телефонуДоверия8-800-2000-122 и
телефонуДоверияЗАО 8(495)4130535. Перед ребятами выступили педагог-психолог из ЦПМСС "Живые Потоки"
Косолапова Е.В. и актриса театра и кино О.А. Будина. Ребята серьезнорассуждали о причинах, по которым можно
и нужно звонить на ТелефонДоверия, задавалиинтересующиеих вопросы психологам и медийной гостье.
Мероприятие проводили писхологи Курникова Т.С.,Катерищук А.Е. и социальный педагог МорозоваЕ.В.