The document discusses key concepts related to product management including definitions of a product, components of a product, product mix, product life cycle, and new product development. It defines a product as a bundle of benefits that satisfies customer needs and discusses the core benefit, actual product, augmented product, and future product. It also outlines the stages of the product life cycle as introduction, growth, maturity, decline, and withdrawal. Finally, it lists the steps in new product development as generating ideas, screening, testing, development, market testing, and commercialization.
Nokia product line management analysis - presentationpugcidiots
Nokia has historically had a large global market share in mobile phones, with over 220 phone models across multiple product series by 2011. However, its broad product portfolio led to problems like thinly scattered customers and high buyer bargaining power. Nokia addressed this with a product line strategy starting in 1994, creating global platforms for different standards. While this improved efficiency, variability in software needs increased. More recently, Nokia has focused on solutions like reducing product count while better understanding evolving customer needs, and using hierarchical and composition-oriented approaches to manage large software product families.
Cadbury India operates 5 production plants across India and has been in the country since 1948. It has a wide product portfolio including Dairy Milk chocolates, Celebrations, Bournville, 5 Star, Perk, Gems, and Temptation. The company employs various strategies to stretch its product lines, including down-market offerings like chocolate laddoos priced at Rs. 2 for 2 pieces, and up-market products like luxury chocolates. All Cadbury products use consistent basic ingredients but may contain additional items. They are produced across India and distributed through 2100 distributors and 450,000 retailers to be enjoyed for their taste.
This document discusses the product mix of Cadbury India. It outlines Cadbury's various product types including Dairy Milk chocolates, Celebrations, Bournville, biscuits, candies, and beverages. It provides details on specific products within these lines and their prices. The document also covers Cadbury's strategies of line stretching to both down and up markets through new product launches. It discusses line filling and ensuring consistency across production, distribution, and end use to provide customers with joy.
This document discusses product and service strategies. It defines key terms like product mix, product line, and individual product. It describes characteristics of a product mix like width and consistency. It also covers the product life cycle concept and stages (introduction, growth, maturity, decline). Marketing strategies are outlined for each stage. Limitations of the product life cycle model are presented. Product-line and product-mix strategies like increasing or decreasing line length are introduced. Branding strategies and ethical issues in product development are also addressed.
Cadbury India is a subsidiary of Mondelez International based in the U.S. The company was incorporated in India in 1977 under the name Cadbury-Fry India Private Limited and was later renamed Cadbury India Private Limited. Cadbury India manufactures and sells products across five categories - chocolates, beverages, biscuits, candy, and gum. Within these categories, the company offers over 40 stock keeping units with variations in flavors, sizes, and other characteristics. The company employs product differentiation, premium pricing, and promotional activities including advertising, public relations, and events to market its brands.
240 ideas de negocios para emprender desde casaOscar Damen
Este documento presenta 240 ideas de negocios que se pueden emprender desde casa, divididas en varias categorÃas como diseño, servicios, producción artesanal, entretenimiento, comunicación y más. La autora, Paola Carolina Diaz, cree que es posible emprender seriamente desde casa sin perder el humor y el espÃritu lúdico. El documento incluye una breve introducción de la autora y una tabla de contenido detallando cada idea de negocio.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de resumir información de forma concisa para ofrecer la idea principal sin incluir detalles innecesarios. Un buen resumen debe capturar la esencia del texto original de una manera clara y directa usando pocas oraciones o frases.
Para reimprimir la Credencial de Monotributo por Internet, el contribuyente debe ingresar a la página web de la AFIP con su Clave Fiscal habilitada con Nivel de Seguridad 2. Luego, debe seleccionar el servicio "Sistema Registral", elegir la opción "Monotributo" y hacer click en "Reimpresión de Credenciales" para visualizar la Credencial que podrá imprimir.
240 ideas de negocios para emprender desde casaOscar Damen
Este documento presenta 240 ideas de negocios que se pueden emprender desde casa, divididas en varias categorÃas como diseño, servicios, producción artesanal, entretenimiento, comunicación y más. La autora, Paola Carolina Diaz, cree que es posible emprender seriamente desde casa sin perder el humor y el espÃritu lúdico. El documento incluye una breve introducción de la autora y una tabla de contenido detallando cada idea de negocio.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de resumir información de forma concisa para ofrecer la idea principal sin incluir detalles innecesarios. Un buen resumen debe capturar la esencia del texto original de una manera clara y directa usando pocas oraciones o frases.
Para reimprimir la Credencial de Monotributo por Internet, el contribuyente debe ingresar a la página web de la AFIP con su Clave Fiscal habilitada con Nivel de Seguridad 2. Luego, debe seleccionar el servicio "Sistema Registral", elegir la opción "Monotributo" y hacer click en "Reimpresión de Credenciales" para visualizar la Credencial que podrá imprimir.