2. Objectives
Understand the combination of
elements that offer the full value of the
Better appreciate a particular media
format and the information it carries;
Use codes, conventions, or language
of media in disseminating information.
Genre comes from the
French word meaning
'type' or 'class. It can be
recognized by its common
set of distinguishing
features (codes and
Media codes and
conventions are like the
building blocks of all the
media around us.
Codes are a system of
signs which create
meaning. They generally
have an agreed meaning,
or connotation to their
Codes can be divided
into three categories
symbolic, technical and
written codes.
Symbolic Codes
Symbolic code shows
what is beneath the
surface of what we see.
For example, a red rose
may symbolically convey
romance, or a clenched fist
may be used to
communicate danger
Technical Codes
include sound, camera
angles, types of shots and
They may include, for
example, ominous music to
communicate danger in a
feature film, or high-angle
camera shots to create a
feeling of power in a
Written Codes
are the formal written
language used in a media
product, issues and
themes in the media
Includes dialogue and
song lyrics.
Written codes include
everything connected with any
written text or print in film
6. Conventions and Ic
onography of an A
ction Film
are accepted ways of
using media codes.
Conventions are closely
connected to the
audience expectations
of a media product.
Different types of
conventions include
form conventions, story
conventions, and genre
Some of the features we
looked at were colour
correction, colour grading,
camera shots, camera
angles, depth of field, etc.
8. How Codes and Conventions Apply to
Media Studies
Codes and conventions are used together in
any study of the genreit is not enough to
discuss a technical code used such as camera
work, without saying how it is conventionally
used in a genre.
For example, the technical code of lighting is
used in some way in all film genres. It is a
convention of the horror genre that side and
backlighting is used to create mystery and
15. Caption
1. phrase, sentence, or short
paragraph describing the
contents of an illustration
such as photos or charts.
Photo captions are usually
placed directly above,
below, or to the side of the
pictures they describe.
18. Group Activity: Performance
1.In your group, conceptualize a short skit
that you will film (34-minute video). The
story must be usual scenarios happening
in the classroom or the school community.
Be as creative as possible.
2.Make sure to apply the different camera
angles and camera movements in filming
the short film.
3.Submit a storyboard for your short film.
20. Activity
1.Analyze the magazine cover below and
try to identify the different magazine
cover elements. Use the word pool
below for your answers in each blank.
Main Image Dateline
Cover lines Masthead
Main Cover Line/Model Credit
The learner evaluates everyday media and
information with regard to with codes, convention,
and messages; in regards with audience,
producers, and other stakeholders MIL11/12MILA-
The learner puts into practice their
understanding of the intellectual property, copy
24. Activity 1. Write TRUE if the statement is
correct. Then, FALSE if not.
1. A clickbait is good for the audience and stakeholders to
view an interesting deal in many social media sites.
2. Conventions are said to be generally accepted ways of
doing something.
3. Codes are collection of signs to create a meaning which
may also give the hackers an idea to destroy a system.
4. Firewall and anti-virus software are programs or set of
programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and
remove software viruses, and other malicious software like
worms, trojans, adware, and more.
5. Misleading headings are made-up stories that
sometimes writers do in order to attract the readers and invite
Fake news is also known as junk news,
pseudo-news, or hoax news. It is a form of
news consisting of deliberate
disinformation or hoaxes spread via
traditional news media (print and
broadcast) or social media.
Fake news is a neologism often used to
refer to fabricated news. This type of
news, found in traditional news, social
29. News:
a. Clickbait - a form of false
advertisement, uses hyperlink text or a
thumbnail link that is designed to attract
attention and to entice users to follow the
link then read, view, or listen to its
Example clickbait statements looks like
this, You'll be Amazed! It will Shock you!
or You Won't Believe What Happens
30. News:
b. Propaganda - Stories that are
created to deliberately mislead audiences,
promote a biased point of view or
particular political cause or agenda.
c. Satire/parody - is a type of parody
presented in a format typical of
mainstream journalism, and is called a
31. News:
d. Sloppy journalism -
Sometimes reporters or
journalists may publish a
story with unreliable
information or without
checking all of the facts
which can mislead
33. News:
e. Biased or slanted news - Media bias
is the bias or perceived bias of journalists
and news producers within the mass
media in the selection of many events and
stories that are reported and how they are
35. How is Fake News
When a post is accompanied by many
likes, shares, or comments, it is more
likely to receive attention by others,
and therefore more likely to be further
liked, shared, or commented on
(Tandoc, Lim, and Ling, 2018).
36. How is Fake News
Bots - They reside on social media platforms,
created by someone with computer
programming skills, comprised of nothing
but code, that is, lines of computer
People like You, Trolls - When a post is
accompanied by many likes,, or comments, it
is more likely to receive attention by others,
and therefore more likely to be further liked,
37. How is Fake News
Microtargeting - One way is to use social media
analytics. To understand how analytics work, we
need to explain how cookies work, then show
how interest groups can use information
provided by cookies to find a receptive audience
for their messages.
Circular reporting or false confirmation This
is a situation in source criticism where a piece of
information appears to come from multiple
independent sources, but in reality, comes from
DIRECTIONS: You are part of a generation of social media users.
From the bulk of information available there is a so-called Fake
news. Fake news is, quite simply, news (material reported in a
newspaper or news periodical or on a newscast) that is fake (false,
counterfeit). Fake news is created in order to influence public
opinion about an issue or an election and for some it is about
making money - its meant to be spread and be clickbait for online
As a student, do you know how to spot Fake
News in the Internet? On a short bond paper,
illustrate a simple infographic showing your
own steps on how you spot fake news from
#5: When we study media languages,
three main questions should be considered:
How are media languages understood by media audiences? What are some of the major codes and conventions used by people working in media and information today? Another important question is whether different persons can derive dissimilar meanings from the same text or piece of information.
#6: These are the main conventions used and seen in an Action film genre. The purpose of this video is to help us realize what conventions are used in a professional Action movie and to help produce a professional looking film opening
#7: These are the main conventions used and seen in an Action film genre. The purpose of this video is to help us realize what conventions are used in a professional Action movie and to help produce a professional looking film opening