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Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Our Lady of Holy
Cross College
welcomes military
education, small
classes, and special
tuition discounts
make Holy Cross a
great choice for
Holy Cross offers
affordable, private
college education at
a great price.
Staff in the Office of
Financial Aid will
be periodically
producing this
newsletter with the
goal of helping you
make wise financial
choices while
attending Our
Lady of Holy Cross
College. We will
provide you with
links to
resources to help
you manage not
only your general
finances but also
help you
understand the
costs involved
with borrowing
through the
federal student
loan program or
private loans.
Volume 2, Issue 1
August 2015
Welcome to the 2015-2016 Academic YearI N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :
Military Money Matters
Federal Student Aid Programs Can Supplement Your Educational Benefits
Federal student aid
programs are open to
members of the military
community who want to
supplement the
educational benefits that
they are receiving
through the Veterans
Administration. If you are
interested, you need to
complete the 2015-2016
Free Application for
Federal Student Aid or
FAFSA. Check out
their web site at
https://fafsa.ed.gov/ . Be
sure to check out the link
at the bottom of the page
that will connect you to
Federal Student Aids
You Tube channel
which has a number of
very good videos that
can answer many basic
Outside Scholarships 2
Why Go to College 2
Payment Options 2
GI Bill Graphic 3
Student Support Services 4
Fry Scholarship Program 4
. Many organizations offer
scholarship opportunities
for veterans, their spouses
and their dependent
children who are attending
college. You may search
for scholarships and
fellowships in a library's
reference section, through
online searches, by asking
local organizations, or by
using a personalized
search, like FastWebs
scholarship search
program, which compares
Outside Scholarship Programs
your background with a
database of awards and
can be found at The
SmartStudent Guide to
Financial Aid.
larships/ )
Another good FREE
scholarship search
program is at
We post information about
programs targeted for the
military community at
Our Lady of Holy Cross
College offers payment
plans to students that
have not defaulted in past
semesters on the payment
plan. There is a $50 fee to
sign up for the payment
plan and the tuition
amount is split into three
payments. The first third
Payment Options Available to Students
and the $50 fee are due
the Thursday before the
semester begins. If
payments are not made
timely there is a $50.00
late fee for each late
Credit Card Payments:
We accept :
Learn more at:
What financial aid do
veterans service
organizations offer for
military service or for
family members of
military personnel?
The following major national
organizations offer
scholarships primarily to
active duty military, veterans,
and/or their families:
 Veterans of
Foreign Wars -
Finder -
Military Money MattersPage 2
Military Money Matters Page 3
Additional Resources :
 Can you save money on textbooks and supplies?
 Can the cost of buying a computer be added to my cost of attendance for
Federal Student Aid Programs?
Our Lady of Holy Cross
Financial Aid Office
New Orleans, LA. 70118
Children of active duty
members of the Armed
Forces who died in the
line of duty after
September 10, 2001, are
eligible for this benefit.
 A child may begin an
approved program of
education before the age
of 18.
 Eligibility ends on the
childs 33rd birthday.
 A childs marital status
has no effect on eligibility.
Surviving spouses of
active duty members of
the Armed Forces who
died in the line of duty
The Marine Gunnery
Sergeant John David Fry
Scholarship (Fry
Scholarship) provides
Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
to the children and
surviving spouses of
Servicemembers who
died in the line of duty
while on active duty after
September 10, 2001.
Eligible beneficiaries
attending school may
receive up to 36 months
of benefits at the 100%
level. For more
information on payment
rates go to
after September 10, 2001,
are also eligible for this
 A surviving spouse can
receive benefits for terms
beginning on or after
January 1, 2015.
 A surviving spouses
eligibility generally ends 15
years after the
Servicemembers death.
 A spouse will lose eligibility
to this benefit upon
remarriage if this occurs
during the 15 year period.
For more information, go to
cholarship.pdf .
Fry Scholarship Program
Phone 504 - 398 - 2133
Fax 504  394 - 1237
E-mail finaid@olhcc.edu
Support Services Help Students Succeed
The Academic Skills Center, located on the 1st floor near the Cafe is open to
all students currently enrolled at OLHCC. The ASC provides access to
publishing tools and educational software as well as Internet resources. Several
computers are available for students to use. Each computer has printer access
and staple and hole punch equipment is available. Learn more at
http://olhcc.edu/academics/academic-support-services/academic-skills-center .
Career Services is here to provide progressive, aggressive services and
resources to help students navigate their job search and preparation process.
Take a look at the extensive information on our web site or make an
appointment to chat with an advisor. Career Services can be contacted
at careerservices@olhcc.edu.. Learn more at http://olhcc.edu/stulife/career-
services.html .
The Thomas E. Chambers Counseling and Training Center provides a
variety of counseling services to a wide range of individuals. OLHCC students,
faculty and staff receive counseling services at no cost. Learn more at
http://olhcc.edu/stulife/counseling-and-training-center.html .
Were on the Web!
Want to stay connected?
Be sure to connect to all
of OLHCCs Social Media
sites. Learn more at
Military Money MattersPage 4

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Military_Money_Matters _August_2015

  • 1. Our Lady of Holy Cross College Our Lady of Holy Cross College welcomes military students. Personalized education, small classes, and special tuition discounts make Holy Cross a great choice for you. Affordability Holy Cross offers affordable, private college education at a great price. Staff in the Office of Financial Aid will be periodically producing this newsletter with the goal of helping you make wise financial choices while attending Our Lady of Holy Cross College. We will provide you with links to numerous resources to help you manage not only your general finances but also help you understand the costs involved with borrowing through the federal student loan program or private loans. Volume 2, Issue 1 August 2015 Welcome to the 2015-2016 Academic YearI N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Military Money Matters Federal Student Aid Programs Can Supplement Your Educational Benefits Federal student aid programs are open to members of the military community who want to supplement the educational benefits that they are receiving through the Veterans Administration. If you are interested, you need to complete the 2015-2016 Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. Check out their web site at https://fafsa.ed.gov/ . Be sure to check out the link at the bottom of the page that will connect you to Federal Student Aids You Tube channel which has a number of very good videos that can answer many basic questions. Outside Scholarships 2 Why Go to College 2 Payment Options 2 GI Bill Graphic 3 Student Support Services 4 Fry Scholarship Program 4
  • 2. . Many organizations offer scholarship opportunities for veterans, their spouses and their dependent children who are attending college. You may search for scholarships and fellowships in a library's reference section, through online searches, by asking local organizations, or by using a personalized search, like FastWebs scholarship search program, which compares Outside Scholarship Programs your background with a database of awards and can be found at The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid. (http://www.finaid.org/scho larships/ ) Another good FREE scholarship search program is at https://www.edvisors.com/ scholarships/ We post information about programs targeted for the military community at http://olhcc.edu/finaid/milit ary/scholarships_veterans .html. Our Lady of Holy Cross College offers payment plans to students that have not defaulted in past semesters on the payment plan. There is a $50 fee to sign up for the payment plan and the tuition amount is split into three payments. The first third Payment Options Available to Students and the $50 fee are due the Thursday before the semester begins. If payments are not made timely there is a $50.00 late fee for each late payment.. Credit Card Payments: We accept : Visa, MasterCard Discover Learn more at: http://olhcc.edu/bursar.ht ml What financial aid do veterans service organizations offer for military service or for family members of military personnel? The following major national organizations offer scholarships primarily to active duty military, veterans, and/or their families: American Legion www.legion.org/schol arships AMVETS - www.amvets.org/am vets-in- action/scholarships Veterans of Foreign Wars - www.vfw.org/Youth Military.coms Scholarship Finder - Offers.military.com/ v/scholarships/flow / Military Money MattersPage 2
  • 3. Military Money Matters Page 3 Additional Resources : Can you save money on textbooks and supplies? http://olhcc.edu/finaid/textbooks.html Can the cost of buying a computer be added to my cost of attendance for Federal Student Aid Programs? http://olhcc.edu/finaid/policy_inclusion_computer_cost
  • 4. Our Lady of Holy Cross College Financial Aid Office New Orleans, LA. 70118 WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Children of active duty members of the Armed Forces who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001, are eligible for this benefit. A child may begin an approved program of education before the age of 18. Eligibility ends on the childs 33rd birthday. A childs marital status has no effect on eligibility. Surviving spouses of active duty members of the Armed Forces who died in the line of duty The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (Fry Scholarship) provides Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to the children and surviving spouses of Servicemembers who died in the line of duty while on active duty after September 10, 2001. Eligible beneficiaries attending school may receive up to 36 months of benefits at the 100% level. For more information on payment rates go to (http://www.benefits.va.g ov/GIBILL/resources/ben efits_resources/rate_tabl es.asp after September 10, 2001, are also eligible for this benefit. A surviving spouse can receive benefits for terms beginning on or after January 1, 2015. A surviving spouses eligibility generally ends 15 years after the Servicemembers death. A spouse will lose eligibility to this benefit upon remarriage if this occurs during the 15 year period. For more information, go to http://www.benefits.va.gov/G IBILL/docs/factsheets/Fry_S cholarship.pdf . Fry Scholarship Program Phone 504 - 398 - 2133 Fax 504 394 - 1237 E-mail finaid@olhcc.edu Support Services Help Students Succeed The Academic Skills Center, located on the 1st floor near the Cafe is open to all students currently enrolled at OLHCC. The ASC provides access to publishing tools and educational software as well as Internet resources. Several computers are available for students to use. Each computer has printer access and staple and hole punch equipment is available. Learn more at http://olhcc.edu/academics/academic-support-services/academic-skills-center . Career Services is here to provide progressive, aggressive services and resources to help students navigate their job search and preparation process. Take a look at the extensive information on our web site or make an appointment to chat with an advisor. Career Services can be contacted at careerservices@olhcc.edu.. Learn more at http://olhcc.edu/stulife/career- services.html . The Thomas E. Chambers Counseling and Training Center provides a variety of counseling services to a wide range of individuals. OLHCC students, faculty and staff receive counseling services at no cost. Learn more at http://olhcc.edu/stulife/counseling-and-training-center.html . Were on the Web! www.olhcc.edu/finaid Want to stay connected? Be sure to connect to all of OLHCCs Social Media sites. Learn more at http://olhcc.edu/ Military Money MattersPage 4