Millennium kompletne zmigrovalo svoju infrastrukturu do Microsoft Azure. Ake su nase skusenosti?
Millennium migrated its whole infrastructure into Microsoft Azure? What is our experience?
Este documento presenta un syllabus o plan de estudios para un curso de AutoCAD 2012 2D impartido por el Centro de Entrenamiento Macrotec. El curso consta de 12 cap¨ªtulos que cubren temas como la interfaz de usuario de AutoCAD, comandos de dibujo, capas, bloques, dimensionado, impresi¨®n y publicaci¨®n de dibujos. Macrotec ha sido un Centro de Entrenamiento Autorizado de Autodesk desde 1996 y ha ganado dos premios por su excelencia. El curso est¨¢ dirigido a arquitectos, ingenieros y d
Catherine Rickwood Skills For A NewMR World 2016Ray Poynter
Catherine Rickwood from MESH gave a webinar titled "Yummy! - NewMR Webinar" in 2016. The webinar discussed providing tasty and engaging research summaries for busy audiences using heuristics. It covered tips for creating snackable research outputs like infographics and ensuring client trust through storytelling techniques. The goal was to help market researchers unlock potential and get their insights in front of key decision makers.
Este documento presenta una breve introducci¨®n a la qu¨ªmica y su papel en varios aspectos de la vida humana como la concepci¨®n, el cuidado infantil, la adolescencia, el amor, el embarazo, el sue?o, la belleza, la alimentaci¨®n, el medio ambiente, la nanotecnolog¨ªa, el tratamiento m¨¦dico y el aprendizaje y la ense?anza. Cubre c¨®mo la qu¨ªmica influye en el ciclo de vida humano desde la concepci¨®n hasta la vejez y m¨¢s all¨¢.
Este documento presenta el proyecto de vida de una persona. Detalla sus fortalezas como ser inteligente, buen amigo y feliz, as¨ª como sus dificultades como ser un poco perezoso y aburrirse f¨¢cilmente. Adem¨¢s, brinda detalles biogr¨¢ficos como su fecha y lugar de nacimiento, su educaci¨®n y amigos cercanos de la infancia.
The document contains questions from a quiz about various topics including whales, physics concepts, literature references, and identifying people, places, and things based on provided clues and context.
Elims - Qonnoisseur, MELA quiz as part of Mindspark 2012 - COEP's technical festival.
Date: 7th Oct '12
Questions by Rohan Danait with inputs from Amit Patil and Neelima Jha
Moderated by Mohit Karve
This document provides an overview of the Queens College Behavioral Neuroscience course for Spring 2012. It lists the textbook and lecture topics covered each week, including cellular neuroscience, systems neuroscience, and behavior. There are three exams over selected chapters from the textbook. Additional resources provided include lecture slides and study guides posted on Blackboard, as well as interactive online quizzes and tests to help with studying.
El documento describe los principales sistemas y m¨¦todos de propulsi¨®n en veh¨ªculos automotrices, incluyendo motores de combusti¨®n interna que usan combustible t¨¦rmico y motores el¨¦ctricos que usan bater¨ªas, as¨ª como amortiguadores, frenos, inyecci¨®n de combustible e hidr¨®geno como una alternativa de propulsi¨®n. Explica brevemente c¨®mo funcionan estos diferentes sistemas y componentes para generar y transmitir energ¨ªa mec¨¢nica que impulsa el veh¨ªculo.
The Semantic Web and Libraries in the United States: Experimentation and Achi...New York University
This presentation reflects the paper titled "The Semantic Web and Libraries in the United States: Experimentation and Achievements," published in the proceedings of 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Satellite Meeting: Emerging Trends in Technology: Libraries between Web 2.0, Semantic Web and Search Technology 8/19-20/2009, in Florence, Italy, presented by Sharon Yang, Rider University, Yanyi Lee, Wagner College, and Amanda Xu, St. John's University. Here is the URL to the full paper:
The document provides a template for conducting a Sprint Review, Retrospective, and Planning meeting. It includes sections for demoing completed work, reviewing work accepted in the previous Sprint, discussing key performance metrics and action items from the prior Retrospective, setting the Sprint goal, and estimating work for the upcoming Sprint.
Cloud ¨C nov? model slu?ieb a koncept vy??ej efekt¨ªvnostiRastislav Janota
Vyu?itie Cloud-u ako n¨¢stroja na zn¨ª?enie n¨¢kladov na infra?trukt¨²ru, platformu, softv¨¦rov¨¦ licencie a slu?by vo f¨¢ze realiz¨¢cie i prev¨¢dzky IT syst¨¦mov vo verejnej spr¨¢ve Slovenskej republiky, ako aj zv??enia transparentnosti a efekt¨ªvnosti pri ich rozvoji.
Aby v¨¢m v serverovni netieklo do top¨¢nok ... Monitoring prostredia. Ako si zabezpe?i? okam?it? preh?ad o stave IT a z¨¢rove¨¾ nestr¨¢ca? ?as, energiu a peniaze v?vojom vlastn¨¦ho rie?enia?Pre?o necha? spracova?, riadi? a reportova? udalosti sk¨²sen¨¦ho partnera?
Incident Management System umo?¨¾uje rozpozna? ne?tandardn¨¦ spr¨¢vanie informa?n¨¦ho syst¨¦mu a pred¨ªs? tak vzniku probl¨¦mu, alebo aspo¨¾ minimalizova? jeho dopad a riadi? proces n¨¢pravy. T¨ªm oper¨¢torov nielen identifikuje, ale aj proakt¨ªvne rie?i vzniknut¨¦ probl¨¦my 24 hod¨ªn denne.
Predstavenie rie?enia GAMO Cloud. Slovensk? cloud be?iaci na top technol¨®gi¨¢ch pre modern? sp?sob prev¨¢dzky syst¨¦mov. ?o sa skr?va za term¨ªnmi ako je sie?ov¨¢ virtualiz¨¢cia a softv¨¦rovo definovan? storage, ktor¨¦ poh¨¢¨¾aj¨² GAMO Cloud?
The document contains questions from a quiz about various topics including whales, physics concepts, literature references, and identifying people, places, and things based on provided clues and context.
Elims - Qonnoisseur, MELA quiz as part of Mindspark 2012 - COEP's technical festival.
Date: 7th Oct '12
Questions by Rohan Danait with inputs from Amit Patil and Neelima Jha
Moderated by Mohit Karve
This document provides an overview of the Queens College Behavioral Neuroscience course for Spring 2012. It lists the textbook and lecture topics covered each week, including cellular neuroscience, systems neuroscience, and behavior. There are three exams over selected chapters from the textbook. Additional resources provided include lecture slides and study guides posted on Blackboard, as well as interactive online quizzes and tests to help with studying.
El documento describe los principales sistemas y m¨¦todos de propulsi¨®n en veh¨ªculos automotrices, incluyendo motores de combusti¨®n interna que usan combustible t¨¦rmico y motores el¨¦ctricos que usan bater¨ªas, as¨ª como amortiguadores, frenos, inyecci¨®n de combustible e hidr¨®geno como una alternativa de propulsi¨®n. Explica brevemente c¨®mo funcionan estos diferentes sistemas y componentes para generar y transmitir energ¨ªa mec¨¢nica que impulsa el veh¨ªculo.
The Semantic Web and Libraries in the United States: Experimentation and Achi...New York University
This presentation reflects the paper titled "The Semantic Web and Libraries in the United States: Experimentation and Achievements," published in the proceedings of 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Satellite Meeting: Emerging Trends in Technology: Libraries between Web 2.0, Semantic Web and Search Technology 8/19-20/2009, in Florence, Italy, presented by Sharon Yang, Rider University, Yanyi Lee, Wagner College, and Amanda Xu, St. John's University. Here is the URL to the full paper:
The document provides a template for conducting a Sprint Review, Retrospective, and Planning meeting. It includes sections for demoing completed work, reviewing work accepted in the previous Sprint, discussing key performance metrics and action items from the prior Retrospective, setting the Sprint goal, and estimating work for the upcoming Sprint.
Cloud ¨C nov? model slu?ieb a koncept vy??ej efekt¨ªvnostiRastislav Janota
Vyu?itie Cloud-u ako n¨¢stroja na zn¨ª?enie n¨¢kladov na infra?trukt¨²ru, platformu, softv¨¦rov¨¦ licencie a slu?by vo f¨¢ze realiz¨¢cie i prev¨¢dzky IT syst¨¦mov vo verejnej spr¨¢ve Slovenskej republiky, ako aj zv??enia transparentnosti a efekt¨ªvnosti pri ich rozvoji.
Aby v¨¢m v serverovni netieklo do top¨¢nok ... Monitoring prostredia. Ako si zabezpe?i? okam?it? preh?ad o stave IT a z¨¢rove¨¾ nestr¨¢ca? ?as, energiu a peniaze v?vojom vlastn¨¦ho rie?enia?Pre?o necha? spracova?, riadi? a reportova? udalosti sk¨²sen¨¦ho partnera?
Incident Management System umo?¨¾uje rozpozna? ne?tandardn¨¦ spr¨¢vanie informa?n¨¦ho syst¨¦mu a pred¨ªs? tak vzniku probl¨¦mu, alebo aspo¨¾ minimalizova? jeho dopad a riadi? proces n¨¢pravy. T¨ªm oper¨¢torov nielen identifikuje, ale aj proakt¨ªvne rie?i vzniknut¨¦ probl¨¦my 24 hod¨ªn denne.
Predstavenie rie?enia GAMO Cloud. Slovensk? cloud be?iaci na top technol¨®gi¨¢ch pre modern? sp?sob prev¨¢dzky syst¨¦mov. ?o sa skr?va za term¨ªnmi ako je sie?ov¨¢ virtualiz¨¢cia a softv¨¦rovo definovan? storage, ktor¨¦ poh¨¢¨¾aj¨² GAMO Cloud?
Slovensk? cloud be?iaci na top technol¨®gi¨¢ch. ?o v?etko je za t?m? Prv¨¦ plne virtualizovan¨¦ cloud rie?enie na Slovensku, postaven¨¦ na progres¨ªvnych VMware technol¨®gi¨¢ch VSAN a NSX
5. Pracovn¨¦ o?ak¨¢vania
- Flexibilita v?vojov?ch a projektov?ch t¨ªmov
- Infra?trukt¨²ra na po?kanie (Sharepoint farmy, SQL farmy, ...)
- Pr¨ªstup z pr¨¢ce alebo z domu (S2S VPN, P2S VPN)
- Zvy?ovanie kvalifik¨¢cie na najnov?¨ªch technol¨®gi¨¢ch
6. Technologick¨¦ o?ak¨¢vania
- Kadencia updatov v Microsoft Azure:
Pr¨ªstup k najnov?¨ªm
Konkuren?n¨¢ v?hoda
R?chlej?ie a efekt¨ªvnej?ie
7. Obchodn¨¦ o?ak¨¢vania
? Zni?ovanie n¨¢kladov na projekty
? Najnov?ie technol¨®gie a ich v?hody
? V?vojov¨¦ a testovacie prostredia v cloude
? Krat?ie term¨ªny nasadzovania projektov
? Roz?¨ªrenie obchodn?ch mo?nost¨ª
? Mana?ovan¨¦ slu?by, zahrani?n¨¢ expanzia
? Nov¨¦ bal¨ª?ky slu?ieb
infra?trukt¨²ry a
vypracovanie BC
?kolenia a
Migr¨¢cia serverov
a prev¨¢dzka v
Z¨¢lohovanie d¨¢t
do cloudu