This document discusses the first reported attack on a cyborg, Steve Mann, a professor known as the world's first cyborg. Mann wears a computer vision system known as Digital Eye Glass to help with his vision. In 1998, he published a paper on "Humanistic Computing" and the framework of "WearComp". Mann was assaulted in a Paris McDonald's in 2002 by individuals who ripped off his Digital Eye Glass equipment. This was the first reported case of a cyborg being attacked for their cyborg identity and use of technology to enhance the body.
Este documento describe los antis辿pticos locales, que son productos antimicrobianos que se aplican t坦picamente para destruir o inhibir la reproducci坦n de microorganismos. Explica que act炭an alterando la permeabilidad de la membrana celular microbiana y que pueden ser microbiost叩ticos o microbicidas. Adem叩s, clasifica los antis辿pticos y desinfectantes seg炭n su espectro antimicrobiano y efectividad contra bacterias, hongos, virus y esporas.
Desenhou as linhas da Rosa-dos-Ventos, pintou os espa巽os em branco e escreveu os pontos cardeais e colaterais com a legenda. Concluiu gostando de fazer o trabalho por ter estudado ao faz棚-lo.
The document is a checklist used by the Defense Contract Audit Agency to determine the adequacy of contractor incurred cost proposals. It contains over 40 questions across multiple schedules that auditors use to ensure proposals are complete and accurate, including that all required schedules are included, costs and rates are calculated correctly, and that numbers tie out across schedules. If any information is missing or inadequate, the submission may be deemed inadequate. The checklist ensures proposals follow the Federal Acquisition Regulation and other guidance so they can be properly audited.
El documento presenta un desaf鱈o visual para encontrar perros ocultos en una foto, basado en comentarios t鱈picos de personas que no pudieron encontrarlos r叩pidamente o creyeron que no hab鱈a perros. Adem叩s, proporciona estad鱈sticas sobre los tiempos medios que tardan hombres y mujeres en resolver el desaf鱈o, siendo los hombres significativamente m叩s r叩pidos.
Anja Mihr, Directora del Centro para la gobernanza a trav辿s de los derechos humanos en Berl鱈n, expuso los derechos de los refugiados y el caso de Kiribati.
Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!
10 Herramientas SEO que no pueden faltar en tu d鱈a a d鱈aSocialmood
El documento describe 10 herramientas SEO gratuitas y de pago que son 炭tiles para el an叩lisis de sitios web, keywords, enlaces, velocidad de carga y tendencias de b炭squeda. Las herramientas incluyen Moz, Google Webmaster Tools, Open Site Explorer, Ahrefs, Google Page Speed, Screaming Frog, Xenu, Adwords Keyword Tool, bersuggest y Google Trends.
10 tips de comunicaci坦n para que tus clientes vengan y vuelvanCecilia Nu単ez
Este documento proporciona 10 consejos para comunicarse con los clientes actuales y potenciales de manera efectiva, incluyendo tener un estilo claro, conocer al cliente objetivo, crear buenas fichas de producto y p叩ginas web atractivas, utilizar el correo electr坦nico y las redes sociales para atraer y fidelizar clientes, comunicarse bien con los clientes, manejar las crisis en redes sociales de manera responsable, y trabajar con influenciadores.
Naturopathic physician and psychotherapist Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac, presents essential strategies for overcoming stress, anxiety and fear. In this presentation Dr. Baylac demonstrates the physiccal and psychological effects of chronic stress and she empowers individuals with skills for making positive lifestyle changes geared toward helping them achieve optimum health.
Read the article based on the transcription of this presentation -
El documento describe la capa de ozono y c坦mo se est叩 formando un agujero en la capa de ozono sobre la Ant叩rtida. El ozono en la estratosfera protege la Tierra de la radiaci坦n ultravioleta da単ina, pero ciertos contaminantes como los clorofluorocarbonos y los hidroclorofluorocarbonos est叩n destruyendo el ozono a trav辿s de reacciones catalizadas. Esto est叩 exponiendo la vida en la Tierra a mayores niveles de radiaci坦n y causando problemas de salud en humanos y da単os a los ecosistemas.
Correlating Porosity and Tensile Strength of Chemically Modified HairDr. Ali Syed
This document discusses correlating hair porosity (water uptake) and tensile strength as methods to quantify hair damage from chemical treatments. It aims to validate the porosity method against the widely used tensile strength method. The study also compares damage from permanent waving, coloring, bleaching, and straightening to rank chemical processes by damage potential. This is the first comparative damage ranking for various hair care processes.
The hair consists of three layers - the medulla, cortex, and cuticle. The medulla is the inner core and may contain melanin. The cortex is the largest layer and determines hair texture and holds melanin. The cuticle is the outer protective layer.
The hair follicle contains the papilla, germinal matrix, and hair bulb. The papilla supplies nutrients to the germinal matrix where new hair cells are produced. These cells are pushed up through the hair bulb where they harden into the hair shaft before exiting the skin surface.
Desenhou as linhas da Rosa-dos-Ventos, pintou os espa巽os em branco e escreveu os pontos cardeais e colaterais com a legenda. Concluiu gostando de fazer o trabalho por ter estudado ao faz棚-lo.
The document is a checklist used by the Defense Contract Audit Agency to determine the adequacy of contractor incurred cost proposals. It contains over 40 questions across multiple schedules that auditors use to ensure proposals are complete and accurate, including that all required schedules are included, costs and rates are calculated correctly, and that numbers tie out across schedules. If any information is missing or inadequate, the submission may be deemed inadequate. The checklist ensures proposals follow the Federal Acquisition Regulation and other guidance so they can be properly audited.
El documento presenta un desaf鱈o visual para encontrar perros ocultos en una foto, basado en comentarios t鱈picos de personas que no pudieron encontrarlos r叩pidamente o creyeron que no hab鱈a perros. Adem叩s, proporciona estad鱈sticas sobre los tiempos medios que tardan hombres y mujeres en resolver el desaf鱈o, siendo los hombres significativamente m叩s r叩pidos.
Anja Mihr, Directora del Centro para la gobernanza a trav辿s de los derechos humanos en Berl鱈n, expuso los derechos de los refugiados y el caso de Kiribati.
Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!
10 Herramientas SEO que no pueden faltar en tu d鱈a a d鱈aSocialmood
El documento describe 10 herramientas SEO gratuitas y de pago que son 炭tiles para el an叩lisis de sitios web, keywords, enlaces, velocidad de carga y tendencias de b炭squeda. Las herramientas incluyen Moz, Google Webmaster Tools, Open Site Explorer, Ahrefs, Google Page Speed, Screaming Frog, Xenu, Adwords Keyword Tool, bersuggest y Google Trends.
10 tips de comunicaci坦n para que tus clientes vengan y vuelvanCecilia Nu単ez
Este documento proporciona 10 consejos para comunicarse con los clientes actuales y potenciales de manera efectiva, incluyendo tener un estilo claro, conocer al cliente objetivo, crear buenas fichas de producto y p叩ginas web atractivas, utilizar el correo electr坦nico y las redes sociales para atraer y fidelizar clientes, comunicarse bien con los clientes, manejar las crisis en redes sociales de manera responsable, y trabajar con influenciadores.
Naturopathic physician and psychotherapist Dr. Maya Nicole Baylac, presents essential strategies for overcoming stress, anxiety and fear. In this presentation Dr. Baylac demonstrates the physiccal and psychological effects of chronic stress and she empowers individuals with skills for making positive lifestyle changes geared toward helping them achieve optimum health.
Read the article based on the transcription of this presentation -
El documento describe la capa de ozono y c坦mo se est叩 formando un agujero en la capa de ozono sobre la Ant叩rtida. El ozono en la estratosfera protege la Tierra de la radiaci坦n ultravioleta da単ina, pero ciertos contaminantes como los clorofluorocarbonos y los hidroclorofluorocarbonos est叩n destruyendo el ozono a trav辿s de reacciones catalizadas. Esto est叩 exponiendo la vida en la Tierra a mayores niveles de radiaci坦n y causando problemas de salud en humanos y da単os a los ecosistemas.
Correlating Porosity and Tensile Strength of Chemically Modified HairDr. Ali Syed
This document discusses correlating hair porosity (water uptake) and tensile strength as methods to quantify hair damage from chemical treatments. It aims to validate the porosity method against the widely used tensile strength method. The study also compares damage from permanent waving, coloring, bleaching, and straightening to rank chemical processes by damage potential. This is the first comparative damage ranking for various hair care processes.
The hair consists of three layers - the medulla, cortex, and cuticle. The medulla is the inner core and may contain melanin. The cortex is the largest layer and determines hair texture and holds melanin. The cuticle is the outer protective layer.
The hair follicle contains the papilla, germinal matrix, and hair bulb. The papilla supplies nutrients to the germinal matrix where new hair cells are produced. These cells are pushed up through the hair bulb where they harden into the hair shaft before exiting the skin surface.
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