แผȨันสำคัญทางพระพุทธศาสȨThongsawan SeehaAdding more information (description, tags, category) makes it easier for others to find your content. The score increases as you add each item.
แผȨันสำคัญทางพระพุทธศาสȨThongsawan SeehaAdding more information (description, tags, category) makes it easier for others to find your content. The score increases as you add each item.
ข้อมูลชนิดอาร์รย์และสตริงOnpreeya SahnguansakThis document discusses Java classes for storing collections of objects and strings. It compares the Array, ArrayList, and String classes for storing multiple values, and the String and StringBuffer classes for storing mutable and immutable string values. The ArrayList class is recommended over arrays for dynamically sized lists that may be added to or removed from over time.
FlowchartPooja AdakeThe flow chart outlines the steps for a material unit program. It initializes ports, sets the baud rate, displays messages on an LCD screen, and allows the user to select between monitoring or controlling two slaves. Based on the selection, it will either read and display data from a slave or allow controlling devices by turning them on and off. It also includes routines for key detection, data transmission and reception.
Project planning and Schedulingsaurabmi2Project planning involves carefully breaking down a project into logical components using tools like the work breakdown structure and network diagrams to identify dependencies between tasks. This allows project teams to develop accurate schedules, usually in the form of Gantt charts, to coordinate resources and activities to achieve goals on time and on budget. Production planning establishes production rates and resource usage to satisfy customer demand as expressed in sales forecasts, while balancing inventory levels and maintaining a stable workforce over a 6-18 month horizon. The process begins with a sales forecast and may incorporate desired inventory changes to determine the production plan.
Project Planning SchedulingSadhanandavel RamdossThe document provides an overview of key concepts in project planning and scheduling including developing a project management plan, defining the project scope and work breakdown structure (WBS), sequencing activities, estimating durations and resources, developing a schedule, calculating early and late dates, determining the critical path, and calculating float. It includes examples of a sample project schedule to demonstrate these scheduling techniques.