5. Critical Literacy: Front & Center¡°Truth no longer exists, whatmatters these days¡.is whatstories you spin.¡±Colin Lankshear
6. ¡°We have to beware ofOrwellian speech ¨CBush¡¯s Clean Air Act Is a license to pollute.His Healthy Forest Initiative is a license toLog national forests.¡±¡°Frames trump facts.¡±George Lakoff
7. ¡°The screen is overtaking the pageIn terms of the major vehicle ofcommunication.¡±Gunter Kress
8. ¡°Kids are learning moreabout what it means to beliterate outside of school than in school.¡±-- James Paul Gee.
10. ¡°In today¡¯s environment if you don¡¯thave critical literacy you are a sucker,you are going to end up in debt, youare going to end up on the streets, youare going to sign up with the first bankthat offers you a crummy mortgage, youare going to wind up with a big Visa carddebt, you are going to buy everything that is pushed your way.¡±Alan Luke
11. Barbara Comber¡¯s definition of ¡®Critical Thinking¡¯¡°¡the use of language in powerful ways to get things done in the world, to enhance everyday life in schools and communities, and to question practices of privilege and injustice.¡±
12. ¡°By analyzing visual information andteaching students to do the same, weprovide them with needed tools tointerrogate the very lifestyles they arebeing sold and to questions those billsof goods.¡±
13. ¡°The goal of critical literacy is tocreate students who are agentsof textrather than victims of text.¡±
17. ¡°Everyday texts need to be aregular part of the Englishlanguage Arts classroom,not just for adolescents, butfor children from preschool on.¡±Vivian Vasquez
18. ¡°There are multiple literacies.What is important is what social practices are in place asthat determines which literacieswe value and which literacies wedon¡¯t really value much.¡±--Brian Street
19. ¡°I see curriculum as a metaphor for the lives you wish to live and the people you want to be.¡±¡°Live on a daily basis the curriculum you are advocating.¡±
52. Problems or PuzzlesLinda Christensen¡¯s Target-Perpetrator-Bystander-Ally Strategy4 Columns*Target*Perpetrator*Bystander*Ally
53. Thinking DeeplyAbout EverydayTexts*.*Who wrote this text?Why was this text written?*Who is it written for?*Whose voices are notincluded? Or what wasn¡¯t said?*How could it be?*An example of a curricularinvitation.
54. Saying & Thinking Post-It Note for:The music teacherThe music studentThe parent listeningand waiting for his kid to finish up.
67. Because I believe teacher can¡¯t do for childrenwhat they haven¡¯t done for themselves:Invitation: Using Jacob Lawrence as yourmodel, create a piece of art that makes a statement about the direction you thinkliteracy and literacy education needs to be takiing.
68. A complete discussion ofCritical Literacy has toInclude:*A Theory of Dominance*A Theory of Access*A Theory of Diversity*A Theory of Re-Design