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Oye Makinde

Ashley Green

Moulay Mekkaoui



Key Characters

Who, what, when, why, where

Act one - in a paragraph

Act two - in a paragraph

Act three - in a paragraph


Title :
We had a main title in our heads which was "The Lesson" as with the school theme we can
do various themes and create puns and other techniques from this title.

We then recorded all of our details, mobile numbers emails, etc. We needed this important
information as this is what will be included in our magazine and posters.

Key Characters:
Murderous teacher (villain), 8 irresponsible students(last girl standing), dead wife.

Who, what, when, why and where:
students taunt teacher teacher gets revenge on children for tormenting hum about his dead
wife, the revenge occurs at a closed saturday school club session.

Act One:
Teacher at graveyard then teacher goes to class, we see the personality of students,
students fight teacher watches, head teacher comes in and takes the teacher out and says
he should take a break kids eaves dropping and began taunting him.
Act Two:
The teacher stars planning revenge, turns crazy, sends letters for saturday school.

Act Three:
He starts killing, until last girl standing and he finds out something that will change his life.

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  • 1. Minutes Present: Oye Makinde Ashley Green Moulay Mekkaoui Agenda: Title Details Key Characters Who, what, when, why, where Act one - in a paragraph Act two - in a paragraph Act three - in a paragraph Minutes: Title : We had a main title in our heads which was "The Lesson" as with the school theme we can do various themes and create puns and other techniques from this title. Details: We then recorded all of our details, mobile numbers emails, etc. We needed this important information as this is what will be included in our magazine and posters. Key Characters: Murderous teacher (villain), 8 irresponsible students(last girl standing), dead wife. Who, what, when, why and where: students taunt teacher teacher gets revenge on children for tormenting hum about his dead wife, the revenge occurs at a closed saturday school club session. Act One: Teacher at graveyard then teacher goes to class, we see the personality of students, students fight teacher watches, head teacher comes in and takes the teacher out and says he should take a break kids eaves dropping and began taunting him.
  • 2. Act Two: The teacher stars planning revenge, turns crazy, sends letters for saturday school. Act Three: He starts killing, until last girl standing and he finds out something that will change his life.