The document describes a program called "Miraculous Recovery" created by Avril L'Mour Weathers aimed at finding healing through spiritual and biblical principles. The program uses scripture and tools to help remove barriers to one's relationship with God. It consists of three nine-week sessions addressing the recovery of mind, body, and spirit. The goals are to help participants develop insights into healing through gaining understanding of God's word, deliverance, personal responsibility, commitment to Christ, fellowship, and overcoming obstacles to wholeness.
1. The document describes a healing program called Miraculous Recovery that includes sessions on spirit, mind and body recovery.
2. It offers three programs - Celebrate Recovery focusing on spirit, Heart Wellness on mind, and Healer's Awakening on body.
3. Each program is based on biblical principles and emphasizes spiritual commitment, personal responsibility, fellowship and producing peer mentors to help others in recovery.
1. The document discusses the normal progressive development of a Christian through spiritual growth.
2. It describes surrender as a two-part process - initially deciding to surrender one's will to God's ownership, followed by daily yielding of areas of understanding and behavior to the Holy Spirit's transformation.
3. Spiritual growth is portrayed as a process where God increasingly changes a believer's perspectives to align with His through sanctification and renewal as the believer allows Him to illuminate and alter their understanding.
This document summarizes a passage from the Bible about Jesus inviting those who are weary and burdened to come to him for rest. It provides commentary on what type of rest Jesus offers and how it can be obtained. Specifically:
1) Jesus offers spiritual and mental rest from sin, guilt, and inner turmoil to those who are weary from struggling with temptation or feeling burdened by sin.
2) This rest is obtained by personally committing to Jesus and submitting to his rule, which involves suppressing self-will and finding peace through serving Christ instead of focusing on personal comfort.
3) True rest is learned by following Jesus' example of meekness and lowliness, and will come as people become more
This is a collection of writings dealing with the issue of unity and he bond of peace in the local church. This is a vital part of any successful church.
The document discusses the basics of intercession and travailing intercession. It states that intercession requires surrendering one's will to God and experiencing identification, agony, and authority in prayer. Travailing intercession is described as a high level of spiritual engagement that requires fasting, enduring trials, and stripping oneself through implementing Ephesians 6:10-20. The document also provides guidelines for interpreting pains in different body parts as indications to pray for specific issues, such as headaches relating to attacks on leadership or stomach pains indicating witchcraft.
The document discusses various aspects of discipleship, including being baptized in the Holy Spirit, supernatural gifts of the Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit. It defines terms like the word of wisdom, gift of faith, and prophecy. It explains that believers must seek Holy Spirit baptism to grow spiritually and receive power. The gifts fall under revelation, vocal, and power categories and include gifts like healing, miracles, and discerning spirits. The fruit of the Spirit represents Christ-like character and includes qualities such as love, joy, and peace.
The document discusses the importance of balancing five elements - discipleship, fellowship, worship, ministry, and evangelism - in small group ministry to create healthy groups. It provides context and explanations for each element, and suggests ways groups can implement practices to strengthen areas of growth. The overall message is that balancing these five purposes allows groups to effectively fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission through developing people.
THIS teaching is called Foundations For Successful Christian Living from Life Changers Church in Fairfield, OH.
For more information about this ministry, please visit our website:
Exploring Prosperity Gospel is a theological study of prosperity gospel. Although prosperity gospel is relatively new on the religious landscape, its worldwide media presence has enabled the dissemination of its message to people of all ages, ethnicities, races, and religious and denominational affiliations. The book traces its history to understand how prosperity preaching evolved and learn about the people responsible for its existence.
In chapter 9, You Are the Righteousness of God, we will test the Word of Faith teaching that asserts that believers have been declared righteous in Gods sight and therefore have at work in them the same unlimited ability and wisdom of God as Christ had. I contrast Word of Faith theology of the righteousness of God and the favor of God of prosperity preachers with that of Swiss reformer John Calvin. In Sifting the Wheat from the Chaff, I dissuade readers from conceiving of God as their personal valet.
The biblical account of the fall of Adam can be summarized as follows:
1) God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, commanding them not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Disobedience would result in death.
2) Satan in the form of a serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. She and Adam disobeyed God.
3) As a result of their sin, Adam and Eve's fellowship with God was broken. They became ashamed and afraid, and were expelled from the garden. God cursed the serpent and pronounced judgment on mankind.
The document provides information on spirituality for family life ministers. It defines spirituality as a conscious relationship with God through practices that foster Christian discipleship. It emphasizes that spirituality involves being in community and realizing one's identity as a beloved child of God through baptism. It also discusses developing a personal rule of life through contemplative practices and devotions to guide one's spiritual growth in a balanced way. The document provides resources for family life ministers to cultivate their spirituality.
This document is a newsletter from the Well Fortified Intercessors Army (WFIA) dated October 20, 2010. It includes a daily message on grace, mercy and peace. It provides prayer requests for over 50 individuals with critical health needs. It also includes a prayer matrix listing individuals and regions to pray for each day that week. The document encourages readers to pray for these needs and the mission of WFIA and Living God Group.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. These are the first few of the eight beatitudes that Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount, which provide guidance on righteousness and blessings for those who follow God's ways rather than worldly understandings. The commentary analyzes each beatitude, explaining their meaning and how adhering to humility, repentance, and other godly virtues leads to comfort and rewards both on earth and in heaven.
This document discusses healing in the biblical context. It begins by summarizing the story in Exodus where after being delivered from Egypt, the Israelites found bitter water in the wilderness and Moses healed it by throwing a log in it. God then revealed himself as Yahweh-Rophe, the Lord who heals. The document then discusses different aspects of healing in the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on healing meaning wholeness in body, mind and spirit. It provides suggestions for how to receive inner healing such as through faith, resting in God, holiness, forgiveness and giving. An example is given of John D. Rockefeller finding healing through changing his purpose to serving others.
This document summarizes the 12 powers of man as described by Charles Fillmore. The 12 powers - faith, strength, wisdom, love, power, imagination, understanding, will, order, zeal, renunciation, and life - are 12 expressions of the one Power, or Christ consciousness, within each person. Charles Fillmore saw the 12 disciples as representing each of the 12 powers. The powers are qualities of a fully awakened human being and balancing them leads to inner peace and harmony.
The growth of the Spirit Self toward Perfection
progresses through the Three orderly stages
ordained by the Divine Principle of Creation.
A spirit in the Formation stage of life is called a油Form Spirit;
in the Growth stage, a油Life Spirit;
and in the Completion stage, a油Divine Spirit.
/Divine Principle 1996
This document discusses identity, particularly identity in Christ. It begins by listing various aspects of the author's identity such as their nationality, religion, and name. It then defines identity and different forms of identification like fingerprints. The rest of the document explores finding one's identity in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It lists aspects of a Christian identity such as being royalty, free from sin, and equipped. It emphasizes the importance of not conforming to the world and renewing one's mind by focusing on godly values. Finally, it discusses why having a godly identity centered in Christ is important for focus, strength, purpose and more.
An overview of The Twelve Steps and The Twelve Powers with a view to their appropriate invocation and use in daily living. Copyright 息 (except where otherwise noted) Ellis-Jones Enterprises Pty Limited 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Christian spirituality in the city. What is it about? What are the parameters? A videod presentation may be found at .
The document discusses faith-based approaches to health and wellness. It introduces the Congregational Health ReSource (CHR) organization, which aims to serve as a bridge between the health care and faith communities by advancing biblical perspectives on health, increasing awareness of prevention and treatment options, and providing a clearinghouse of health information resources. CHR's goal is to connect these communities so that together they can promote healing. The document then covers various aspects of health as they relate to the body, soul, spirit, and faith from biblical perspectives.
The document discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in sanctification. It makes three key points:
1. The Holy Spirit works to sanctify or make believers holy by dwelling within them. His attribute of holiness allows Him to transform believers and make them distinct from the world.
2. Sanctification is both a position believers have through the Spirit's work, and an ongoing process of being conformed to Christ. It begins at salvation and continues throughout life.
3. Proper sanctification does not deify believers but makes them holy as God is holy yet still fully human. The indwelling Spirit transforms their characters but does not lose their identity.
Amar, Akbar, Anthony_Understanding Religious WorlviewsMariyosh Joseph
This session was conducted at the PROFIT conference in Bangalore on the 5th Nov 2011. If you are a Christian professional, then PROFIT is for you. To know more about PROFIT visit or write to PROFIT or PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents is a mission initiative of GEMS - Gospel Echoing Missionary Society, for professionals. PROFIT is a network of Christians who intentionally and actively use their professional identity to do-the-ACT of passing THE TRUTH in the workplace.
This paper reflects on the author's nursing philosophy from a Christian perspective. She believes that all people are made in God's image and should be treated with dignity. Regarding health and illness, she sees the body as a complex, balanced system and nursing as treating the whole person - mind, body and spirit. While death is inevitable, she believes it is a transition, not an end. Her philosophy of nursing is to serve patients as Christ served, with compassion. She provides an example of caring for a terminally ill church member that exemplified holistically ministering to his spiritual and physical needs.
This is a study of Jesus being the only name by witch we can be saved. It is the narrow way and the only way. All other ways will end in failure. He alone can save, and no other can.
The Elijah Challenge End-Time Model of EvangelismAlbert Kang
The Elijah Challenge End-Time Model of Evangelism is a basic primer for all Christians who want to learn how to evangelize by applying the power and authority of the Lord in healing the infirm. It shows the readers the scriptural basis for this type of Power Evangelism and how the modern Church should be applying this to fulfill the Great Commission.
The document discusses having faith during difficult times based on the biblical story of Jesus calming the storm. It notes that storms can come unexpectedly in life, like problems rising up suddenly. The disciples were afraid during the storm in the story, but Jesus remained calm and asleep, depicting how Christians should react to problems - making efforts to solve them but also praying and having faith that God is in control. Having faith means being sure of what we hope for even if we can't see it and knowing that no storm is too strong for God to handle. The document encourages having faith like Jesus during life's storms rather than giving in to fear.
The document discusses spiritual struggles and folk religions, providing examples of cultural levels of spiritual power in the Philippines and how to create a map of indigenous spiritualities. It also presents ways to develop culturally relevant gospel presentations and discipleship processes focused on transforming beliefs about God.
The document discusses the spiritual gift of healing mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. It provides context on spiritual gifts and debates around whether the gift of healing is still operative today. The document also discusses divine healing more broadly and provides biblical answers to questions about why God doesn't heal everyone, the role of faith in healing, and what the Bible says about healing. Key points made include that the gift of healing in the Bible was given primarily to apostles to affirm their message, God's healing isn't always physical, and ultimate healing awaits in heaven.
This document discusses the importance of compassion and self-care for nurses. It begins by defining compassion as having concern for others while also looking inward. The document notes that nurses must take care of themselves in order to have the strength and courage to show compassion towards patients. It then describes some negative effects of poor self-care like burnout, fatigue, and violence in the workplace. The document provides ways for nurses to renew themselves, such as developing a self-care plan, taking breaks, and meditating. It emphasizes that self-care is critical for nurses to act as role models and create a caring environment for others.
Find out how much you know about todays caregivers by testing your caregiver IQ in this webinar session. Your caregiver IQ will highlight your overall understanding of who caregivers are, their similarities and differences, challenges and joys they experience and ways you can support them. This interactive session will provide a Q&A style format with participants and will dive further into the necessary content using the questions asked in understanding this unique audience.
Exploring Prosperity Gospel is a theological study of prosperity gospel. Although prosperity gospel is relatively new on the religious landscape, its worldwide media presence has enabled the dissemination of its message to people of all ages, ethnicities, races, and religious and denominational affiliations. The book traces its history to understand how prosperity preaching evolved and learn about the people responsible for its existence.
In chapter 9, You Are the Righteousness of God, we will test the Word of Faith teaching that asserts that believers have been declared righteous in Gods sight and therefore have at work in them the same unlimited ability and wisdom of God as Christ had. I contrast Word of Faith theology of the righteousness of God and the favor of God of prosperity preachers with that of Swiss reformer John Calvin. In Sifting the Wheat from the Chaff, I dissuade readers from conceiving of God as their personal valet.
The biblical account of the fall of Adam can be summarized as follows:
1) God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, commanding them not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Disobedience would result in death.
2) Satan in the form of a serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. She and Adam disobeyed God.
3) As a result of their sin, Adam and Eve's fellowship with God was broken. They became ashamed and afraid, and were expelled from the garden. God cursed the serpent and pronounced judgment on mankind.
The document provides information on spirituality for family life ministers. It defines spirituality as a conscious relationship with God through practices that foster Christian discipleship. It emphasizes that spirituality involves being in community and realizing one's identity as a beloved child of God through baptism. It also discusses developing a personal rule of life through contemplative practices and devotions to guide one's spiritual growth in a balanced way. The document provides resources for family life ministers to cultivate their spirituality.
This document is a newsletter from the Well Fortified Intercessors Army (WFIA) dated October 20, 2010. It includes a daily message on grace, mercy and peace. It provides prayer requests for over 50 individuals with critical health needs. It also includes a prayer matrix listing individuals and regions to pray for each day that week. The document encourages readers to pray for these needs and the mission of WFIA and Living God Group.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. These are the first few of the eight beatitudes that Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount, which provide guidance on righteousness and blessings for those who follow God's ways rather than worldly understandings. The commentary analyzes each beatitude, explaining their meaning and how adhering to humility, repentance, and other godly virtues leads to comfort and rewards both on earth and in heaven.
This document discusses healing in the biblical context. It begins by summarizing the story in Exodus where after being delivered from Egypt, the Israelites found bitter water in the wilderness and Moses healed it by throwing a log in it. God then revealed himself as Yahweh-Rophe, the Lord who heals. The document then discusses different aspects of healing in the Old and New Testaments. It focuses on healing meaning wholeness in body, mind and spirit. It provides suggestions for how to receive inner healing such as through faith, resting in God, holiness, forgiveness and giving. An example is given of John D. Rockefeller finding healing through changing his purpose to serving others.
This document summarizes the 12 powers of man as described by Charles Fillmore. The 12 powers - faith, strength, wisdom, love, power, imagination, understanding, will, order, zeal, renunciation, and life - are 12 expressions of the one Power, or Christ consciousness, within each person. Charles Fillmore saw the 12 disciples as representing each of the 12 powers. The powers are qualities of a fully awakened human being and balancing them leads to inner peace and harmony.
The growth of the Spirit Self toward Perfection
progresses through the Three orderly stages
ordained by the Divine Principle of Creation.
A spirit in the Formation stage of life is called a油Form Spirit;
in the Growth stage, a油Life Spirit;
and in the Completion stage, a油Divine Spirit.
/Divine Principle 1996
This document discusses identity, particularly identity in Christ. It begins by listing various aspects of the author's identity such as their nationality, religion, and name. It then defines identity and different forms of identification like fingerprints. The rest of the document explores finding one's identity in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It lists aspects of a Christian identity such as being royalty, free from sin, and equipped. It emphasizes the importance of not conforming to the world and renewing one's mind by focusing on godly values. Finally, it discusses why having a godly identity centered in Christ is important for focus, strength, purpose and more.
An overview of The Twelve Steps and The Twelve Powers with a view to their appropriate invocation and use in daily living. Copyright 息 (except where otherwise noted) Ellis-Jones Enterprises Pty Limited 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Christian spirituality in the city. What is it about? What are the parameters? A videod presentation may be found at .
The document discusses faith-based approaches to health and wellness. It introduces the Congregational Health ReSource (CHR) organization, which aims to serve as a bridge between the health care and faith communities by advancing biblical perspectives on health, increasing awareness of prevention and treatment options, and providing a clearinghouse of health information resources. CHR's goal is to connect these communities so that together they can promote healing. The document then covers various aspects of health as they relate to the body, soul, spirit, and faith from biblical perspectives.
The document discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in sanctification. It makes three key points:
1. The Holy Spirit works to sanctify or make believers holy by dwelling within them. His attribute of holiness allows Him to transform believers and make them distinct from the world.
2. Sanctification is both a position believers have through the Spirit's work, and an ongoing process of being conformed to Christ. It begins at salvation and continues throughout life.
3. Proper sanctification does not deify believers but makes them holy as God is holy yet still fully human. The indwelling Spirit transforms their characters but does not lose their identity.
Amar, Akbar, Anthony_Understanding Religious WorlviewsMariyosh Joseph
This session was conducted at the PROFIT conference in Bangalore on the 5th Nov 2011. If you are a Christian professional, then PROFIT is for you. To know more about PROFIT visit or write to PROFIT or PROfessionals Fellowship of International Talents is a mission initiative of GEMS - Gospel Echoing Missionary Society, for professionals. PROFIT is a network of Christians who intentionally and actively use their professional identity to do-the-ACT of passing THE TRUTH in the workplace.
This paper reflects on the author's nursing philosophy from a Christian perspective. She believes that all people are made in God's image and should be treated with dignity. Regarding health and illness, she sees the body as a complex, balanced system and nursing as treating the whole person - mind, body and spirit. While death is inevitable, she believes it is a transition, not an end. Her philosophy of nursing is to serve patients as Christ served, with compassion. She provides an example of caring for a terminally ill church member that exemplified holistically ministering to his spiritual and physical needs.
This is a study of Jesus being the only name by witch we can be saved. It is the narrow way and the only way. All other ways will end in failure. He alone can save, and no other can.
The Elijah Challenge End-Time Model of EvangelismAlbert Kang
The Elijah Challenge End-Time Model of Evangelism is a basic primer for all Christians who want to learn how to evangelize by applying the power and authority of the Lord in healing the infirm. It shows the readers the scriptural basis for this type of Power Evangelism and how the modern Church should be applying this to fulfill the Great Commission.
The document discusses having faith during difficult times based on the biblical story of Jesus calming the storm. It notes that storms can come unexpectedly in life, like problems rising up suddenly. The disciples were afraid during the storm in the story, but Jesus remained calm and asleep, depicting how Christians should react to problems - making efforts to solve them but also praying and having faith that God is in control. Having faith means being sure of what we hope for even if we can't see it and knowing that no storm is too strong for God to handle. The document encourages having faith like Jesus during life's storms rather than giving in to fear.
The document discusses spiritual struggles and folk religions, providing examples of cultural levels of spiritual power in the Philippines and how to create a map of indigenous spiritualities. It also presents ways to develop culturally relevant gospel presentations and discipleship processes focused on transforming beliefs about God.
The document discusses the spiritual gift of healing mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. It provides context on spiritual gifts and debates around whether the gift of healing is still operative today. The document also discusses divine healing more broadly and provides biblical answers to questions about why God doesn't heal everyone, the role of faith in healing, and what the Bible says about healing. Key points made include that the gift of healing in the Bible was given primarily to apostles to affirm their message, God's healing isn't always physical, and ultimate healing awaits in heaven.
This document discusses the importance of compassion and self-care for nurses. It begins by defining compassion as having concern for others while also looking inward. The document notes that nurses must take care of themselves in order to have the strength and courage to show compassion towards patients. It then describes some negative effects of poor self-care like burnout, fatigue, and violence in the workplace. The document provides ways for nurses to renew themselves, such as developing a self-care plan, taking breaks, and meditating. It emphasizes that self-care is critical for nurses to act as role models and create a caring environment for others.
Find out how much you know about todays caregivers by testing your caregiver IQ in this webinar session. Your caregiver IQ will highlight your overall understanding of who caregivers are, their similarities and differences, challenges and joys they experience and ways you can support them. This interactive session will provide a Q&A style format with participants and will dive further into the necessary content using the questions asked in understanding this unique audience.
This document provides guidance on self-care for crisis workers responding to the Ebola outbreak in Liberia. It discusses the risks of stress, burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma for these workers. It emphasizes that self-care is essential to preventing these conditions, maintaining effectiveness on the job, and promoting long-term successful crisis response outcomes. The document defines self-care as including self-awareness, self-regulation and balancing social connections. It provides tips for crisis workers' self-care including managing workloads, learning to delegate, transitioning from work, saying no, assessing trauma exposure, learning about compassion fatigue, forming peer support groups, and exercising.
Securing links can be tough, and it's not about how creative or productive or smart we are, but how persuasive we are. Kirsty will walk you through how to get clients and managers to say yes to your best ideas, how to get interesting, affordable data, how to get experts to collaborate with you, and how to create outreach emails that compel people to cover your campaign.
The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.
BC&D-1: What is the definition of Biblical Counseling John Barnett
What is the definition of Biblical Counseling (Romans 15:4-6, 13-14)?
4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. 5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, 6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
teaching (didasko) part of our great commission task to be teaching all true disciples of Christ (Mt. 28:20).
patience (hupomeno) this word means stays in place, abides; God is described as being faithful and unchangingly staying in place. This also describes the Word (I Pet. 1:23) and in I Cor. 13:13 faith, hope, and love. This is also the great word of Psalm 27:14; Isaiah 40:31.
comfort (paraklesis): means comfort that comes through God's Word that is based upon the faithful God we can and do trust. God is the God of patience and comfort, and He alone through His Word can comfort the downcast (II Cor. 7:6).
13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 14 Now I myself am confident concerning you, my brethren, that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.
The God of hope is the source of hope we offer as Disciple-making/Counselors (v. 13a);
His Holy Spirit energizes this hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (v. 13b);
All Counseling/Disciple-makers need to be full of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22);
Only by the Spirit are we able (v. 14a) this word (dunamai) means power or ability, it is passive, so that means made able by another, or enabled;
All believers have been left with the job description (I Th. 5:14) to be Biblical Counselors admonish one another (noutheteo). This word means impart understanding, set right, or lay upon the heart. Paul said this is what his ministry was 24/7 (Acts 20:31).
The document discusses wholistic massage and the author's journey developing this approach. Some key points:
1) The author was inspired at a church service to use their gifts as a massage therapist to serve others. They developed an approach called "Wholistic Massage" which sees the body, emotions, mind, and spirit as interconnected and uses massage to facilitate integration and healing in these areas.
2) Wholistic Massage aims to expand awareness, change response patterns, provide new choices, and induce positive life changes. It creates a supportive environment for the client's journey toward true healing.
3) Over years of practice, the author found Wholistic Massage generally increased awareness and changed response
This document introduces the concept of OYIS, which stands for "One Year In Spirit". OYIS is a bible-based therapy approach that aims to strengthen the soul through establishing a strategic plan and vision, in order to help believers successfully pursue their divine purpose. It involves four key disciplines - fruitful commitments, spiritual alignment, conscious rejuvenation, and mental transformations. The goal is to rebuild the soul and promote prosperity in the spiritual, physical, and material realms.
This document provides notes for a minister on an integral and holistic approach to ministry, healing, and deliverance. Some key points:
1. An integral approach sees the gospel, human beings, the church's mission, and ministry as addressing all aspects of life - physical, emotional, spiritual, social, etc. The needs of the people should guide the types of ministry provided.
2. In terms of healing, a Christian definition sees it as restoring total harmony in body, mind and spirit. The church should fulfill its healing ministry through compassion. There are six dimensions of healing, including physical, spiritual, inner, mental, psycho-social, and social healing.
3. The medical model reduces health
Spiritual health and community well being anjali gupta
WHO defined Health is state of compelete physical, mental,social and spiritual well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. means holistic health is something out of bio-social model. its all about spiritual dimension keeps beople wise, energetic, positive, hopeful and happy. Raj Yoga meditation is a tool where you can learn and get experience in life which never had experience in life this is what Dr Anjli Gupta experienced in her life and sharing you all with her experience
Welcome to the sacred realm of the Health and Wellness Ministrya haven of healing deeply rooted in the belief that God's boundless love and omnipotent power can bring about transformation in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. This ministry is not just an extension of our Christian faith; it is a living testament to the compassion and miracles embodied in the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. Today, as we navigate a world marred by brokenness, anxiety, and trauma, the Health and Wellness Ministry stands as a beacon of hope, offering solace, support, and restoration to those grappling with ailments, be they physical, emotional, or spiritual.
This document discusses spiritual assessment in palliative care according to clinical guidelines. It begins by noting that while spirituality cannot be measured, it must still be assessed according to standards. The document then outlines the preferred practice of developing a plan based on a structured spiritual assessment and integrating it into the overall palliative care plan. It provides details on screening for spiritual distress, using a proven assessment instrument called FICA, and documenting the assessment. The assessment addresses faith, importance of spirituality, community, and plans for spiritual care. The assessment is then integrated into the holistic palliative care plan developed by an interdisciplinary team.
The document discusses Christian faith as a way of life that involves both personal and social transformation. It argues that spiritual formation involves intentional practices that develop disciples who then act as apostles working to transform the world. The church's purpose is not just membership in an institution but to join God in bringing about the kingdom of God through healing the world on all levels of society.
Brian McLaren Christian Faith as a Way of Lifejodimclaren
The document discusses Christian faith as a way of life that involves both personal and social transformation. It argues that spiritual formation involves intentional practices that develop disciples who then act as apostles working to transform the world. The church's purpose is not just membership in an institution but to join God in bringing about the kingdom of God through healing the world on all levels of society.
The document discusses Christian faith as a way of life that involves both personal and social transformation. It argues that spiritual formation involves intentional practices that develop disciples who then act as apostles working to transform the world. The purpose of personal formation is social transformation, and social transformation requires personal transformation, as communities work with God to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth.
The document outlines an evangelism workshop with the following goals: ensuring participants understand evangelism and the gospel; know how to clearly explain the gospel and engage people in a respectful manner; and know how to use available means and respond to objections. It covers contextualizing evangelism biblically by defining key terms; examining biblical teachings and motivations for evangelism; understanding the roles of God, man, and the Holy Spirit in salvation; and focusing on diplomatically defending and promoting the gospel. The workshop aims to equip Christians to confidently yet graciously share the essential facts of the gospel.
Mental health and spirituality are deeply intertwined and impact each other. The document discusses how common mental health challenges like anxiety and depression can negatively influence spiritual well-being, but spiritual practices like prayer, meditation, and community support can help cope with mental health issues. It also suggests ways for Christian communities to promote both mental health and spirituality, such as creating a supportive culture, offering counseling resources, and incorporating spiritual practices into church activities.
The purpose of spiritual discipleship is to help believers understand what God is doing in their lives in order to accelerate their spiritual transformation from independence from God to dependence on Him. Effective discipleship involves prayerfully seeking those who are spiritually hungry and teachable, meeting regularly over several months to examine scripture, share struggles, and provide accountability as both the disciple and mentor grow in their dependence on the Holy Spirit and ability to reproduce this process in others. The goal is for disciples to become mentors themselves through a balanced approach of individual and corporate spiritual training.
This document discusses the importance of mentoring and discipling new believers. It makes three key points:
1) Without mentoring, new believers will adopt the values of those around them, so it is important for them to be challenged and taught biblical values and convictions.
2) Most new believers are impacted more by what they see from other believers than what they hear them say. Seeing biblical spirituality modeled is important for their growth.
3) Spiritual parenting through mentoring and modeling helps new believers transition from self-dependence to dependence on God and the Holy Spirit. The goal of discipleship is spiritual maturity and fruitfulness that leads to reproducing disciples of their own.
WCF Chapters 12-13 - Adoption and Sanctificationsandiferb
This document provides an overview of chapters 12 and 13 of the Westminster Confession of Faith regarding the doctrines of adoption and sanctification.
The chapter on adoption emphasizes that it is an act that makes believers children of God through Jesus Christ. It legally seals believers as members of God's family and gives them benefits like God's protection as sons.
The chapter on sanctification describes it as the work of God through Christ by the Spirit to transform believers and make them holy. It is an ongoing process that touches all parts of a believer but remains imperfect in this life. Believers grow in holiness through relying on Christ and the power of the Spirit amidst a continual struggle against sin.
Experience a transformative journey towards spiritual rebirth and regeneration with our guide to being born again. Discover the powerful process of letting go of the old sinful nature and embracing the new to awaken your true divine potential. Embrace a fresh start in Jesus Christ today and embark on a path of spiritual enlightenment, and personal relationship with God like never before. It's time to start afresh and be reborn into a life filled with newfound purpose and joy in Jesus Christ.
Stewardship is about what we do with what we have once we say we believe. It is that part of our lives where we decide if we're really going to Walk the Walk as much as we Talk the Talk!
際際滷s for Week 1 of Healing the Heart and Freedom from Addictions Class. World Changers Equipping School. Offered by Blazing Fire Church.
This document discusses strategies for effective adult faith formation programming in parishes. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs, concerns, and life stages of different age groups in the congregation. The document recommends assessing implicit and explicit faith needs rather than just interests, and providing a variety of programming options tailored to different generations to nourish a lively faith through word, sacrament and community. The goal is to form disciples who witness to their faith in daily life.
1. Miraculous Recovery!
Finding Healing Where it Hurts
A Quality of Life Division of Avivyah Ministries Incorporated
Miraculous Recovery: Finding Healing Where it Hurts is an Avivyah Outreach Ministry created by Avril LMour Weathers, PhD 息
2007. The materials herein are not to be reproduced without prior written consent. Celebrate Recovery! 速 is a Purpose Driven
Ministry created by Pastors Cheryl and John Baker adapted for use with full training and certification.
Attend to my words: incline thine ear into my sayings.
Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
They are life to those who find them; and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22
2ServeU Foundational Scripture
"We have proved thousands of times, and are continuing to prove, that by the simple presentation of
enough of the written Word of God to the minds and hearts of the (seemingly) incurably afflicted, they
can be brought to the same state of certainty and assurance concerning the healing of their body as to
the healing of their soul." F. F. Bosworth, 1924
Recovery is the return of Mind, Body and Spirit to its state of intended
existence, returning natural balance and alignment to all systems and restoring
optimal states of function to the joy of living!
Before people can have steadfast faith in the recovery of mind, body and spirit,
they must be rid of all uncertainty concerning the will of God in the matter of
healing. Faith cannot be expected go beyond ones understanding of the
revealed will of God. Before attempting to exercise faith for healing, one needs
to be clear about what the Scriptures plainly teach, that it is just as much Gods
will to heal mind & body as it is to heal the soul, through a resurrected Spirit.
The purpose of the Miraculous Recovery! Series is to fellowship in celebration
of God's healing power in our lives. This experience allows us to "be changed.
As we learn the sacred principles embodied by Scripture and apply the tools
that flow from them, we to grow in Spirit. Health, a derivative of the Greek
meaning for wholeness or Holiness, flows from top down, and inside out.
Spiritual healing moves through the sacred Mind and manifests in the Body
Temple; through the liberty of redemption we become free from the addictive,
compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors from dis-eased states of mind that lead
to diseased bodies.
This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger
personal relationship with God and others as it clears the pathways to Divine
Health. As we progress through our healing process, we discover an ever
increasing, personal, compassionate and forgiving Higher Power in God, in this
case through the Healing Christ; and, we discover the power of total recovery in
the Divine Healing ascribed for all dis-ease.
2. I. Mission: Removing Barriers to God
We recognize there can be many barriers to the Peace of God. Avivyah
Ministries Inc. seeks to partner with church leaders to help remove as many
internal and external barriers as possible toward the enhancement of ones
personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, that the Peace of God
(Jehovah Shalom!) may be received through which true healing is achieved.
Avivyahs Miraculous Recovery! Program offers a series of three nine-week
sessions in the recovery of Mind, Body and Spirit. This series is placed in
Divine Order flowing from Spirit, into Mind, through the Body; and, includes:
Celebrate Recovery! Helping People Find Hope and Healing
Foundational Scripture:
Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5)understanding the nature of Spiritual character
Component Purpose:
To become acquainted with Gods road to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual
maturity expressed through the Principles of Beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount
(Matthew 5:1-11) also as working Scripture.
12 Steps to Release Revisited-- Were all overly-attached to Something or Someone
12 Obstacles to Peace -- Clearing Pathways to the Most High
Heart Wellness! The Quest for Sacred-Self in Christ
Foundational Scripture:
The Peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ (Philippians
4:7) leaving double mindedness for the unity of an abiding mind in Christ.
Component Purpose:
To become acquainted with protocol of releasing true biblical prosperity, the
abundance of Love He has already ordained for us in Peace and Joy through the
working Scriptures of Philippians 4:6-9.
Mind-Heart Cohesion --Getting to the Secret Place (Psalm 91:16)
12 Obstacles to Peace-- Clearing Pathways to the Most High
Healers Awakening! Seeking the Body Temple
Foundational Scripture:
You are also built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God (Ephesians 2:22).
learning to view the body as a sacred vessel through which He works His purposes
Component Purpose:
To become acquainted with the Body as a Temple unto God and perceiving ourselves
as Divine Hosts as expressed through a diversity of working Scriptures.
Seven Levels of Healing -- Laboring with God on the Road to Divine Health
12 Obstacles to Peace-- Clearing Pathways to the Most High
Contact Rev. Avril LMour Weathers, Ph.D. at 888-364-9024 or
Visit Avivyah Ministries Christian Center at http//
3. II. Objectives: Developing Insights into the Divine Nature of Healing
1. Being grounded in Sacred Principles: Insight into Gods Word
Faith for the release of Gods promised healing is the result of knowing and
acting on the Word. This ministry utilizes the spiritual principles of Scripture
that serve as instruments, and introduce tools, for the enhancement of ones
personal alignment with God in Jesus Christ the living Word as Source of all
healing (Jehovah Rapha), and direct means to recovery from all things.
2. Finding Healing Where it Hurts: Insight into Gods Deliverance
We have a new understanding of how to deal with past hurts, one that
acknowledges the damage to the human spirit while charting a path toward
the abundant life God promisesiv. This ministry focuses on the issues that
underlie the anger, pain, and disappointments that lead to addictive
emotional, psychological and physical, fallen-world states of being, offered in
spiritual environments of sacred confidence, serving as a means to healing
individual hurts.
3. Emphasizing Personal Responsibility: Insight into Gods Discipline
We are saved, healed, delivered, protected, preserved and made whole in
the Oneness of God. This ministry emphasizes the empowerment of
personal engagement in, and responsibility for, ones own healing process,
viewing professionals as facilitators of a process owned by the individual as
a means to personal development through the discipline of ordered steps to
wholeness in God.
4. Emphasizing Spiritual Commitment to Christ: Insight into New Life in Christ
We confess Him, crucified, dead, buried, risen day three unto glory,
inasmuch; we are healed by His stripes. This ministry emphasizes the
healing power of Christ and the ways to tap into It as a spiritual commitment
to awaken the healer within; understanding the relationship between
renewed health and renewed life in Christ.
5. Understanding we need each other in order to grow Spiritually and
Emotionally: Insight about Giving and Receiving Comfort
As Children of God (COGs in the Great Divine), we are called upon to share
each others burdens. This ministry embodies the power of group dynamics
and peer support to embrace each others challenges; sharing experience
and finding approaches to recovery from all things that support each
individual as they determine fit through social interaction.
6. Addressing all types of Habits, Hurts, Hang-ups and other forms of worldly
Dis-ease/Disease: Insight concerning Obstacles to Wholeness/Holiness
We all live in a fallen world, are damaged, and need to be healed as we grow
in our relationships with God and othersv. This ministry encompasses and
confronts every obstacle to Peace as a means to break these cycles with the
assumption that there is but one obstacle with many forms: Identification with
the World vs. Identification with the Christ.
Contact Rev. Avril LMour Weathers, Ph.D. at 888-364-9024 or
Visit Avivyah Ministries Christian Center at http//
4. 7. Developing Support Networks in Fellowship: Insight into the Power of
Christian Community
It was Pauls concern that hearts may be braced (comforted cheered and
encouraged) as they are knit together in Love. This ministry strives for the
creation of a safe space for people who want to heal without judgment and
condemnation, recovering without guilt, and growing in the Love of God as it
is manifested in the oneness of a participation seeking to develop a network
of peer support that nurtures members and future leaders in the Body of
John Gray. How to get what you want and want what you have. PBS Video Recording, 2000.
David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD. The Instinct to Heal. Paris, France: Editions Robert Laffont, 2004.
Jeremy Geffen, MD. The Seven Levels of Healing. Simon & Shuster Audio Press, 2001.
Dan B. Allender, PhD. The Healing Path. Waterbook Press: Colorado Springs, 1999.
Contact Rev. Avril LMour Weathers, Ph.D. at 888-364-9024 or
Visit Avivyah Ministries Christian Center at http//