Predavanje sa JavaCro14 koje na primjeru CROZ-ovog proizvoda LikeMyIdea pokazuje automatizaciju release-a i instalacije. Korišteni alati i jezici: Maven, Groovy, Ant,
Jython, Shell (Batch).
JavaCro'14 - MEAN Stack – How & When – Nenad PećanacHUJAK - Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika / Croatian Java User AssociationDescription and analysis of MEAN stack and underlying technologies (Mongo DB, Express, Angular and Node JS). Review of development tools & techniques. Performance, best practices. Common usage scenarios, pros and cons. How to use it, when to use it, when not to use it.
Javantura Zagreb 2014 - Vert.x 1.3 - Mihovil RisterHUJAK - Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika / Croatian Java User AssociationKonferencija Javantura Zagreb 2014 by HUJAK
Vert.x – asinkroni, skalabilni i poliglotni framework nove generacije by Mihovil Rister
Vert.x ( je relativno novi, asinkroni, poliglotni framework uvjetovan događajima te baziran na JVM-u, a svojevremeno jedan od najpraćenijih projekata na GitHubu. Također, bio je i razlog ozbiljnih napetosti između Red Hata i VMwarea, koje su umalo zaustavile projekt. Cilj ovog predavanja je predstaviti Vert.x svijet, pokazati osnove, te ponuditi najbolja iskustva, prakse i preporuke pri njegovoj uporabi.
Javantura Zagreb 2014 - Alfresco-Neo4j integracija - Damir MuratHUJAK - Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika / Croatian Java User AssociationKonferencija Javantura Zagreb 2014 by HUJAK
Alfresco – Neo4j integracija – nova vrsta CMS aplikacija by Damir Murat
Graph baze imaju mnoge primjene, a jedna od njih je obogaćivanje i novi način pretraživanja i korištenja postojećih podataka. Ako prateći tu ideju povežemo CMS sustav Alfresco ( i graph bazu podataka Neo4j (, otvara se mogućnost kreiranja nove vrste CMS aplikacija. Dodamo li u mješavinu još i tehnologije kao što su Ext JS, D3.js i Grails, rezultat može biti vrlo atraktivan za krajnjeg korisnika.
Javantura Zagreb 2014 - Java na klijenstskoj strani - Ivan VučakHUJAK - Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika / Croatian Java User AssociationKonferencija Javantura Zagreb 2014 by HUJAK
Java na klijentskoj strani – ima li budućnosti? by Ivan Vučak
U proteklih nekoliko godina Java se pozicionirala kao tehnologija izrade serverskih komponenti, ali kao da se zaboravlja da se Java koristila iza izradu Rich Internet aplikacija (RIA). Da li je Java konkurentna na području RIA te koliku ulogu u tome imaju razni sigurnosni standardi? Kako održavati postojeće RIA sustave uz općenito nepovjerenje ostalih sustava prema Java klijentskim aplikacijama? U ovom predavanju bavit ćemo se usporedbom Jave s ostalim tehnologijama te pokazati zašto strepimo kod svakog Java update-a.
Tf training for working with partners pageedvainkerThe document outlines the goals, training structure, and requirements for participants in the Teach First program over their first two years. In year 1, participants aim to achieve "very good" ratings on Qualified Teacher Status assessments. They receive training through a summer institute, weekly meetings, and support from mentors. Ongoing training includes subject-specific sessions, classroom observations, and online resources. Participants must complete tasks like a teaching file and journal to track their progress.
Produced Water Issues with Shale Gas ProductionDan ArthurThis document discusses water management issues related to shale gas production. It outlines the various phases of water management including withdrawal, transport, storage, drilling, fracturing, treatment, reuse/recycling, and disposal. Large volumes of water are used in hydraulic fracturing, with most water being reused or disposed of through underground injection wells. Produced water from gas wells varies in quality and total dissolved solids, posing challenges for treatment and reuse. The document reviews water usage and management approaches in major shale gas basins and notes that regulatory considerations are still evolving.
Major arpan chowdhury coo pm_omTelenorMajor Arpan Chowdhury is seeking an executive management position with over 9 years of experience in the Indian Army as an Infantryman and Company Commander. He has expertise in operations, projects, logistics, HR, administration, security, and training in challenging environments. He is pursuing a certificate in business management from MDI Gurgaon. He is a goal-driven leader with strong organizational, problem-solving, and relationship building skills. He has experience planning and executing missions, managing resources, conducting training programs, and providing security oversight.
Javantura 2014 - Java 8 JavaScript NashornMiroslav ResetarThis document discusses Java 8's Nashorn JavaScript engine. It provides an overview of Nashorn, comparing it to previous JavaScript engines like Rhino. Nashorn is a new implementation of JavaScript for the JVM that is compiled rather than interpreted, resulting in much better performance and smaller memory footprint compared to Rhino. The document also discusses how Nashorn enables JavaScript to be used with Java technologies and provides some examples of Nashorn usage.
Oklahoma Water Survey PresentationDan ArthurThis presentation provides some general information relating to water management in unconventional resource plays.
The Marcellus Shale: Environmental Issues for LandownersDan ArthurThe document discusses the development of the Marcellus Shale for natural gas production in Pennsylvania and the associated environmental issues for landowners. It notes that advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have made shale gas production economically viable. While development provides benefits, it also carries environmental impacts that can be mitigated through best practices. The document advises land trusts to educate themselves on the issues so they can make informed decisions about leasing land and negotiate protections to influence responsible development.
MicroformatsSrini RajaramThis document discusses how microformats, which embed semantic tags in HTML, can be used to build APIs. It describes how microformats can be organized into a schema using URLs to represent resources and applying HTTP verbs like GET and POST. This allows microformats data, which may be spread across multiple pages, to be programmatically accessed like a RESTful API while keeping things simple. By "planting seeds" through microformats, more can be built later without over-engineering initial implementations.
I phone apps for real estateJim ReppondThe document discusses how the iPhone can benefit real estate agents by allowing them to perform various tasks remotely, share property and area information instantly with clients, and demonstrate technology skills. It provides a list of recommended apps in different categories like MLS, documents, scanning, photos/video, and social media that real estate agents can use on their iPhone.
Vert.x - Mihovil Rister, JavanturaFiveVert.x ( je relativno novi, asinkroni, poliglotni framework uvjetovan događajima te baziran na JVM-u, a svojevremeno jedan od najpraćenijih projekata na GitHubu. Također, bio je i razlog ozbiljnih napetosti između Red Hata i VMwarea, koje su umalo zaustavile projekt. Cilj ovog predavanja je predstaviti Vert.x svijet, pokazati osnove, te ponuditi najbolja iskustva, prakse i preporuke pri njegovoj uporabi.
Javantura, Zagreb, 2014.
Zašto nam treba PaaS u Srcu?Denis KranjčecU Srcu razvijamo, održavamo i dajemo podršku za veliki broj sustava, gdje se svaki sastoji od niza servisa i aplikacija, broj aktivnih korisnika ide i preko 150.000 (uglavnom iz akademske zajednice), a ti sustavi rade na raznim platformama (Java, .Net, PHP, ...). Potrebe i želje korisnika za doradama, nadogradnjama i proširenjima sustava konstantno rastu kako rastu i sami sustavi. Kako bi i dalje uspješno pratili potrebe korisnika smatramo da nam treba Platform as a service (PaaS) kao temelj za daljnji razvoj i održavanje naših sustava. U prezentaciji je prezentirano u kojim segmentima rada nam PaaS može pomoći.
MSNetwork 4 - Enterprise funkcionalnosti u malim tvrtkama sa Office 365Tomislav LulicHow Windows Server 2012 R2 Essential and Office 365 give small companies enterprise functionality.
Panel diskusija - usporedba Web frameworka (IT Showoff)IT ShowoffKod izrade web projekta postoje razne mogućnosti odabira frameworka na kojem će se projekt bazirati. Mi smo odlučili izdvojili pet glavnih frameworka te oko njih izgraditi kvalitetnu panel diskusiju.
Vjerujemo da većina developera koji će sudjelovati na IT Showoff konferenciji su barem u jednom trenutku svoje karijere radili web site ili web aplikaciju na nekom od odabranih frameworka. Isto tako, vjerojatnost da su koristili, i temeljito isprobali sve njih, je vrlo mala. Zato nam je cilj putem kompetentnih stručnjaka pokušati publici prenijeti iskustva vezana za pojedine tehnologije, njihova osnovna svojstva, prednosti i mane.
Panelisti su svi od reda pravi majstori svog zanata, te će usporedno proći važna svojstva svakog frameworka i usporediti ga s drugima.
JavaCro'14 - Is there a single “correct” web architecture for business apps –...HUJAK - Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika / Croatian Java User AssociationOften, there is a difference of opinion between IT specialists who make business apps with databases in client-server architecture and those who skipped the client-server architecture altogether and began working on web applications. The former usually (but not always) tend to write their code in the database, while the latter consider the database a “black box”, which often serves only as a data container, while the business logic resides in the application server. There are a lot of other questions. The author thinks that specific needs require consideration. It is important to learn and think, and avoid being narrow-minded and accept a single “truth”. These questions will be considered through the Oracle ADF framework.
Why Firebird - Fact for decision makers, in BosnianMind The FirebirdWhy Firebird? - Fact for decision makers, in Bosnian, part of Firebird 2.5 Launch Campaign (MindTheBird!)
WinDays 13 - Internet Explorer 10 - san koji je postao javaMatija ŠmalceljNovi Internet Explorer 10 koji dolazi sa Windows 8 i Windows phone 8 predstavlja uistinu veliki korak naprijed u svakom pogledu. Osim značajnog povećanja performansi i sigurnosti, ono što zaista oduševljava je konačno potpuna podrška za zaslone osjetljive na dodir i implementacija svih naprednijih CSS3 funkcionalnosti. Mogućnosti novog preglednika se naslućuju i u tome što je jedan od načina izrade nativnih aplikacija za Windows 8 i pomoću HTML5, CSS3 i JavaScripta. Prvi, kraći dio predavanja sadržavati će pregled novosti bitnih za programere dok će ostatak predavanja biti posvećen problemu iz stvarnog života. Pokazat će se kako postojeću web aplikaciju optimiranu za WebKit preglednike jednostavno prilagoditi web standardima kako bi bila potpuno funkcionalna i na Internet Exploreru 10. Time se ostvaruje i dobra polazišna točka za njeno daljnje pakiranje u Windows 8 aplikaciju i objavu u Windows Storeu ukoliko se pokaže potreba.
Tf training for working with partners pageedvainkerThe document outlines the goals, training structure, and requirements for participants in the Teach First program over their first two years. In year 1, participants aim to achieve "very good" ratings on Qualified Teacher Status assessments. They receive training through a summer institute, weekly meetings, and support from mentors. Ongoing training includes subject-specific sessions, classroom observations, and online resources. Participants must complete tasks like a teaching file and journal to track their progress.
Produced Water Issues with Shale Gas ProductionDan ArthurThis document discusses water management issues related to shale gas production. It outlines the various phases of water management including withdrawal, transport, storage, drilling, fracturing, treatment, reuse/recycling, and disposal. Large volumes of water are used in hydraulic fracturing, with most water being reused or disposed of through underground injection wells. Produced water from gas wells varies in quality and total dissolved solids, posing challenges for treatment and reuse. The document reviews water usage and management approaches in major shale gas basins and notes that regulatory considerations are still evolving.
Major arpan chowdhury coo pm_omTelenorMajor Arpan Chowdhury is seeking an executive management position with over 9 years of experience in the Indian Army as an Infantryman and Company Commander. He has expertise in operations, projects, logistics, HR, administration, security, and training in challenging environments. He is pursuing a certificate in business management from MDI Gurgaon. He is a goal-driven leader with strong organizational, problem-solving, and relationship building skills. He has experience planning and executing missions, managing resources, conducting training programs, and providing security oversight.
Javantura 2014 - Java 8 JavaScript NashornMiroslav ResetarThis document discusses Java 8's Nashorn JavaScript engine. It provides an overview of Nashorn, comparing it to previous JavaScript engines like Rhino. Nashorn is a new implementation of JavaScript for the JVM that is compiled rather than interpreted, resulting in much better performance and smaller memory footprint compared to Rhino. The document also discusses how Nashorn enables JavaScript to be used with Java technologies and provides some examples of Nashorn usage.
Oklahoma Water Survey PresentationDan ArthurThis presentation provides some general information relating to water management in unconventional resource plays.
The Marcellus Shale: Environmental Issues for LandownersDan ArthurThe document discusses the development of the Marcellus Shale for natural gas production in Pennsylvania and the associated environmental issues for landowners. It notes that advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have made shale gas production economically viable. While development provides benefits, it also carries environmental impacts that can be mitigated through best practices. The document advises land trusts to educate themselves on the issues so they can make informed decisions about leasing land and negotiate protections to influence responsible development.
MicroformatsSrini RajaramThis document discusses how microformats, which embed semantic tags in HTML, can be used to build APIs. It describes how microformats can be organized into a schema using URLs to represent resources and applying HTTP verbs like GET and POST. This allows microformats data, which may be spread across multiple pages, to be programmatically accessed like a RESTful API while keeping things simple. By "planting seeds" through microformats, more can be built later without over-engineering initial implementations.
I phone apps for real estateJim ReppondThe document discusses how the iPhone can benefit real estate agents by allowing them to perform various tasks remotely, share property and area information instantly with clients, and demonstrate technology skills. It provides a list of recommended apps in different categories like MLS, documents, scanning, photos/video, and social media that real estate agents can use on their iPhone.
Vert.x - Mihovil Rister, JavanturaFiveVert.x ( je relativno novi, asinkroni, poliglotni framework uvjetovan događajima te baziran na JVM-u, a svojevremeno jedan od najpraćenijih projekata na GitHubu. Također, bio je i razlog ozbiljnih napetosti između Red Hata i VMwarea, koje su umalo zaustavile projekt. Cilj ovog predavanja je predstaviti Vert.x svijet, pokazati osnove, te ponuditi najbolja iskustva, prakse i preporuke pri njegovoj uporabi.
Javantura, Zagreb, 2014.
Zašto nam treba PaaS u Srcu?Denis KranjčecU Srcu razvijamo, održavamo i dajemo podršku za veliki broj sustava, gdje se svaki sastoji od niza servisa i aplikacija, broj aktivnih korisnika ide i preko 150.000 (uglavnom iz akademske zajednice), a ti sustavi rade na raznim platformama (Java, .Net, PHP, ...). Potrebe i želje korisnika za doradama, nadogradnjama i proširenjima sustava konstantno rastu kako rastu i sami sustavi. Kako bi i dalje uspješno pratili potrebe korisnika smatramo da nam treba Platform as a service (PaaS) kao temelj za daljnji razvoj i održavanje naših sustava. U prezentaciji je prezentirano u kojim segmentima rada nam PaaS može pomoći.
MSNetwork 4 - Enterprise funkcionalnosti u malim tvrtkama sa Office 365Tomislav LulicHow Windows Server 2012 R2 Essential and Office 365 give small companies enterprise functionality.
Panel diskusija - usporedba Web frameworka (IT Showoff)IT ShowoffKod izrade web projekta postoje razne mogućnosti odabira frameworka na kojem će se projekt bazirati. Mi smo odlučili izdvojili pet glavnih frameworka te oko njih izgraditi kvalitetnu panel diskusiju.
Vjerujemo da većina developera koji će sudjelovati na IT Showoff konferenciji su barem u jednom trenutku svoje karijere radili web site ili web aplikaciju na nekom od odabranih frameworka. Isto tako, vjerojatnost da su koristili, i temeljito isprobali sve njih, je vrlo mala. Zato nam je cilj putem kompetentnih stručnjaka pokušati publici prenijeti iskustva vezana za pojedine tehnologije, njihova osnovna svojstva, prednosti i mane.
Panelisti su svi od reda pravi majstori svog zanata, te će usporedno proći važna svojstva svakog frameworka i usporediti ga s drugima.
JavaCro'14 - Is there a single “correct” web architecture for business apps –...HUJAK - Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika / Croatian Java User AssociationOften, there is a difference of opinion between IT specialists who make business apps with databases in client-server architecture and those who skipped the client-server architecture altogether and began working on web applications. The former usually (but not always) tend to write their code in the database, while the latter consider the database a “black box”, which often serves only as a data container, while the business logic resides in the application server. There are a lot of other questions. The author thinks that specific needs require consideration. It is important to learn and think, and avoid being narrow-minded and accept a single “truth”. These questions will be considered through the Oracle ADF framework.
Why Firebird - Fact for decision makers, in BosnianMind The FirebirdWhy Firebird? - Fact for decision makers, in Bosnian, part of Firebird 2.5 Launch Campaign (MindTheBird!)
WinDays 13 - Internet Explorer 10 - san koji je postao javaMatija ŠmalceljNovi Internet Explorer 10 koji dolazi sa Windows 8 i Windows phone 8 predstavlja uistinu veliki korak naprijed u svakom pogledu. Osim značajnog povećanja performansi i sigurnosti, ono što zaista oduševljava je konačno potpuna podrška za zaslone osjetljive na dodir i implementacija svih naprednijih CSS3 funkcionalnosti. Mogućnosti novog preglednika se naslućuju i u tome što je jedan od načina izrade nativnih aplikacija za Windows 8 i pomoću HTML5, CSS3 i JavaScripta. Prvi, kraći dio predavanja sadržavati će pregled novosti bitnih za programere dok će ostatak predavanja biti posvećen problemu iz stvarnog života. Pokazat će se kako postojeću web aplikaciju optimiranu za WebKit preglednike jednostavno prilagoditi web standardima kako bi bila potpuno funkcionalna i na Internet Exploreru 10. Time se ostvaruje i dobra polazišna točka za njeno daljnje pakiranje u Windows 8 aplikaciju i objavu u Windows Storeu ukoliko se pokaže potreba.
2. • LIKE MY IDEA is a social business solution that provides gathering
organizational ideas in just one place ... with lean thinking and visual
management, leading to continuous improvement process.
7. Maven Assembly Plugin
• „... build distribution "assemblies" easily, using one of the
convenient, prefabricated assembly descriptors”
8. Priprema servera za
instalaciju aplikacije
• Potrebno je kreirati resurse
• Shared library (lmi-eh)
• Work Manager
• JMS resurse (queue, JNDI)
• JDBC Datasource
• Promijeniti nekoliko config datoteka
• Konfiguriranje IBM Connectionsa se radi kroz XML datoteke
• check out
• modify
• check in
9. Instalacija aplikacije
• Kopiranje shared biblioteke lmi-eh
• Dodavanje iste kao shared u News aplikaciju
• Instalacija lmi-rest EAR aplikacije
• Update samo jedne datoteke u Blog aplikaciji
• blog template
10. Kako ubrzati instalaciju?
• Automatizacija
• Sve što je moguće napraviti programski, napraviti tako
• Lakše je kada aplikacijski server ima podršku za
• „The wsadmin tool runs scripts. You can use the wsadmin
tool to manage application servers as well as the
configuration, application deployment, and server runtime
• Ništa ne „uklesati u kamen”
• modularno i konfigurabilno
11. Priprema servera za
instalaciju aplikacije
• Potrebno je kreirati resurse
• Shared library (lmi-eh)
• Work Manager
• JMS resurse (queue, JNDI)
• JDBC Datasource
• Promijeniti nekoliko config datoteka
• Konfiguriranje IBM Connectionsa se radi kroz XML datoteke
• check out
• modify
• check in
12. Instalacija aplikacije
• Kopiranje shared biblioteke lmi-eh
• Dodavanje iste kao shared u News aplikaciju
• Instalacija lmi-rest EAR aplikacije
• Update samo jedne datoteke u Blog aplikaciji
• blog template
14. kontrolni program
• Zašto Groovy?
• Java je već instalirana na serveru
• Za rad dovoljan groovy-all.jar
• Out-of-the-box Commons CLI
• Samo jedna skripta za Linux/Win
• Na raspolaganju sve Java biblioteke
• Konfiguracija kroz property datoteku
• Dobra podrška za pokretanje sistemskih procesa
• groovy -e
"'ls'.execute().waitForProcessOutput(System.out, Sys
18. Prilagodbe Connectionsa
• Zadatak: kopirati resurse (customizations) u direktorij
• Opasnosti: resursi već mogu biti u istoj putanji
• Rješenje: Groovy AntBuilder
19. JAXB – Update XML
• Connections widgeti se registriraju ažuriranje XML
• Maven jaxb2-maven-plugin (xjc, .xsd -> .Java)
#3: LMI je socialaplikacija.. U centru LMI su ideje. Ideje se prikupljaju kako bi kompanije što bolje implementirali lean principe.Za mene lean je prvensteno nastojanje da se ukloni smeće (waste). To je moguće kroz poboljšanja kvalitete našeg proizvoda/poslovnjakonstantno učenjeuključivanja što većeg skupa ljudi u naš proces odlučivanja (crowdsourcing)Proces prikupljanja, pregledavanja, odlučivanja je podložan konstantnim promjenama kako bi s vremenom postao sve bolji.
#4: LMI je implementirana kao Java web aplikacija (lmi-rest) koja je integrirana sa IBM Connectionssocial platformom. IBM Connections platforma se također sastoji od više Java aplikacija. Sa nekima od njih se naša aplikacija integrira. Primjer integracijsu su:REST Atom integracija (Atom feed, XML)JMS integracija za live updates (posts, likes, memberchanges...) posebna java biblioteka lmi-eh sharedlibraryLMI user uvijek koristi Connections web sučelje. Ono je nadograđeno LMI widgetima, akcijama, badgevima (gamification).
#5: LMI razvijamo po Scrumframeworku. To znači da nakon 3 tjedna koliko nam traje sprint kreiramo novi release aplikacije. Release aplikacije se obično deploya na jedan (ili više) testnih okolina. Da bi potrošili što manje vremena na tu akciju potrebna nam je pomoć alata. Kod držimo na SVN-u. Željeno konačno stanje na svnu-u nakon release je da imamo tagiranu verziju u posebombranchu kako bi mogli raditi eventualne ispravke.Alat koji nam omogućuje da ove akcije napravimo na „jedan klik” je Jenkins. Jenkins ima definiran buildjob koji dohvaća kod sa SVN-a. Pošto koristimo Maven za release nam je prirodno koristiti MavenReleasePlugin.MavenReleaseplugin radi željeni release. Release se radi kroz sljedeće korake:Check that there are no uncommitted changes in the sourcesCheck that there are no SNAPSHOT dependenciesChange the version in the POMs from x-SNAPSHOT to a new version (you will be prompted for the versions to use)Transform the SCM information in the POM to include the final destination of the tagRun the project tests against the modified POMs to confirm everything is in working orderCommit the modified POMsTag the code in the SCM with a version name (this will be prompted for)Bump the version in the POMs to a new value y-SNAPSHOT (these values will also be prompted for)Commit the modified POMsNa kraju se releasani artefakt (EAR) publishira na Nexus interni repozitorij. Repozitorij se koristi za kasnije korake kada radimo instalacijski paket naše aplikacije.
#6: Release arhiva (EAR) nije dovoljno da bi mi napravili release (instalacijsku arhivu) LMI-a. To znači da osim EAR arhive u našu instalaciju moramo upakirati i sljedeće artefakte...
#7: Kako sam spomenuo trenutno releaseni EAR (i eventhandler biblioteka su na NexusMaven repozitoriju). Naš release projekt koristi Maven kako bi downloadao sve potrebne dependancy-e i pripremio za pakiranje u instalacijsku arhivu.
#8: Još jedan koristanMavenplugin koji nam uvelike pomaže u kreiranju instalacijske arhive je MavenAssemblyPlugin. Možda ste ga već i koristili tako da ste koristili jedan od već dostupnih assemblydescriptora:binjar-with-dependenciessrcprojectNpr. projectassemblydescriptor omogućava kreiranjezip arhive cijelog projekta (bez build direktorija). Mi smo napisali svoj deskriptor kako bi izgradili strukturu zip arhive prema našim zamislima.