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The Compensation Plan is EASY to Understand!! Starting Today....
Great News! You can earn thousand $  before you fully understand the compensation plan!
Make a lot of Money on your own effort. Make a fortune by  building a team! You
Enagic does not pay 8 levels!
Enagic does not pay 8 levels! Enagic pays 8 Points!
=  Leg or Referral Sale You must have  a Minimum of 1 Sale  to create a Leg You Sale
level 1 level 2 level 3 And so on... You
Legs 1A 2A 3A 4A #A  Maximum Points Paid for sales in that leg 5A 6A
Talk only about the  SD 501 Model Cover up to  position Todays Training 6A
UNDERSTAND  what you are ready to LEARN! KNOW that you will LEARN MORE as you EARN MORE!!! Today!
SD 501 Commission Breakdown:  (US Dollars) (D1)  Basic Commission =  $235 (SP)  Special Point  =  $50 Total Per Point Payout  =  $285
How  do you qualify to earn Special Point? Sale date:  SP till: 10/6/07  1/5/08 10/25/07  1/24/08  Make 1 direct sale every 90 days  Rolling 90 Days
Leg Max Pts. Max $ 1A 1 $285 2A 2 $570 3A 3 $855 4A 4 $1140 5A 5 $1425 6A 6 $1710
- 2 direct sales - Required foundation - Optional Legs - You may or may not have any and/or all of these legs. - You may or may not have more than 1 of any and/or all of these legs. Direct sale Required! Building to 6A 6A Details will be explained later. You 1A 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A
And now... It is time to understand the 8 points pay out!
Jim Sue Tom Jan Rule: Start from the  bottom and go  Upline  from there The person who made the  DIRECT  sale gets paid First! New Sale! You
The number of points you get paid will depend on: Which leg (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A or 6A) the sale takes place. How many points are available to pay out when its your turn to get paid. 1 2
Maximum Payout SD501 $2,280 within the 8 points 8 points $2,280 x $285 per point (includes the $50 SP) =
4A Example #1 New sale 1A Start with   8  pts -1 (Jan)  =  $285.00 7  pts are remaining -1 (Tom)  =  $285.00 6  pts are remaining -3 (Sue)  =  $855.00 3  pts are remaining -1 (Jim)  =  $285.00 2  pts are remaining -2 (You)  =  $570.00 0  points are remaining 2A 3A 1A Jan Tom Sue Jim 1A 3A You 1A 1A 1A 1A
Example #2 New sale 1A 3A 2A 2A Jan Tom Sue Jim 3A 2A 4A Start with   8  pts 1 (Jan)  =  $285.00 7  pts are remaining -2 (Tom)  =  $570.00 5  pts are remaining -2 (Sue)  =  $570.00 3  pts are remaining -2 (Jim)  =  $570.00 1  pt is remaining -1 (You)  =  $285.00 0  points are remaining You 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
Note: 2A 1A 3A 1A New sale 1A You 8/8/07 4A Example #3 The dates indicate when that person made their  last direct sale. Jan 10/6/07 Tom 10/1/07 Sue 9/3/07 Jim 6/7/07 1A 1A 1A 1A
2A 1A 3A 1A New sale 1A You 8/8/07 4A Example #3 *Jims last direct sale was more then 90 days = No SP paid Start with   8  pts -1 (Jan)  =  $285.00 7  pts are remaining -1 (Tom)  =  $285.00 6  pts are remaining -3 (Sue)  =  $855.00 3  pts are remaining -1 (Jim)  =  $235.00 2  pt is remaining -2 (You)  =  $570.00 0  points are remaining Jan 10/6/07 Tom 10/1/07 Sue 9/3/07 Jim 6/7/07 1A 1A 1A 1A
3A 1A 3A 1A New sale 1A Jim 9/2/07 You 5/7/07 Example #4 2A * Your last direct sale was more than 90 days = No SP Paid. $235.00 x 2 = $470.00 8  pts -1 (Jan)  =  $285.00 7  pts are remaining -1 (Tom)  =  $285.00 6  pts are remaining -3 (Sue)  =  $855.00 3  pts are remaining -1 (Jim)  =  $285.00 2  pts are remaining -2 (You)  =  $470.00 0  points are remaining Start with Jan 10/6/07 Tom 10/1/07 Sue 8/3/07 1A 1A 1A 1A
6A 4A 3A New sale 1A Tom 10/6/07 You 8/8/07 Example #5 Start with   8  pts 1 (Tom)  =  $285.00 7  pts are remaining -3 (Sue)  =  $855.00 4  pts are remaining -4 (Jim)  =  $1140.00 0  points are remaining You?? Sue 8/3/07 Jim 9/2/07 1A 1A 1A 1A 5A 3A 5A 1A 1A
Earn a $200 educational allowance This is called your  6A bonus You
$170.00 +  30.00 $200.00 total $30.00 + $20.00  (SP) $50.00 total 6A Educational Allowance - Make 1  direct sale  per year - Paid on sales outside of 8 points to the next 6A - Paid on 2 generations of 6As Sue 6A Jim 6A You 6A
$200 each sale $50.00 $50.00 $200 each sale $200 each sale $50.00 Two Generations You 6A 8 pts. Sue 6A 8 pts Jim 6A 8 pts.
5A New sale 3A Example #6 Start with   8  pts -3 (Tom)  =  $855.00 5  pts are remaining -5 (Sue)  =  $1425.00 0  points are remaining Educational Allowance: Jim = $200 / $170 You = $50 / $30 Tom Sue 6A Jim 6A You 1A 1A 1A 1A
Example #7 5A New sale 3A Start with   8  pts -3 (Jan)  =  $855.00 5  pts are remaining -5 (Tom)  =  $1425.00 0  points are remaining Educational Allowance: Sue = $200 / $170 Jim = $50 / $30 You= $50 / $30 Tom 6A Sue 6A Jim 6A You 1A 1A Jan 1A 1A
Closing Support Commission = $38.00 Per Point. 6A Monthly Bonuses! Educational Allowance Monthly Group Sales Bonus 1 2 Total Sales Bonus 10-14 $800 15-19 $1200 20-24 $1600 25-29 $2000 30-34 $2400 35-39 $2800 40-44 $3200 45-49 $3600 50+ $4000
*  Unpaid Commissions and Bonuses for D0 and FA0 rolls up (paid to) next qualified 6A2 or above Qualifications for ALL Commissions and Bonuses D1 1 direct sale / year = 100% D0 1 direct sale 1-3 years = 50% FA0 No direct sale in 3 years = 0*
1.  Must have (2) 1A legs 2.  Minimum group sales + direct sale (MUST  have  both  Group Sales  +  Direct Sale  To Advance) MUST receive 8 point check to count the sale  for advancement  (discounted purchases are  NOT counted toward advancement)  Advancement in Position and Title Group Sales + Direct Sale = Point Value N/A 1 New = 2A 10 1 New = 3A 20 1 New = 4A 50 1 New = 5A 100 1 New = 6A
More  $$$ The Next Goal International Bonus Pool starts at this level (paid quarterly) 6A 2 6A 6A
Take the next step! EARN while you LEARN & LEARN while you EARN!!

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Mita comp plan v21 power point

  • 2. The Compensation Plan is EASY to Understand!! Starting Today....
  • 3. Great News! You can earn thousand $ before you fully understand the compensation plan!
  • 4. Make a lot of Money on your own effort. Make a fortune by building a team! You
  • 5. Enagic does not pay 8 levels!
  • 6. Enagic does not pay 8 levels! Enagic pays 8 Points!
  • 7. = Leg or Referral Sale You must have a Minimum of 1 Sale to create a Leg You Sale
  • 8. level 1 level 2 level 3 And so on... You
  • 9. Legs 1A 2A 3A 4A #A Maximum Points Paid for sales in that leg 5A 6A
  • 10. Talk only about the SD 501 Model Cover up to position Todays Training 6A
  • 11. UNDERSTAND what you are ready to LEARN! KNOW that you will LEARN MORE as you EARN MORE!!! Today!
  • 12. SD 501 Commission Breakdown: (US Dollars) (D1) Basic Commission = $235 (SP) Special Point = $50 Total Per Point Payout = $285
  • 13. How do you qualify to earn Special Point? Sale date: SP till: 10/6/07 1/5/08 10/25/07 1/24/08 Make 1 direct sale every 90 days Rolling 90 Days
  • 14. Leg Max Pts. Max $ 1A 1 $285 2A 2 $570 3A 3 $855 4A 4 $1140 5A 5 $1425 6A 6 $1710
  • 15. - 2 direct sales - Required foundation - Optional Legs - You may or may not have any and/or all of these legs. - You may or may not have more than 1 of any and/or all of these legs. Direct sale Required! Building to 6A 6A Details will be explained later. You 1A 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A
  • 16. And now... It is time to understand the 8 points pay out!
  • 17. Jim Sue Tom Jan Rule: Start from the bottom and go Upline from there The person who made the DIRECT sale gets paid First! New Sale! You
  • 18. The number of points you get paid will depend on: Which leg (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A or 6A) the sale takes place. How many points are available to pay out when its your turn to get paid. 1 2
  • 19. Maximum Payout SD501 $2,280 within the 8 points 8 points $2,280 x $285 per point (includes the $50 SP) =
  • 20. 4A Example #1 New sale 1A Start with 8 pts -1 (Jan) = $285.00 7 pts are remaining -1 (Tom) = $285.00 6 pts are remaining -3 (Sue) = $855.00 3 pts are remaining -1 (Jim) = $285.00 2 pts are remaining -2 (You) = $570.00 0 points are remaining 2A 3A 1A Jan Tom Sue Jim 1A 3A You 1A 1A 1A 1A
  • 21. Example #2 New sale 1A 3A 2A 2A Jan Tom Sue Jim 3A 2A 4A Start with 8 pts 1 (Jan) = $285.00 7 pts are remaining -2 (Tom) = $570.00 5 pts are remaining -2 (Sue) = $570.00 3 pts are remaining -2 (Jim) = $570.00 1 pt is remaining -1 (You) = $285.00 0 points are remaining You 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A
  • 22. Note: 2A 1A 3A 1A New sale 1A You 8/8/07 4A Example #3 The dates indicate when that person made their last direct sale. Jan 10/6/07 Tom 10/1/07 Sue 9/3/07 Jim 6/7/07 1A 1A 1A 1A
  • 23. 2A 1A 3A 1A New sale 1A You 8/8/07 4A Example #3 *Jims last direct sale was more then 90 days = No SP paid Start with 8 pts -1 (Jan) = $285.00 7 pts are remaining -1 (Tom) = $285.00 6 pts are remaining -3 (Sue) = $855.00 3 pts are remaining -1 (Jim) = $235.00 2 pt is remaining -2 (You) = $570.00 0 points are remaining Jan 10/6/07 Tom 10/1/07 Sue 9/3/07 Jim 6/7/07 1A 1A 1A 1A
  • 24. 3A 1A 3A 1A New sale 1A Jim 9/2/07 You 5/7/07 Example #4 2A * Your last direct sale was more than 90 days = No SP Paid. $235.00 x 2 = $470.00 8 pts -1 (Jan) = $285.00 7 pts are remaining -1 (Tom) = $285.00 6 pts are remaining -3 (Sue) = $855.00 3 pts are remaining -1 (Jim) = $285.00 2 pts are remaining -2 (You) = $470.00 0 points are remaining Start with Jan 10/6/07 Tom 10/1/07 Sue 8/3/07 1A 1A 1A 1A
  • 25. 6A 4A 3A New sale 1A Tom 10/6/07 You 8/8/07 Example #5 Start with 8 pts 1 (Tom) = $285.00 7 pts are remaining -3 (Sue) = $855.00 4 pts are remaining -4 (Jim) = $1140.00 0 points are remaining You?? Sue 8/3/07 Jim 9/2/07 1A 1A 1A 1A 5A 3A 5A 1A 1A
  • 26. Earn a $200 educational allowance This is called your 6A bonus You
  • 27. $170.00 + 30.00 $200.00 total $30.00 + $20.00 (SP) $50.00 total 6A Educational Allowance - Make 1 direct sale per year - Paid on sales outside of 8 points to the next 6A - Paid on 2 generations of 6As Sue 6A Jim 6A You 6A
  • 28. $200 each sale $50.00 $50.00 $200 each sale $200 each sale $50.00 Two Generations You 6A 8 pts. Sue 6A 8 pts Jim 6A 8 pts.
  • 29. 5A New sale 3A Example #6 Start with 8 pts -3 (Tom) = $855.00 5 pts are remaining -5 (Sue) = $1425.00 0 points are remaining Educational Allowance: Jim = $200 / $170 You = $50 / $30 Tom Sue 6A Jim 6A You 1A 1A 1A 1A
  • 30. Example #7 5A New sale 3A Start with 8 pts -3 (Jan) = $855.00 5 pts are remaining -5 (Tom) = $1425.00 0 points are remaining Educational Allowance: Sue = $200 / $170 Jim = $50 / $30 You= $50 / $30 Tom 6A Sue 6A Jim 6A You 1A 1A Jan 1A 1A
  • 31. Closing Support Commission = $38.00 Per Point. 6A Monthly Bonuses! Educational Allowance Monthly Group Sales Bonus 1 2 Total Sales Bonus 10-14 $800 15-19 $1200 20-24 $1600 25-29 $2000 30-34 $2400 35-39 $2800 40-44 $3200 45-49 $3600 50+ $4000
  • 32. * Unpaid Commissions and Bonuses for D0 and FA0 rolls up (paid to) next qualified 6A2 or above Qualifications for ALL Commissions and Bonuses D1 1 direct sale / year = 100% D0 1 direct sale 1-3 years = 50% FA0 No direct sale in 3 years = 0*
  • 33. 1. Must have (2) 1A legs 2. Minimum group sales + direct sale (MUST have both Group Sales + Direct Sale To Advance) MUST receive 8 point check to count the sale for advancement (discounted purchases are NOT counted toward advancement) Advancement in Position and Title Group Sales + Direct Sale = Point Value N/A 1 New = 2A 10 1 New = 3A 20 1 New = 4A 50 1 New = 5A 100 1 New = 6A
  • 34. More $$$ The Next Goal International Bonus Pool starts at this level (paid quarterly) 6A 2 6A 6A
  • 35. Take the next step! EARN while you LEARN & LEARN while you EARN!!