This document discusses CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for teachers through the Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL) program. It provides details on the program such as its structure, funding, and support system. The MTL in Yorkshire involves 9 universities working with schools receiving challenge funding. It consists of 8 modules over 9 terms, with generic and subject-specific content. Schools receive funding to support participants, who are guided by both university tutors and in-school coaches. The MTL aims to meet new teachers' and subject leaders' development needs through collaborative, evidence-based learning linking theory to practice.
2. Why is CPD changing for teachers? CPD works better when it is: Collaborative Has meaningful outcomes Links practice with theory Encourages and supports an evidence based approach to development.
3. And? The Government has developed the Masters In Teaching and Learning to meet the CPD needs of new to profession teachers and new Heads of Department. Their fees are paid and their schools get approx 贈6000 to support their development. The system is tri-partite in that the participant has both and HEI tutor and an in school coach to support them in the programme.
4. The Yorkshire MTL Made up of 9 universities. Leeds Met, Leeds, Trinity, Huddersfield, Hallam, Sheffield, York, York St John and Hull. (we work with allocated schools) Our MTL schools are those receiving National Challenge funding or schools in challenging circumstance funding. NQTs are eligible to begin now (on Saturday in fact!) People with a subject responsibility appointed since sept 09 begin in the autumn.
5. How will it work? 8 modules, to be taken in 9 terms. Four generic; the 2 introductory modules based upon their induction year, pulling together their practice, undertaking data analysis. The two deepening modules in phase 3 when they can choose what they wish to investigate in depth. Four content specific; subject knowledge, management and leadership, inclusion and teaching, learning and assessment . These come in phase two.
6. HEI input For each module there will be an average of two taught days from the HEI. VLE site for each module with learning resources and access to the electronic library resources such as journals. Support for developing research capacity within each module 1-6 to allow modules 7 and 8 to be undertaken.
7. MLA opportunities. To work with the HEIs providing taught input on our day sessions. For example a session for science practitioners in module 4 or on learning outside the classroom in module 3. To provide tailor made CPD to support and complement the HEI programme that schools/participants can access with their portion of the funding. For example a workshop on stretching the gifted and talented pupil for module 5. To create web support for classroom based enquiries that participants can access to stimulate their study. For example resources they may want to use and evaluate within their practice. Think about two distinct cohorts: New teachers and newly appointed subject leaders. How might you support both?
8. Other questions. Can you work in partnership with other MLA centres? Can you work with subject associations? Do you want to work outside the GRO if you are a National? Are you prepared to support small uptake as the programme develops?