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MN ACE   Spring conference 2012

               Visibility in the
                 Digital Age:
               ^It can make or
               break your job
                   search  ̄

                    Jeffrey Winter
                    Director, Talent Acquisition
                    Atterro HCG
What do we want to
accomplish today?
? Increase awareness
? Recognize opportunity and risks
? Focus on strategy first
     The tools to support it second

MNACE - Spring Conference
    A quick recap
Who remembers this?


Here is where we are today
Recruitment process before:

                                           The Meeting

? Simple
  understandable                          Conversation

? More touch points                   Resume


                         Job Ad

Recruitment process after:

                                               The Meeting
 ? More pathways to
   the hiring funnel
 ? Less intuitive
   processes                              Resume



What¨s changed?

Massive visibility:
?Online job marketing,     Technology has greatly impacted
?Talent communities      the way we interact with each other.
?Online apply
Let¨s break it down
       The recruitment
       process, that is´
´The art of the hunt.

 ? Worked for connection and contacts
 ? Less people were ^known ̄

 ? Everyone is known.
 ? Networking is now started online C but often still
   finished in person.
 ? Relationships are more valuable than contacts
   and connections.
There are many tools for sourcing and searching. The
key is to be an expert in the most productive ones. This
allows you to go deeper than your competition. You
don¨t want to be a marginal performer in everything.
Ground rules:
           Don¨t be
Rule #1 Understand Privacy

Oh, and..   and   and    and´
Rule #2 There are NO secrets

 Assume all
   is public.

  You are
Percent of companies
40          tracking prospective
           hires on social media.CareerBuilder survey 2012

Percent of 2011 grad class
 think employers should
 view student profiles as
   part of the process.
                     NACE 2011
Find people
     Find people
? Know the tool. Even
   the free version is
     very powerful.

    ? Candidate or
    candidate referral
  lives on LinkedIn for
   most of target jobs.
  They just need to be
Be found
Goal: Everyone should
 have robust LinkedIn

Benefit: Increase your
 visibility in a positive
 way by driving great

    Exempt level
   employees and
specialty non-exempt.
Dear company:
     You can not hide.

Don¨t want an
                  online presence?

Surprise! You already have one!
The progression of recruitment advertising

   Phase one             Phase two
   ?Rush to get the      ?Focus on content
   message out.          and delivery.
^The greatest risk in online advertising is to be a
part of the crowd instead of standing out from it. ̄

                               Are you getting noticed?

        Know thyself´

     Are your
   prospects as
   excited to talk
 about you as they
 are about Dunkin¨

 Do you need
 them to be?
Is what we are saying...
         of interest to
Online candidate communication:

                      Do we have this?
´or this?
Content is still king:

Why will a
choose to
click on my
Job ad or Description?

Which is
Beyond the job ad:
   How do you tell the story
   of you, the company?
Is it the 沿姻看糸顎界岳´
´or the emotion behind the product?
You¨ve got one shot

                Focus 41
the most is
  the front
 end of the

                          Source: Talent Function Group llc.

    How do humans talk to robots?
Is this the
  future?           You. Are. Hired.

It¨s closer
 than we

What¨s missing
  when we use
to hire humans?
^Professional Success
comes when the head
 and the heart are in
         line. ̄

                                        C Jeff Brody
     Vice President, Business Operations, Textron Systems Inc.
How does automation
Use This              To get to this

Which of these is the relationship you want?
Is technology making us lazy?
Start with
the goal..
                 ..Strategy to
               support the goal

..Tools to support the strategy
Evaluation   Execution

 Even if you are
 uncertain about
the direction, run
your business in
 a forceful way.
 You¨ll come out
  way ahead of
your competition.
  Way ahead.

    -Jon Roberts
Tools have changed.
         The importance of relationships has not.
Focus on content.
         The message is critical. What do your candidates
         want to hear? Ask them!
Know your goal then select the tool.
        Goal´. Strategy´. Tools´.

Keep playing (With purpose)
         As soon as you got it down; it¨s changed.

       Thank you!

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MNACE - Spring Conference

  • 1. MN ACE Spring conference 2012 Visibility in the Digital Age: ^It can make or break your job search  ̄ Jeffrey Winter Director, Talent Acquisition 1 Atterro HCG
  • 2. What do we want to accomplish today? ? Increase awareness ? Recognize opportunity and risks ? Focus on strategy first The tools to support it second 2
  • 3. 3
  • 6. Technology evolution: A quick recap
  • 8. Here is where we are today
  • 9. Recruitment process before: The Meeting ? Simple understandable Conversation process ? More touch points Resume Transmission Job Ad Seeker
  • 10. Recruitment process after: The Meeting ? More pathways to the hiring funnel Conversation ? Less intuitive processes Resume Transmission Online Seeker
  • 11. What¨s changed? Massive visibility: ?Online job marketing, Technology has greatly impacted ?Talent communities the way we interact with each other. ?Online apply
  • 12. Let¨s break it down The recruitment process, that is´
  • 14. Find Attract Hire
  • 15. ´The art of the hunt. Find
  • 16. Yesterday ? Worked for connection and contacts ? Less people were ^known ̄ Today ? Everyone is known. ? Networking is now started online C but often still finished in person. ? Relationships are more valuable than contacts and connections.
  • 17. There are many tools for sourcing and searching. The key is to be an expert in the most productive ones. This allows you to go deeper than your competition. You don¨t want to be a marginal performer in everything.
  • 18. Ground rules: Don¨t be surprised
  • 19. Rule #1 Understand Privacy Oh, and.. and and and´
  • 20. Rule #2 There are NO secrets Assume all information is public. You are visible!
  • 21. Percent of companies 40 tracking prospective hires on social media.CareerBuilder survey 2012 Percent of 2011 grad class think employers should view student profiles as part of the process. NACE 2011 34
  • 23. Find people Find people ? Know the tool. Even the free version is very powerful. ? Candidate or candidate referral lives on LinkedIn for most of target jobs. They just need to be found.
  • 24. Be found Goal: Everyone should have robust LinkedIn profiles. Benefit: Increase your visibility in a positive way by driving great content. Demographic: Exempt level employees and specialty non-exempt.
  • 25. Dear company: You can not hide. 25
  • 26. Don¨t want an online presence? Surprise! You already have one!
  • 28. The progression of recruitment advertising Phase one Phase two ?Rush to get the ?Focus on content message out. and delivery.
  • 29. ^The greatest risk in online advertising is to be a part of the crowd instead of standing out from it. ̄ Are you getting noticed? ´Positively?
  • 30. Company: Know thyself´ Are your prospects as excited to talk about you as they are about Dunkin¨ Donuts? Do you need them to be?
  • 31. Is what we are saying... of interest to anyone?
  • 34. Example: Job Advertisement
  • 35. Content is still king: Ask: Why will a candidate choose to click on my job?
  • 36. Job ad or Description? Which is this?
  • 37. Beyond the job ad: How do you tell the story of you, the company?
  • 38. Is it the 沿姻看糸顎界岳´
  • 39. ´or the emotion behind the product?
  • 40. You¨ve got one shot Focus 41
  • 41. Hire
  • 42. What's changed the most is the front end of the funnel Source: Talent Function Group llc. How do humans talk to robots?
  • 43. Is this the future? You. Are. Hired. It¨s closer ATS than we think. 44
  • 44. What¨s missing when we use automation to hire humans?
  • 45. ^Professional Success comes when the head and the heart are in line. ̄ C Jeff Brody Vice President, Business Operations, Textron Systems Inc.
  • 46. How does automation measure: ´沿温壊壊庄看稼?
  • 47. Use This To get to this Which of these is the relationship you want? 48
  • 48. Is technology making us lazy? 49
  • 50. Start with the goal.. ..Strategy to support the goal ..Tools to support the strategy
  • 51. Evaluation Execution
  • 52. ^ Even if you are uncertain about the direction, run your business in a forceful way. You¨ll come out way ahead of your competition. Way ahead. -Jon Roberts
  • 53. Considerations Tools have changed. The importance of relationships has not. Focus on content. The message is critical. What do your candidates want to hear? Ask them! Know your goal then select the tool. Goal´. Strategy´. Tools´. Keep playing (With purpose) As soon as you got it down; it¨s changed.
  • 54. Discussion Thank you!