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Model Export
As soonas I had finishedmyobjectsitwasprettyeasyto exportthem.Astheywere objectsmade in
LightWave itwas prettyeasytoput themintolayoutas it wasas simple asdraggingand dropping
themintomy scene.
For texturingmy modelsIUV Mappedthem, thisis sothat the texture Iaddto themstretchesover
the entire surface insteadof duplicatingitself overthe entire surface.Igotthe texturesbyuploading
themto Photoshop andthenconvertingthemall toJPEGand placingthemontotheirrespective
Engine Textures
For the engine texturesthe firstthingIgotwas a hazard line texture asIthinkitis realistictohave
one on the engine astheyare usuallyfoundneardangerousobjects.
I addeda blue flare texture tothe inside of the engineasitwouldrepresentthe flamesthatwould
come out of the rocket.I chose thistexture asithas a brightcontrastlike youwouldhave onthe
flamesof a rocket.
For the rest of the rocket I useda steel texture asIlike the detail itshowswhenputonthe rocket
and itgivesitthe similarlooktothe rocketengine¡¯syouwouldseeinreal life.
For the panel onmy rocketI useda black technological lookingtextureIfound,Ichose itbecause I
thinkitlooks goodon the panel andit has little detailswhichIthinkimprovesthe model overall.For
the otherparts such as the leverandbuttonsI usedplaintexturesasIthinkitdidnot needtoomuch
For the textures onmychair I founda shinysilvertexturewhichIusedbecause Ithinkitaddedto
the space-yfeel of the ship.
For the texturesonmybedobjectI justusedprettymuch stereotypical bedtexturesasIthinkif I
usedanydifferenttexturesit wouldn¡¯tbe recognizable.
For the coversI usedthisredtexture asI thinkitprovidedanice contraston the model forthe bed.
On the pillowsIusedthistexture asithasa simple yetnice designandhasa nice pattern.
For my computerIlefteverythingbutthe screensonthe defaulttexture because the defaulttexture
actuallysuitsthe model inmyopinion.
For the top screenI useda stereotypical computerDOSscreenasitis recognizable andpeople could
easilyidentify itasa computer.
For the bottomscreen/panel Iusedthistechnologytexture torepresentthe wiresthatwouldbe in
the computer,I like the coloursof itand genuinelylookslike somethingyouwouldfindina
ShutterDoor Textures
For the Sidesof the door I useda shinygoldtexture asIthinkit makesitgivesoff a stronglookwhich
I thinkwouldbe neededonaspaceship.
For the door itself Iusedthisshuttertexture asIthinkitlooksgoodon the model overall and
improvesthe lookof it.
For thisobjectI useda shinysilvertexture IfoundinLightwave becauseIthinkitmakesthe
appearance lookprettymuchsimilartoa real life toilet.
For the sinkI wantedtogive it a realisticappearance similartothe toiletsoIuseda shinygreen
texture IfoundonLightwave aswell asa mirror ¨Ctype texture forthe hole inthe centre as I feel out
of all the texturesIfoundthisone gave itthe bestlook.
To findthe realisticappearance forthe drawersIfounda plainyellow texture inLightwave which I
reallylikedaswell asadull goldtexture forthe doorknobwhichIthoughtsuiteditverywell.

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Model Textures

  • 1. CallumDeighton Model Export As soonas I had finishedmyobjectsitwasprettyeasyto exportthem.Astheywere objectsmade in LightWave itwas prettyeasytoput themintolayoutas it wasas simple asdraggingand dropping themintomy scene. For texturingmy modelsIUV Mappedthem, thisis sothat the texture Iaddto themstretchesover the entire surface insteadof duplicatingitself overthe entire surface.Igotthe texturesbyuploading themto Photoshop andthenconvertingthemall toJPEGand placingthemontotheirrespective surfaces. Engine Textures
  • 2. CallumDeighton For the engine texturesthe firstthingIgotwas a hazard line texture asIthinkitis realistictohave one on the engine astheyare usuallyfoundneardangerousobjects. I addeda blue flare texture tothe inside of the engineasitwouldrepresentthe flamesthatwould come out of the rocket.I chose thistexture asithas a brightcontrastlike youwouldhave onthe flamesof a rocket. For the rest of the rocket I useda steel texture asIlike the detail itshowswhenputonthe rocket and itgivesitthe similarlooktothe rocketengine¡¯syouwouldseeinreal life.
  • 3. CallumDeighton For the panel onmy rocketI useda black technological lookingtextureIfound,Ichose itbecause I thinkitlooks goodon the panel andit has little detailswhichIthinkimprovesthe model overall.For the otherparts such as the leverandbuttonsI usedplaintexturesasIthinkitdidnot needtoomuch detail. ChairTextures For the textures onmychair I founda shinysilvertexturewhichIusedbecause Ithinkitaddedto the space-yfeel of the ship.
  • 4. CallumDeighton BedTextures For the texturesonmybedobjectI justusedprettymuch stereotypical bedtexturesasIthinkif I usedanydifferenttexturesit wouldn¡¯tbe recognizable. For the coversI usedthisredtexture asI thinkitprovidedanice contraston the model forthe bed. On the pillowsIusedthistexture asithasa simple yetnice designandhasa nice pattern.
  • 5. CallumDeighton ComputerTextures For my computerIlefteverythingbutthe screensonthe defaulttexture because the defaulttexture actuallysuitsthe model inmyopinion. For the top screenI useda stereotypical computerDOSscreenasitis recognizable andpeople could easilyidentify itasa computer. For the bottomscreen/panel Iusedthistechnologytexture torepresentthe wiresthatwouldbe in the computer,I like the coloursof itand genuinelylookslike somethingyouwouldfindina computer.
  • 6. CallumDeighton ShutterDoor Textures For the Sidesof the door I useda shinygoldtexture asIthinkit makesitgivesoff a stronglookwhich I thinkwouldbe neededonaspaceship. For the door itself Iusedthisshuttertexture asIthinkitlooksgoodon the model overall and improvesthe lookof it.
  • 7. CallumDeighton ToiletTextures For thisobjectI useda shinysilvertexture IfoundinLightwave becauseIthinkitmakesthe appearance lookprettymuchsimilartoa real life toilet. SinkTextures For the sinkI wantedtogive it a realisticappearance similartothe toiletsoIuseda shinygreen texture IfoundonLightwave aswell asa mirror ¨Ctype texture forthe hole inthe centre as I feel out of all the texturesIfoundthisone gave itthe bestlook.
  • 8. CallumDeighton DrawerTextures To findthe realisticappearance forthe drawersIfounda plainyellow texture inLightwave which I reallylikedaswell asadull goldtexture forthe doorknobwhichIthoughtsuiteditverywell.