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Module #1:
Module #1:
Introduction to Cyber Security
Introduction to Cyber Security
Estimated time for Module 1 is 3 minutes
What is Cyber Security?
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber or Computer Security is the
protection of computing systems and
the data that these systems store or access.
These systems include:
Mobile Devices
Why is Computer Security
Why is Computer Security
Computer Security allows the City of Albuquerque to
carry out its mission by:
 Enabling staff to carry out their jobs,
 Decreases the threat of current and future vulnerabilities
 Supporting critical business processes
 Protecting personal and sensitive information
Why do I need to know about
Why do I need to know about
Cyber Security?
Cyber Security?
It is estimated that 10% of security safeguards are technical in
nature. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection devices are a few
devices that can help prevent approximately 10% of security
The additional 90% of safeguards rely on each of us. By
understanding and adhering to these safeguards, we can
reduce or eliminate most cyber security threats.
Example: Locking your car doors is the 10%. Making sure
nothing of value is left on the seat, windows are rolled up and
parking in a safe area account for the remaining 90%.
The CIA of Cyber Security
The CIA of Cyber Security
There are many reasons why you should protect
the information you use on your computer.
Confidential: Ensuring that your information remains confidential
and only those who should access that information, can
Integrity: Knowing that no one has been able to change your
information, so you can depend on its accuracy
(information integrity)
Availability: Making sure that your information is available when
you need it (by making back-up copies and, if
appropriate, storing the back-up copies off-site)
What does this mean to me?
What does this mean to me?
This means that everyone who uses a computer
or mobile device needs to understand how to
keep their computer, device and data secure.
Information Technology Security is
Everyones responsibility
Questions Module 1:
Questions Module 1:
Introduction to Cyber Security
Introduction to Cyber Security
Question #1: Computer Security allows us to:
A. Enable staff to carry out their jobs,
B. Decrease the threat of current and future vulnerabilities
C. Support critical business processes
D. Protect personal and sensitive information
E. All of the above
Questions Module 1:
Questions Module 1:
Introduction to Cyber Security
Introduction to Cyber Security
Question #1: Computer Security allows us to:
The Answer is E, All of the above
Computer Security allow us to:
A. Enable staff to carry out their jobs,
B. Decrease the threat of current and future vulnerabilities
C. Support critical business processes
D. Protect personal and sensitive information
E. All of the above
Questions Module 1:
Questions Module 1:
Introduction to Cyber Security
Introduction to Cyber Security
Question #2: The Integrity of information means:
A. Ensuring that your information remains confidential and only
those who should access that information, can
B. Knowing that no one has been able to change your information,
so you can depend on its accuracy.
C. Making sure that your information is available when you need it
(by making back-up copies and, if appropriate, storing the back-
up copies off-site)
Questions Module 1:
Questions Module 1:
Introduction to Cyber Security
Introduction to Cyber Security
The answer is B. Knowing that your information has not
been changed.
Confidential: Ensuring that your information remains confidential
and only those who should access that information, can
Integrity: Knowing that no one has been able to change your
information, so you can depend on its accuracy.
Availability: Making sure that your information is available when you
need it (by making back-up copies and, if appropriate, storing
the back-up copies off-site)
This concludes Module 1: Introduction
This concludes Module 1: Introduction
to Cyber Security
to Cyber Security
Continue on to module 2: Sensitive Data
Module 2 will provide information on Personal
Identifiable Information or PII and best practices in
protecting this data from theft.

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Module1_Intro to Security1111111_Final.ppt

  • 1. Module #1: Module #1: Introduction to Cyber Security Introduction to Cyber Security Estimated time for Module 1 is 3 minutes
  • 2. What is Cyber Security? What is Cyber Security? Cyber or Computer Security is the protection of computing systems and the data that these systems store or access. These systems include: PCs Laptops SmartPhones Mobile Devices Printers
  • 3. Why is Computer Security Why is Computer Security Important? Important? Computer Security allows the City of Albuquerque to carry out its mission by: Enabling staff to carry out their jobs, Decreases the threat of current and future vulnerabilities Supporting critical business processes Protecting personal and sensitive information
  • 4. Why do I need to know about Why do I need to know about Cyber Security? Cyber Security? It is estimated that 10% of security safeguards are technical in nature. Firewalls and Intrusion Detection devices are a few devices that can help prevent approximately 10% of security threats. The additional 90% of safeguards rely on each of us. By understanding and adhering to these safeguards, we can reduce or eliminate most cyber security threats. Example: Locking your car doors is the 10%. Making sure nothing of value is left on the seat, windows are rolled up and parking in a safe area account for the remaining 90%.
  • 5. The CIA of Cyber Security The CIA of Cyber Security There are many reasons why you should protect the information you use on your computer. Confidential: Ensuring that your information remains confidential and only those who should access that information, can Integrity: Knowing that no one has been able to change your information, so you can depend on its accuracy (information integrity) Availability: Making sure that your information is available when you need it (by making back-up copies and, if appropriate, storing the back-up copies off-site)
  • 6. What does this mean to me? What does this mean to me? This means that everyone who uses a computer or mobile device needs to understand how to keep their computer, device and data secure. Information Technology Security is Everyones responsibility
  • 7. Questions Module 1: Questions Module 1: Introduction to Cyber Security Introduction to Cyber Security Question #1: Computer Security allows us to: A. Enable staff to carry out their jobs, B. Decrease the threat of current and future vulnerabilities C. Support critical business processes D. Protect personal and sensitive information E. All of the above
  • 8. Questions Module 1: Questions Module 1: Introduction to Cyber Security Introduction to Cyber Security Question #1: Computer Security allows us to: The Answer is E, All of the above Computer Security allow us to: A. Enable staff to carry out their jobs, B. Decrease the threat of current and future vulnerabilities C. Support critical business processes D. Protect personal and sensitive information E. All of the above
  • 9. Questions Module 1: Questions Module 1: Introduction to Cyber Security Introduction to Cyber Security Question #2: The Integrity of information means: A. Ensuring that your information remains confidential and only those who should access that information, can B. Knowing that no one has been able to change your information, so you can depend on its accuracy. C. Making sure that your information is available when you need it (by making back-up copies and, if appropriate, storing the back- up copies off-site)
  • 10. Questions Module 1: Questions Module 1: Introduction to Cyber Security Introduction to Cyber Security The answer is B. Knowing that your information has not been changed. Confidential: Ensuring that your information remains confidential and only those who should access that information, can Integrity: Knowing that no one has been able to change your information, so you can depend on its accuracy. Availability: Making sure that your information is available when you need it (by making back-up copies and, if appropriate, storing the back-up copies off-site)
  • 11. This concludes Module 1: Introduction This concludes Module 1: Introduction to Cyber Security to Cyber Security Continue on to module 2: Sensitive Data Module 2 will provide information on Personal Identifiable Information or PII and best practices in protecting this data from theft.