Mohammed Elshatali has 18 years of experience managing humanitarian and development programs in Gaza. He has held positions such as Deputy Project Manager for FAO Gaza, Field Officer for the International Red Cross, and Site Supervisor for World Vision and UNDP. Elshatali has a Master's in Development Economics and specialized training in integrated pest management, project management, and disaster risk reduction. He currently works as an independent consultant, providing training, project coordination and evaluation services.
Este documento presenta las calificaciones del segundo parcial de M辿todos Num辿ricos I para 34 estudiantes, con sus nombres completos y notas finales. Las notas van desde un m鱈nimo de 15 hasta un m叩ximo de 75. El promedio general de las calificaciones parece estar entre 35 y 60 puntos.
O documento discute a evolu巽達o do coaching e como ele pode ser usado para desenvolver l鱈deres capazes de inspirar confian巽a e transformar pessoas. Ele destaca a import但ncia da intelig棚ncia emocional, da neurolideran巽a e dos perfis de lideran巽a para o sucesso do coaching. O objetivo 辿 apresentar t辿cnicas de coaching para ajudar profissionais a atenderem s necessidades dos outros e promover o comprometimento.
1) La radiactividad implica que cuando un 叩tomo emite energ鱈a tambi辿n se descompone en un nuevo 叩tomo, llamado v叩stago, que tambi辿n puede ser radiactivo y producir otro v叩stago, formando as鱈 una cadena hasta alcanzar un elemento estable.
2) Aunque is坦topos muestren similitudes qu鱈micas, pueden presentar diferentes propiedades nucleares, siendo una forma radiactiva y la otra no.
3) Los is坦topos radiactivos se identifican por sus n炭meros de masa, como U-235 o Ra-226.
Mobile In Business ofrece servicios educativos y de consultor鱈a sobre marketing y tecnolog鱈a m坦vil para escuelas, universidades y empresas. Proporciona programas de educaci坦n m坦vil, el desarrollo de aplicaciones para instituciones educativas, la creaci坦n de escuelas m坦viles personalizadas y la educaci坦n empresarial. El objetivo es transformar procesos educativos y empresariales a trav辿s de soluciones innovadoras de movilidad.
A natural remedy for headaches is to cut a cucumber into pieces and place the slices on the forehead and wrists while lying down for a period of time. Cucumber slices are applied to pressure points on the head and wrists to help relieve headache pain.
El documento describe las bases te坦ricas de la teor鱈a cu叩ntica y la estructura at坦mica. Explica que las part鱈culas subat坦micas incluyen quarks, protones, neutrones y otras part鱈culas elementales o compuestas. Describe experimentos hist坦ricos como los rayos cat坦dicos y rayos an坦dicos y fen坦menos como la radiactividad. Finalmente, resume teor鱈as fundamentales como la teor鱈a ondulatoria de la luz, la radiaci坦n del cuerpo negro, y el efecto fotoel辿ctrico
O documento discute estrat辿gias para vestibulandos se prepararem para o vestibular, que est叩 mais dif鱈cil. Ele recomenda que os estudantes sigam um plano de estudos estruturado com disciplina e perseveran巽a, enfrentando suas dificuldades, e n達o apenas talento ou f坦rmulas m叩gicas. Tamb辿m sugere que os alunos monitorem seu progresso com testes e mantenham o equil鱈brio com atividades de lazer para ter qualidade de vida durante a prepara巽達o.
Este documento ofrece consejos sobre el dise単o efectivo de presentaciones. Explica que la planeaci坦n es clave y que la calidad de la informaci坦n es m叩s importante que la espectacularidad. Luego, detalla diferentes elementos que se pueden incluir en las diapositivas como texto, im叩genes y video, y c坦mo manipular su tama単o, color y orden. Finalmente, proporciona recomendaciones sobre la cantidad de informaci坦n por diapositiva, el uso apropiado del color, fuentes, multimedia y vi単etas.
Samson Kacha has over 14 years of experience in humanitarian relief, emergency response, and community development programs. He is currently the Country Program Manager for Integrated Community Development at Food for the Hungry International Ethiopia, where he oversees multiple projects and staff. Previously, he held roles as Area Project Manager and Project Manager at Food for the Hungry, and as a Regional Grant and Relief Program Officer at World Vision Ethiopia, where he managed community development, advocacy, and humanitarian assistance programs. He has expertise in program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and has managed projects funded by USAID, CIDA, UNICEF, EU, and other organizations.
Samson Kacha has over 14 years of experience in humanitarian relief, emergency response, and community development programs. He currently serves as Country Program Manager for Food for the Hungry International Ethiopia, overseeing integrated community development programs. Previously, he held positions as Area Project Manager and Project Manager for several organizations, managing multi-sectoral development programs. He has a Master's degree in Rural Development and Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Extension.
Ina'am Abdul Barri Omar Ahmad has over 10 years of experience in program management roles with International Medical Corps in Iraq. She holds a Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature with a Diploma in French. Her experience includes managing health and humanitarian aid programs, developing funding proposals, supervising staff, and ensuring compliance with organizational standards and budgets. She has strong communication, stakeholder engagement, and financial management skills.
The document provides a summary of Ammar Altagani Mohammed's work experience and qualifications. It details that he has over 9 years of experience in humanitarian affairs, project management, and sectors including food security, livelihoods, nutrition, health and protection. He has worked for organizations such as Concern Worldwide, HelpAge International, and Triangle Generation Humanitarian Organization in West Darfur, Sudan. His roles have included senior disaster risk reduction officer, programme officer, livelihoods officer and agronomist roles. He also lists his education qualifications and professional development trainings.
This resume summarizes the skills and experience of Atwijukire Arthur. He has over 10 years of experience in project management, coordination, and operations roles for organizations working in Uganda, South Sudan, Mozambique, and Kenya. His experience includes managing humanitarian projects, health programs, and business operations. He has strong skills in project planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting, and stakeholder engagement. He holds degrees in education, social work, and project management.
This document is Stephen Sichone's CV summarizing his work experience. It shows that he has worked in several roles related to HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment in Zambia over the past decade. These roles include managing behavioral change communication for various projects, developing national HIV prevention strategies, and managing research on gender and concurrent partnerships in Zambia. His CV demonstrates extensive experience designing and implementing HIV prevention programs in Zambia.
This document provides a summary of Jude Ssenyonjo's skills, experience, and qualifications. Ssenyonjo has over 15 years of experience designing and implementing social behavior change communication programs in public health. He currently works as a Capacity Strengthening Advisor at FHI 360, advising on the design and implementation of communication programs in Uganda. Previously he has held roles as a Project Coordinator and Program Manager on projects focused on HIV/AIDS, family planning, and maternal and child health. Ssenyonjo has extensive experience in project management, capacity building, and developing behavior change communication strategies and materials.
Adnan Alak'hali has over 15 years of experience managing projects in Yemen, including working for FAO and UNDP on agriculture and livestock projects. He has experience in project planning, management, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, and report writing. He has also worked in management roles for a private dairy farm and food company, and previously as a veterinary surgeon and herd manager.
This document provides a summary of Madhu Sudhan Dawadi's contact information, career objective, qualifications, and employment history. It includes his addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. His career objective is to contribute to child and youth friendly policies and programs related to human rights and child rights. He has 10 years of experience working for organizations like CWIN and has held roles like Project Manager, Regional Team Leader, and Lecturer. He has qualifications like an MA in English and training in topics like child protection, peace building, and psychosocial support.
This document provides a summary of Gemechis Bizuayehu's work experience and qualifications. It outlines his current role as a Senior WaSH Advisor for Save the Children International in Ethiopia, where he provides technical support and leadership for WaSH programming. Previously, he held WaSH-related roles at Save the Children and GOAL Ethiopia. Gemechis has over 15 years of experience in program design, management, and technical coordination of WaSH, shelter, and emergency response projects. He has strong technical skills and demonstrated experience developing proposals, budgets, and reports.
Highly effective in Humanitarian Projects and structural discipline in relation to Resilience, Education, Governance, Livelihood for Rural developmental and emergency and providing relevant trainings in livelihood, Resilience.
1) La radiactividad implica que cuando un 叩tomo emite energ鱈a tambi辿n se descompone en un nuevo 叩tomo, llamado v叩stago, que tambi辿n puede ser radiactivo y producir otro v叩stago, formando as鱈 una cadena hasta alcanzar un elemento estable.
2) Aunque is坦topos muestren similitudes qu鱈micas, pueden presentar diferentes propiedades nucleares, siendo una forma radiactiva y la otra no.
3) Los is坦topos radiactivos se identifican por sus n炭meros de masa, como U-235 o Ra-226.
Mobile In Business ofrece servicios educativos y de consultor鱈a sobre marketing y tecnolog鱈a m坦vil para escuelas, universidades y empresas. Proporciona programas de educaci坦n m坦vil, el desarrollo de aplicaciones para instituciones educativas, la creaci坦n de escuelas m坦viles personalizadas y la educaci坦n empresarial. El objetivo es transformar procesos educativos y empresariales a trav辿s de soluciones innovadoras de movilidad.
A natural remedy for headaches is to cut a cucumber into pieces and place the slices on the forehead and wrists while lying down for a period of time. Cucumber slices are applied to pressure points on the head and wrists to help relieve headache pain.
El documento describe las bases te坦ricas de la teor鱈a cu叩ntica y la estructura at坦mica. Explica que las part鱈culas subat坦micas incluyen quarks, protones, neutrones y otras part鱈culas elementales o compuestas. Describe experimentos hist坦ricos como los rayos cat坦dicos y rayos an坦dicos y fen坦menos como la radiactividad. Finalmente, resume teor鱈as fundamentales como la teor鱈a ondulatoria de la luz, la radiaci坦n del cuerpo negro, y el efecto fotoel辿ctrico
O documento discute estrat辿gias para vestibulandos se prepararem para o vestibular, que est叩 mais dif鱈cil. Ele recomenda que os estudantes sigam um plano de estudos estruturado com disciplina e perseveran巽a, enfrentando suas dificuldades, e n達o apenas talento ou f坦rmulas m叩gicas. Tamb辿m sugere que os alunos monitorem seu progresso com testes e mantenham o equil鱈brio com atividades de lazer para ter qualidade de vida durante a prepara巽達o.
Este documento ofrece consejos sobre el dise単o efectivo de presentaciones. Explica que la planeaci坦n es clave y que la calidad de la informaci坦n es m叩s importante que la espectacularidad. Luego, detalla diferentes elementos que se pueden incluir en las diapositivas como texto, im叩genes y video, y c坦mo manipular su tama単o, color y orden. Finalmente, proporciona recomendaciones sobre la cantidad de informaci坦n por diapositiva, el uso apropiado del color, fuentes, multimedia y vi単etas.
Samson Kacha has over 14 years of experience in humanitarian relief, emergency response, and community development programs. He is currently the Country Program Manager for Integrated Community Development at Food for the Hungry International Ethiopia, where he oversees multiple projects and staff. Previously, he held roles as Area Project Manager and Project Manager at Food for the Hungry, and as a Regional Grant and Relief Program Officer at World Vision Ethiopia, where he managed community development, advocacy, and humanitarian assistance programs. He has expertise in program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and has managed projects funded by USAID, CIDA, UNICEF, EU, and other organizations.
Samson Kacha has over 14 years of experience in humanitarian relief, emergency response, and community development programs. He currently serves as Country Program Manager for Food for the Hungry International Ethiopia, overseeing integrated community development programs. Previously, he held positions as Area Project Manager and Project Manager for several organizations, managing multi-sectoral development programs. He has a Master's degree in Rural Development and Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Extension.
Ina'am Abdul Barri Omar Ahmad has over 10 years of experience in program management roles with International Medical Corps in Iraq. She holds a Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature with a Diploma in French. Her experience includes managing health and humanitarian aid programs, developing funding proposals, supervising staff, and ensuring compliance with organizational standards and budgets. She has strong communication, stakeholder engagement, and financial management skills.
The document provides a summary of Ammar Altagani Mohammed's work experience and qualifications. It details that he has over 9 years of experience in humanitarian affairs, project management, and sectors including food security, livelihoods, nutrition, health and protection. He has worked for organizations such as Concern Worldwide, HelpAge International, and Triangle Generation Humanitarian Organization in West Darfur, Sudan. His roles have included senior disaster risk reduction officer, programme officer, livelihoods officer and agronomist roles. He also lists his education qualifications and professional development trainings.
This resume summarizes the skills and experience of Atwijukire Arthur. He has over 10 years of experience in project management, coordination, and operations roles for organizations working in Uganda, South Sudan, Mozambique, and Kenya. His experience includes managing humanitarian projects, health programs, and business operations. He has strong skills in project planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting, and stakeholder engagement. He holds degrees in education, social work, and project management.
This document is Stephen Sichone's CV summarizing his work experience. It shows that he has worked in several roles related to HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment in Zambia over the past decade. These roles include managing behavioral change communication for various projects, developing national HIV prevention strategies, and managing research on gender and concurrent partnerships in Zambia. His CV demonstrates extensive experience designing and implementing HIV prevention programs in Zambia.
This document provides a summary of Jude Ssenyonjo's skills, experience, and qualifications. Ssenyonjo has over 15 years of experience designing and implementing social behavior change communication programs in public health. He currently works as a Capacity Strengthening Advisor at FHI 360, advising on the design and implementation of communication programs in Uganda. Previously he has held roles as a Project Coordinator and Program Manager on projects focused on HIV/AIDS, family planning, and maternal and child health. Ssenyonjo has extensive experience in project management, capacity building, and developing behavior change communication strategies and materials.
Adnan Alak'hali has over 15 years of experience managing projects in Yemen, including working for FAO and UNDP on agriculture and livestock projects. He has experience in project planning, management, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, and report writing. He has also worked in management roles for a private dairy farm and food company, and previously as a veterinary surgeon and herd manager.
This document provides a summary of Madhu Sudhan Dawadi's contact information, career objective, qualifications, and employment history. It includes his addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. His career objective is to contribute to child and youth friendly policies and programs related to human rights and child rights. He has 10 years of experience working for organizations like CWIN and has held roles like Project Manager, Regional Team Leader, and Lecturer. He has qualifications like an MA in English and training in topics like child protection, peace building, and psychosocial support.
This document provides a summary of Gemechis Bizuayehu's work experience and qualifications. It outlines his current role as a Senior WaSH Advisor for Save the Children International in Ethiopia, where he provides technical support and leadership for WaSH programming. Previously, he held WaSH-related roles at Save the Children and GOAL Ethiopia. Gemechis has over 15 years of experience in program design, management, and technical coordination of WaSH, shelter, and emergency response projects. He has strong technical skills and demonstrated experience developing proposals, budgets, and reports.
Highly effective in Humanitarian Projects and structural discipline in relation to Resilience, Education, Governance, Livelihood for Rural developmental and emergency and providing relevant trainings in livelihood, Resilience.
Mohsin Ali Sarder has over 20 years of experience in project management, livelihood development, value chain analysis, and training. He has worked for several international organizations, managing projects focused on economic development, livestock, and disaster recovery. Currently he is a Technical Specialist at Concern Worldwide in Bangladesh, overseeing livelihood and economic development activities.
Hair Uddin Baloch has over 10 years of experience working in community development, education, child protection, water and sanitation, and disaster relief projects across Balochistan province. He has held roles such as Regional Coordinator, Community Development Expert, Child Protection Officer, WASH Coordinator, Food Aid Project Coordinator, and CLTS Expert/District Manager. His experience includes managing projects, coordinating with government and community stakeholders, developing and implementing strategies, conducting trainings, monitoring activities, and reporting.
Peter Lorri is currently an M&E Advisor for SNV Netherlands Development Organization in Tanzania. He has over 5 years of experience providing M&E support and capacity building to various projects in Tanzania funded by organizations such as USAID, DFID, EU, and UNDP/GEF. His responsibilities include developing M&E systems, conducting data quality assessments, training partners in data collection and analysis, and reporting. He has expertise in areas such as M&E system development, capacity building, data analysis, and data quality assessment.
This document provides a summary of Ashfaq Ahmad's professional experience and qualifications. It outlines his 16+ years of experience managing humanitarian programs for organizations like Save the Children and UNHCR, with a focus on emergency response, operations, and program implementation. Key details include his roles as Director of Humanitarian Programs in Somalia and Deputy Response Team Leader in Nepal, with budgets over $12M and $35M respectively. The document also lists his education qualifications and language skills.
Mary Goretty Oyella has over 10 years of experience working in gender, protection, and humanitarian roles in South Sudan. Her experience includes serving as a Gender and GBV Specialist for UNFPA South Sudan, providing technical support and coordination on gender and GBV issues. She also worked as a Protection and GBV Consultant for INTERSOS, managing protection and GBV projects. Additionally, she served as PPA2 Manager for World Vision South Sudan, overseeing social accountability and child protection programs.
Umair Ali Shah is a development professional from Peshawar, Pakistan. He holds an MSc in Development Studies from the Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar. His experience includes working as a Field Officer for the Water and Sanitation Services Peshawar Local Government Department, a Monitoring Officer for the Galiyat Development Authority, and an M&E Assistant for UNDP Pakistan. He has skills in project planning, monitoring and evaluation, training, and the statistical package SPSS.
John Kakandela has over 14 years of experience in areas like peer education, facilitation, sexual and reproductive health, agriculture entrepreneurship, and video production. He has worked for organizations such as Concern Worldwide, Qwaanu 24/7 Solution Studio, and Adolescent Reproductive Health Advocates in roles like Community Development Facilitator, Artistic Video Producer and Manager, and District Coordinator. He has a bachelor's degree in project management and planning and speaks English as well as Bemba, Lozi, Nyanja, and Mbunda.
This project aims to support national capacity building to promote girls' right to education in Pakistan. It will focus on the Punjab province. The key objectives are to expand access to education for girls, improve education quality and gender sensitivity, and strengthen policy implementation. It will benefit girls aged 4-18, as well as education authorities, teachers, parents and communities. The project is expected to yield 7 results through 20 outputs related to improving teacher capacity, establishing monitoring systems, developing gender sensitive curricula and materials, strengthening school environments, and engaging communities. Baseline data will be collected to measure targets for indicators like enrolment, transition and completion rates.
1. AL Sahaba St.
Phone +970-8-2826066
Skype : mshatali
I have 18 years of progressive experience of progamme management, networking
and coordination of humanitarian and development programmes. The posts I have
discharged includes Deputy Project Manager and Officer-in-Charge of Gaza
Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Field Officer -
International Red Cross, Site Supervisor-World Vision, Site Supervisor-United
Nation Development Programme (UNDP), Field Officer-MAAN Development
Center, and Acting Head of Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M) Section-Ministry
of Agriculture (PA).
My duties include programme management, project cycle management,
monitoring, evaluation, reporting, planning, networking and coordination,
technical reference and supervision, security warden. It also include, preparing
project work implementation plans, developing project management framework
and proposal writing, and preparation of necessary financial & progress reports.
Also I have 4 years experiences of UN security roles. Trainer on different subjects
as: Acouaponic and Hydropnic system, Risk Management, Project Management.
2009 - 2015 M.Sc of Development Economics (MDE)
Islamic University of Gaza
2000-2001 Diploma of Specialized Post Graduate Studies Integrated Pest
Management of Mediterranean Fruit tree crops . The International Center for
Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies- Bari-Italy
1992-1996 BSc. In Agriculture (Plant Protection)
Al Azhar University, Gaza, Palestine
Currently work with Eadaad for Development , Training , and consultancy as
trainer the 6th
June,2016 Consultancy with team member of Expectrem consultancy services
on updating / preparation strategic plan and action plan according to IRPAL
project for 20 CBOs.
Oct.2015 Consultancy on Small project management Tender Number:
2. .
G.FS.DFATD.093.3015, REQUISITION NO.: 6848, funded by DFATD and
implemented by MAAN with partnership with Care international to evaluate 12
agri-business projects.
23 Sep.2015, External consultancy for High Value Vegetables and Fruits funded
by World Vision. Deliverables: 1)Market report, including citation of existing
research, with the most promising opportunities for WV to contribute through
AMENCA 3 in seasonal crops including, strawberries, herbs and vegetables
particularly sweet potatoes , longer term crops including, dates, grapes, avocado
and pineapple.2) A business case for the recommended opportunities, including
evidence of the need and in principle interest from a private company to work
with us.3) Profitability analysis on each product, including cash flow forecast and
return on investment.
Sep,2015 participate with technical team to prepare the technical proposal for
career development institute in active learning .
June2015, Consultancy for designing and developing an Education Program on
Urban Agriculture- Phase II, with Maan Development Center. And established
tow domesntraion units of Aquaponic and hydroponic.
1.Dec.2014 July.2016
Al Azhar University Gaza
Project Coordinator of the project" Curriculum Development and Strengthening
Institutional Capacity Environment of Faculty of Agriculture and Environment"
The project funded by the QIF Unit - world bank.
My duties include:
Ensure the successful implementation and quality outputs of the Project through
coordinating the implementation of all the activities in the project's implementation
plan and providing adequate follow up and supervision of the work.
Scheduling, coordinating, and attending project advisory and administrative
meetings and workshop, and preparing agendas and distributing minutes and
reports to all project team members.
Preparing project reports, RFPs, tenders, budgets, cash flows, schedules and in
determination of project requirements.
Preparing project organization and communication charts.
Tracking the progress and quality of work being performed by the targeted
programs in the project and project team.
Using project scheduling and control tools to monitor project plans, work hours,
budgets and expenditures.
Effectively and accurately communicating relevant project information to the QIF
PCU and project administrative team and among project implementation staff.
3. Ensuring project implementation needs are met in a timely and cost effective
Reviewing reports from project implementation staff and consultants throughout
the period of the project.
Preparing and assisting project director in issuing contracts, letters of intent,
purchase orders, etc.
Maintaining Contract Execution Tracking Log and assisting in project data
gathering and analysis.
Tracking & managing contemplated change notices and change orders in the
Keeping the project director and board informed about project status and issues
that may impact project implementation.
Facilitating the creation of communication channels with local industries towards
cooperation, and communications in issues related to the project.
Participating in planning and coordination of work of the student research projects.
14.Sep.2014 4.November 2014
UNESCO Ramallah office
Gaza Coordinator of the Higher Education Assessment regarding the impact of
the crisis on higher education institutions and their students and teachers in Gaza.
My duties include:
Ensure the coordination of the assessment team for the implementation and
monitoring of the assessment .
Support the preparation /monitoring of the detailed work plan and frame work for
the higher education assessment .
Ensure the full coordination with the ministry of education and higher education.
Coordinating with UNMAS to clear the 12th HEIs with infrastructure damages.
(risk assessment report).
Coordinating and conducting the orientation meeting with 28 HEIs representatives
to provide guidance about the process and methodology of the assessment.
Piloting the data collection with one Institute .
Compile the quantitative data by using the developed and approved questioner.
Compile qualitative information about the impact of HEI in Gaza after the crisis
based on conducting with the assessment team :
Key focus group discussion with selected 8 to 12 education professionals from
higher educational institutions,
Interviews with three key information person from MoEHE and universities,
Case studies for three student directly affected during the crisis,
Coordinate with the education focal point engineer from UNDP regarding
UNSCO assessment on higher education, and extract the sheets on higher
education infrastructure damages from the system, in order to avoid the
overlapping of data collection of damaged assessment.
Follow up with the data entry officer regarding the final data statistic and info
graphics to be shared in view of the analysis.
4. 1.May.07 31.March 2014
Gaza Deputy Projects Manager
Deputy project manager and Officer-in-Charge of Gaza Office of the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) .
Work as FAO national security warden from 2011 to 2014 to cover all security
matters in Gaza strip.
Representing FAO at Palestine national TV (
My duties include:
Assist the programme manager in efficient and quality project implementation and
in particular assume the overall responsibility of project management when the
project manager is absent;
Coordinate under the supervision of the programme manager, the field
implementation teams at district level;
Assist the programme manager in the preparation of the detailed work plan and in
the supervision/monitoring of their implementation;
Identify, help selecting and supervise (under the guidance of the programme
manager) the work of the local partners involved in project implementation (such
as local NGOs and/or research centre's);
Assist the programme manager in preparing the technical specifications for the
goods, items and services to be procured under the project;
Identify and evaluate the capacity and quality of work of potential local suppliers
of technical goods and services;
Take the lead (under the supervision of the programme manager) in aggregating
the monitoring reports from the component coordinators and implementation
Liaise, under the supervision of the programme manager, with the ministry of
agriculture to ensure that project interventions are consistent with ongoing
ministry programs.
Main Projects :
1. Improving food security in North Gaza through Land Rehabilitation and
Open-Field Vegetable Production OSRO/GAZ/204/NET-Funded by
Netherlands government.
2. Emergency household food production activities in vulnerable and
marginalized urban areas of the Gaza Strip OSRO/GAZ/205/BEL-Funded
by Belgium government.
3. Emergency food production support to poor families in the Gaza Strip
(phase 2) OSRO/GAZ/106/BEL-Funded by Belgium government
4. Emergency food production support to poor families in the Gaza Strip.
OSRO/GAZ/007/BEL -Funded by Belgium government.
5. Support to reduce the impact of food insecurity for Palestinians in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip. OSRO/GAZ/010/NOR-Funded by Norway
5. government.
6. Enhancing livelihoods and entrepreneurship skills of vulnerable youth
through Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools in the West Bank and Gaza
Strip OSRO/GAZ/802/NOR-Funded by Norway government..
7. Emergency support and employment generation for female-headed
households through backyard farming and cottage industry in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip OSRO/GAZ/703/SPA-Funded by Spain government.
8. Support to household food security and income generation through bio-
intensive backyard agricultural production and cottage industry activities
for women OSRO/GAZ/602/NOR-Funded by Norway government.
9. Support to horticulture in the Gaza Strip OSRO/GAZ/601/NOR.
10. Agriculture Revitalization Action Project (ARAP) OSRO/GAZ/706/JPN -
Funded by Japan government.
11. Restoring the agriculture productive capacity in the Gaza Strip through
emergency support to farmers and enhanced sectoral coordination
OSRO/GAZ/604/SPA-Funded by Spain government.
1.Feb.07 till 30.April 07
International Committee of the Red Cross Gaza office, Palestine.
Rehabilitation of Destroyed agricultural land in the buffer zone - Gaza Strip
Field officer.
My duties include:
Manage, supervise and facilitate the daily operations of the project.
Maintain field supervision over the implementation process of the project
activities by the CBOs.
Coordinate with the CBOs on the implementation of the project.
Prepare liquidation reports, payment and procurement requests.
15 Sep.06 till 15 Jan.07
World Vision -Gaza Office, Palestine
Relief project in Gaza to support local farmers and needy families " from poor
farmers to poor families
World Vision Fund
Site Supervisor
Distribute 6000 Fresh food basket for the household food insecurity families,
which temporarilyalleviated their suffering.
My duties include:
Manage, supervise and facilitate the daily operations of the project.
Maintain field supervision over the implementation process of the project
activities by the CBOs.
6. Coordinate with the CBOs on the implementation of the project.
Coordinate, monitor and supervise the process of hiring of workers by the
Ensure the adherence to the selection criteria of the Labors.
Prepare liquidation reports, payment and procurement requests.
1.May 05 31.May 06
United Nations Development Programme UNDP/ PAPP Gaza, Palestine.
Rehabilitation of Destroyed agricultural Sector in northern Gaza Strip Project.
Funded by Japan government.
Site Supervisor.
Replanting 2000 dounms of the destroyed Orchards of Citrus and Olives in Beit
Hanoun area.
My duties include:
Manage, supervise and facilitate the daily operations of the project.
Maintain field supervision over the implementation process of the project
activities by the LIOs.
Coordinate with the LIOs on the implementation of the project.
Coordinate, monitor and supervise the process of hiring of workers by the
Ensure the adherence to the selection criteria of the unskilled labor and
the use of labor-intensive techniques in all project interventions.
Prepare liquidation reports, payment and procurement requests.
1.Jan.2003 - 30.April 2004
MAAN Development Center - Gaza, Palestine.
Assisting and Providing Relief for the Farmers in the Gaza Strip in time of
National Emergency.
Funded by Belgium government
Site Supervisor
Replanting, Rehabilitation of Greenhouses, Water Pumps, job creation, Irrigations
network, and Store unite, in Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia, Der al Balah, al Qrara,and
Rafah area.
My duties include:
Manage, supervise and facilitate the daily operations of the project.
Maintain field supervision over the implementation process of the project
activities by the5 Local Committee.
Coordinate with the 5 Local Committee on the implementation of the project.
Coordinate, monitor and supervise the process of hiring of workers by the
Ensure the adherence to the selection criteria of the unskilled labor and the use
of labor-intensive techniques in all project interventions.
Prepare liquidation reports, payment and procurement requests.
7. Relevant
Training courses
2002 to 2003 Ministry of Agriculture Gaza
Acting Head of Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M) Section
Department of Plant Protection & Inspection Services
1997-2002 Ministry of Agriculture Gaza
Agronomist at Plant Pathology Labratories
Diagnosis of Plant Pathogens
1996-1997 Ministry of Agriculture Gaza
Observer at the Department of Citrus Export
Observer of the citrus Processing & Preparation for Export.
19-20 November 2013 Disaster Risk Management (Practical case in Gaza
29to30 April 2012 FAO Procurement Training.
Jan.2012 Basic of Procurement of FAO online training.
20Feb.2011 UN wardens workshop.
4-6 April 2011 Safe and Secure Approaches in Field
Environment(SSAFE) training program.
2011 Basic and advance security training
July to Nov. 2011 37hr Seminar on presentation and communication,
Time Management and Report writing for the professional skills program.
Amideast center.
25-29 Jan 2004 GIS & Data Management in Pest Control Project (Arava
International Center for Agriculture Training).
1-8 Oct. 2003 MS Project for Construction Projects Management (SMET).
2-6 Sep. 2002 Course on Med Monitoring & Fruit Sampling (CHIOS,
Aug. 2000 Course on Introduction of Biotechnology (BETCEN)
Oct. 99 Course on the Principles of Integrated Pest Management (AlAzhar
Universitry, Gaza)
Aug. 99 Course on Plant Tissue culture Course in (BETCEN)
Jan. 99 Course on Biological Control (BETCEN)
Mar.98- May 98, Course on (Agriculture in English) in Agricultural
Engineers Association.
May 98- Aug.98 Course in French Language in Agricultural Engineers
Professionalism, Communication, Planning and Organization, Team work,
Leadership, Accountability, Creativity, and Vision.
8. Skills
High level of managerial skills.
Training Skills.
Effective Team work and Time Management Skills.
Performance Evaluation and Appraisal.
Communication skills and ability to deal with people of different
Human Resource Management and,
High level of computer skills. Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Access, MS
Outlook (Email), MS Power Point, Internet,
Member of Agricultural Engineers Association.
Member of Al Azhar University Graduates Association.
Luigi Damiani
Head of FAO Palestine office
Dr. Hani Nijim
Rep. of PCU-World Bank
Mobile 0599325632
Basil Nasser
UNDP program officer
Mobile: 0597500507
Basem Khaldi
Political Advisor -Palestinian Affairs Office of The United Nations Special
Coordinator for Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO)
Mobile: 0599415191
Languages Arabic Mother Tong
English fluent