De sponsoren in deze presentatie hebben het concert op 2 oktober 2011 mogelijk gemaakt. Denkt aan hen wanneer u producten of diensten koopt die onze sponsoren aanbiede
How to solve misalignment lun netapp on linux servers by IvanIvan Silva
1) The document provides steps to properly configure disk alignment on Linux servers using Netapp LUNs (iSCSI or FC/FCOE) to avoid potential performance issues as storage grows.
2) Key steps include installing correct host and SnapDrive utilities, configuring multipath software, creating LUNs specifying the Linux OS type, creating an initiator group for Linux, and changing the LUN partition start sector to a value evenly divisible by eight using fdisk.
3) The lun alignment show command on the Netapp storage checks the read and write alignment histogram percentages to confirm if the LUN is aligned, partial, or indeterminate.
The document summarizes the results of a survey about a film. 60% of respondents liked the film, particularly praising the acting and opening credits, though many felt the scriptwriting and character motivations were weak. Most respondents, 70%, said they typically learn about new films through online media like YouTube and social media, while 30% said word-of-mouth and magazines. The survey gathered information about respondents' gender, age, opinions on the film's strengths and weaknesses, and how they found out about the film.
Este documento describe varias herramientas web 2.0 que pueden usarse para el aprendizaje colaborativo, incluyendo MindMeister para crear mapas mentales colaborativos, MediaWiki para la escritura colaborativa de documentos, y Google Docs para la edici坦n colaborativa de documentos. El documento establece criterios para seleccionar herramientas y revisa herramientas como People Aggregator, TWiki y Confluence analizando sus caracter鱈sticas para el aprendizaje colaborativo.
Photography has evolved greatly from black and white photos and television to now include 3D and HD formats. Early photography relied on capturing light and shadows to create depth through black and white images, while modern technologies offer automated filters and effects. The future of photography remains uncertain but will likely involve new innovative uses of light.
Students are given a non-functioning PC and must troubleshoot the hardware issues to identify and resolve the problem. The document provides steps for troubleshooting including identifying the problem, gathering information, developing and implementing a solution. It also covers common hardware issues like POST errors, BIOS errors, motherboard, CPU, RAM, cable, port, video, storage, sound, power supply and cooling issues that may cause problems. The goal is to resolve the hardware issues and get the PC back into working condition.
Yellow Roadway Corporation reported their highest quarterly earnings per share in company history for Q3 2005. Key highlights included:
- Yellow Transportation achieved a record quarterly operating ratio of 91.8% and revenue per hundredweight increased 7.2% year-over-year.
- Roadway Express closed the quarter with good momentum, with a 93.2% operating ratio.
- YRC Regional Transportation saw double-digit volume growth and revenue per hundredweight increased 6.0% year-over-year.
- Meridian IQ results reflected strong organic growth and expansion, with operating income increasing over 500% from the prior year quarter.
Yellow Roadway expected Q4 2005 EPS between
How it feels to be a social media managerSpotistic
Managing a social network isn't a walk in the park! Its a complex, difficult task that requires a serious marketing professional with a crazy consistent strategy. Despite it all, no one takes the work of a social media manager seriously. Here we outline how it feels to be a social media manager
This document summarizes a presentation about Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center's use of electronic personnel action forms (ePAFs) for all personnel transactions. It discusses how Texas Tech analyzed different transaction types and automated them using ePAFs. It also covers the implementation process, including establishing data standards and extensive training. Ideas for future enhancements are provided, such as adding more options for multi-job forms and improving error handling.
This document summarizes a presentation given at the Courier & Parcel Logistics Conference Post Expo in London from September 29th to October 2nd, 2008. The presentation discusses challenges with cross docking centers and the "black hole" effect where goods get stuck. It also reviews how companies like DHL and Schenker have implemented integrated systems using RFID to track goods and trucks in real-time, improving visibility and efficiency. Looking to the future, the presentation envisions a fully integrated approach using radio identification and automated systems to continuously track goods and coordinate truck and dock operations.
South Heaven Park is offering new fall seminars for seniors, adults and teens. For seniors, quilting and tai chi seminars will be offered, with quilts being raffled at the annual bazaar. Adults can take almost gourmet cooking or kickball seminars, with the latter culminating in an elimination tournament. Teen seminars include rock climbing covering safety techniques or one of three levels of fencing.
Gingoog City in the Philippines is known for its natural beauty, friendly people, and tourist attractions. It has forests, waterfalls, lakes, mountains, and beaches. Visitors come to see spots like Tiklas Falls, Pahayahay sa Pantalan, and Pahayahay sa Basakan, as well as experience the city's festivals. The document invites readers to visit Gingoog City to experience its natural wonders and the hospitality of its people firsthand.
To write an effective lab report, address six key questions about the topic and methodology. A typical lab report includes a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. The introduction should provide context about previous related work and how the current study extends existing knowledge. Data and results must be presented honestly without omitting negative findings. Lab reports aim to share information with industry professionals to advance collective understanding.
Pewangi Bhd estimates bad debt expense using the percentage-of-sales method at 5% of gross sales. Using 2012 figures, the estimated bad debt expense is RM12,920 with an adjusting entry to increase expense and allowance for bad debts. Assuming receivables are estimated to be 8% uncollectible using the percentage-of-receivables method instead, the estimated bad debt expense is RM6,000 with an adjusting entry. The percentage-of-receivables method more accurately reflects net realizable value as it considers current collectability.
The document discusses testing the performance of several computers using Windows Performance Monitor and TreeSize software. It includes details of tests run on one computer to check processor and memory usage under normal browsing conditions. The results found the processor peaked at 66% during Photoshop use but was generally lower than expected, while memory increases were small. Upgrading the computer's memory and processor is recommended over buying a new system based on the lower cost of upgrading. Regular performance monitoring is advised to optimize computer usage and efficiency.
Het jaarverslag van 2017 toont in beeld en woord wat AZ Diest het afgelopen jaar heeft gedaan. Het is een jaarimpressie, waar je doorheen kunt klikken en zo langs de opmerkelijkste prestaties van 2017 komt.
Students are given a non-functioning PC and must troubleshoot the hardware issues to identify and resolve the problem. The document provides steps for troubleshooting including identifying the problem, gathering information, developing and implementing a solution. It also covers common hardware issues like POST errors, BIOS errors, motherboard, CPU, RAM, cable, port, video, storage, sound, power supply and cooling issues that may cause problems. The goal is to resolve the hardware issues and get the PC back into working condition.
Yellow Roadway Corporation reported their highest quarterly earnings per share in company history for Q3 2005. Key highlights included:
- Yellow Transportation achieved a record quarterly operating ratio of 91.8% and revenue per hundredweight increased 7.2% year-over-year.
- Roadway Express closed the quarter with good momentum, with a 93.2% operating ratio.
- YRC Regional Transportation saw double-digit volume growth and revenue per hundredweight increased 6.0% year-over-year.
- Meridian IQ results reflected strong organic growth and expansion, with operating income increasing over 500% from the prior year quarter.
Yellow Roadway expected Q4 2005 EPS between
How it feels to be a social media managerSpotistic
Managing a social network isn't a walk in the park! Its a complex, difficult task that requires a serious marketing professional with a crazy consistent strategy. Despite it all, no one takes the work of a social media manager seriously. Here we outline how it feels to be a social media manager
This document summarizes a presentation about Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center's use of electronic personnel action forms (ePAFs) for all personnel transactions. It discusses how Texas Tech analyzed different transaction types and automated them using ePAFs. It also covers the implementation process, including establishing data standards and extensive training. Ideas for future enhancements are provided, such as adding more options for multi-job forms and improving error handling.
This document summarizes a presentation given at the Courier & Parcel Logistics Conference Post Expo in London from September 29th to October 2nd, 2008. The presentation discusses challenges with cross docking centers and the "black hole" effect where goods get stuck. It also reviews how companies like DHL and Schenker have implemented integrated systems using RFID to track goods and trucks in real-time, improving visibility and efficiency. Looking to the future, the presentation envisions a fully integrated approach using radio identification and automated systems to continuously track goods and coordinate truck and dock operations.
South Heaven Park is offering new fall seminars for seniors, adults and teens. For seniors, quilting and tai chi seminars will be offered, with quilts being raffled at the annual bazaar. Adults can take almost gourmet cooking or kickball seminars, with the latter culminating in an elimination tournament. Teen seminars include rock climbing covering safety techniques or one of three levels of fencing.
Gingoog City in the Philippines is known for its natural beauty, friendly people, and tourist attractions. It has forests, waterfalls, lakes, mountains, and beaches. Visitors come to see spots like Tiklas Falls, Pahayahay sa Pantalan, and Pahayahay sa Basakan, as well as experience the city's festivals. The document invites readers to visit Gingoog City to experience its natural wonders and the hospitality of its people firsthand.
To write an effective lab report, address six key questions about the topic and methodology. A typical lab report includes a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion sections. The introduction should provide context about previous related work and how the current study extends existing knowledge. Data and results must be presented honestly without omitting negative findings. Lab reports aim to share information with industry professionals to advance collective understanding.
Pewangi Bhd estimates bad debt expense using the percentage-of-sales method at 5% of gross sales. Using 2012 figures, the estimated bad debt expense is RM12,920 with an adjusting entry to increase expense and allowance for bad debts. Assuming receivables are estimated to be 8% uncollectible using the percentage-of-receivables method instead, the estimated bad debt expense is RM6,000 with an adjusting entry. The percentage-of-receivables method more accurately reflects net realizable value as it considers current collectability.
The document discusses testing the performance of several computers using Windows Performance Monitor and TreeSize software. It includes details of tests run on one computer to check processor and memory usage under normal browsing conditions. The results found the processor peaked at 66% during Photoshop use but was generally lower than expected, while memory increases were small. Upgrading the computer's memory and processor is recommended over buying a new system based on the lower cost of upgrading. Regular performance monitoring is advised to optimize computer usage and efficiency.
Het jaarverslag van 2017 toont in beeld en woord wat AZ Diest het afgelopen jaar heeft gedaan. Het is een jaarimpressie, waar je doorheen kunt klikken en zo langs de opmerkelijkste prestaties van 2017 komt.
Je bent bij ViVa! Zorggroep op je plek als je niet alleen wil dokteren, maar ...Corparis
Bij ViVa! Zorggroep ben je als specialist ouderengeneeskundige een duizendpoot. En soms een luis in de pels. Want het vak is een uitdagende combinatie van huisartsgeneeskunde, psychiatrie en sociale geneeskunde. Specialist ouderengeneeskunde Naomi Verheijen vertelt hoe het 辿cht is om bij ViVa! Zorggroep te werken.
Waar staat ViVa! Zorggroep voor?
Project nieuwe huisvesting stichting de Noorderbrug in Groningen aan de Laan corpus den Hoorn voor 100 mensen met niet aangeboren hersenletsel.
Verbouw kantoor naar zorgappartementen en dagbestedingscentrum. Integraal zorgdomoticasysteem.
Presentatie projecten Stichting Vrienden van Reinier de Graaf ziekenhuis maar...Rowena Timmermans
Presentation of the mission and projects of the Friends of hospital Reinier de Graaf ziekenhuis in Delft Holland. Wat is de missie en visie van de Stichting Vrienden van Reinier de Graaf. En welke projecten ondersteunt zij voorlopig voor het ziekenhuis.
1. 117116
Martijn van den Bos en Alice van den Bos-
Huddleston Slater begonnen hun tandheel-
kundige praktijk in het lommerrijke, Utrechtse
Wilhelminapark.Tegenwoordig huizen ze in een
lichte, frisse praktijk in De Bilt.Wat echter
onveranderd is gebleven, is de diepgewortelde
liefde voor hun vak.
inds begin 2011 is in
het voormalige ge-
bouw van de Rabo-
bank tandartsen-
praktijk Mondzorg De
Bilt gevestigd. Onze
zit op de plek waar
vroeger de kluis zat, vertelt Martijn (38). Grap-
pig, want een goed gebit is natuurlijk onbetaal-
baar. Martijn is gespecialiseerd in wortel-
kanaalbehandelingen. Ik heb me in die richting
gespecialiseerd omdat ik meer verdieping zocht.
Daarbij is het een tak van de tandheelkunde
waar je rustig en nauwkeurig moet werken. Dat
ligt me goed. Martijns echtgenote Alice (39)
Mondzorg op het
hoogste niveau
legt zich toe op de algemene tandheelkunde.
Daar valt van alles onder: het behandelen van
ouders en hun kinderen, grote restauratieve be-
handelingen en ook het aanmeten van kunstge-
bitten. En natuurlijk oefenen we beiden de
algemene tandheelkundige zorg uit.
We begonnen klein, bij mijn schoonvader in de
praktijk, vertelt Martijn. Omdat we daar maar
辿辿n behandelkamer tot onze beschikking had-
den en we wilden uitbreiden zijn we verhuisd
naar De Bilt. De pati谷nten die we in onze vorige
praktijk hadden, zijn meeverhuisd. Sommigen
kwamen dertig jaar geleden al bij mijn schoon-
vader in de praktijk. Dat zegt wel iets over onze
aanpak, denk ik.
Ook al zijn we dan gevestigd in een voormalige
bank, kilheid en zakelijkheid zijn het tegenover-
gestelde van wat we willen uitstralen. Maar onze
ambities gaan nog een stuk verder. Kwaliteit, te-
vredenheid en vakmanschap zijn onze belang-
rijkste speerpunten.Onze pati谷nten kunnen zelf
aangeven door wie ze behandeld willen worden
en houden hun vaste tandarts. De pati谷nten
worden in een ontspannen en moderne ruimte
behandeld door de tandartsen en de mond-
hygi谷niste. Dat we de tijd nemen voor al onze
pati谷nten en inspelen op hun specifieke behoef-
tes is heel kenmerkend voor onze praktijk. We
horen regelmatig dat we rust en ervaring uitstra-
len. Kijk, dat zijn natuurlijk de reacties waar we
het voor doen.
Tekst Vivienne Groenewoud Fotografie Mandy Brander
Burgemeester de Withstraat 59-c,
De Bilt T (030) 251 21 05,
Sommigen van onze
pati谷nten kwamen dertig
jaar geleden al bij mijn
schoonvader in de