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Oxygen8 Communications
       David Ryder
  Group Marketing Director
Company Overview

   Established in 2000
   Largest privately owned interactive communications company
   Turnover more than 贈50 million p.a. & operating profitably
   Single integrated global communications infrastructure
   Supporting voice, mobile and online services
   Offering integrated digital solutions
   Covering delivery, billing, applications and content
   88 staff located across our global offices
   A one stop shop service for our clients

                   Worldwide Voice & Mobile Solutions
Global Footprint

                          Dublin      London,
Denver                         Birmingham & Litchfield

                                             Dar es Salaam


  Offices in 7 Countries and connectivity in 38 Countries

         Mobile Messaging, Voice & Mass Media Solutions
Company Overview
                                                           CMS (Caribbean) acquired
Operataing in Africa Since 2006                       JV with Mobiya announced    2009
                                           Push Mobile Mozambique opened
                                    Company formed in South Africa
                    Push Mobile JV established in East Africa
           Sunday Times No 54 fastest growing
                         business 2005 in UK
                                                                Company formed in Australia
                                                    Awarded Sunday Times No1
                                    2003           fastest growing business in UK

                         2002          Direct connections to Irish mobile operators completed
                                Irish Telco licence awarded
             2001       Company formed in Ireland
                 Direct connections to UK mobile operators completed
    2000     UK PTO license awarded
         Company formed in UK
                              Brands Need to Interact with Consumers
Oxygen8 South Africa

 The Groups fastest growing business unit
 Directly connected to all 3 mobile operators
 Implemented WAP billing directly with Mobile Operators
 One of the Biggest WAP markets in the World
 Currently within top 5 aggregators
 Achieving great success in the brands and agency sector
 Brands such as Cadburys, Unilever, McDonalds
 Ready-made media buying & production service

                 Brands Need to Interact with Consumers
General observations

 SA has over 100% cellphone penetration
 4 Mobile networks  Vodacom, MTN, Cell C &
 Recent new addition Telkom Mobile
 4.5 million internet/SA PC users end of 2009 vs.
  44.5 million mobile users (worldwideworx figures)
 78% of mobile users in SA dont have PCs
 1 in 6 internet searches in 2009 were from
 So where would you send advertising
Challenge & Opportunity
 SA mobile/roaming rates amongst highest in the World*
 Poor historic view/mistrust of mobile (legacy: rip-off
  comps & hidden daily subscriptions)
*NB we balance this with airtime voucher awards attractive even to contract users
   (transferable as a gift to children/domestic helps etc. on pre-paid phones).

Balanced by (upside/opportunity):
 Influence of iPhone (apps/downloads on phones are
  cool again)
 Recession driven need for more cost-effective,
  measurable marketing & advertising

[NB were also building iPhone apps for clients  SA market only
   approx. 200,000 iPhones; mostly decision-makers  e.g. adv
   agency directors].
Most of our current effort ...

 Moving to a more mobile media stance by creating
  selective, cost-effective marketing for corporates et al.
 Offering mobile as the media which locks together
  traditional adv & mkting (print, radio, TV)  its as well
  as, not instead of. Put it in the audiences pocket.
 Dont ask for extra marketing budget, just 10-15% of
  current advertising budget
 Advantages (USP)  interactive (audience can talk back
  immediately), measurable response, cost-effective &
  personal  almost everyone opens a mobile message
 Captures & builds active databases for future marketing
 Immediate targets are adv. & media agencies, brands,
  TV production companies & corporates
Additionally we have targeted

   Information for people on the move ...
 Financial groups/advisors  StanLib, IFA Net (e.g.
  client investment portfolio info)
 Hotel & country lodges  (where to stay/click here to
  book/local interest places, etc.)  Orion Hotel Group
 Sports sites (esp. football)  e.g. Supersport.mobi =
  1m hits/month
 Mobisites are good for attracting 3rd party supportive
  advertising  sites can pay for themselves
Others in our sights  these are just the starting points
East Africa
   Based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
   Formed in 2006 & Push Mozambique in 2007
   Joint venture between Oxygen8 & Six Telecoms Company
   Direct connections in Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique
   Access to subscriber base of over 25 Million people
   Servicing subscribers in English, Kiswahili and Portuguese
   Only company in Tanzania to offer premium SMS & Voice
   90% penetration in media sector in Tanzania
   Ready-made formats for premium-rate campaigns
   In-house production of video, audio & print marketing
   Consultation on regulatory environment
   Managed by local personnel with knowledge of local market

                     Worldwide Voice & Mobile Solutions
The Opportunity - Mobile Penetration

-Subscriber   base in English speaking Markets-Excluding South Africa
 Nigeria 63,000,000
 Kenya 18,000,000
 Tanzania 17,000,000
 Uganda 11,570,000
 Ghana 12,000,000
 Zimbabwe 2,000,000
 Botswana 1,800,000
 Zambia 3,500,000
 Malawi 1,900,000
Some Issues
Iphone App- Most phones are still basic but numbers of Smart
phones increasing steadily.

High Revenue Services- This can only run for Niche groups,
most subscribers cannot afford High Premium services which
cost over $2 per transaction

Post paid services: Most of the market is prepaid
approximately 90% across the region

Online Gaming via Mobile phone- Regulatory authorities dont
know how to regulate. (Opportunity!!)

Adult Services : Conservative laws and Culture Adult sites
are accessed by mobile phone and on the Internet.

Wap based services: wap penetration remains low except for
countries like South Africa, Kenya, Morocco
Music Content : Mostly offered by Networks so there is an
opportunity to create a reputable source of content to network and
B2C content brands.
Sport Services : Football services- Premier league and Champions
Mega Promotions : Regional Campaigns over two or more countries
run concurrently. Opportunity to run campaigns with Big prizes
Mobile Marketing : Marketing Via the Mobile and SMS Based
M-Government- Working with Government and Ngos to provide key
services over the mobile phone- M-Education-Health-Election
Monitoring Product Authentication
Infrastructure Business: Providing a backbone for Companies in
developed markets to run campaigns in emerging African Markets.
Thank You!
For further information contact:
         +44 7876033155

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  • 1. Oxygen8 Communications David Ryder Group Marketing Director
  • 2. Company Overview Established in 2000 Largest privately owned interactive communications company Turnover more than 贈50 million p.a. & operating profitably Single integrated global communications infrastructure Supporting voice, mobile and online services Offering integrated digital solutions Covering delivery, billing, applications and content 88 staff located across our global offices A one stop shop service for our clients Worldwide Voice & Mobile Solutions
  • 3. Global Footprint Dublin London, Denver Birmingham & Litchfield Barbados Dar es Salaam Johannesburg Sydney Offices in 7 Countries and connectivity in 38 Countries Mobile Messaging, Voice & Mass Media Solutions
  • 4. Company Overview CMS (Caribbean) acquired Operataing in Africa Since 2006 JV with Mobiya announced 2009 Push Mobile Mozambique opened 2008 Company formed in South Africa 2007 Push Mobile JV established in East Africa 2006 Sunday Times No 54 fastest growing business 2005 in UK 2005 Company formed in Australia 2004 Awarded Sunday Times No1 2003 fastest growing business in UK 2002 Direct connections to Irish mobile operators completed Irish Telco licence awarded 2001 Company formed in Ireland Direct connections to UK mobile operators completed 2000 UK PTO license awarded Company formed in UK Brands Need to Interact with Consumers
  • 5. Oxygen8 South Africa The Groups fastest growing business unit Directly connected to all 3 mobile operators Implemented WAP billing directly with Mobile Operators One of the Biggest WAP markets in the World Currently within top 5 aggregators Achieving great success in the brands and agency sector Brands such as Cadburys, Unilever, McDonalds Ready-made media buying & production service Brands Need to Interact with Consumers
  • 6. General observations SA has over 100% cellphone penetration 4 Mobile networks Vodacom, MTN, Cell C & Virgin Recent new addition Telkom Mobile 4.5 million internet/SA PC users end of 2009 vs. 44.5 million mobile users (worldwideworx figures) 78% of mobile users in SA dont have PCs 1 in 6 internet searches in 2009 were from cellphones So where would you send advertising messages?
  • 7. Challenge & Opportunity SA mobile/roaming rates amongst highest in the World* Poor historic view/mistrust of mobile (legacy: rip-off comps & hidden daily subscriptions) *NB we balance this with airtime voucher awards attractive even to contract users (transferable as a gift to children/domestic helps etc. on pre-paid phones). Balanced by (upside/opportunity): Influence of iPhone (apps/downloads on phones are cool again) Recession driven need for more cost-effective, measurable marketing & advertising [NB were also building iPhone apps for clients SA market only approx. 200,000 iPhones; mostly decision-makers e.g. adv agency directors].
  • 8. Most of our current effort ... Moving to a more mobile media stance by creating selective, cost-effective marketing for corporates et al. Offering mobile as the media which locks together traditional adv & mkting (print, radio, TV) its as well as, not instead of. Put it in the audiences pocket. Dont ask for extra marketing budget, just 10-15% of current advertising budget Advantages (USP) interactive (audience can talk back immediately), measurable response, cost-effective & personal almost everyone opens a mobile message Captures & builds active databases for future marketing Immediate targets are adv. & media agencies, brands, TV production companies & corporates
  • 9. Additionally we have targeted Information for people on the move ... Financial groups/advisors StanLib, IFA Net (e.g. client investment portfolio info) Hotel & country lodges (where to stay/click here to book/local interest places, etc.) Orion Hotel Group Sports sites (esp. football) e.g. Supersport.mobi = 1m hits/month Mobisites are good for attracting 3rd party supportive advertising sites can pay for themselves Others in our sights these are just the starting points
  • 10. East Africa Based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Formed in 2006 & Push Mozambique in 2007 Joint venture between Oxygen8 & Six Telecoms Company Direct connections in Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique Access to subscriber base of over 25 Million people Servicing subscribers in English, Kiswahili and Portuguese Only company in Tanzania to offer premium SMS & Voice 90% penetration in media sector in Tanzania Ready-made formats for premium-rate campaigns In-house production of video, audio & print marketing Consultation on regulatory environment Managed by local personnel with knowledge of local market Worldwide Voice & Mobile Solutions
  • 11. The Opportunity - Mobile Penetration -Subscriber base in English speaking Markets-Excluding South Africa Nigeria 63,000,000 Kenya 18,000,000 Tanzania 17,000,000 Uganda 11,570,000 Ghana 12,000,000 Zimbabwe 2,000,000 Botswana 1,800,000 Zambia 3,500,000 Malawi 1,900,000
  • 12. Some Issues Iphone App- Most phones are still basic but numbers of Smart phones increasing steadily. High Revenue Services- This can only run for Niche groups, most subscribers cannot afford High Premium services which cost over $2 per transaction Post paid services: Most of the market is prepaid approximately 90% across the region Online Gaming via Mobile phone- Regulatory authorities dont know how to regulate. (Opportunity!!) Adult Services : Conservative laws and Culture Adult sites are accessed by mobile phone and on the Internet. Wap based services: wap penetration remains low except for countries like South Africa, Kenya, Morocco
  • 13. Opportunities Music Content : Mostly offered by Networks so there is an opportunity to create a reputable source of content to network and B2C content brands. Sport Services : Football services- Premier league and Champions league. Mega Promotions : Regional Campaigns over two or more countries run concurrently. Opportunity to run campaigns with Big prizes Mobile Marketing : Marketing Via the Mobile and SMS Based marketing M-Government- Working with Government and Ngos to provide key services over the mobile phone- M-Education-Health-Election Monitoring Product Authentication Infrastructure Business: Providing a backbone for Companies in developed markets to run campaigns in emerging African Markets. 13
  • 14. Thank You! For further information contact: David.ryder@oxygen8.com +44 7876033155