This document discusses a new study that explains how marijuana impairs short-term memory. The study found that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, causes long-term depression at neuronal connections in the hippocampus by inducing the removal of AMPA receptors from neuronal membranes. This process is controlled by astrocytes, a type of glial cell in the brain that was previously thought to play a minor role but is now understood to significantly contribute to information processing and cognitive functions in the brain.
Innovative Precision is a CNC machine shop that has built a reputation for quality and precision since 1998. They have a variety of CNC milling and lathe machines from manufacturers like Mazak, Okuma, Mori Seiki, and more. They operate out of a 23,000 square foot facility and can accommodate additional growth with owned land for future expansion. Their capabilities across CNC machining, EDM, and quality inspection enable them to serve a diverse range of industries.
This document discusses a new study that explains how marijuana impairs short-term memory. The study found that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, causes long-term depression at neuronal connections in the hippocampus by inducing the removal of AMPA receptors from neuronal membranes. This process is controlled by astrocytes, a type of glial cell in the brain that was previously thought to play a minor role but is now understood to significantly contribute to information processing and cognitive functions in the brain.
Innovative Precision is a CNC machine shop that has built a reputation for quality and precision since 1998. They have a variety of CNC milling and lathe machines from manufacturers like Mazak, Okuma, Mori Seiki, and more. They operate out of a 23,000 square foot facility and can accommodate additional growth with owned land for future expansion. Their capabilities across CNC machining, EDM, and quality inspection enable them to serve a diverse range of industries.
Content management for the cloud cloud slam 2011_finalABBYY
This presentation was presented at CloudSlam 2011. In the session, Dean Tang, CEO of ABBYY USA, a leading provider of document recognition, document capture and linguistic technologies, addresses the possibilities and scenarios made possible through OCR and cloud computing. Over the course of the presentation, Tang presents both real-world examples of how this technology may be applied and insight into where the industry is headed. He also discusses how enterprises can remove error-prone, manual data entry processes to intelligently automate the extraction of data from documents anywhere, anytime. He shares key considerations when evaluating the integration of data capture into mobile and cloud scenarios. Lastly, Tang presents how the cloud infrastructure, OCR technology and enhanced mobile devices combine to allow enterprises to capture data immediately at the end point, ultimately driving down costs, increasing efficiency and boosting customer service response capabilities.
El documento resume las características clínicas y el manejo del asma pediátrica aguda. Describe las fases de la respuesta inflamatoria, los métodos de evaluación y los objetivos del tratamiento en casa, urgencias e UCI. El manejo incluye broncodilatadores, corticoides y oxígeno suplementario para corregir la hipoxemia y obstrucción.
The document discusses Koperasi KASIH Indonesia's (KKI) efforts to help people in poverty achieve financial stability and a decent life. KKI operates in Cilincing, one of the poorest areas in Jakarta. Their initial work involved providing loans to 156 borrowers, mostly women supporting families on low incomes. KKI recognizes financial support alone is not enough and also provides financial education, savings programs, and other assistance. They have implemented risk management strategies like character checks, group accountability, and building close relationships to ensure loan repayment. The ultimate goal is to accelerate people out of poverty through improved income, skills, habits and mindset over the long term.
Nathan analyzed the sugar, fat, and salt content of various foods he eats compared to recommended guidelines. He found that peanut butter is high in salt but lower in sugar, lollies are extremely high in sugar but low in fat, and biscuits are high in fat but low in sugar. The document discusses that a balanced diet with variety is important for obtaining necessary nutrients and avoiding too much fat, sugar, and salt.
The Mundo de Estrellas (MdE) Programme in its original version (which is still in operation in all the participating hospitals) was initiated in 1998 in Hospital Virgen del Rocío in Seville and was rolled out to all 32 public health service hospitals in Andalucía in the year 2000...
Cyberhus is an online counseling service in Denmark that provides support to vulnerable children and teenagers. It is staffed by volunteers and offers anonymous chat sessions, forums, and other resources. The nonprofit organization aims to foster inclusion by providing a supportive space for at-risk youth to discuss problems. With over 9,000 monthly users, Cyberhus also focuses on educating parents and schools about online safety and responsible technology use.
Este documento fornece um resumo dos recursos informacionais e servi?os disponíveis na Biblioteca da Escola de Educa??o Física da USP. Apresenta detalhes sobre o acervo, servi?os como empréstimos e acesso remoto, além de portais e bases de dados disponíveis para pesquisa.
Getting enough quality sleep is essential for children's health and development. Experts from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital explain that children need different amounts of sleep depending on their age, and that establishing consistent bedtime routines and sleep schedules can help children develop good sleep habits. Not getting enough sleep can negatively impact children's mood, behavior, learning, and overall health.
PHP Coding Standard and 50+ Programming SkillsHo Kim
1. How and Why to write good code?
2. Coding standard based on ZendFramework and real world practise.
3. PHP programming skills from daily coding.
4. Some security tips
5. Some optimization tips
12. MongoDB 介绍 不适用场合 1. 高度事务性的系统:例如银行或会计系统。传统的关系型数据库目前还是更适用于需要大量原子性复杂事务的应用程序。 2. 传统的商业智能应用:针对特定问题的 BI 数据库会对产生高度优化的查询方式。对于此类应用,数据仓库可能是更合适的选择。
13. MongoDB 操作 安装 wget tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.2.4.tgz mkdir -p /data/db cd /data/db mkdir m_data m_log cd mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.2.4 启动: bin/mongod --dbpath=/data/db/m_data --logpath=/data/db/m_log --logappend --port=27017 &
19. MongoDB 操作 INSERT 使用 insert 插入文档。 ( insert into blog.users values(“user1”,”23) ) > use blog switched to db blog > u = { name:"user1", age:23 } > db.users.insert(u)
21. 2. Query MongoDB 支持多种复杂的查询方式,能实现大多数 T-SQL 功能,远不是 Key-Value 之类的 NoSQL DB 所能比拟的。 相关函数操作看上去非常像 .NET/C# Linq Method Syntax 。 有关查询优化和索引的细节请参考后文。 主要用到的查询函数式 find() 和 findOne() ,前者返回一个迭代器 cursor ,后者返回单个文档。 WHERE # select * from users where name = 'user1' > db.users.find({name:"user1"}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4c4528a0b55f2224d447e4b0"), "name" : "user1", "age" : 21, "sex" : 1 } # select * from users where name = 'user1' and age = 21 > db.users.find({name:"user1", age:21}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4c4528a0b55f2224d447e4b0"), "name" : "user1", "age" : 21, "sex" : 1 } MongoDB 操作
22. FIELDS # select name, age from users where age = 21 > db.users.find({age:21}, {'name':1, 'age':1}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4c452c343d48c8f284b388e0"), "name" : "user1", "age" : 21 } # select name, age from users > db.users.find({}, {'name':1, 'age':1}) SORT # select * from users order by age > db.users.find().sort({age:1}) # select * from users order by sex asce, age desc > db.users.find().sort({sex:1, age:-1}) SLICE # select * from users skip 2 limit 3 > db.users.find().skip(2).limit(3) Conditional Operators # select * from users where sex = 1 and age > 23 and age < 28 > db.users.find({sex:1, age:{$gt:23, $lt:28}}) 比较操作包括: $gt (>) 、 $lt (<) 、 $gte (>=) 、 $lte(<=) 、 $ne (!=) 。
23. (6) IN # select * from users where age in (23, 26, 32) > db.users.find({age:{$in:[23,26,32]}}) 对应的操作符有 $nin (not in) 。 (7) COUNT # s elect count(*) from users where age > 30 > db.users.find({age:{$gt:30}}).count() OR # select * from users where age = 25 or age = 28 # select * from users where age <= 23 or age >= 33 > db.users.find({$or:[{age:25}, {age:28}]}) > db.users.find({$or:[{age:{$lte:23}}, {age:{$gte:33}}]}) MongoDB 操作
24. Update 可直接用类似 T-SQL 条件表达式更新,或用 Save() 更新从数据库返回到文档对象。 # update users set age = 100, sex = 0 where name = 'user1' > db.users.update({name:"user1"}, {$set:{age:100, sex:0}}) update() 有几个参数需要注意。 db.collection.update(criteria, objNew, upsert, mult) criteria: 需要被更新的条件表达式 objNew: 更新表达式 upsert: 如目标记录不存在,是否插入新文档。 multi: 是否更新多个文档。 # update users set age = age + 10 > db.users.update({}, {$inc:{age:10}}, false, true) # update users set age = age + 10, sex = 1 where name = 'user1' > db.users.update({name:"user1"}, {$inc:{age:10}, $set:{sex:1}}) Remove remove() 用于删除单个或全部文档,删除后的文档无法恢复。 > id = db.users.findOne({name:"user2"})._id ObjectId("4c4508818c4a1e0bf570460f") > db.users.remove(id) // 移除 name='use2' 的行 > db.users.remove()// 移除所有
25. MongoDB: Index // single ascending db.colors.ensureIndex({name: 1}) // non-blocking in background db.colors.ensureIndex({name: 1}, {background: true}) // unique db.colors.ensureIndex({email: 1}, {unique: true}) // single descending db.colors.ensureIndex({created_at: -1}) // compound > db.colors.ensureIndex({name: 1, created_at: -1})
28. > db.people.insert({ name : 'John', awesome : true, shows : ['Dexter', 'LOST', 'How I Met Your Mother'], info : { age : 28, home: 'South Bend, IN', dob : (new Date('November 25, 1981')) } }) > var me = db.people.findOne({name:'John'}) > John > me.awesome true > me.shows[1] LOST > 28 > 1981
29. One to Many 一 、 Normalized // insert post > db.posts.insert({title:'Why Mongo Rocks'}); > var post = db.posts.findOne({title:'Why Mongo Rocks'}); // insert comment > db.comments.insert({ name :'John', body :'Because...', post_id : post._id }); var comment = db.comments.findOne({name:'John'}); > db.comments.find({post_id: post._id}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4bee1cc79e89db4e12bf78de"), "name" : "John", "body" : "Because...", "post_id" : ObjectId("4bee1c519e89db4e12bf78dd") }