11.charlene 12. monica phages first revisionMonica Rivera
This document summarizes a student research project on isolating and characterizing mycobacteriophages from soil samples in Puerto Rico. The students collected a soil sample, enriched it with Mycobacterium smegmatis bacteria to encourage phage growth, and performed three rounds of plaque purification to isolate individual phage types. They found phages in their initial sample and were able to complete two rounds of purification, obtaining isolated plaques. Further characterization, such as creating high-titer lysates or determining phage morphology, was planned but not completed. The presence of phages in the soil sample may be due to fertilization with compost providing nutrients for bacterial growth. This research demonstrates that bacteriophages can
The document discusses an in silico primary screening of a drug database using a pharmacophore model in ZINCPharmer. The procedure involved running the pharmacophore model in ZINCPharmer, converting results to different file formats, uploading them to a high performance computer, and converting the file formats again. The results identified 681 hits in 1.204 seconds that fulfilled the requirements of the pharmacophore model. The screening helped precisely select compounds for further screening and could aid in drug discovery.
11.charlene 12. monica phages first revisionMonica Rivera
The document summarizes a study that isolated and characterized bacteriophages from soil samples collected in Puerto Rico. Soil samples were enriched with Mycobacterium smegmatis bacteria to encourage phage growth. Plaques indicating phage presence were observed after three rounds of purification on agar plates. While some purifications were successful, others required multiple attempts due to issues like bacterial defects or fungal growth. Ultimately a phage named Monchar was isolated but further purification was not completed. The isolated phage will be subject to future characterization.
This document summarizes a student research project that isolated and characterized mycobacteriophages from soil samples in Puerto Rico. Soil samples were collected and enriched to isolate potential phages. Plaque assays were performed to purify isolated phages. One phage, called Monchar, was successfully isolated on the first attempt. Further purification attempts of Monchar were unsuccessful. The student researchers hypothesized that phages could be isolated from the soil given its composition and location. While their hypothesis was proven correct with the initial isolation of Monchar, they were unable to fully characterize the isolated phage due to technical difficulties.
1. The document investigates the molecular mechanisms by which insulin signaling and posttranslational modifications of the FOXO1 transcription factor are related to metabolic syndromes.
2. Studies in C. elegans have shown that the insulin/FOXO1 pathway may regulate prostaglandin synthesis necessary for sperm guidance and fertility.
3. Insulin-induced phosphorylation of FOXO1 inhibits its activity but activates gene expression like PAI-1. Excess PAI-1 is a risk factor for chronic liver disease in patients with hyperinsulinemia.
10. monica rivera second draft revised 3Monica Rivera
FOXO1 is a transcription factor involved in regulating metabolism and reproduction. It is regulated through phosphorylation by kinases like AKT and phosphatases. Insulin signaling leads to FOXO1 phosphorylation and export from the nucleus, inhibiting its activity. This document reviews FOXO1's role in metabolic syndromes and infertility, and how its phosphorylation is dynamically regulated by hormones like insulin and GnRH through kinases and phosphatases. Studies in mice and gonadotrope cells indicate FOXO1 phosphorylation impacts LH production and may regulate fertility.
This document describes Voltech India, a supplier of various safety equipment. It discusses Voltech's history since 1995 and its product range including safety equipment, fire safety products, body protection, first aid equipment, air breathing apparatus and more. It provides details on Voltech's management and manufacturing capabilities. The document also includes sections focused on specific product categories like safety equipment, fire safety products, body protection, first aid equipment, and air breathing apparatus with examples of products in each category.
This document provides an introduction to ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs). It discusses how OBDDs provide a canonical form for representing propositional logic formulas as decision trees, with sharing of identical subtrees. It describes how OBDDs can efficiently detect if a formula is a tautology or inconsistent. The document outlines the algorithm for converting a formula to an OBDD in canonical form, respecting a given variable ordering and sharing subtrees. It notes various optimizations that can be performed based on using hash tables to avoid constructing or processing the same subtrees multiple times.
The AccordionPanel component displays content in a stacked format within expandable panels. It allows only one panel to be opened at a time by default but can be configured to allow multiple panels to be opened simultaneously. The activeIndex attribute defines which panel is opened initially while client side callbacks like onTabChange and onTabShow can notify users of tab changes and activations.
This document discusses the development of hybrid mobile applications. It begins by noting the prevalence of smartphones and the growth of mobile application development. It then discusses the challenges of platform fragmentation for native mobile apps. Web applications are presented as an alternative but are also limited. Hybrid apps, which are native wrappers for web views, combine the best of both approaches. The document uses a sample ASP.NET MVC app to demonstrate how to build a hybrid mobile app with a focus on ASP.NET MVC's suitability as a backend framework.
This document is an introduction to the theory of computation that covers topics such as complexity theory, computability theory, automata theory, and mathematical preliminaries and proof techniques used in the theory of computation. It includes chapters on finite automata and regular languages, context-free languages, Turing machines and the Church-Turing thesis, decidable and undecidable languages, and complexity theory. The introduction provides an overview of the purpose and motivation for studying the theory of computation and the mathematical and proof concepts covered in the course.
This document is an administrator's guide for Tivoli Endpoint Manager Version 8.1. It provides information on installing, configuring, and managing the Tivoli Endpoint Manager system, which includes servers, consoles, clients, and other components. The guide is divided into multiple parts that cover topics such as installation requirements, performing a basic installation, understanding roles and permissions, configuring components, and ongoing administration tasks.
La UNESCO tiene como misi坦n contribuir a la consolidaci坦n de la paz, la erradicaci坦n de la pobreza y el desarrollo sostenible mediante la educaci坦n, las ciencias, la cultura, la comunicaci坦n y la informaci坦n. Busca lograr la educaci坦n de calidad para todos, promover la diversidad cultural y el di叩logo intercultural, y construir sociedades inclusivas basadas en el conocimiento.
El Parque Natural Chicaque es una reserva natural ubicada en el municipio de San Antonio del Tequendama, a solo 30 minutos de Bogot叩. Con 308 hect叩reas, el parque contiene selva subandina y bosques monta単osos entre los 2,000 y 2,700 metros sobre el nivel del mar. El parque busca conservar la flora y fauna local, fomentar la investigaci坦n, educaci坦n, ecoturismo y recreaci坦n de manera sostenible.
El documento habla sobre los niveles de colesterol y triglic辿ridos en la sangre y los riesgos que representan niveles altos de estos. Explica que factores como la dieta, el sedentarismo, el tabaquismo y otros pueden aumentar los niveles de colesterol y triglic辿ridos. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo niveles altos pueden afectar la salud y aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades card鱈acas y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Finalmente, da recomendaciones sobre h叩bitos saludables para
A cafe鱈na 辿 ainda conhecida por acelerar o metabolismo, a efici棚ncia metab坦lica dos sistemas energ辿ticos durante o esfor巽o, o que contribui para melhoria da performance durante a pr叩tica de exerc鱈cio f鱈sico. E 辿 por isso que o atleta ao tomar Scivation Psycho antes do treino poder叩 alcan巽ar mais rapidamente os objetivos pretendidos.
Pearson's Realidades presentation associated with Realidades (Level 1) Chapter 3B: Descriptions of healthy & unhealthy lifestyles; talk about food, health & exercise choices; expressing opinions about food choices & health; cultural perspectives on medicines & healthcare; compare traditional foods, markets, and festivals in the Spanish-speaking world with those in the USA; describe food groups & healthy activities; plurals of adjectives; the verb "ser"
Estudo do Processo de Internaliza巽達o de Conceitos de Qu鱈mica Utilizando Model...Adriana Ramos
1. O documento discute a utiliza巽達o de software de modelagem molecular no ensino de qu鱈mica, justificando sua relev但ncia para o desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas dos estudantes.
2. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar as altera巽探es na estrutura cognitiva dos estudantes ap坦s o uso de software de modelagem molecular. Objetivos espec鱈ficos incluem analisar a linguagem verbal e n達o verbal dos estudantes e identificar habilidades e compet棚ncias desenvolvidas com a modelagem molecular.
3. Ser叩 realizada revis達o da literatura sobre
This document lists 4 names: Sara Montero Montero, Claudia Mart鱈nez Torres, Paula Del Retiro Vidal, and No辿 Hanafi Alcolea. It appears to be a list of people but provides no other context or information about them.
Ka甜da wie甜o upieczona mama, powinna doskonale wiedzie, 甜e najlepszym interesem w jaki mo甜e zainwestowa to wasny... bar mleczny! O wy甜szoci metod tradycyjnych nad plastikowymi smoczkami przekonuje Fundacja Mleko Mamy.
This document provides an introduction to ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs). It discusses how OBDDs provide a canonical form for representing propositional logic formulas as decision trees, with sharing of identical subtrees. It describes how OBDDs can efficiently detect if a formula is a tautology or inconsistent. The document outlines the algorithm for converting a formula to an OBDD in canonical form, respecting a given variable ordering and sharing subtrees. It notes various optimizations that can be performed based on using hash tables to avoid constructing or processing the same subtrees multiple times.
The AccordionPanel component displays content in a stacked format within expandable panels. It allows only one panel to be opened at a time by default but can be configured to allow multiple panels to be opened simultaneously. The activeIndex attribute defines which panel is opened initially while client side callbacks like onTabChange and onTabShow can notify users of tab changes and activations.
This document discusses the development of hybrid mobile applications. It begins by noting the prevalence of smartphones and the growth of mobile application development. It then discusses the challenges of platform fragmentation for native mobile apps. Web applications are presented as an alternative but are also limited. Hybrid apps, which are native wrappers for web views, combine the best of both approaches. The document uses a sample ASP.NET MVC app to demonstrate how to build a hybrid mobile app with a focus on ASP.NET MVC's suitability as a backend framework.
This document is an introduction to the theory of computation that covers topics such as complexity theory, computability theory, automata theory, and mathematical preliminaries and proof techniques used in the theory of computation. It includes chapters on finite automata and regular languages, context-free languages, Turing machines and the Church-Turing thesis, decidable and undecidable languages, and complexity theory. The introduction provides an overview of the purpose and motivation for studying the theory of computation and the mathematical and proof concepts covered in the course.
This document is an administrator's guide for Tivoli Endpoint Manager Version 8.1. It provides information on installing, configuring, and managing the Tivoli Endpoint Manager system, which includes servers, consoles, clients, and other components. The guide is divided into multiple parts that cover topics such as installation requirements, performing a basic installation, understanding roles and permissions, configuring components, and ongoing administration tasks.
La UNESCO tiene como misi坦n contribuir a la consolidaci坦n de la paz, la erradicaci坦n de la pobreza y el desarrollo sostenible mediante la educaci坦n, las ciencias, la cultura, la comunicaci坦n y la informaci坦n. Busca lograr la educaci坦n de calidad para todos, promover la diversidad cultural y el di叩logo intercultural, y construir sociedades inclusivas basadas en el conocimiento.
El Parque Natural Chicaque es una reserva natural ubicada en el municipio de San Antonio del Tequendama, a solo 30 minutos de Bogot叩. Con 308 hect叩reas, el parque contiene selva subandina y bosques monta単osos entre los 2,000 y 2,700 metros sobre el nivel del mar. El parque busca conservar la flora y fauna local, fomentar la investigaci坦n, educaci坦n, ecoturismo y recreaci坦n de manera sostenible.
El documento habla sobre los niveles de colesterol y triglic辿ridos en la sangre y los riesgos que representan niveles altos de estos. Explica que factores como la dieta, el sedentarismo, el tabaquismo y otros pueden aumentar los niveles de colesterol y triglic辿ridos. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo niveles altos pueden afectar la salud y aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades card鱈acas y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Finalmente, da recomendaciones sobre h叩bitos saludables para
A cafe鱈na 辿 ainda conhecida por acelerar o metabolismo, a efici棚ncia metab坦lica dos sistemas energ辿ticos durante o esfor巽o, o que contribui para melhoria da performance durante a pr叩tica de exerc鱈cio f鱈sico. E 辿 por isso que o atleta ao tomar Scivation Psycho antes do treino poder叩 alcan巽ar mais rapidamente os objetivos pretendidos.
Pearson's Realidades presentation associated with Realidades (Level 1) Chapter 3B: Descriptions of healthy & unhealthy lifestyles; talk about food, health & exercise choices; expressing opinions about food choices & health; cultural perspectives on medicines & healthcare; compare traditional foods, markets, and festivals in the Spanish-speaking world with those in the USA; describe food groups & healthy activities; plurals of adjectives; the verb "ser"
Estudo do Processo de Internaliza巽達o de Conceitos de Qu鱈mica Utilizando Model...Adriana Ramos
1. O documento discute a utiliza巽達o de software de modelagem molecular no ensino de qu鱈mica, justificando sua relev但ncia para o desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas dos estudantes.
2. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal investigar as altera巽探es na estrutura cognitiva dos estudantes ap坦s o uso de software de modelagem molecular. Objetivos espec鱈ficos incluem analisar a linguagem verbal e n達o verbal dos estudantes e identificar habilidades e compet棚ncias desenvolvidas com a modelagem molecular.
3. Ser叩 realizada revis達o da literatura sobre
This document lists 4 names: Sara Montero Montero, Claudia Mart鱈nez Torres, Paula Del Retiro Vidal, and No辿 Hanafi Alcolea. It appears to be a list of people but provides no other context or information about them.
Ka甜da wie甜o upieczona mama, powinna doskonale wiedzie, 甜e najlepszym interesem w jaki mo甜e zainwestowa to wasny... bar mleczny! O wy甜szoci metod tradycyjnych nad plastikowymi smoczkami przekonuje Fundacja Mleko Mamy.
Pomoce dydaktyczne wspomagajce prac nauczyciela i terapeuty - A. Skorodzienakademiabambino
Prezentacja pt. "Pomoce dydaktyczne wspomagajce prac nauczyciela i terapeuty" z cyklu konferencyjnego "Dziecko - wsp坦lny projekt. Plac坦wka - Rodzice - Poradnia. Integracja na rzecz najmodszych"
Poradnik ten pomo甜e Ci w przyswojeniu wiedzy o: rozwoju organizmu czowieka,
budowie i funkcjonowaniu ukad坦w i narzd坦w, funkcjonowaniu organizmu w stanie
zdrowia, 甜ywieniu niemowlt i maych dzieci, og坦lnych zasadach pielgnowania dzieci
zdrowych, promowaniu zdrowia i edukacji zdrowotnej.
2. Kim
uko czyam studia
pedagogiczne z zakresu
wczesnego wspomagania
rozwoju dziecka
obecnie pracuj w obku, w 甜
kt坦rym opiekuj si
wspaniaymi dzieciaczkami
wci doskonal swoje甜
umiej tno ci uczestnicz c w
wielu kursach z zakresu
edukacji i rozwoju maych dzieci
uko czyam kurs instruktorski
Masa u Shantala dla niemowl t甜
3. O czym marz ..???
Chciaabym zosta
doradc noszenia
dzieci w chustach !!!
Aby tego dokona potrzebne mi s
pienidze na szkolenie oraz na
zakup kilku r坦甜nych chust
przeznaczonych do noszenia dzieci.
4. Dlaczego warto nosi
dziecko w chu cie??Istnieje wiele bardzo wa甜nych korzyci wynikajcych z noszenia dzieci w chucie,
oto one:
dziecko noszone w chucie mniej pacze- blisko rodzica i szybko jego reakcji na sygnay wysyane
przez dziecko obni甜aj paczliwo dziecka
dziecko ma zapewnion podstawow potrzeb bliskoci- potrzeba bezpieczestwa jest niezbdna do
prawidowego rozwoju dziecka
chusta umo甜liwia utrzymanie fizjologicznej pozycji dziecka- prawidowa pozycja wspomaga rozw坦j
krgosupa oraz bioder dziecka
noszenie dziecka w chucie pomaga w czasie kolek, podczas
zbkowania i infekcji- dziecko czuje blisko rodzica i ukojenie,
a pionowa pozycja pomaga w czasie kataru , korzystnie
wpywa na pozbycie si gaz坦w
badania wykazuj, 甜e noszenie dziecka w chucie korzystnie
wpywa na jego rozw坦j i samodzielno- zaspokajajc
wszystkie potrzeby dziecka wspieramy jego poczucie wartoci,
zaufanie do otaczajcego wiata i zwikszamy jego uwag i
czujno na czynniki zewntrzne
5. dziecko noszone w chucie lepiej rozwija si fizycznie-
ruch w trakcie noszenia dziecka wpywa na jego zdolnoci
psychomotoryczne, rozwija jego zmys r坦wnowagi oraz
przyspiesza jego nauk siadania i chodzenia
chustonoszenie wpywa korzystnie na rozw坦j
emocjonalny dziecka- dziki bliskoci rodzica, dziecko
zwiksza swoje potrzeby bezpieczestwa i zaufania do
otaczajcego wiata, przez co jest spokojniejsze
dziecko noszone w chucie szybciej si uczy i zwiksza
swoje kompetencje dotyczce dokonywania wybor坦w
chustonoszenie zwiksza aktywne rodzicielstwo- rodzice
podczas noszenia dziecka w chucie s swobodni, mog przy
tym wykonywa r坦甜ne prace domowe, maj wikszo
pewno siebie
chustonoszenie umo甜liwia karmienie dziecka w dyskretny spos坦b np. w miejscu publicznym
chustonoszenie wspiera Naturaln Higien Niemowlt
noszenie dziecka w chucie NIE jest uci甜liwe dla rodzic坦w- chusta jest wygodna bo ci甜ar
dziecka rozo甜ony jest r坦wno na ramiona, brzuch i plecy rodzica
chustonoszenie daje wielk rado zar坦wno rodzicom jak i dzieciom!
6. Chustonoszenie w Polsce staje si coraz bardziej popularniejsze, jednak jeszcze
nie wszdzie rodzice maj dostp do wykwalifikowanego doradcy, kt坦ry poka甜e
im jak prawidowo wiza chust, aby przynosia ona wielkie korzyci.
Dlatego wanie pragn wzi udzia w szkoleniu na doradc noszenia dzieci
w chustach. Szkolenie to pozwoli mi posi wiedz z zakresu psychomotoryki
noworodk坦w i niemowlt, a tak甜e umo甜liwi mi szerok praktyk wiza w
chustach i nosidach respektujcych fizjologi dziecka. Pozwoli mi r坦wnie甜 na
zdobycie i zwikszenie swoich umiejtnoci
komunikacyjnych z zakresu chustonoszenia i
rodzicielstwa bliskoci.
8. Wygrywa tylko ten, kto ma jasno okrelony cel i nieodparte pragnienie, aby
go osign.
Napoleon Hill
Dzikuj wszystkim za
oddanie gosu wanie na
mnie, dziki Wam bd
moga speni swoje