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Multiple Choice Questions
Writing Single Best Answer Qs
Moodlemoot UK & Ireland 2020
Jane Holland PgDipEd MD PhD MRCSI
RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Col叩iste R鱈oga na M叩inle叩 in irinn
including slides from Richard Arnett, PhD
Jane Holland
 Item-writing  Single Best Answer (SBA) MCQs
 Response formats
 Stimulus formats
 Technical item flaws
MCQ response formats
 True / False
 The candidate is required to make a determination
as to whether each option provided is true or false
 One Best Answer
 The candidate is required to indicate a single
response i.e. the most likely diagnosis
Schuwirth: Med Educ. 2004 Sep;38(9):974-9.
https://www.nbme.org/sites/default/files/2020-01/IWW_Gold_Book.pdf Jane Holland
True / false
False True
Q1. The venae cordis minimae are small veins present in
the walls of all four chambers and open directly into
these respective chambers (T/F).
Q2. The great cardiac vein lies in the anterior
interventricular groove of the heart, alongside the
anterior interventricular artery (T/F).
Q3. The cystic artery is a branch of the common hepatic
artery, which arises from the coeliac trunk (T/F).
Jane Holland
True / false vs. Single Best Answer
Q. The gallbladder is typically supplied by the
cystic artery. The cystic artery is typically a
branch from which of the following arteries?
A. Common hepatic
B. Gastroduodenal
C. Left hepatic
D. Right hepatic
E. Superior mesenteric
Jane Holland

Q. Which of the following statements about Ireland
is true?
A. Tayto exports exceed  1 Bn
B. The climate is sub-tropical
C. The main export is zinc
D. The population is 5 million
E. Rainy weather frequently occurs
True / false vs. Single Best Answer
Trade / exports
Jane Holland

True / false vs. Single Best Answer
Q. What colour is the sky?
A. A hazy shade of winter
B. Blue
C. Grey
D. Orange
E. Red
Jane Holland
Q. Which of the following calls is a rugby union referee most
likely to make in the case of an intercepted knock-on?
A. Advantage
B. Line out
C. Penalty kick
D. Penalty try
E. Scrum
Q. Which of the following was an original recording by
A. Bat out of Hell
B. One out of three aint bad
C. Paradise by the Kitchen Light
D. Stand by me
E. Total Eclipse of the Heart
Jane Holland
The cover test  a guideline...
Q. Propranolol, a competitive antagonist at beta adrenergic receptors in
the heart:
A. Has affinity for its receptor but no intrinsic activity
B. Causes an increase in heart rate and contractility
C. Causes a reduction in the maximal response to adrenaline but
does not affect the Kd
D. Causes an apparent increase in agonist potency
E. Binds irreversibly to beta adrenergic receptors
Q. Propranolol, a competitive antagonist at beta adrenergic receptors in
the heart, causes a reduction in the maximal response to adrenaline
but does not affect the Kd (T/F)
Q. Propranolol has affinity for its receptor but no intrinsic activity (T/F)
Q. Propranolol is a competitive antagonist at beta adrenergic receptors in
the heart. Which of the following statements about this competitive
antagonist is correct? (2008)
Jane Holland
The cover test  a guideline...
MCQs  how many options?
Jane Holland
Swanson et al; Academic Medicine. 2005;80(10):S93-S6.
Tarrant & Ware; Nurse Education Today. 2010;30(6):539-43.
Stem /
Single Best Answer
Jane Holland
MCQ stimulus formats (stem or vignette)
 Tests reasoning
or application
 Context -free
 Tests factual
Schuwirth: Med Educ. 2004 Sep;38(9):974-9.
Kennedy, 2007
Jane Holland
NBME Manual p 35 - 49
Q. Which dermatome is at the umbilicus?
A. T6
B. T8
C. T10
D. T12
E. L2
Q. A 65-year-old librarian presents with skin lesions
suggestive of a Herpes zoster infection affecting
the dermatome which includes the skin of the
 Which segmental spinal nerve is associated with
that dermatome?
Jane Holland
Q. A 64-year-old man is brought to the emergency
department by his wife, who has noticed that his left
eyelid is drooping. On examination, you find that
he has abnormal ipsilateral pupillary reflexes and
abnormally dry skin.
Jane Holland
A. Ciliary
B. Geniculate
C. Otic
D. Pterygopalatine
E. Stellate
 These symptoms are most likely to due damage or
compression to which of the following ganglia?
 While attending an anatomy tutorial, you are asked to
name the ganglion that transmits sympthetic fibres to
the head & neck. What is the correct answer?
Jane Holland
Q. A 50-year-old man is seen in the gastroenterology
clinic with intermittent epigastric pains for the past 6
months. An endoscopy reveals an ulcer in the
cardia of his stomach. Blood supply to this area is
from which of the following arteries?
A. Left gastric
B. Right gastric
C. Short gastric
D. Left gastroepiploic
E. Right gastroepiploic
*Gastric acid secretion is increased by which hormone?
*Which treatment should the patient be prescribed?
 Clinical (or contextual) vignette
 Age / gender
 Presenting Problem / history
 Examination findings / test results
 Which of the following is the most:
 Likely diagnosis
 Appropriate treatment
 One best option & 4 distractors
 Alphabetical (or logical) order
 All plausible & same length (short!)
NBME Manual p 35 - 49
Jane Holland
Item flaws
NBME Manual p 19 - 27
Jane Holland
Q. A 76-year-old diabetic is brought into the
Emergency Department with suspected diabetic
ketoacidosis. After confirming that she is
hyperglycaemic, the first step in management
should be intravenous administration of:
A. Chest X-ray
B. Electrocardiogram
C. Fasting blood glucose level
D. Insulin
E. Placement of an nasogastric tube
Grammatical clues
Jane Holland
Q. It is extremely important for to maintain a
healthy diet. In order to keep the doctor
away, every day you should eat an:
A. Apple
B. Banana
C. Bread roll
D. Chocolate bar
E. Mohito
Grammatical clues
Jane Holland
a / an
plural / singular
Word repeats
Q. A 58-year-old man with a history of heavy alcohol
use and previous psychiatric hospitalisation is
confused and agitated. He speaks of experiencing
the world as unreal. This symptom is called:
A. Depersonalisation
B. Derailment
C. Derealisation
D. Focal memory deficit
E. Signal anxiety
Jane Holland
Q. Which of the following Moodle activities
allows participants to select one choice
from a list of options?
Word repeats
Jane Holland
A. Checklist
B. Choice
C. Forum
D. Survey
E. Workshop
Q. Gavin is running a conference, at which there will
be a number of parallel workshops with limited
places. What Moodle activity could he use to
allow participants to preselect their preferred
A. Checklist
B. Choice
C. Forum
D. Survey
E. Workshop
Jane Holland
Jane Holland
Q. A 50 year old man is seen in the gastroenterology
OPD with a 6 month history of epigastric pains. An
endoscopy reveals an ulcer in the cardia of his
stomach. Blood supply to this area is from which of
the following arteries?
A. Left gastric
B. Right gastric
C. Short gastric
D. Left gastroepiploic
E. Right gastroepiploic
Blood supply to this area is from what artery?
Blood supply to this area is from which arteries?
Logical clues
Q. Crime is:
A. Equally distributed among the social classes
B. Overrepresented among the poor
C. Overrepresented among the middle class &
D. Primarily an indication of psychosocial
E. Reaching a plateau of tolerability for the nation
Jane Holland
Also be wary of overlapping numericals...
Long correct answer
Q. Secondary gain is:
A. Synonymous with malingering
B. A frequent problem in OCD
C. A complication of a variety of illnesses and
tends to prolong many of them
D. Never seen in organic brian damage
Jane Holland
Convergence Strategy
Q. Local anaesthetics are most effective in the:
A. Anionic form, acting from inside the
nerve membrane
B. Cationic form, acting from inside the
nerve membrane
C. Cationic form, acting from outside the
nerve membrane
D. Uncharged form, acting from inside the
nerve membrane
E. Uncharged form, acting from outside the
nerve membrane
Jane Holland
Negative question
Q. You examine a 42-year-old man with a known
history of ankylosing spondylitis. His disease has
progressed over the last number of years. Which
extra articular feature would you not expect to see
in this patient?
A. Achilles tendonitis
B. Anterior uveitis
C. Aortic incompetence
D. Plantar fasciitis
E. Respiratory fibrosis of lower lobes
Jane Holland
Q. Which of the following shoes are never
worn by men?
A. Boots
B. Runners
C. Sandals
D. Stilettos
E. Wellies
Jane Holland
Holsgrove G, Medical Education 1998; 32: 343 - 350
Jane Holland
0% 1% 5%
80% 95% 99% 100%
Jane Holland
 Shape  Long vignette & stem  short options
 Cover test
 Ideally can guess the best option (or potential options)
before seeing the option list
 Use homogenous distracters
 i.e. all arteries, all medications, all diagnoses
 Grammatically consistent
 Logically compatible
 List in logical or alphabetical order
 Dont use vague frequency terms
 Never use absolutes!
 Do not write a negative question!!
NBME Manual p 35 - 49
Some useful principles
Jane Holland
 For candidates
 If you dont know the answer: Choose option C
 Edge aversion
 The longest option is most likely the correct one
 If an option has a spelling mistake it is probably not
the correct answer
 For authors
 Follow the style guide (if it exists) and be consistent
 Provide normal value ranges (unless this is the
construct being tested)
 Be careful with acronyms and/or drug names
 Is language a factor?
 All to reduce Construct Irrelevant Variance (CIV)
Final considerations
Richard Arnett
 Minimal research / evidence available in assessment
 No consistent influence on item difficulty or discrimination
 Inclusion - based upon the principles of constructive alignment
 Apply principles from multimedia learning
 No redundant or repeated information (i.e.
 Or can the question still be answered without the image?
 Do textual questions promote more internal visualisation?
 Do visual questions promote interpretation of images, or test additional abilities (i.e. spatial)
What about images?
Jane Holland
Mayer & Moreno; Educational Psychologist. 2003; 38(1), 4352
Vorstenbosch et al. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2014;7:107-116
Holland et al. BMC Med Educ. 2015;15:184-192
Examples of Linguistic features (Avenia-Tapper & Llosa, 2015)
Jane Holland
Looking at language
Jane Holland
Mootie uk mcq writing 2020
 Bandaranayake : Med Teacher 2008; 30: 836  845
 Case SM. Academic Medicine. 1994;69(10):S4-6.
 Costello E, Holland J, Kirwan C. Int J of Educ Tech in Higher Ed.
 Holsgrove G, Medical Education 1998; 32: 343  350
 Norcini: Med Educ. 2003;37:464469
 Pugh, De Champlain & Touchie. Med Teacher 2019; 41:5, 569-577
 Schuwirth: Med Educ. 2004 Sep;38(9):974-9.
 Schuwirth & van der Vleuten. Med Teacher 2011: 33; 783797
 Swanson et al; Academic Medicine. 2005;80(10):S93-S6.
 Tarrant & Ware; Nurse Education Today. 2010;30(6):539-43.
Jane Holland

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Mootie uk mcq writing 2020

  • 1. Multiple Choice Questions Writing Single Best Answer Qs Moodlemoot UK & Ireland 2020 Jane Holland PgDipEd MD PhD MRCSI RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Col叩iste R鱈oga na M叩inle叩 in irinn including slides from Richard Arnett, PhD
  • 2. Jane Holland https://www.nbme.org/sites/default/files/2020-01/IWW_Gold_Book.pdf Item-writing Single Best Answer (SBA) MCQs Response formats Stimulus formats Technical item flaws
  • 3. MCQ response formats True / False The candidate is required to make a determination as to whether each option provided is true or false One Best Answer The candidate is required to indicate a single response i.e. the most likely diagnosis Schuwirth: Med Educ. 2004 Sep;38(9):974-9. https://www.nbme.org/sites/default/files/2020-01/IWW_Gold_Book.pdf Jane Holland
  • 4. True / false False True Q1. The venae cordis minimae are small veins present in the walls of all four chambers and open directly into these respective chambers (T/F). Q2. The great cardiac vein lies in the anterior interventricular groove of the heart, alongside the anterior interventricular artery (T/F). Q3. The cystic artery is a branch of the common hepatic artery, which arises from the coeliac trunk (T/F). Jane Holland
  • 5. True / false vs. Single Best Answer Q. The gallbladder is typically supplied by the cystic artery. The cystic artery is typically a branch from which of the following arteries? A. Common hepatic B. Gastroduodenal C. Left hepatic D. Right hepatic E. Superior mesenteric Jane Holland DBACE
  • 6. Q. Which of the following statements about Ireland is true? A. Tayto exports exceed 1 Bn B. The climate is sub-tropical C. The main export is zinc D. The population is 5 million E. Rainy weather frequently occurs True / false vs. Single Best Answer Trade / exports Weather Demographics D C B A E Jane Holland
  • 7. True / false vs. Single Best Answer Q. What colour is the sky? A. A hazy shade of winter B. Blue C. Grey D. Orange E. Red Jane Holland
  • 8. Q. Which of the following calls is a rugby union referee most likely to make in the case of an intercepted knock-on? A. Advantage B. Line out C. Penalty kick D. Penalty try E. Scrum Q. Which of the following was an original recording by Meatloaf? A. Bat out of Hell B. One out of three aint bad C. Paradise by the Kitchen Light D. Stand by me E. Total Eclipse of the Heart Jane Holland The cover test a guideline...
  • 9. Q. Propranolol, a competitive antagonist at beta adrenergic receptors in the heart: A. Has affinity for its receptor but no intrinsic activity B. Causes an increase in heart rate and contractility C. Causes a reduction in the maximal response to adrenaline but does not affect the Kd D. Causes an apparent increase in agonist potency E. Binds irreversibly to beta adrenergic receptors Q. Propranolol, a competitive antagonist at beta adrenergic receptors in the heart, causes a reduction in the maximal response to adrenaline but does not affect the Kd (T/F) Q. Propranolol has affinity for its receptor but no intrinsic activity (T/F) Q. Propranolol is a competitive antagonist at beta adrenergic receptors in the heart. Which of the following statements about this competitive antagonist is correct? (2008) Jane Holland The cover test a guideline...
  • 10. MCQs how many options? Jane Holland Swanson et al; Academic Medicine. 2005;80(10):S93-S6. Tarrant & Ware; Nurse Education Today. 2010;30(6):539-43.
  • 12. MCQ stimulus formats (stem or vignette) Context-rich Tests reasoning or application Context -free Tests factual knowledge Schuwirth: Med Educ. 2004 Sep;38(9):974-9. Kennedy, 2007 Jane Holland Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering
  • 13. NBME Manual p 35 - 49 Q. Which dermatome is at the umbilicus? A. T6 B. T8 C. T10 D. T12 E. L2 Q. A 65-year-old librarian presents with skin lesions suggestive of a Herpes zoster infection affecting the dermatome which includes the skin of the umbilicus. Which segmental spinal nerve is associated with that dermatome? Jane Holland
  • 14. Q. A 64-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by his wife, who has noticed that his left eyelid is drooping. On examination, you find that he has abnormal ipsilateral pupillary reflexes and abnormally dry skin. Jane Holland A. Ciliary B. Geniculate C. Otic D. Pterygopalatine E. Stellate These symptoms are most likely to due damage or compression to which of the following ganglia? While attending an anatomy tutorial, you are asked to name the ganglion that transmits sympthetic fibres to the head & neck. What is the correct answer?
  • 15. Jane Holland Q. A 50-year-old man is seen in the gastroenterology clinic with intermittent epigastric pains for the past 6 months. An endoscopy reveals an ulcer in the cardia of his stomach. Blood supply to this area is from which of the following arteries? A. Left gastric B. Right gastric C. Short gastric D. Left gastroepiploic E. Right gastroepiploic *Gastric acid secretion is increased by which hormone? *Which treatment should the patient be prescribed?
  • 16. Stem Lead-in Options Clinical (or contextual) vignette Age / gender Presenting Problem / history Examination findings / test results Which of the following is the most: Likely diagnosis Appropriate treatment Homogenous One best option & 4 distractors Alphabetical (or logical) order All plausible & same length (short!) NBME Manual p 35 - 49 Jane Holland
  • 18. Q. A 76-year-old diabetic is brought into the Emergency Department with suspected diabetic ketoacidosis. After confirming that she is hyperglycaemic, the first step in management should be intravenous administration of: A. Chest X-ray B. Electrocardiogram C. Fasting blood glucose level D. Insulin E. Placement of an nasogastric tube Grammatical clues Jane Holland
  • 19. Q. It is extremely important for to maintain a healthy diet. In order to keep the doctor away, every day you should eat an: A. Apple B. Banana C. Bread roll D. Chocolate bar E. Mohito Grammatical clues Jane Holland a / an plural / singular
  • 20. Word repeats Q. A 58-year-old man with a history of heavy alcohol use and previous psychiatric hospitalisation is confused and agitated. He speaks of experiencing the world as unreal. This symptom is called: A. Depersonalisation B. Derailment C. Derealisation D. Focal memory deficit E. Signal anxiety Jane Holland
  • 21. Q. Which of the following Moodle activities allows participants to select one choice from a list of options? Word repeats Jane Holland A. Checklist B. Choice C. Forum D. Survey E. Workshop
  • 22. Q. Gavin is running a conference, at which there will be a number of parallel workshops with limited places. What Moodle activity could he use to allow participants to preselect their preferred workshop? A. Checklist B. Choice C. Forum D. Survey E. Workshop Jane Holland
  • 23. Jane Holland Q. A 50 year old man is seen in the gastroenterology OPD with a 6 month history of epigastric pains. An endoscopy reveals an ulcer in the cardia of his stomach. Blood supply to this area is from which of the following arteries? A. Left gastric B. Right gastric C. Short gastric D. Left gastroepiploic E. Right gastroepiploic Blood supply to this area is from what artery? Blood supply to this area is from which arteries?
  • 24. Logical clues Q. Crime is: A. Equally distributed among the social classes B. Overrepresented among the poor C. Overrepresented among the middle class & rich D. Primarily an indication of psychosocial maladjustment E. Reaching a plateau of tolerability for the nation Jane Holland Also be wary of overlapping numericals...
  • 25. Long correct answer Q. Secondary gain is: A. Synonymous with malingering B. A frequent problem in OCD C. A complication of a variety of illnesses and tends to prolong many of them D. Never seen in organic brian damage Jane Holland
  • 26. Convergence Strategy Q. Local anaesthetics are most effective in the: A. Anionic form, acting from inside the nerve membrane B. Cationic form, acting from inside the nerve membrane C. Cationic form, acting from outside the nerve membrane D. Uncharged form, acting from inside the nerve membrane E. Uncharged form, acting from outside the nerve membrane Jane Holland
  • 27. Negative question Q. You examine a 42-year-old man with a known history of ankylosing spondylitis. His disease has progressed over the last number of years. Which extra articular feature would you not expect to see in this patient? A. Achilles tendonitis B. Anterior uveitis C. Aortic incompetence D. Plantar fasciitis E. Respiratory fibrosis of lower lobes Jane Holland
  • 28. Absolutes... Q. Which of the following shoes are never worn by men? A. Boots B. Runners C. Sandals D. Stilettos E. Wellies Jane Holland
  • 29. Absolutes Holsgrove G, Medical Education 1998; 32: 343 - 350 Jane Holland 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0% 1% 5% Never 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 80% 95% 99% 100% Always
  • 31. Shape Long vignette & stem short options Cover test Ideally can guess the best option (or potential options) before seeing the option list Use homogenous distracters i.e. all arteries, all medications, all diagnoses Grammatically consistent Logically compatible List in logical or alphabetical order Dont use vague frequency terms Never use absolutes! Do not write a negative question!! NBME Manual p 35 - 49 Some useful principles Jane Holland
  • 32. For candidates If you dont know the answer: Choose option C Edge aversion The longest option is most likely the correct one If an option has a spelling mistake it is probably not the correct answer For authors Follow the style guide (if it exists) and be consistent Provide normal value ranges (unless this is the construct being tested) Be careful with acronyms and/or drug names Is language a factor? All to reduce Construct Irrelevant Variance (CIV) Final considerations Richard Arnett
  • 33. Minimal research / evidence available in assessment No consistent influence on item difficulty or discrimination Inclusion - based upon the principles of constructive alignment Apply principles from multimedia learning No redundant or repeated information (i.e. Or can the question still be answered without the image? Do textual questions promote more internal visualisation? Do visual questions promote interpretation of images, or test additional abilities (i.e. spatial) What about images? Jane Holland Mayer & Moreno; Educational Psychologist. 2003; 38(1), 4352 Vorstenbosch et al. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2014;7:107-116 Holland et al. BMC Med Educ. 2015;15:184-192
  • 34. Examples of Linguistic features (Avenia-Tapper & Llosa, 2015) Jane Holland Looking at language
  • 37. References https://www.nbme.org/sites/default/files/2020-01/IWW_Gold_Book.pdf https://www2.nbme.org/nbme/IWTutorial/intro/index.html Bandaranayake : Med Teacher 2008; 30: 836 845 Case SM. Academic Medicine. 1994;69(10):S4-6. Costello E, Holland J, Kirwan C. Int J of Educ Tech in Higher Ed. 2018;15(1):42. Holsgrove G, Medical Education 1998; 32: 343 350 Norcini: Med Educ. 2003;37:464469 Pugh, De Champlain & Touchie. Med Teacher 2019; 41:5, 569-577 Schuwirth: Med Educ. 2004 Sep;38(9):974-9. Schuwirth & van der Vleuten. Med Teacher 2011: 33; 783797 Swanson et al; Academic Medicine. 2005;80(10):S93-S6. Tarrant & Ware; Nurse Education Today. 2010;30(6):539-43. Jane Holland