Mrs N.M, A 34 year old female who had
exploratory laparotomy and modified Grahams
repair for a perforated gastric ulcer. She passed
on post-op day 2.
Admission Date 15th
June 2024
Died 20th
June 2024
DOA 5 Days on Admission.
3. Case 1.
Mrs. N.M a 34yr old petty trader who resides at Low
cost, Keffi.
Umbilical pain x 3days
Abdominal pain x 1 day
She was in her usual state of a health until about 3 days
prior to presentation she noted an initially painless
umbilical budge which failed to resolve spontaneously.
Noted to have become painful, with associated tenderness, but
no redness of overlying skin, no colicky abdominal pain, vomiting
or constipation.
4. Case 1.
About 12 hours prior to presentation She developed sudden onset burning
epigastric pain, radiating to the right upper quadrant with associated hx of non
bilious vomiting and passage of loose stool, but no Fever.
No prior hx of colicky abdominal pain, no fever, no abdominal distension.
Nil hx of trauma to the abdomen, nil hx of falls.
Not a known PUD pxt, there was no prior hx of recurrent epigastric pain, nil hx of
indiscriminate use of NSAIDs
Had been on NSAIDs for the Jaw fracture and is being managed by the MFU of NHA.
Nil prior hx of abdominal surgeries,
No chronic cough, contact with patient with chronic cough, ingestion of unpasteurized
milk, weight loss or drenching night sweats,
For the above she self medicated with some over the counter medications, but
with no improvement in symptoms she presented at the AnE of this facility for
5. Case 1
She is not a known Hypertensive, Diabetic, asthmatic or epileptic.
No previous surgeries or blood transfusion.
She is married in a monogamous family setting with 2 children.
She does not smoke or take alcohol. No recreational drug of
No history of drug or food allergy.
Not on any long term medications.
6. Examination
Young lady, not in mild painful distress, afebrile, anicteric, not pale, not dehydrated, nil pedal
edema, nil palpable peripheral lymph nodes.
Full, Moved with respiration,
3 by 2 cm, tender umbilical
Umbilical defect measuring about
Mild to moderate tenderness in the
epigastrium, R. hypochondrium
and lumber region
Nil rebound tenderness.
Rest of abdomen was soft and non
Nil palpable organomegaly.
DRE was unremarkable
Respiratory System.
RR 20cpm
Chest Vesicular breath sounds
all over.
PR 84bpm
BP 130/80mmHg
HS S1, S2 only
Na 142.8, Cl 100.9, K 4.7 ,HCO3 24.7 ,Urea 5.3 ,Cr 84.6
PCV 30%
WBC differential - Mild neutrophilic leucocytosis.
TC 19,000. [N- 78%, L-19%, BEM 3%]
Plt 283,000
Abdominal X-Ray and Abdominal USS
Not done
9. Initial Intervention
IV Fluids.
IV Antibiotics
IV Omeprazole
Patient admitted for close monitoring and to be
properly investigated.
Patient encouraged to do the abdominopelvic scan.
10. 2nd
Day on Admission
Worsening of abdominal pain.
3 episodes of bilious vomiting.
Vitals PR 96bpm, BP 110/70mmHg, RR 22cpm
Abdominal Exam.
Moved minimally with respiration,
Marked tenderness with rigidity in the R. hypochondrium and lumber region with guarding.
Rest of abdomen was soft.
Localized peritonitis 2 reduced gangrenous bowel.
Abandon conservative management and explore.
1. Solitary anterior gastric perforation measuring about 5 by 5mm on the distal third of the body.
2. About 250mls of Clear Bilious effluent in the right subhepatic space and extending to the upper right paracolic gutter, walled
off by omentum, stomach, and proximal jejunum
3. Rest of the abdomen was clean and grossly normal.
1. Bilious effluent suctioned, Gastric perforation identified, and a thorough exploration done.
2. Biopsy of the ulcer edge was taken after stay sutures were applied.
3. A modified grahams repair was done.
4. Copious lavage was done, and the wound closed over an drain in the subhepatic space.
Transfused with one unit of blood intra-op
12. Post-Op Intervention
1. NG tube maintained Drained bilious effluent.
2. IV Fluids 3L in 24 hrs.
3. Analgesics Pentazocine and PCM
4. Antibiotics Ceftriaxone, Metronidazole
5. Antacids Omeprazole and Ranitidine.
6. Vitals monitored closely
13. 2hrs Post-Op
Not Fully recovered from anaesthesia.
Febrile, T 38.1C, Sleeping but responded to calls
Vitals PR 90bpm, BP 130/90mmHg, RR 22cpm
Abdominal Exam.
Drian in situ, draining minimal haemorrhagic effluent.
Wound dressing clean and dry.
Nil area of undue tenderness, Abdomen was soft.
Urine output 0.5 0.8mls/kg/hr.
Stable post-op
Ensured post-op order
Ensured 500mls of fluid every 4hrs
14. 1st
Day Post-Op
Fully recovered from anaesthesia.
Complained of pain at op site and hunger.
Febrile, T 38.6C
Vitals: PR 102bpm, BP 130/90mmHg, RR 24cpm
Abdominal Exam.
Drian in situ, draining minimal haemorrhagic effluent.
Wound dressing clean and dry.
Nil area of undue tenderness, Abdomen was soft.
Urine output 1.3 -1.5mls/kg/hr.
Severe sepsis on treatment
KIV Sepsis induced post-op diabetes insipidus
FBC & EUCr [Unable to get results that day]
Increased Fluid to 4L in 24 hrs
Ensures antibiotics and analgesia.
Respiratory System.
RR 24cpm
Kussmals breathing
Chest CLear
PR 102bpm
BP 130/90mmHg
HS S1, S2 only
15. 2nd
Day Post-Op
Noted to be restless necessitating restraint.
Made incoherent speech.
Febrile, T 39C, warm extremities
Vitals PR 132bpm, BP 110/90mmHg, RR 30cpm,
RBS 20.8mmol/L, repeat 12.9mmol/L
Abdominal Exam.
Drian in situ, draining minimal haemorrhagic effluent.
Wound inspected and seen to be well apposed and clean.
Nil area of undue tenderness, Abdomen was soft. Not distended.
Urine output 2 -2.5mls/kg/hr.
Sepsis Associated Encephalopathy with Diabetes insipidus.
PCV 30%, Plt 620,000.
WBC T 40,200 [N 86%, L-13%, BEM-1%
Na 153, K 6.1, Cl 117.2, HCO3- 19, Cr 133.4 Ur 6.6
Hypernatremia, Hyperkalemia, mildly elevated creatinine, and the High anion gap metabolic acidosis.
Respiratory System.
RR 30cpm
Kussmals breathing
Chest Clear
PR 132bpm
BP 110/90mmHg
HS S1, S2 only
GCS 12 [M-5, V-3, E-4]
Pupils about 3mm, equal reactive to light
qSOFA 2/3
RR 30cpm
BP 110/90mmHg
Altered sensorium
16. Intervention
Samples for blood culture
Changed antibiotics Levoflox, Rocephin and Metro.
Commenced on INO2 by nasal prongs
Continuous vitals monitoring.
Internal Medicine review
Severe sepsis in a ? Prediabetic in poly uric phase of AKI.
Monitor RBS.
Maintain other care.
Anaesthesiologist Review
Patient passed on during their review.
17. 2nd
Day Post-Op
Decrease in consciousness level
GCS 5 [M-1,V-2,E-2]
Vitals PR 162bpm, BP 100/60mmHg, RR 36cpm
RR 36cpm, SPO2 96 on 2L INO2
Wide spread coarse crepitations in the right Upper and Middle lung zones
Still pouring urine.
SAE with Aspiration
Expedite Anesthesiologist review and counselled for ICU care.
Suction PRN
Nursed in Left lateral position.
18. 2nd
Day Post-Op
Noted to have stopped making respiratory effort
Nil heart sounds noted.
Commenced CPR
Stat dose of IV Adrenaline given, repeated after 5mins x 3 doses.
Nil ROSC after 30mins
Pupils fixed and dilated
Patient was declared clinically dead at 11:15am
Primary Cause of Death
1. Perforated Peptic Ulcer
Secondary Cause of Death
1. Brain stem failure 2 Sepsis associated Encephalopathy.
19. Discussion
Disease factor
Disease burden
20% Mortality
Atypical presentation
Perforated Gastric ulcer.
2% as first presentation.
Uncommon in females
A concomitant umbilical hernia.
Atypical course
Worsening sepsis after source control
? Antibiotics [tyonnex brand].
Sepsis Associated Encephalopathy
Why? [First organ in the Sequential organ
failure assessment ]
損 Rapid deceleration of the CNS with
sparing of other organs.
2-3 times greater mortality than Sepsis.
Devastating out come in a short course.
Sepsis associated post-op diabetes insipidus.
Made fluid resuscitation more challenging.
Masked early diagnosis of organ disfunction.
Patient and Relative factor
Domestic violence
Initial source if the problem.
Prolonged NSAID use.
Financial constraint
Worsened in the last 2 weeks due to
jaw fracture.
Subtle delays with investigations
and procurement of medications.
Hospital factor.
12hrs from decision to operate to
knife on skin
Usual delay
Ongoing Neurosurgery case.
Team Factor
Missed diagnosis
1. Atypical presentation and