PR pros on diversity: Be comfortable talking about what's uncomfortable | PR ...Standard Press - StudioSp
Experts at an Advertising Week panel discussed diversity issues in the PR industry and emphasized the need to have uncomfortable conversations about diversity. They agreed that avoiding discussions of diversity will not solve problems. One expert said sustained outreach efforts over 18 months are needed when reaching out to diverse communities, and cited Home Depot's partnership with local Hispanic groups and technical schools as an effective collaboration model.
If you are just starting out in online marketing then its important to understand the benefits of SEO. Check out this PPT and get to know more about it.
PR pros on diversity: Be comfortable talking about what's uncomfortable | PR ...Standard Press - StudioSp
Experts at an Advertising Week panel discussed diversity issues in the PR industry and emphasized the need to have uncomfortable conversations about diversity. They agreed that avoiding discussions of diversity will not solve problems. One expert said sustained outreach efforts over 18 months are needed when reaching out to diverse communities, and cited Home Depot's partnership with local Hispanic groups and technical schools as an effective collaboration model.
If you are just starting out in online marketing then its important to understand the benefits of SEO. Check out this PPT and get to know more about it.
This document discusses stereoscopic vision and its use in aerial photo interpretation. Stereoscopic vision involves using binocular vision to view overlapping photos from two camera positions to perceive 3D depth. Various stereoscopes can be used, like lens stereoscopes suitable for field use. Key measurements for determining object heights from stereo pairs include the average photo base length and differential parallax. Precise stereoplotters and software can digitally recreate stereo models for mapping. Orthophotos rectify photos to show objects in true planimetric positions.