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Effat News & Events
2006 / 2007
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Jeddah City - Kingdom of Saudia Arabia
Effat College
PO BOX 34689, Jeddah 21478 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 2 636 4300 Fax: +966 2 637 7447
Website: www.effatcollege.edu.sa
Effat College student Eman Janbi came
back from her summer internship in London
with new enthusiasm and a new outlook
towards work. With the assistance and
support of the Office of the Vice Dean for
Student Affairs, Dr.Asma Siddiki, and the
Career Development Office at Effat College,
Eman was able to complete her summer
training, a curriculum requirement for Effat
College students, at a Public Relations
company called Morris International
Associates, the PR cosultants for the Royal
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in London.
connection with the Saudi Arabian Day
Festival. She also had to generally support
all promotional and media activities in
connection with Saudi Arabian Day and
was part of the organizing team for the
press conference held at the Saudi
Embassy in London immediately after the
of the death of King Fahad bin AbdulAziz,
may Allah rest his soul. Eman was praised
by her colleagues and supervisors alike. If
this is the sort of student you are turning
out then you are doing a fantastic job,
Ann Morris, Director of Morris International
Associates, told Effat College we are just
wondering how you will find an equally
wonderful intern to send us next year!
Other Students who have done summer
training oversees include Psychologytraining oversees include Psychology
students, Lama Yunis and Zainab Yasin,
and Ayesha Sattar, a Computer Science
International Summer Internship Proves to be Rewarding
we are just wondering how you will
find an equally wonderful intern to
send us next year! Director of
Morris International Associates
student. Lama interned at the Taaheel
Center (a counseling center for children) in
Beirut, Lebanon. Zainab interned at The
Psychiatric Clinic & Stress Research
Center損 and Ayesha Sattar interned at
Caltex Oil Limited, both in Pakistan.
Similar opportunities await other students at
Effat College, where academic excellence
is regarded highly. My advice for others
is to never lose any chance they have for
a learning experience. Team spirit is the
most essential skill to have to survive in any
environment, regardless of who you are,
or who your family is says Eman Janbi,
I advise my friends to work as hard as
they can because hard work always pays
off- thats what I learned from this training
One of Emans tasks was to
draw up, carry out and
analyse surveys in
By the start of the new academic year,
people were talking about the new majors
in Architecture & Electrical & Computer
Engineering at Effat College.
A study conducted in spring 2004 by Pan
Arab Research Center for Effat College
indicated a growing need for female
engineers in the Kingdom with a strong
educational background in Electrical and
Computer Engineering. Topics studied in
this major include communications and
signal processing, microelectronics and
integrated circuits, wireless
communications, microwaves electronics,
computer-aided design and control
systems, computer hardware design,
computer networks and software
engineering. Graduates are prepared to
pursue careers in electrical engineering
and/or computer engineering, or to further
their education at graduate schools of their
choice. This degree represents the first
opportunity for women in Saudi Arabia if
they pursue this major. Students of
Architecture at Effat investigate principles
and applications of technology, art,
humanities, physical and social sciences,
business and management. With its heavy
focus on design, this is not an engineering
degree. It is intended for students seeking
a professional career in architecture.
Kerry Laufer, Vice Dean for Institutional
Development & Quality Control at Effat
College said that these new majors are
already in high demand. For example, 14
top students have been accepted into the
architecture major and began classes this
fall. Along with other core courses, they
are taking an intensive design studio and
a freehand drawing course. We are very
proud of the programs we have developed
in cooperation with Duke University, Says
Laufer. Their support was much greater
than we ever imagined. In fact, the facilities
manager from Dukes Pratt School of
Engineering came to campus for final
inspection of the labs weve developed to
support these programs and to witness the
exciting launch new courses.損
Others are also excited about the kinds of
projects students will be doing. Marianne
Risley, Assistant Dean of New Initiatives for
Duke University, said that one of the first
year experiments for Electrical & Computer
Engineering students will be to determine
just how high the highest 束lucky損 water
molecule travels in the Kings Fountain in
Engineering & Architecture for Females: For Effat College its a Simple Calculation!
 We are very proud of the programs
we have developed in cooperation
with Duke University  Says Laufer
Apparently (according to Duke Senior
Associate Dean Tod Laursen) its a simple
High Profile International Figures Visit Effat College
Dean Haifa Reda Jamal Al Lail sits with Mrs.Nane Annan during a visit to Effat College
In November 2005, Her Royal Highness
Princess Lolowah Al-Faisal, Vice Chair of
the Board of Trustees and General
Supervisor of Effat College, welcomed
Mrs. Nane Annan to the Effat College
campus for an interactive discussion with
faculty, staff and students, followed by a
brief tour of the colleges high-tech
Mrs. Annan, wife of Kofi Annan, the
Secretary General of the United Nations,
has a keen interest in humanitarian issues,
particularly those involving education.
Among the many topics covered during
the 2-hour visit, the group discussed Effat
Colleges role in raising awareness of the
United Nations Millennium Development
Goals among students, faculty, staff and the
community. Mrs. Annan was impressed
with the college faculty and students and
observed that significant work and serious
dedication was behind its foundation.
She described the students as very
well-articulated, confident, and with a level
of English that defeated the purpose of her
bringing a translator. Students spoke about
their personal experiences and evolution
within the college, and faculty members
spoke about their past and upcoming
initiatives to promote education.
Princess Lolowah Al-Faisal emphasized the
notion that Islam fully supports the
education and development of women,
while some customs and traditions are
what is limiting womens advancement.
She urged that those customs shall not
be perceived as religious teachings and
that awareness endeavours can educate
women of their rights that theyve been
granted by their religion.
U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
Near Eastern Affairs and daughter of Vice
President Dick Cheney, Mrs. Liz Cheney,
also visited Effat College in November 2005
to meet with students, faculty and advisory
board members for a thought-provoking
interactive discussion about U.S.-Saudi
HRH Princess Lolowa Al Faisal, HRH
Princess Noura Al Faisal, Dr. Haifa Jamal
Allail, Dean of Effat College greeted
Mrs. Cheney upon her arrival. The surprise
attendance of HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal,
Saudi Ambassador to the U.S., made the
event especially memorable. Mrs. Cheney
held a private small group meeting with
group of Effat students to discuss issues
related to education and womens
empowerment in Saudi Arabia. During this
meeting, Effat College student Abla Adra
shared her experiences with about the Civic
Initiative Leadership program she attended
in the U.S. this Fall. This 3-week program,
sponsored by the U.S. State Departments
Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI),
brought together students from across the
Arab world for a series of conferences and
workshops in Washington, North Carolina,
San Francisco, and New York. According
to Abla, 束The unique experience of being in
the United States with a group of Arab
students really helped emphasize the
shared values between all Arab students
that we sometimes forget at home.損 In
addition, Abla said that she returned home
with a greater awareness of her own civic
responsibilities. Following the student
meeting, a larger question and answer
session was held in Effat Hall to give
students, faculty and invited guests the
opportunity to discuss a variety of topics
with Mrs. Cheney. Substantial emphasis
was placed on new and ongoing
partnership and exchange opportunities
available through the U.S. State
Departments Middle East Partnership
Initiative (MEPI). Mrs. Cheney concluded her
3-hour visit with a brief tour of Effat College.
Effat College regularly welcomes high profile
international figures to campus. Other
guests this year have included Canadian
Ambassador R. Bell and former American
Ambassador Richard Murphy.
Effat College Holds Annual
International Education Mini
In December 2005, Effat College held an
annual gathering of international
educational advisers. The purpose of
the event was to help students gain an
understanding of the education and career
offerings in different countries and
identify any internship and scholarship
prospects for students. Participation
included representatives of various
consulates and embassies, including
American, German, Canadian, Swiss,
French, British and more.
The event organized by the Career
Development Office of Effat College
provided Effat students, alumni and staff
the opportunity to ask questions of these
representatives relating to the educational
system and scholarship offers in their
respective countries. There was also
information about the graduate and
undergraduate programs such as study
abroad options and information about
international internships and summer
training programs. Distinguished gusts at
this event included U.S. Consul General
Tatiana C. Gfoeller, German Consul General
Dr. Hubert Lang, and the Consul General of
Switzerland Mr. Jakob Fehr.
Queen Effat Citizenship Award
On 25 December 2005, Effat College
celebrated the annual Queen Effat
Citizenship Award Ceremony under the
patronage of HRH princess Lolowahh
Al Faisal. This prestigious occasion is a
time for Effat College to honor its most
commendable students as well as the one
exemplary student who receives the
citizenship award. Queen Effat (may God
rest her soul) had a far reaching vision for
ongoing development and innovation in
girls education in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. At Effat College this vision is as
strong as evertoday and everyday, and it
takes inspiration from Queen Effats vision
in its daily work and it is proud to carry it on
through this prestigious award that bears
her name.
Al Hamra School performed a play as a
tribute to Queen Effat (may Allah rest her
soul). After that, a short video
presentation honouring Queen Effat Al
Thinayyan Al Saud was played to the
audience. It was a recording of a
presentation by Her Royal Highness
Princess Lolowah Al Faisal and His Royal
Highness Prince Turki Al Faisal given at the
inaugural presentation of the Mosaic
Society in the United States of America.
Her Royal Highness Princess Lolowah
Al Faisal and the Dean of Effat College,
Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail then presented
certificates of distinction to the students
who have been recognized for the Deans
list for the Academic Year 2004-2005.
Finally, Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail announced
the long awaited name of the winner of the
Queen Effat Citizenship Award for the
Academic year 2004-2005: Rozana
Al-Banawi, Senior Psychology major.
Rozana was presented with a certificate,
two tickets from Qatar Airways and the
Queen Effat Citizenship medallion by
Princess Lolowah Al Faisal.
Dean of Duke Universitys Pratt
School of Engineering Visits
Effat College
On the occasion of Effat Colleges launch
of a new undergraduate degree program in
Electrical & Computer Engineering, the
college welcomed Dr. Kristina Johnson,
Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering at
Duke University on 13th February 2006 to
present a talk on Engineering and
Entrepreneurship. Senior faculty from Duke
and four engineering students in Dukes
Engineering Management Masters program
from Duke also accompanied her. The
visiting students also performed a project
demonstration in the engineering lab of Effat
Dukes Pratt School of Engineering became
Effat Colleges esteemed partner in program
development when an agreement was
signed in January 2005 to collaborate on
the development of the first undergraduate
degree in Engineering for women in Saudi
Arabia. The initial stage involved the
engineering lab of Effat College.
development of the curriculum for
Electrical & Computer Engineering and has
been supported in part by a grant from
the U.S. State Departments Middle East
Partnership Initiative (MEPI).
Effat College Participates in the
Jeddah Economic Forum 2006
For the seventh consecutive year,
Jeddah hosted some of the most significant
figures in the world which included heads
of state and international decision-makers,
renowned economists and media
personalities, leading businessmen and
women, entrepreneurs, and academics.
They gathered for the Jeddah Economic
Forum held from February 11-13, 2006 at
the Hilton Hotel in Jeddah.
The theme for the forum was Seeding
Potentials for Economic Growth:
Honouring Identity and Celebrating
Common Grounds. The Forum was
organized by the Jeddah Marketing Board,
which operates under the Jeddah Chamber
of Commerce & Industry and is chaired by
Saudi businessman Sheikh Amr Enany.
Amongst the forums Academic Committee
was Dean of Effat College, Dr. Haifa Jamal
Al-Lail and Effat College Advisory Board
Member, Dr. Ghazi Binzagr.
Effat College sponsored the forum and
actively participated in the area of volunteer
management and services. Prior to the
event Effat College ensured solicitation,
selection and training of volunteers. At the
event Effat College staff were present and
significantly involved in ensuring success
of the event, from supervision of volunteers
and monitoring of tasks to coordination
of hospitality services. In addition to the
above, Effat College was responsible for the
overall organize of the womens section by
identifying any responsibilities required to
ensure success of the event.
Effat College hosted its fourth annual
symposium on Learning and Technology
on March 29-30, 2006 at the Jeddah Hilton
Hotel. The theme of this years symposium
was Bridging the Divide.
The symposium took a critical look at some
of the essential prerequisites that enable
individuals and societies to bridge the
so-called 束digital divide.損 The term digital
divide refers to a gap in access to
information and communication
technologies; it is not simply a divide
between those who have technology and
those who do not.
This years sessions were led by more than
eight featured speakers from six different
countries including topics such as The
Digital Divide: Understanding Technologys
Promises, Challenges and Solutions, The
State of Technology In Education: Saudi
Arabia and the Region, and Global
Opportunities in the Transformation of
Learning through Technology.
Presentations were offered in both Arabic
and English. U.N.-style simultaneous
translation (from Arabic to English or from
English to Arabic) was made available for
plenary sessions and workshop sessions
when possible.
Effat Colleges Fourth Annual Symposium on Learning & Technology on Bridging the Divide
Significant increases in IT investments in
general, and in networking technologies in
particular, are creating an unprecedented
demand for IT professionals in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia and across the Arab
countries generally. This is why the work of
Effat Collage in developing the local labor
market through technical training and the
sharing of best practice is so admirable.
For effective use of technology depends on
the abilities of the people implemening it,
said Shahab Meshki, Manager of Ciscos
Networking Academy Program in the
Middle East. Curriculum from this program
is taught at Effat. Cisco Systems, Inc. was
one of the sponsors of this years event.
The opening night ceremony was graced by
the presence of such speakers as his
Excellency professor Osama Al Tayyeb
(President of King Abdul Aziz University),
Mr. Reza Mahdavi (Vice-President of
Corporate Affairs and General Manager of
Cisco Systems, Inc.), and Dr Martina Roth
(Director of the Intel速 Innovation in
Education programs in Europe, Middle East
and Africa).
Opening night also included panel
discussion about the Effat College and
Duke University (USA) partnership. An
interesting feature of the discussion was the
video conference between representatives
of Effat College, which included Dr. Haifa
Jamal Al-Lail, Dean of Effat College
(Jeddah, KSA), Mrs Kerry L. Laufer, Vice
Dean for Institutional Development &
Quality Control Effat College (Jeddah,KSA)
and Dr. Ghazi Binzagr, Effat College
Advisory Board (Jeddah, KSA), and Dr.Tod
Laursen, Senior Associate Dean, Pratt
School of Engineering, Duke University
(Durham, NC USA). Panellists discussed
technologys potential to transform learning,
enhance local and international
communities, and ultimately contribute to
the creation of a more productive global
As a leading womens educational
institution, Effat College has played a
pivotal role in guiding the Saudi woman
and her contribution to society. Every year
on Career Day, discussions revolve around
themes of interest and contemporary
issues. Members of the community who
participate included youth, women in
decision making positions, experts and the
general public.
The theme of the Fifth Annual Career Day
held on 6 May 2006 was Against All odds:
Women on the Cutting Edge of Change.
Platinum sponsors for this event included
Okaz as the main media sponsor, Olayan,
Salehat, Waseet, and Jeddah TV, Bayt as
gold sponsors, and Turner, Veet, and Sage
as silver sponsors. Speakers who
participated in the panel discussion
included Mrs. Nashwa Taher who is one of
the first two women to get elected to the
Board of the Jeddah Chamber of Comerce
and Industry and is currently Deputy Chair
of the Khadija Bint Khwailid Center at the
JCCI, Mr. Majed Mohammed Garoub-
Career Day 2006:
Against All Odds: Women on the Cutting Edge of Change
Chairmanof the Saudi Law Training Center
the Law Firm of Majed M Garoob, the U.S.
Consul General Tatiana C. Gfoeller, Mr. Isam
Gari who is a training consultant in
behavioral management, ESP and TTT
programs, and Mr. Qusai Ibrahim Filali-
General Manager of the Office of Labour
in Jeddah. Dr. Kholoud Ashgar- Assistant
Professor in the Kindergarten Department
at Effat College was the moderator.
Recruiters were also on hand for the
accompanying job fair. Companies
represented were Olayan, Riyadh Bank,
Saudi Law Training Center, Proctor &Gable,
TNS, Dr. Bakhsh hospital, the Saudi Labor
Office, DMS, Tamer, Al- Sawani, and
Cantelle. These companies had the chance
to have face-to-face interaction with female
candidates who have shown a tremendous
interest in joining Effat Colleges job fair.
Last year, the job fair was very successful
in employing a number of candidates who
were graduates of both Effat and other
Effat College Students
Selected to Take Part in
Creative Writing Workshop
Effat College celebrated the selection of two
of its students from participants througout
Saudi Arabia, Amani Fairak and Nafla
Al Harthi as finalists of a creative writing
workshop titled 束I Belong損 hosted by the
British Council. The workshop was led
by the celebrated British writer, Bernadine
Amani Fairak is a graduate of Effat, curently
enrolled in the UK and pursuing her Maters
degree in Psychology at the University of
London. Effat Colleges sophomore student
Nafla Al Harthi attended the workshop in
Al Khobar. I was really excited to have this
opportunity, says Nafla. I didnt really
expect to be selected particularly as my
major is Computer Science, and I write only
Faculty Lecture Series 2005-
2006 Still Going Strong
Capitalizing on previous successes, Effat
Colleges Faculty Lecture Series continued
in 2005-2006. The series aims to
encourage professional dialogue across
disciplines and to showcase the unique
talents of faculty. Starting from the 22nd
of November, 2005 all female members
of education and business communities
had the opportunity to attend the series of
lectures delivered by the international
faculty members at Effat College. The
lectures included titles such as The
Promising Future of Women in Engineering
presented by Dr. Aziza Ibrahim, Assistant
professor, Electrical & Computer
Engineering, A Semantico-Syntactic Study
of the Negator /kalla/   (NOT!)
presented by Dr. Trandil El- Rakhawy,
Associate Professor of English Linguitics,
Translation and Islamic Studies, An Inves-
tigation Into the Use of Peer Coaching for
Staff Development presented by
Dr. Khadija Itan, Assistant Professor, KG,
How Do Computers Contribute to Their
Own Evolution? presented by Dr. Houria
Oudghiri- Associate Professor, Computer
Science, Integrating ICT in the Classroom:
as a hobby. Iguess my success is a refletion
of the all round education we get here in
Effat College. The emphasis they place on
good communication skills really helped and
gave me the confidence to enter the
Nafla and the other young Saudi women
were selected on the basis of a short
story they submitted on the theme of
Idetity, Home and Belonging. During the
workshop, the participants worked on the
development of an international, on-line
story chain to be created in collaboration
with writers from Malaysia, Egypt, France
and Northern Ireland. The workshops were
followed up with e-mail tutorials.
Teachers Role presented by Mrs. Akila
Sarirete, Lecturer, Computer Science &
CISCO Coordinator, and Endangered
Languages, presented by Dr. Susan Blake,
Assistant Professor, English Language &
Leading Businessmen &
Businesswomen Talk at Effat
Candidates Ms. Nashwa Tahir, Ms. Madawi
Hasoon, and Ms. Lama Sulaiman who ran
for the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce
board this year and won, were present at
Effat College on Tuesday 15/11/2005 to
talk to students about their experience as
the first women in Jeddah to run for such a
The lectures, which took place at the
Career Development Office (CDO) at Effat
College, began with a brief explanation of
the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce roles
and the history of the establishment of the
Khadeeja Bin Khuwailid Center. Students
asked many questions regarding the
problems and the solutions that confront
both business men and women.
The ladies described their role in the
campaign and the importance of voting for
females, especially the young generation.
Large student attendance was evidence of
the importance of the issue to them -- the
importance of women entering the society
as business women and working side by
side with men. Effat College student Ola
Banajah said, I am much more aware of
the JCC and what it does. The ladies gave
very interesting lectures and we were all
impressed with their professionalism.
Effat College also welcomed on the 18th of
December 2005 Dr. Ghazi Binzagr, member
of Effat College Advisory Board and
Chairman of the Arabian Stores Co.
Dr. Binzagr presented a lecture entitled
束The Life We Were Born to Live.損
Later in the year, Effat College students and
staff gathered on 8/4/2006 for a lecture by
Mr. Brad Bourland, the Chief Economist at
Samba Financial Group, entitled Global
and Local Economic Trends. The lecture
examined the trends in the Saudi Economy
and the Saudi Stock Market and discussed
some of the implications of Saudi Arabias
accession to the WTO. The very next day,
Effat College welcomed Dr. Fawaz Al Alami,
Deputy Minister of Commerce & Industry
and Head of the Saudi Negotiations Team
for the WTO, and his lecture was entitled
束 The Results of Saudi Arabia Joining the
WTO (World Trade Organization).損 The
lecture focused on different subjects,
including the new world trade organization,
the stages Saudi Arabia took to join WTO,
future steps, and other important subjects.
Sheikh Amr Khashoggi also presented a
highly informative and interesting two-part
lecture series on Leadership and People
Management at Effat College in the spring.
The lecture discussed the various traits
and skills of a good leader. Sheikh Amr
Khashoggi is the Vice Chairman of Modern
Computers & Communication, President of
Khashoggi Foundation, and also a member
of the Advisory Board of Effat College.
Effat College Supports
International Exchange of
Dr. Nancy Scannell spent 6 weeks on the
campus of Effat College in Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia, where she taught finance under the
auspices of the Fulbright Senior Specialist
program. Effat College was the first
institution in Saudi Arabia to tap into the
Fulbright Senior Specialist program, a
relatively recent offering administered by
the Council for International Exchange of
Scholars (CIES). Dr. Scannell praised Dr.
Haifa Reda Jamal Al-Lail, Dean of Effat
College who took the initiative to spearhead
the arrangement.
From left to right: Tatiana Gfoeller, U.S. Counsul General, Nancy Scannell, Senior Fulbright
Specialist, Erin L. Eddy, Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Consulate
The Fulbright Senior Specialist Program
ranges from two to six weeks in duration.
Per Scannell, 束Fulbright does its job to
carefully screen Specialists applications
in order to create a pool from which Saudi
institutions may request a Specialist. Once
designated, Fulbright allows the Specialist
and host institution to negotiate the details.
束In my case,損 explains Scannell,
束Effat College and I honed in on a number
of objectives which included my teaching of
Finance across the curriculum, teaching a
Finance Executive Education for its
Extension Program under the direction
of Dr. Eman Mohamed, and delivering
stand-alone Finance lectures to students,
colleagues and the community.
Effat Colleges Vice Dean for Institutional
Development & Quality Control, Kerry
Laufer, added that she hopes Dean Haifas
lead will encourage other Saudi academies
to follow suit, thus cultivating further
meaningful relations between Saudi Arabia
and the United States. Each country is
entitled to ten Specialists per year. More
information about Fulbright programs,
including the Specialist program, can be
found at http://www.cies.org
Student Co-curricular Activities
Effat Colleges co-curricular program has
developed into a dynamic program where
students develop their skills academically,
personally, socially and professionally. They
participate in and initiate several projects
both within and outside the college
environment. The program also
encourages student participation in and
management of various clubs and Student
Government & self-funding initiatives.
Currently, students like Soha Al Fahil,
Nojoud al Sihli, and Maysam Mamoun are
members of clubs such as the Active Youth
Club, the Marketing Club, and the Arts
One of the activities of the Marketing Club
this year, for example, was organizing a
bazaar. The income of the event will allow
the Marketing Club to cater to the needs
of the student body. For this, the Club will
distribute a survey to the students on how
they would like to invest the money.
Booths for the bazaar held in 2006, were
sold out a week before the event. Most
booths displayed and sold products like
thobes, abayas, accessories, or food,
whilst some sold handicrafts made by the
students! The bazaar also featured a very
successful Fashion Show, with models
displaying the fashions of Saudi designers
such as Wid Bougari. It was an opportunity
for all students to show off their talents!
The Arts club worked on a recycling project
that aimed to make decorative objects out
of things that are mostly thought of as
useless. Member of the Arts club is also
looking forward to start using other
materials for their work such as wood,
leather, glass, and using oil and water
colors. Their art projects, along with the rest
of the projects done by the different clubs
members were displayed in an End-of-Year
Exhibition. The Photography Club is
responsible for taking pictures at all
students trips and events. The clubs
members have also taken pictures at
places like Old Jeddah and the Corniche.
Active Youth Club members have organized
various events like the celebration of the
International Day for Soldarity with the
Palestinian Peoples and Maedat al
Rahman , a College tradition where
students and faculty serve the staff a
Ramadan feast and provide entertainment
and gifts for their children and familes.
Effat College Architecture student, Maysam
Mamoun, is the captain of basketball team,
and her responsibilities include
organizing tournaments, training beginners,
and awarding winners. She was also a
referee for a tennis table championship.
Also, as Vice President of the student
committee, Maysam Mamoun has been
involved with the rest of the Committee in
surveying college students on their interests
and needs to plan better for future years.
M&PR_Effat News_August 06_V1_small
Effat Collaborates with
Georgetown University on
Curriculum Development for
Business Administration
Effat College welcomed a delegation from
Georgetowns McDonough School of
Business twice this year, in October and
March, to conduct workshops with Effat
College faculty that culminated in the joint
development of an innovative new
undergraduate curriculum in Business
Administration. Georgetown faculty
participating in the project included Kasra
Ferdows, Professor and Heisley Family
Chair of Global Manufacturing; Catherine
Tinsley, Associate Professor; and Samuel
Robfogel, Associate Director for
International Initiatives. Those involved
in the curriculum development process
emphasize its innovative approach, with
the incorporation of real-world experiences
in classroom activities a key component of
pedagogical innovation. Students
majoring in Business Administration will be
able to concentrate in one of several areas,
including Finance & Accounting, Human
Resources Management, Marketing,
Information and Operations Management,
and Entrepreneurship. Effat College plans
to unveil the new program in 2006-2007.
Effat Partners with Instituto de
Empresa to offer Seminar for
Women Entrepreneurs
In October 2005, Dean Haifa Jamal Allail
traveled to Madrid, Spain to meet with
Dr. Celia de Anca, Director of the Center for
Diversity in Global Management, to discuss
the possibility of future collaboration
between Effat College and the Instituto de
Empresa. Following that meeting,
a protocol of cooperation between the two
institutions was signed on March 6, 2006.
The first activity planned by the partners is
an intensive seminar for women
entrepreneurs which will take place in
Jeddah in November 2006. The three
day program is design around the themes
Women and Entrepreneurship Skills,
Marketing and Communication Skills, and
Local Environment for Women Entreprneurs
in Jeddah. Instituto de Empresa faculty will
be delivering this intensive program on-site
at Effat College. The Instituto de Empresa,
founded 30 years ago, is ranked 5th in
Europe and 16th in the world among
schools of business by the Financial Times.

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M&PR_Effat News_August 06_V1_small

  • 1. Effat News & Events 2006 / 2007
  • 2. Cover Photo Jeddah City - Kingdom of Saudia Arabia Effat College PO BOX 34689, Jeddah 21478 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 2 636 4300 Fax: +966 2 637 7447 Email:admissions@effatcollege.edu.sa Website: www.effatcollege.edu.sa
  • 3. Effat College student Eman Janbi came back from her summer internship in London with new enthusiasm and a new outlook towards work. With the assistance and support of the Office of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr.Asma Siddiki, and the Career Development Office at Effat College, Eman was able to complete her summer training, a curriculum requirement for Effat College students, at a Public Relations company called Morris International Associates, the PR cosultants for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in London. connection with the Saudi Arabian Day Festival. She also had to generally support all promotional and media activities in connection with Saudi Arabian Day and was part of the organizing team for the press conference held at the Saudi Embassy in London immediately after the of the death of King Fahad bin AbdulAziz, may Allah rest his soul. Eman was praised by her colleagues and supervisors alike. If this is the sort of student you are turning out then you are doing a fantastic job, Ann Morris, Director of Morris International Associates, told Effat College we are just wondering how you will find an equally wonderful intern to send us next year! Other Students who have done summer training oversees include Psychologytraining oversees include Psychology students, Lama Yunis and Zainab Yasin, and Ayesha Sattar, a Computer Science International Summer Internship Proves to be Rewarding we are just wondering how you will find an equally wonderful intern to send us next year! Director of Morris International Associates student. Lama interned at the Taaheel Center (a counseling center for children) in Beirut, Lebanon. Zainab interned at The Psychiatric Clinic & Stress Research Center損 and Ayesha Sattar interned at Caltex Oil Limited, both in Pakistan. Similar opportunities await other students at Effat College, where academic excellence is regarded highly. My advice for others is to never lose any chance they have for a learning experience. Team spirit is the most essential skill to have to survive in any environment, regardless of who you are, or who your family is says Eman Janbi, I advise my friends to work as hard as they can because hard work always pays off- thats what I learned from this training experience! One of Emans tasks was to draw up, carry out and analyse surveys in
  • 4. By the start of the new academic year, people were talking about the new majors in Architecture & Electrical & Computer Engineering at Effat College. A study conducted in spring 2004 by Pan Arab Research Center for Effat College indicated a growing need for female engineers in the Kingdom with a strong educational background in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Topics studied in this major include communications and signal processing, microelectronics and integrated circuits, wireless communications, microwaves electronics, computer-aided design and control systems, computer hardware design, computer networks and software engineering. Graduates are prepared to pursue careers in electrical engineering and/or computer engineering, or to further their education at graduate schools of their choice. This degree represents the first opportunity for women in Saudi Arabia if they pursue this major. Students of Architecture at Effat investigate principles and applications of technology, art, humanities, physical and social sciences, business and management. With its heavy focus on design, this is not an engineering degree. It is intended for students seeking a professional career in architecture. Kerry Laufer, Vice Dean for Institutional Development & Quality Control at Effat College said that these new majors are already in high demand. For example, 14 top students have been accepted into the architecture major and began classes this fall. Along with other core courses, they are taking an intensive design studio and a freehand drawing course. We are very proud of the programs we have developed in cooperation with Duke University, Says Laufer. Their support was much greater than we ever imagined. In fact, the facilities manager from Dukes Pratt School of Engineering came to campus for final inspection of the labs weve developed to support these programs and to witness the exciting launch new courses.損 Others are also excited about the kinds of projects students will be doing. Marianne Risley, Assistant Dean of New Initiatives for Duke University, said that one of the first year experiments for Electrical & Computer Engineering students will be to determine just how high the highest 束lucky損 water molecule travels in the Kings Fountain in Jeddah. Engineering & Architecture for Females: For Effat College its a Simple Calculation! We are very proud of the programs we have developed in cooperation with Duke University Says Laufer Apparently (according to Duke Senior Associate Dean Tod Laursen) its a simple calculation.損
  • 5. High Profile International Figures Visit Effat College Dean Haifa Reda Jamal Al Lail sits with Mrs.Nane Annan during a visit to Effat College In November 2005, Her Royal Highness Princess Lolowah Al-Faisal, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees and General Supervisor of Effat College, welcomed Mrs. Nane Annan to the Effat College campus for an interactive discussion with faculty, staff and students, followed by a brief tour of the colleges high-tech classrooms. Mrs. Annan, wife of Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, has a keen interest in humanitarian issues, particularly those involving education. Among the many topics covered during the 2-hour visit, the group discussed Effat Colleges role in raising awareness of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals among students, faculty, staff and the community. Mrs. Annan was impressed with the college faculty and students and observed that significant work and serious dedication was behind its foundation. She described the students as very well-articulated, confident, and with a level of English that defeated the purpose of her bringing a translator. Students spoke about their personal experiences and evolution within the college, and faculty members spoke about their past and upcoming initiatives to promote education. Princess Lolowah Al-Faisal emphasized the notion that Islam fully supports the education and development of women, while some customs and traditions are what is limiting womens advancement. She urged that those customs shall not be perceived as religious teachings and that awareness endeavours can educate women of their rights that theyve been granted by their religion.
  • 6. U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, Mrs. Liz Cheney, also visited Effat College in November 2005 to meet with students, faculty and advisory board members for a thought-provoking interactive discussion about U.S.-Saudi relations. HRH Princess Lolowa Al Faisal, HRH Princess Noura Al Faisal, Dr. Haifa Jamal Allail, Dean of Effat College greeted Mrs. Cheney upon her arrival. The surprise attendance of HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal, Saudi Ambassador to the U.S., made the event especially memorable. Mrs. Cheney held a private small group meeting with group of Effat students to discuss issues related to education and womens empowerment in Saudi Arabia. During this meeting, Effat College student Abla Adra shared her experiences with about the Civic Initiative Leadership program she attended in the U.S. this Fall. This 3-week program, sponsored by the U.S. State Departments Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), brought together students from across the Arab world for a series of conferences and workshops in Washington, North Carolina, San Francisco, and New York. According to Abla, 束The unique experience of being in the United States with a group of Arab students really helped emphasize the shared values between all Arab students that we sometimes forget at home.損 In addition, Abla said that she returned home with a greater awareness of her own civic responsibilities. Following the student meeting, a larger question and answer session was held in Effat Hall to give students, faculty and invited guests the opportunity to discuss a variety of topics with Mrs. Cheney. Substantial emphasis was placed on new and ongoing partnership and exchange opportunities available through the U.S. State Departments Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). Mrs. Cheney concluded her 3-hour visit with a brief tour of Effat College. Effat College regularly welcomes high profile international figures to campus. Other guests this year have included Canadian Ambassador R. Bell and former American Ambassador Richard Murphy. Effat College Holds Annual International Education Mini Fair In December 2005, Effat College held an annual gathering of international educational advisers. The purpose of the event was to help students gain an understanding of the education and career offerings in different countries and identify any internship and scholarship prospects for students. Participation included representatives of various consulates and embassies, including American, German, Canadian, Swiss, French, British and more. The event organized by the Career Development Office of Effat College provided Effat students, alumni and staff the opportunity to ask questions of these representatives relating to the educational system and scholarship offers in their respective countries. There was also information about the graduate and undergraduate programs such as study abroad options and information about international internships and summer training programs. Distinguished gusts at this event included U.S. Consul General Tatiana C. Gfoeller, German Consul General Dr. Hubert Lang, and the Consul General of Switzerland Mr. Jakob Fehr. Queen Effat Citizenship Award On 25 December 2005, Effat College celebrated the annual Queen Effat Citizenship Award Ceremony under the patronage of HRH princess Lolowahh Al Faisal. This prestigious occasion is a time for Effat College to honor its most commendable students as well as the one exemplary student who receives the citizenship award. Queen Effat (may God rest her soul) had a far reaching vision for ongoing development and innovation in girls education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. At Effat College this vision is as strong as evertoday and everyday, and it takes inspiration from Queen Effats vision in its daily work and it is proud to carry it on through this prestigious award that bears her name. Al Hamra School performed a play as a tribute to Queen Effat (may Allah rest her soul). After that, a short video presentation honouring Queen Effat Al Thinayyan Al Saud was played to the audience. It was a recording of a presentation by Her Royal Highness Princess Lolowah Al Faisal and His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al Faisal given at the inaugural presentation of the Mosaic Society in the United States of America. Her Royal Highness Princess Lolowah Al Faisal and the Dean of Effat College, Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail then presented certificates of distinction to the students who have been recognized for the Deans list for the Academic Year 2004-2005. Finally, Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail announced the long awaited name of the winner of the Queen Effat Citizenship Award for the
  • 7. Academic year 2004-2005: Rozana Al-Banawi, Senior Psychology major. Rozana was presented with a certificate, two tickets from Qatar Airways and the Queen Effat Citizenship medallion by Princess Lolowah Al Faisal. Dean of Duke Universitys Pratt School of Engineering Visits Effat College On the occasion of Effat Colleges launch of a new undergraduate degree program in Electrical & Computer Engineering, the college welcomed Dr. Kristina Johnson, Dean of the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University on 13th February 2006 to present a talk on Engineering and Entrepreneurship. Senior faculty from Duke and four engineering students in Dukes Engineering Management Masters program from Duke also accompanied her. The visiting students also performed a project demonstration in the engineering lab of Effat College. Dukes Pratt School of Engineering became Effat Colleges esteemed partner in program development when an agreement was signed in January 2005 to collaborate on the development of the first undergraduate degree in Engineering for women in Saudi Arabia. The initial stage involved the engineering lab of Effat College. development of the curriculum for Electrical & Computer Engineering and has been supported in part by a grant from the U.S. State Departments Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI). Effat College Participates in the Jeddah Economic Forum 2006 For the seventh consecutive year, Jeddah hosted some of the most significant figures in the world which included heads of state and international decision-makers, renowned economists and media personalities, leading businessmen and women, entrepreneurs, and academics. They gathered for the Jeddah Economic Forum held from February 11-13, 2006 at the Hilton Hotel in Jeddah. The theme for the forum was Seeding Potentials for Economic Growth: Honouring Identity and Celebrating Common Grounds. The Forum was organized by the Jeddah Marketing Board, which operates under the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce & Industry and is chaired by Saudi businessman Sheikh Amr Enany. Amongst the forums Academic Committee was Dean of Effat College, Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail and Effat College Advisory Board Member, Dr. Ghazi Binzagr. Effat College sponsored the forum and actively participated in the area of volunteer management and services. Prior to the event Effat College ensured solicitation, selection and training of volunteers. At the event Effat College staff were present and significantly involved in ensuring success of the event, from supervision of volunteers and monitoring of tasks to coordination of hospitality services. In addition to the above, Effat College was responsible for the overall organize of the womens section by identifying any responsibilities required to ensure success of the event.
  • 8. Effat College hosted its fourth annual symposium on Learning and Technology on March 29-30, 2006 at the Jeddah Hilton Hotel. The theme of this years symposium was Bridging the Divide. The symposium took a critical look at some of the essential prerequisites that enable individuals and societies to bridge the so-called 束digital divide.損 The term digital divide refers to a gap in access to information and communication technologies; it is not simply a divide between those who have technology and those who do not. This years sessions were led by more than eight featured speakers from six different countries including topics such as The Digital Divide: Understanding Technologys Promises, Challenges and Solutions, The State of Technology In Education: Saudi Arabia and the Region, and Global Opportunities in the Transformation of Learning through Technology. Presentations were offered in both Arabic and English. U.N.-style simultaneous translation (from Arabic to English or from English to Arabic) was made available for plenary sessions and workshop sessions when possible. Effat Colleges Fourth Annual Symposium on Learning & Technology on Bridging the Divide Significant increases in IT investments in general, and in networking technologies in particular, are creating an unprecedented demand for IT professionals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and across the Arab countries generally. This is why the work of Effat Collage in developing the local labor market through technical training and the sharing of best practice is so admirable. For effective use of technology depends on the abilities of the people implemening it, said Shahab Meshki, Manager of Ciscos Networking Academy Program in the Middle East. Curriculum from this program is taught at Effat. Cisco Systems, Inc. was one of the sponsors of this years event. The opening night ceremony was graced by the presence of such speakers as his Excellency professor Osama Al Tayyeb (President of King Abdul Aziz University), Mr. Reza Mahdavi (Vice-President of Corporate Affairs and General Manager of Cisco Systems, Inc.), and Dr Martina Roth (Director of the Intel速 Innovation in Education programs in Europe, Middle East and Africa). Opening night also included panel discussion about the Effat College and Duke University (USA) partnership. An interesting feature of the discussion was the video conference between representatives of Effat College, which included Dr. Haifa Jamal Al-Lail, Dean of Effat College (Jeddah, KSA), Mrs Kerry L. Laufer, Vice Dean for Institutional Development & Quality Control Effat College (Jeddah,KSA) and Dr. Ghazi Binzagr, Effat College Advisory Board (Jeddah, KSA), and Dr.Tod Laursen, Senior Associate Dean, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University (Durham, NC USA). Panellists discussed technologys potential to transform learning, enhance local and international communities, and ultimately contribute to the creation of a more productive global society.
  • 9. As a leading womens educational institution, Effat College has played a pivotal role in guiding the Saudi woman and her contribution to society. Every year on Career Day, discussions revolve around themes of interest and contemporary issues. Members of the community who participate included youth, women in decision making positions, experts and the general public. The theme of the Fifth Annual Career Day held on 6 May 2006 was Against All odds: Women on the Cutting Edge of Change. Platinum sponsors for this event included Okaz as the main media sponsor, Olayan, Salehat, Waseet, and Jeddah TV, Bayt as gold sponsors, and Turner, Veet, and Sage as silver sponsors. Speakers who participated in the panel discussion included Mrs. Nashwa Taher who is one of the first two women to get elected to the Board of the Jeddah Chamber of Comerce and Industry and is currently Deputy Chair of the Khadija Bint Khwailid Center at the JCCI, Mr. Majed Mohammed Garoub- Career Day 2006: Against All Odds: Women on the Cutting Edge of Change Chairmanof the Saudi Law Training Center the Law Firm of Majed M Garoob, the U.S. Consul General Tatiana C. Gfoeller, Mr. Isam Gari who is a training consultant in behavioral management, ESP and TTT programs, and Mr. Qusai Ibrahim Filali- General Manager of the Office of Labour in Jeddah. Dr. Kholoud Ashgar- Assistant Professor in the Kindergarten Department at Effat College was the moderator. Recruiters were also on hand for the accompanying job fair. Companies represented were Olayan, Riyadh Bank, Saudi Law Training Center, Proctor &Gable, TNS, Dr. Bakhsh hospital, the Saudi Labor Office, DMS, Tamer, Al- Sawani, and Cantelle. These companies had the chance to have face-to-face interaction with female candidates who have shown a tremendous interest in joining Effat Colleges job fair. Last year, the job fair was very successful in employing a number of candidates who were graduates of both Effat and other institutions.
  • 10. Effat College Students Selected to Take Part in Creative Writing Workshop Effat College celebrated the selection of two of its students from participants througout Saudi Arabia, Amani Fairak and Nafla Al Harthi as finalists of a creative writing workshop titled 束I Belong損 hosted by the British Council. The workshop was led by the celebrated British writer, Bernadine Everisto. Amani Fairak is a graduate of Effat, curently enrolled in the UK and pursuing her Maters degree in Psychology at the University of London. Effat Colleges sophomore student Nafla Al Harthi attended the workshop in Al Khobar. I was really excited to have this opportunity, says Nafla. I didnt really expect to be selected particularly as my major is Computer Science, and I write only Faculty Lecture Series 2005- 2006 Still Going Strong Capitalizing on previous successes, Effat Colleges Faculty Lecture Series continued in 2005-2006. The series aims to encourage professional dialogue across disciplines and to showcase the unique talents of faculty. Starting from the 22nd of November, 2005 all female members of education and business communities had the opportunity to attend the series of lectures delivered by the international faculty members at Effat College. The lectures included titles such as The Promising Future of Women in Engineering presented by Dr. Aziza Ibrahim, Assistant professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, A Semantico-Syntactic Study of the Negator /kalla/ (NOT!) presented by Dr. Trandil El- Rakhawy, Associate Professor of English Linguitics, Translation and Islamic Studies, An Inves- tigation Into the Use of Peer Coaching for Staff Development presented by Dr. Khadija Itan, Assistant Professor, KG, How Do Computers Contribute to Their Own Evolution? presented by Dr. Houria Oudghiri- Associate Professor, Computer Science, Integrating ICT in the Classroom: as a hobby. Iguess my success is a refletion of the all round education we get here in Effat College. The emphasis they place on good communication skills really helped and gave me the confidence to enter the compettion. Nafla and the other young Saudi women were selected on the basis of a short story they submitted on the theme of Idetity, Home and Belonging. During the workshop, the participants worked on the development of an international, on-line story chain to be created in collaboration with writers from Malaysia, Egypt, France and Northern Ireland. The workshops were followed up with e-mail tutorials. Teachers Role presented by Mrs. Akila Sarirete, Lecturer, Computer Science & CISCO Coordinator, and Endangered Languages, presented by Dr. Susan Blake, Assistant Professor, English Language & Translation. Leading Businessmen & Businesswomen Talk at Effat Candidates Ms. Nashwa Tahir, Ms. Madawi Hasoon, and Ms. Lama Sulaiman who ran for the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce board this year and won, were present at Effat College on Tuesday 15/11/2005 to talk to students about their experience as the first women in Jeddah to run for such a position. The lectures, which took place at the Career Development Office (CDO) at Effat College, began with a brief explanation of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce roles and the history of the establishment of the Khadeeja Bin Khuwailid Center. Students asked many questions regarding the problems and the solutions that confront both business men and women. The ladies described their role in the campaign and the importance of voting for females, especially the young generation. Large student attendance was evidence of the importance of the issue to them -- the importance of women entering the society as business women and working side by side with men. Effat College student Ola Banajah said, I am much more aware of the JCC and what it does. The ladies gave very interesting lectures and we were all impressed with their professionalism. Effat College also welcomed on the 18th of December 2005 Dr. Ghazi Binzagr, member of Effat College Advisory Board and Chairman of the Arabian Stores Co. Dr. Binzagr presented a lecture entitled 束The Life We Were Born to Live.損
  • 11. Later in the year, Effat College students and staff gathered on 8/4/2006 for a lecture by Mr. Brad Bourland, the Chief Economist at Samba Financial Group, entitled Global and Local Economic Trends. The lecture examined the trends in the Saudi Economy and the Saudi Stock Market and discussed some of the implications of Saudi Arabias accession to the WTO. The very next day, Effat College welcomed Dr. Fawaz Al Alami, Deputy Minister of Commerce & Industry and Head of the Saudi Negotiations Team for the WTO, and his lecture was entitled 束 The Results of Saudi Arabia Joining the WTO (World Trade Organization).損 The lecture focused on different subjects, including the new world trade organization, the stages Saudi Arabia took to join WTO, future steps, and other important subjects. Sheikh Amr Khashoggi also presented a highly informative and interesting two-part lecture series on Leadership and People Management at Effat College in the spring. The lecture discussed the various traits and skills of a good leader. Sheikh Amr Khashoggi is the Vice Chairman of Modern Computers & Communication, President of Khashoggi Foundation, and also a member of the Advisory Board of Effat College. Effat College Supports International Exchange of Scholars Dr. Nancy Scannell spent 6 weeks on the campus of Effat College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where she taught finance under the auspices of the Fulbright Senior Specialist program. Effat College was the first institution in Saudi Arabia to tap into the Fulbright Senior Specialist program, a relatively recent offering administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES). Dr. Scannell praised Dr. Haifa Reda Jamal Al-Lail, Dean of Effat College who took the initiative to spearhead the arrangement. From left to right: Tatiana Gfoeller, U.S. Counsul General, Nancy Scannell, Senior Fulbright Specialist, Erin L. Eddy, Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Consulate The Fulbright Senior Specialist Program ranges from two to six weeks in duration. Per Scannell, 束Fulbright does its job to carefully screen Specialists applications in order to create a pool from which Saudi institutions may request a Specialist. Once designated, Fulbright allows the Specialist and host institution to negotiate the details. 束In my case,損 explains Scannell, 束Effat College and I honed in on a number of objectives which included my teaching of Finance across the curriculum, teaching a Finance Executive Education for its Extension Program under the direction of Dr. Eman Mohamed, and delivering stand-alone Finance lectures to students, colleagues and the community. Effat Colleges Vice Dean for Institutional Development & Quality Control, Kerry Laufer, added that she hopes Dean Haifas lead will encourage other Saudi academies to follow suit, thus cultivating further meaningful relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States. Each country is entitled to ten Specialists per year. More information about Fulbright programs, including the Specialist program, can be found at http://www.cies.org
  • 12. Student Co-curricular Activities Effat Colleges co-curricular program has developed into a dynamic program where students develop their skills academically, personally, socially and professionally. They participate in and initiate several projects both within and outside the college environment. The program also encourages student participation in and management of various clubs and Student Government & self-funding initiatives. Currently, students like Soha Al Fahil, Nojoud al Sihli, and Maysam Mamoun are members of clubs such as the Active Youth Club, the Marketing Club, and the Arts Club. One of the activities of the Marketing Club this year, for example, was organizing a bazaar. The income of the event will allow the Marketing Club to cater to the needs of the student body. For this, the Club will distribute a survey to the students on how they would like to invest the money. Booths for the bazaar held in 2006, were sold out a week before the event. Most booths displayed and sold products like thobes, abayas, accessories, or food, whilst some sold handicrafts made by the students! The bazaar also featured a very successful Fashion Show, with models displaying the fashions of Saudi designers such as Wid Bougari. It was an opportunity for all students to show off their talents! The Arts club worked on a recycling project that aimed to make decorative objects out of things that are mostly thought of as useless. Member of the Arts club is also looking forward to start using other materials for their work such as wood, leather, glass, and using oil and water colors. Their art projects, along with the rest of the projects done by the different clubs members were displayed in an End-of-Year Exhibition. The Photography Club is responsible for taking pictures at all students trips and events. The clubs members have also taken pictures at places like Old Jeddah and the Corniche. Active Youth Club members have organized various events like the celebration of the International Day for Soldarity with the Palestinian Peoples and Maedat al Rahman , a College tradition where students and faculty serve the staff a Ramadan feast and provide entertainment and gifts for their children and familes. Effat College Architecture student, Maysam Mamoun, is the captain of basketball team, and her responsibilities include organizing tournaments, training beginners, and awarding winners. She was also a referee for a tennis table championship. Also, as Vice President of the student committee, Maysam Mamoun has been involved with the rest of the Committee in surveying college students on their interests and needs to plan better for future years.
  • 14. Effat Collaborates with Georgetown University on Curriculum Development for Business Administration Effat College welcomed a delegation from Georgetowns McDonough School of Business twice this year, in October and March, to conduct workshops with Effat College faculty that culminated in the joint development of an innovative new undergraduate curriculum in Business Administration. Georgetown faculty participating in the project included Kasra Ferdows, Professor and Heisley Family Chair of Global Manufacturing; Catherine Tinsley, Associate Professor; and Samuel Robfogel, Associate Director for International Initiatives. Those involved in the curriculum development process emphasize its innovative approach, with the incorporation of real-world experiences in classroom activities a key component of pedagogical innovation. Students majoring in Business Administration will be able to concentrate in one of several areas, including Finance & Accounting, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Information and Operations Management, and Entrepreneurship. Effat College plans to unveil the new program in 2006-2007. Effat Partners with Instituto de Empresa to offer Seminar for Women Entrepreneurs In October 2005, Dean Haifa Jamal Allail traveled to Madrid, Spain to meet with Dr. Celia de Anca, Director of the Center for Diversity in Global Management, to discuss the possibility of future collaboration between Effat College and the Instituto de Empresa. Following that meeting, a protocol of cooperation between the two institutions was signed on March 6, 2006. The first activity planned by the partners is an intensive seminar for women entrepreneurs which will take place in Jeddah in November 2006. The three day program is design around the themes Women and Entrepreneurship Skills, Marketing and Communication Skills, and Local Environment for Women Entreprneurs in Jeddah. Instituto de Empresa faculty will be delivering this intensive program on-site at Effat College. The Instituto de Empresa, founded 30 years ago, is ranked 5th in Europe and 16th in the world among schools of business by the Financial Times.