This document provides specifications for 14 carbon brush DC motors in the KF280/KK 280 Series. The tables list details such as voltage, no load speed, current, maximum efficiency speed, torque, output, and efficiency for each motor model. These small motors are suitable for applications such as automotive central locking systems, rearview mirrors, mini fans, massagers, motorized toys, and more. Tolerances on test results are ±15%. Both KFC280S and KFK280 motor types are available.
This document contains machining instructions for drilling 57 holes of 9 mm diameter and 4.3750 mm depth in a workpiece. It also specifies drilling 8 deep holes between 0.372-0.373 mm and reaming them in an assembly. There are milling dimensions provided as well as instructions to drill 4 deep holes using a 32 drill bit and bore a hole to a depth of 16 mm using a 16 drill bit.
This document contains technical specifications and drawings for a machined part. Measurements and tolerances are provided for features like holes, splines, chamfers and surfaces. Views and cross sections show the overall shape and dimensions from multiple angles at different scales. Notes indicate to remove burrs, break corners, and not scale the drawings.
This document contains financial information for FedEx and UPS from 1993 to 2003 including net operating profit after tax (NOPAT), invested capital, weighted average cost of capital (WACC), economic value added (EVA), and cumulative EVA. It shows that UPS had higher cumulative EVA and market value added than FedEx over this period.
The document appears to be a table showing interest calculations for deposits of Peruvian sol (S/.). It includes the principal amount deposited, interest rate as a percentage, and time of each calculation. The table tracks the accumulating sum, sum 1, sum 2, and total for each interest calculation over a 24 hour period from 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. the next day.
This document appears to be a table containing information about interest rates on monetary values over time. It includes columns with principal amounts in Soles, interest rates as percentages, accumulated interest totals, and timestamps throughout a 24 hour period. The table tracks interest accumulating on deposits from 1am to 12am the next day at varying rates.
The document appears to be a practice worksheet containing calculations of interest earned on deposits of varying amounts in Peruvian currency (S/.). There are calculations shown for deposits made hourly from 12:00am to 12:00am the following day, with interest rates ranging from 300% to 4900%. The document tracks the accumulated interest in two columns and a total column.
Trifid Research had provided a daily and weekly report on the stock market, commodity market and currency market. This is very useful for all traders and investors, according to long term and short term trading.
The document provides sales trend data for NR/KRC from December 2014. It includes the following key points:
- Monthly sales have increased 52% year-over-year with stable contribution from organized retailers.
- Major retailers like Croma, Jumbo, and Ezone saw increased January sell-through of 20%, 37%, and 20% respectively by focusing on sell-through and maximizing Republic Day foot traffic.
- The payment issues with retailer TMS were addressed by stopping supplies to franchisees.
- Big C maintained a good share through the months with sell-through focus.
The document shows a table with increasing monetary values in increments of S/.1.00 in the left column. The second and third columns show associated interest rates in percentages. The remaining columns show sums, subtotals and totals that appear to be calculating interest earned on the monetary values at the given rates and times.
This document provides specifications for various sizes of Andy Rotary engines ranging from 6.5 to 1.4 million horsepower (HP). It lists the outer diameter (OD) in centimeters, gap in centimeters, thickness in centimeters, cost in dollars, fuel consumption in liters per hour, and carbon emissions in tons per year for each engine size. The largest engines have ODs of 900 and 1200 centimeters and costs ranging from millions to billions of dollars to produce very high HP and correspondingly high fuel usage and emissions levels.
The document examines the effect of different concentrations of potassium chloride solution on electro-conductivity over time. It provides a table showing the average electrical conductivity in microsiemens per centimeter (μS/cm) for solutions with concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 grams of potassium chloride over a period of 120 seconds. The conclusions section averages the conductivity for each concentration, showing that conductivity increases with higher concentrations of the solution.
Trifid Research has great experts, that can provide best stock tips, commodity tips and currency tips for his clients and customers and help for making a good profit. This is the best opportunity for earn money by the share market.
The Ennerdale Hub has 217 shareholders who have collectively contributed £89,850. The majority of contributions (84.3%) came from shares valued between £500-£1000, with most shareholders (86) contributing £100 shares which made up 39.6% of the total contributions.
This document appears to contain a list of numbers without context. It includes values ranging from 2.50 to 1465.00 with some values repeated such as 920.00 and R920.00. The majority of the values are between 60-500 with a few above or below that range.
The document contains various measurements with tolerances such as diameters, angles, lengths, and identifiers. Specifically, it lists over 30 different numeric values with plus or minus tolerances, along with abbreviations like M26, 37h6, and identifiers like A, B, RZ 1.6, and the name and signature of an individual with a date.
The document shows a table with 3 columns: investment amounts in Soles (S/.), interest rates in percentages, and time. It also includes two summary columns (SUM 1 and SUM 2) that calculate total returns at various time intervals. The table tracks investments of increasing amounts over 24 hours, with interest compounding at regular intervals and higher rates the longer the money is invested.
The document contains a table with 50 rows listing Peruvian Sol amounts from 1 to 25 along with interest rates ranging from 300% to 5000%. It also includes two columns labeled SUM 1 and SUM 2 with numerical values, and shows increasing times from 12:00:00 am to 12:00:00 am. The table seems to be calculating interest accrued on deposits of sol amounts over time.
This document appears to be a practice assignment containing a table with 50 rows listing Peruvian Sol amounts from 1 to 50 across two columns with corresponding percentages and totals. It also includes times ranging from 12:00am to 12:00am and increasing percentage multipliers ranging from 100% to 4900%.
This document appears to be a table showing calculations for interest earned on deposits of increasing amounts of money over time. It includes the principal amount deposited, interest percentage rates that increase over time, times that interest is calculated, and columns summing the interest earned at each time period. A total of 50 rows of calculations are shown.
The document contains information about the net asset value (NAV), units, and returns of a fund over 3 time periods. It also contains the corresponding information for a stock market index as well as calculations of various risk metrics for the fund and index returns. In summary:
1) The fund's NAV increased from Rs. 10 to Rs. 18.15 over 3 time periods while its units outstanding rose from 10 to 30.3.
2) Risk metrics like standard deviation, variance, and coefficient of variation were calculated for both the fund and index returns.
3) The correlation between the fund and index returns was found to be 0.9258, indicating a high positive correlation. The fund's
Trifid Research has provided a daily report on the stock market, commodity market and currency market. This is very useful for all traders and investors, according to long term and short term trading.
Kombat Copper September 2015 Corporate PresentationKombat_Copper
- The document reports on results from 35 drill holes completed in 2015 exploring the Kombat Mine area in Namibia. Significant copper, lead and silver mineralization was intersected in many of the holes.
- Highlights include Hole K15-004 which intersected 19 meters of 0.97% copper and 11.58 g/t silver, and Hole K15-015 which intersected 2.34 meters of 16.31% copper and 75.34 g/t silver.
- The Kombat Mine has operated since 1976 and produces copper and silver from a series of underground shafts and open pits. Drilling is testing for additional resources near the existing mine workings.
The document appears to be a practice assignment containing tables with increasing monetary values over time. It includes 50 rows with Sol amounts ranging from 1 to 25, along with corresponding percentages and totals. The totals are calculated in two columns labeled "SUM 1" and "SUM 2" with a final "TOTAL". The data spans from 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM in hourly increments.
The document shows a table with 50 rows listing monetary values from S/. 1 to S/. 50 in increments of S/. 1. Each row includes the monetary value, any interest earned as additional monetary values, the interest percentage rate which increases with each additional monetary value, and two running sum totals labeled SUM1 and SUM2. The interest rates range from 300% to 4900% and timestamps show the interest being compounded hourly from 12:00:00AM to 12:00:00PM.
This document provides information on the load carrying capacity of concrete columns of different sizes and reinforcement configurations. It lists the cross-sectional area and reinforcement for various columns, including the steel percentage, limiting load value, and actual working stress load. Larger columns are able to support more load due to having a greater cross-sectional area and reinforcement options that allow for higher steel percentages.
Quieres conseguir un impulso en tu imagen de marca, que todos hablen de ti, incrementar tus ventas y reducir tu presupuesto de marketing para este año.
Parece imposible, pero no lo es, nuestro equipo de creativos especialistas en innovación y marketing social lo han logrado ya con empresas de proyección mundial, tales como :
¿Quieres que la próxima sea la tuya?
The document provides sales trend data for NR/KRC from December 2014. It includes the following key points:
- Monthly sales have increased 52% year-over-year with stable contribution from organized retailers.
- Major retailers like Croma, Jumbo, and Ezone saw increased January sell-through of 20%, 37%, and 20% respectively by focusing on sell-through and maximizing Republic Day foot traffic.
- The payment issues with retailer TMS were addressed by stopping supplies to franchisees.
- Big C maintained a good share through the months with sell-through focus.
The document shows a table with increasing monetary values in increments of S/.1.00 in the left column. The second and third columns show associated interest rates in percentages. The remaining columns show sums, subtotals and totals that appear to be calculating interest earned on the monetary values at the given rates and times.
This document provides specifications for various sizes of Andy Rotary engines ranging from 6.5 to 1.4 million horsepower (HP). It lists the outer diameter (OD) in centimeters, gap in centimeters, thickness in centimeters, cost in dollars, fuel consumption in liters per hour, and carbon emissions in tons per year for each engine size. The largest engines have ODs of 900 and 1200 centimeters and costs ranging from millions to billions of dollars to produce very high HP and correspondingly high fuel usage and emissions levels.
The document examines the effect of different concentrations of potassium chloride solution on electro-conductivity over time. It provides a table showing the average electrical conductivity in microsiemens per centimeter (μS/cm) for solutions with concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 grams of potassium chloride over a period of 120 seconds. The conclusions section averages the conductivity for each concentration, showing that conductivity increases with higher concentrations of the solution.
Trifid Research has great experts, that can provide best stock tips, commodity tips and currency tips for his clients and customers and help for making a good profit. This is the best opportunity for earn money by the share market.
The Ennerdale Hub has 217 shareholders who have collectively contributed £89,850. The majority of contributions (84.3%) came from shares valued between £500-£1000, with most shareholders (86) contributing £100 shares which made up 39.6% of the total contributions.
This document appears to contain a list of numbers without context. It includes values ranging from 2.50 to 1465.00 with some values repeated such as 920.00 and R920.00. The majority of the values are between 60-500 with a few above or below that range.
The document contains various measurements with tolerances such as diameters, angles, lengths, and identifiers. Specifically, it lists over 30 different numeric values with plus or minus tolerances, along with abbreviations like M26, 37h6, and identifiers like A, B, RZ 1.6, and the name and signature of an individual with a date.
The document shows a table with 3 columns: investment amounts in Soles (S/.), interest rates in percentages, and time. It also includes two summary columns (SUM 1 and SUM 2) that calculate total returns at various time intervals. The table tracks investments of increasing amounts over 24 hours, with interest compounding at regular intervals and higher rates the longer the money is invested.
The document contains a table with 50 rows listing Peruvian Sol amounts from 1 to 25 along with interest rates ranging from 300% to 5000%. It also includes two columns labeled SUM 1 and SUM 2 with numerical values, and shows increasing times from 12:00:00 am to 12:00:00 am. The table seems to be calculating interest accrued on deposits of sol amounts over time.
This document appears to be a practice assignment containing a table with 50 rows listing Peruvian Sol amounts from 1 to 50 across two columns with corresponding percentages and totals. It also includes times ranging from 12:00am to 12:00am and increasing percentage multipliers ranging from 100% to 4900%.
This document appears to be a table showing calculations for interest earned on deposits of increasing amounts of money over time. It includes the principal amount deposited, interest percentage rates that increase over time, times that interest is calculated, and columns summing the interest earned at each time period. A total of 50 rows of calculations are shown.
The document contains information about the net asset value (NAV), units, and returns of a fund over 3 time periods. It also contains the corresponding information for a stock market index as well as calculations of various risk metrics for the fund and index returns. In summary:
1) The fund's NAV increased from Rs. 10 to Rs. 18.15 over 3 time periods while its units outstanding rose from 10 to 30.3.
2) Risk metrics like standard deviation, variance, and coefficient of variation were calculated for both the fund and index returns.
3) The correlation between the fund and index returns was found to be 0.9258, indicating a high positive correlation. The fund's
Trifid Research has provided a daily report on the stock market, commodity market and currency market. This is very useful for all traders and investors, according to long term and short term trading.
Kombat Copper September 2015 Corporate PresentationKombat_Copper
- The document reports on results from 35 drill holes completed in 2015 exploring the Kombat Mine area in Namibia. Significant copper, lead and silver mineralization was intersected in many of the holes.
- Highlights include Hole K15-004 which intersected 19 meters of 0.97% copper and 11.58 g/t silver, and Hole K15-015 which intersected 2.34 meters of 16.31% copper and 75.34 g/t silver.
- The Kombat Mine has operated since 1976 and produces copper and silver from a series of underground shafts and open pits. Drilling is testing for additional resources near the existing mine workings.
The document appears to be a practice assignment containing tables with increasing monetary values over time. It includes 50 rows with Sol amounts ranging from 1 to 25, along with corresponding percentages and totals. The totals are calculated in two columns labeled "SUM 1" and "SUM 2" with a final "TOTAL". The data spans from 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM in hourly increments.
The document shows a table with 50 rows listing monetary values from S/. 1 to S/. 50 in increments of S/. 1. Each row includes the monetary value, any interest earned as additional monetary values, the interest percentage rate which increases with each additional monetary value, and two running sum totals labeled SUM1 and SUM2. The interest rates range from 300% to 4900% and timestamps show the interest being compounded hourly from 12:00:00AM to 12:00:00PM.
This document provides information on the load carrying capacity of concrete columns of different sizes and reinforcement configurations. It lists the cross-sectional area and reinforcement for various columns, including the steel percentage, limiting load value, and actual working stress load. Larger columns are able to support more load due to having a greater cross-sectional area and reinforcement options that allow for higher steel percentages.
Quieres conseguir un impulso en tu imagen de marca, que todos hablen de ti, incrementar tus ventas y reducir tu presupuesto de marketing para este año.
Parece imposible, pero no lo es, nuestro equipo de creativos especialistas en innovación y marketing social lo han logrado ya con empresas de proyección mundial, tales como :
¿Quieres que la próxima sea la tuya?
This document contains a math calculation worksheet with 16 division problems. For each problem it lists the dividends, divisors, and remainders with the remainders rounded to various decimal places. The document is copyrighted to
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks trading on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) on March 5, 2013. It lists the stocks, their closing prices from the previous day, identified trends (up or down), pivot points, and resistance and support levels for intra-day trading. The levels are intended to help traders identify potential highs and lows for the stocks during the trading day.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various companies trading on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) on December 12, 2012. It includes the previous day's closing price, identified trend (up/down), pivot point, and resistance and support levels for each stock. The levels can be used to identify potential support and resistance levels for intra-day trading on December 12, 2012.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various companies trading on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) on January 14, 2013. It includes the previous day's closing price, intra-day pivot points, and resistance and support levels for upward or downward trends. The levels are intended to help traders and investors identify potential price points for entries and exits on the given trading day.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various companies trading on the National Stock Exchange of India for February 14, 2013. It lists the previous day's closing price, intra-day pivot points, and resistance and support levels for each stock. The pivot point is the key level that the stock price is likely to fluctuate between. Resistance levels are prices above which the stock is unlikely to rise, while support levels are prices below which the stock is unlikely to fall.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various companies trading on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) on January 9, 2013. It lists the closing price, intra-day pivot point, resistance levels (R1-R3) and support levels (S1-S3) for each company to analyze its movement during the trading day. The trends—whether the company is in an upward, downward or neutral trend—are also indicated.
This document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks trading on the NSE, including pivot points and resistance and support levels, to help analyze the market trend for day trading on February 26, 2013, with the futures and options contracts expiring on February 28, 2013. The levels indicated include important price points to watch for potential reversals in the movement of each stock.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various companies trading on the NSE for January 8, 2013. It includes the previous day's closing price, intra-day pivot points, and resistance and support levels for downward and upward trends. The levels are intended to help analyze the market trend and potential price movements during the trading day.
The document provides intra-day technical levels for various stocks trading on the National Stock Exchange of India for October 15, 2012. It lists the closing price, trend, intra-day pivot points and resistance and support levels for over 50 companies. The levels are meant to indicate price points where traders can enter or exit positions as the stocks move up or down during the trading day.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks trading on the NSE for January 4, 2013. It lists the closing price from January 3, the trend (up or down), pivot point, and resistance and support levels for each stock to analyze its movement during the trading day. The levels are used to identify potential reversal or breakout points for the stocks.
The document contains a table of 15 data points measuring x and y values. It then calculates various statistics for the data including the sums, means, correlation coefficient, linear regression equation, and coefficients for the linear regression line. The correlation between x and y is strong at 0.95.
This document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks trading on the NSE, including pivot points and resistance and support levels, to analyze short term trends on February 4, 2013. Most stocks are showing a downward trend for the day. The levels provided can be used to identify entry and exit points for short term trading.
The document provides intra-day technical levels for various stocks trading on the National Stock Exchange of India for October 12, 2012. It lists the closing price from October 11, the intra-day pivot point, and resistance and support levels for over 50 companies. Most stocks are shown to be in an upward trend.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various companies trading on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) on December 4, 2012. It includes the previous day's closing price, intra-day pivot points, and resistance and support levels for each stock. The levels are intended to help analyze the trend and potential price movements during the trading day.
The document provides the daily technical levels for various stocks trading on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) for intra-day trading on February 1, 2013. It includes the previous day's closing price, identified trend (up or down), pivot point, and resistance and support levels for each stock to guide traders on price points to enter and exit positions.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks trading on the National Stock Exchange of India for October 22, 2012. It includes the previous day's closing price, identified trend (up/down), pivot point, and resistance and support levels for each stock to watch during intra-day trading. The levels are intended to help traders identify entry and exit points for positions.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks on the NSE for December 20, 2012. It includes the closing future price, intra-day pivot points, resistance and support levels for each stock. The pivot point, resistance and support levels will help traders analyze the trend and possible trading zones for the stocks.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks on the NSE futures market for January 29, 2013, the day before the January 2013 futures and options expiry. It lists the closing price from January 28, the intra-day pivot point, and resistance and support levels for each stock. Most stocks are showing a downward trend according to the technical analysis.
The document provides the intra-day technical levels for various companies trading on the NSE for December 24, 2012. It includes the previous day's closing price, identified trend (up/down), pivot point, and resistance and support levels for each stock. The levels are intended to help analyze the stock's potential price movements during the trading day.
This document provides the intra-day technical levels for various stocks on the NSE for December 21, 2012. It lists the closing price, intra-day pivot point, resistance and support levels for stocks across different sectors. The pivot, resistance and support levels will help traders analyze the trend and possible trading zones for these stocks on the day of the futures and options expiry on December 27, 2012.