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Questions 1  10
Look at the picture. Circle the correct word.
Lihat gambar. Bulatkan perkataan yang betul.
1 A pencil
B pen
C eraser
2 A dog
B cow
C cat
3 A ant
B axe
C arrow
4 A sat
B snail
C sea
5 A net
B nest
C nut
6 A mat
B mop
C man
7 A map
B man
C mask
8 A ostrich
B goose
C otter
9 A a friend
B a family
C a child
10 A sea
B eat
C smell
Questions 11  15
Circle the correct answer.
Bulatkan jawapan yang betul.
11 I _________ with my mouth.
A eat
B see
C hear
12 I _________ with my ears.
A hear
B smell
C touch
13 I _________ with my hands.
A see
B touch
C hear
14 I __________ with my eyes.
A smell
B see
C hear
15 I __________ with my nose.
A eat
B touch
C smell
Questions 16  20
Look at the picture. Circle the correct word.
Lihat gambar. Bulatkan perkataan yang betul.
16 A jump
B run
C skip
17 A run
B kick
C hop
18 A run
B skip
C jump
19 A jump
B kick
C walk
20 A catch
B climb
C hop
Questions 21  25
Circle the suitable answer.
Bulatkan jawapan yang sesuai.
21 An _________ sat on a map.
A otter
B apple
C ant
22 The ________ has a map.
A women
B girl
C man
23 Tina has a ________ .
A pot
B pan
C pen
24 Please pick up the _________ .
A nap
B map
C mop
25 A man sat on a ________ .
A mat
B hat
C sat
Questions 26  30
Circle the sentences with the correct punctuations.
Bulatkan ayat dengan tanda bacaan yang betul.
26 A Wash Your hands.
B Wash your Hands.
C Wash your hands.
27 A Please put On your shoes ?
B Please put on your shoes ?
C Please put on your shoes .
28 A May I sit on this chair .
B May I sit on this chair ?
C May i sit on this chair ?
29 A I am Tina ?
B I am Tina.
C I am tina.
30 A Hello, I am Meena.
B hello, I am Meena.
C Hello, i am Meena.
Questions 31  35
Circle the suitable answer.
Bulatkan jawapan yang sesuai.
31 This is my ____________ .
A brother
B sister
C mother
32 She is my ____________ .
A mother
B little sister
C grandfather
33 He is my ____________ .
A grandmother
B father
C baby
34 They are my grandmother and ________________ .
A father
B grandfather
C brother
35 Ani is my little ____________ .
A grandsister
B brother
C sister
Questions 36  40
Read the passage below and answer the questions.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab setiap soalan.
36 How old is Siti ?
A 7 years old
B 6 years old
C 8 years old
37 When did she go to school ?
A In the morning
B In the afternoon
C In the evening
38 What did she used to bathe ?
A Soup and water
B Water
C Water and soap
39 What is her pet ?
A A cat
B A duck
C A parrot
40 Why she loves Tammy very much ?
A Tammy can sing.
B Tammy can talk.
C Tammy can sing and talk.

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Ms kertas 1 bi ppt tahun satu

  • 1. 1 SECTION A Questions 1 10 Look at the picture. Circle the correct word. Lihat gambar. Bulatkan perkataan yang betul. 1 A pencil B pen C eraser 2 A dog B cow C cat 3 A ant B axe C arrow 4 A sat B snail C sea 5 A net B nest C nut
  • 2. 2 6 A mat B mop C man 7 A map B man C mask 8 A ostrich B goose C otter 9 A a friend B a family C a child 10 A sea B eat C smell
  • 3. 3 SECTION B Questions 11 15 Circle the correct answer. Bulatkan jawapan yang betul. 11 I _________ with my mouth. A eat B see C hear 12 I _________ with my ears. A hear B smell C touch 13 I _________ with my hands. A see B touch C hear 14 I __________ with my eyes. A smell B see C hear
  • 4. 4 15 I __________ with my nose. A eat B touch C smell SECTION C Questions 16 20 Look at the picture. Circle the correct word. Lihat gambar. Bulatkan perkataan yang betul. 16 A jump B run C skip 17 A run B kick C hop 18 A run B skip C jump 19 A jump B kick C walk
  • 5. 5 20 A catch B climb C hop SECTION C Questions 21 25 Circle the suitable answer. Bulatkan jawapan yang sesuai. 21 An _________ sat on a map. A otter B apple C ant 22 The ________ has a map. A women B girl C man 23 Tina has a ________ . A pot B pan C pen
  • 6. 6 24 Please pick up the _________ . A nap B map C mop 25 A man sat on a ________ . A mat B hat C sat SECTION D Questions 26 30 Circle the sentences with the correct punctuations. Bulatkan ayat dengan tanda bacaan yang betul. 26 A Wash Your hands. B Wash your Hands. C Wash your hands. 27 A Please put On your shoes ? B Please put on your shoes ? C Please put on your shoes .
  • 7. 7 28 A May I sit on this chair . B May I sit on this chair ? C May i sit on this chair ? 29 A I am Tina ? B I am Tina. C I am tina. 30 A Hello, I am Meena. B hello, I am Meena. C Hello, i am Meena. SECTION E Questions 31 35 Circle the suitable answer. Bulatkan jawapan yang sesuai. 31 This is my ____________ . A brother B sister C mother
  • 8. 8 32 She is my ____________ . A mother B little sister C grandfather 33 He is my ____________ . A grandmother B father C baby 34 They are my grandmother and ________________ . A father B grandfather C brother 35 Ani is my little ____________ . A grandsister B brother C sister
  • 9. 9 SECTION F Questions 36 40 Read the passage below and answer the questions. Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab setiap soalan. 36 How old is Siti ? A 7 years old B 6 years old C 8 years old 37 When did she go to school ? A In the morning B In the afternoon C In the evening
  • 10. 10 38 What did she used to bathe ? A Soup and water B Water C Water and soap 39 What is her pet ? A A cat B A duck C A parrot 40 Why she loves Tammy very much ? A Tammy can sing. B Tammy can talk. C Tammy can sing and talk. KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT