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Sexual Assault: A Look at
Male Victims
Emily Edwards
Are adult male victims of
sexual assault overlooked and
if so, why?
 Because men are ideologically viewed as being
masculine, sexually aggressive/wanting, and
physically dominant, adult male sexual assault
victims are overlooked and are often not considered
victims at all.
 Men are rarely sexually
1. Self-reliant
2. Defensive
3. Sexual identity
 Women cant sexually
assault men
 Sexual assault against men
only occurs in prison or
other institutional settings
 Male rape is about sexual
And the
Victims are:
 Ages 18+
 1 out of 25 men
 Rates fall between 0.6%-7.2%
 Rate for college men falls at
 Men with disabilities are twice
as likely to be sexually abused
 20% of male prison inmates
report forced sex incidents
 Homosexual, bisexual, and
feminine appearing men are
the most targeted victims
Who are the
 White, heterosexual men
-Desire to dominate and use
sex as a weapon
 Women tend to use
persuasion rather than
 Intimate partner
 Men are more likely than
woman to have multiple
Male Sexual Assault in the
The Aftermath
 Sexually assaulted men report greater symptomatology than
assaulted woman
 Men tend to deny the assault and repress the situation
-Due to sex role violation associated with sexual victimization in society
-Fear of appearing powerless, weak and unmasculine
 More likely to be victims of depression, substance abuse, hostility,
violence, suicide, etc.
 Information on male sexual assault is very limited
 Not large enough sample sizes to determine the
severity of the issue
 Issue of underreporting
 Most male sexual assault victims are offended as
In Conclusion
 The sexual assault of men is an important issue that
has been overlooked and underexamined
 Due to male rape myths, stigmas against male
victims, and fears of questioned sexuality, men do
not feel comfortable reporting their incidents and
therefore, the sexual assaults are underplayed
 Awareness is increasing and becoming more
frequently studied and talked about
Works Cited
 Elliott, Diana M., Doris S. Mok, and John Briere. "Adult Sexual Assault: Prevalence,
Symptomatology, And Sex Differences In The General Population." Journal Of
Traumatic Stress 17.3 (2004): 203-211. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2015.
 Kassing, Leslee R., and Loreto R. Prieto. "The Rape Myth And Blame-Based Beliefs Of
Counselors-In-Training Toward Male Victims Of Rape." Journal Of Counseling &
Development 81.4 (2003): 455-461. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2015.
 Masho, Saba W., and Lisa Anderson. "Sexual Assault In Men: A Population-Based Study
Of Virginia." Violence & Victims 24.1 (2009): 98-110. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web.
1 Dec. 2015.
 Struckman-Johnson, Cindy. "Forced Sex On Dates: It Happens To Men, Too." Journal Of
Sex Research 24.1-4 (1988): 234. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2015.

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  • 1. Sexual Assault: A Look at Male Victims Emily Edwards
  • 2. Are adult male victims of sexual assault overlooked and if so, why? Question:
  • 3. Hypothesis Because men are ideologically viewed as being masculine, sexually aggressive/wanting, and physically dominant, adult male sexual assault victims are overlooked and are often not considered victims at all.
  • 4. Common Myths Men are rarely sexually abused: 1. Self-reliant 2. Defensive 3. Sexual identity Women cant sexually assault men Sexual assault against men only occurs in prison or other institutional settings Male rape is about sexual orientation
  • 5. And the Victims are: Ages 18+ 1 out of 25 men Rates fall between 0.6%-7.2% Rate for college men falls at 8.3% Men with disabilities are twice as likely to be sexually abused 20% of male prison inmates report forced sex incidents Homosexual, bisexual, and feminine appearing men are the most targeted victims
  • 6. Who are the Offenders? White, heterosexual men -Desire to dominate and use sex as a weapon Women tend to use persuasion rather than force Intimate partner Men are more likely than woman to have multiple assailants
  • 7. Male Sexual Assault in the Media
  • 8. The Aftermath Sexually assaulted men report greater symptomatology than assaulted woman Men tend to deny the assault and repress the situation -Due to sex role violation associated with sexual victimization in society -Fear of appearing powerless, weak and unmasculine More likely to be victims of depression, substance abuse, hostility, violence, suicide, etc.
  • 9. However Information on male sexual assault is very limited Not large enough sample sizes to determine the severity of the issue Issue of underreporting Most male sexual assault victims are offended as children
  • 10. In Conclusion The sexual assault of men is an important issue that has been overlooked and underexamined Due to male rape myths, stigmas against male victims, and fears of questioned sexuality, men do not feel comfortable reporting their incidents and therefore, the sexual assaults are underplayed Awareness is increasing and becoming more frequently studied and talked about
  • 11. Works Cited Elliott, Diana M., Doris S. Mok, and John Briere. "Adult Sexual Assault: Prevalence, Symptomatology, And Sex Differences In The General Population." Journal Of Traumatic Stress 17.3 (2004): 203-211. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2015. Kassing, Leslee R., and Loreto R. Prieto. "The Rape Myth And Blame-Based Beliefs Of Counselors-In-Training Toward Male Victims Of Rape." Journal Of Counseling & Development 81.4 (2003): 455-461. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2015. Masho, Saba W., and Lisa Anderson. "Sexual Assault In Men: A Population-Based Study Of Virginia." Violence & Victims 24.1 (2009): 98-110. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2015. Struckman-Johnson, Cindy. "Forced Sex On Dates: It Happens To Men, Too." Journal Of Sex Research 24.1-4 (1988): 234. SocINDEX with Full Text. Web. 1 Dec. 2015.