1) Members of the Rosa family fought in several Italian military campaigns and wars throughout history including Giuseppe Rosa who was a commander in Garibaldi's Thousand expedition to liberate Sicily from the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1860.
2) Angelo Rosa and Romeo Rosa commanded cavalry battalions during the Third Italian War of Independence in 1866. Giuseppe Rosa and Eugenio Rosa served as captains of cavalry during the Battle of Mentana in 1867.
3) Carlo Rosa, the author's grandfather, fought as an artillery officer in Russia during World War 1 and was taken prisoner by Germans in World War 2, being deported to camps in Germany and
Este documento fornece informa巽探es sobre a Escola Municipal Heloisa Le達o, incluindo: (1) Caracteriza巽達o da escola com detalhes sobre n鱈veis/modalidades de ensino, n炭mero de alunos e professores; (2) Indicadores de desempenho dos alunos nos 炭ltimos anos; (3) Dados dos exames nacionais aplicados.
Ismat Ayoub Haji Adam is currently the media and public relations manager for the Iraqi Businessmen Union in Duhok, Iraq. He has over 30 years of experience in public relations, management, and business development. Mr. Adam holds a graduate degree in technology and is currently studying industrial management. He is proficient in Kurdish, Arabic, and English.
This certificate from King Faisal University certifies that Eng. I Magdy Ali Ibrahim Sayed worked as a Senior Electrical Engineer from December 1, 2014 to March 19, 2016 on the project of 58 residential villas for university teachers. The certificate praises Magdy for his hard work, dedication, sincerity in carrying out his duties, and for being cooperative with his superiors, colleagues, and subordinates. It also notes that he is eager for renewal and innovation. The certificate was issued at his request and wishes him future success.
This three-day training course covers the fundamentals of using Oracle Primavera, including the project management lifecycle, navigating and customizing layouts, creating projects and work breakdown structures, scheduling activities with relationships and constraints, assigning resources and costs, optimizing and baselining project plans, tracking project execution, and reporting performance. Topics to be covered include the enterprise project structure, activity networking, resource leveling, baseline tracking, progress updating, and creating project web sites.
This document summarizes key concepts about advanced routing protocols including classful and classless protocols, RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF. It describes how classful protocols like RIPv1 summarize networks based on major boundaries and cannot be used with VLSM, while classless protocols carry subnet mask information and allow routing in discontiguous networks. It provides details on configuring and components of RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF such as authentication, metrics, neighbor discovery, and link-state advertisements.
Este documento fornece informa巽探es sobre a Escola Municipal Heloisa Le達o, incluindo: (1) Caracteriza巽達o da escola com detalhes sobre n鱈veis/modalidades de ensino, n炭mero de alunos e professores; (2) Indicadores de desempenho dos alunos nos 炭ltimos anos; (3) Dados dos exames nacionais aplicados.
Ismat Ayoub Haji Adam is currently the media and public relations manager for the Iraqi Businessmen Union in Duhok, Iraq. He has over 30 years of experience in public relations, management, and business development. Mr. Adam holds a graduate degree in technology and is currently studying industrial management. He is proficient in Kurdish, Arabic, and English.
This certificate from King Faisal University certifies that Eng. I Magdy Ali Ibrahim Sayed worked as a Senior Electrical Engineer from December 1, 2014 to March 19, 2016 on the project of 58 residential villas for university teachers. The certificate praises Magdy for his hard work, dedication, sincerity in carrying out his duties, and for being cooperative with his superiors, colleagues, and subordinates. It also notes that he is eager for renewal and innovation. The certificate was issued at his request and wishes him future success.
This three-day training course covers the fundamentals of using Oracle Primavera, including the project management lifecycle, navigating and customizing layouts, creating projects and work breakdown structures, scheduling activities with relationships and constraints, assigning resources and costs, optimizing and baselining project plans, tracking project execution, and reporting performance. Topics to be covered include the enterprise project structure, activity networking, resource leveling, baseline tracking, progress updating, and creating project web sites.
This document summarizes key concepts about advanced routing protocols including classful and classless protocols, RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF. It describes how classful protocols like RIPv1 summarize networks based on major boundaries and cannot be used with VLSM, while classless protocols carry subnet mask information and allow routing in discontiguous networks. It provides details on configuring and components of RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF such as authentication, metrics, neighbor discovery, and link-state advertisements.
1. Personal Information 悋愆悽惶悸 悋惺悋惠
Name: Mubarak Ibrahim Alolyan 悋悋愕:悋惺悋 悒惡惘悋 惡悋惘
Date of Birth: 06/11/1987 悋悋惆 惠悋惘悽:戰戞/截/戰截戞
Marital Status: Married 悋悋悴惠悋惺悸 悋忰悋悸:惠慍悴
Nationality: Saudi :悋悴愕悸愕惺惆
Address: Dammam City Eastern Province :悋惺悋悋愆惘悸 悋愀悸-悋惆悋 惆悸
Cellphone Number: 0599194070 悋悋惠 惘:戳戞戞扎戞扎戰
E-Mail Alolyan7@gmail.com
Education 悋惠惺悸 悋悗悋惠
University Name: Al Khaleej Training and Education
悋悴悋惺悸 悋愕:悋惠惺 惠惆惘惡 悋悽悴 惺惆
Education Qualification: Diploma 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗:惆惡
Major: Network Technology 悋惠悽惶惶:愆惡悋惠 惠悸
GPA: 3.62 out of 5 悋惺惆:戲.截戞
Graduation Year: 2011 愕悋惠悽惘悴:戰截
Place of Study: Dammam City Eastern Province 悋惆惘悋愕悸 悋:悋愆惘悸 悋愀悸-悋惆悋
University Name: Weber State University 悋悴悋惺悸 悋愕:惡惘 悋悸 悴悋惺悸
Education Qualification: Bachelor 悋惆惘悋愕 悋悗:惡悋惘愕
Major: Network Management Technology 悋惠悽惶惶:悋惠悴悋 悋愆惡悸 悒惆悋惘悸
GPA: 3.20 out of 4 悋惺惆:戲截截
Graduation Year: Summer 2016 悋惠悽惘悴 愕:悋惶戰戞
Place of Study: United States of America 悋惆惘悋愕悸 悋:悋悖惘悸 悋惠忰惆悸 悋悋悋惠
Training Session & International
悋惆悸 悋愆悋惆悋惠 悋惠惆惘惡悸 悋惆惘悋惠
Session / Certification Name Date 惠悋惘悽 悋愆正悋惆悸 /悋惆惘悸 悋愕
Computer Maintenance and
Protection of Data
2009 截截截戡 悋惡悋悋惠 忰悋悸 悋惡惠惘 惶悋悸
IC3 International Certification 2010 截截戰截 悋惆悸IC3 愆正悋惆悸
The Skills of Persuasion and
2011 截截戰戰 悋惠悖惓惘 悋悋悋惺 悋惘悸
Preparation of Feasibility Study 2011 截截戰戰 悋悴惆 惆惘悋愕悸 悋惺惆悋惆
Customers Services 2011 截截戰戰 悋惺悋悄 悽惆悸
Human Resources Management 2011 截截戰戰 悋惡愆惘悸 悋悋惘惆 悒惆悋惘悸
Linux Certificate 2016 截截戰. 悋惆悸 愕 愆正悋惆悸
Work History 悋惺悸 悋悽惡惘悋惠
2. Company
Job Name From To 悋 悋惴悸 悋愆惘悸 悋愕
Manger of
2008 2009 截截截戡 截截截戞 惆惘悋悒惆悋惘悸
悋惡愆惘悸 悋悋惘惆
惴 惶惺
悋悋惓惆悸 悋忰悋悸
2008 2009 截截截戡 截截截戞 愆惠惘悋惠 惆惡 惴 惶惺
悋悋惓惆悸 悋忰悋悸
2006 2007 截截截戞 截截截. 忰悋惆惓 愕惠惡 惠悋 悋惠忰惆悸
Volunteer work 悋惠愀惺悸 悋悋惺悋
Organization Name Organization Field 悴悋悋惴悸 悋愕悋惴悸
Catholic Community Services Food Bank 愃悵悋悄 惡 悋悋惓悸 悋悴惠惺悸 悋悽惆悋惠
Skills 悋悋惘悋惠
Ability to work under pressure 悋惺 惷愃愀 惠忰 惆惘
Flexible and able to adjust to the work
悋惺 惡悧悸 惺 悋惠
Good Knowledge in Office Software 悋惠惡悸 悋惡惘悋悴 悴惆 惺惘
Knowledge in the design of the SQL Database
)SQL( 惡惘悋悴 悋惡悋悋惠 悋惺惆 惠惶 惺惘
Knowledge in Programming Cisco Router and
愕愕 愕惠愆 惘悋惠惘 惡惘悴悸 悋惺惘悸