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Full Name: Ismat Ayoub Haji Adam
Date and Place of Birth: Duhok-Iraq 01/February/1960
Permanent Address: Iraq, Duhok Governorate, Duhok City, Gry Basy
Phone No.: 009647504501181
Email Address: adamco_60@yahoo.com
Marital Status: Married, with 2 sons and 2 daughters
Educational Level: Graduate of Technology Institute in 1985, and
currently a student in Saint Clements Open
University, fourth year of Industrial Management
Language Skills: Kurdish (Excellent), Arabic (Excellent),and
English (Good)
Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Job Record (Starting from the last one):
1. In charge of the Media and Public Relations in the Iraqi Businessmen
Union/Duhok Branch since February 2006.
My duties include organizing meetings between the Union and other National and
International Business bodies, and Governmental agencies(National and Foreign
ones), receiving business delegations in DUhok Governorate, and taking care of
all related delegations issues while they are in Duhok. During my work, I have
participated in several media and business management training courses and
conferences inside and outside Iraq (Like Turkey, France, Germany, and
Lebanon). Coordination between the local private sector companies and the Iraqi
Businessmen Union during holding national and international fairs inside and
outside Iraq.
Being in charge of Public relations, I continued the follow up of travel issues of our
local companies representatives' visa issues during preparing for participation in
international fairs, in the Embassies and consulates in Erbil( Like France and
Turkey Consulates). I have also participated in several courses in the media, oil
management, electronic government, and public relations issues, as it is shown in
the attached certificates.
2. In Charge of Public Relations at Duhok International Fair from 2013
until the end of 2015.
I was in charge of the public relations department in the Duhok International Fair
from January 2013 until the end of 2015. My duties included: planning and
monitoring the public and media's coverage for the international fairs and events
held in Duhok International Fair, writing editing leaflets, brochures, press releases,
speeches, newsletters, and updating website and social media pages related to
the Duhok International fair, arranging and representing the Duhok International
Fair at events like press launches news conferences and exhibitions arranging for
advertising to be produced ,public speaking at presentations, conferences or radio
and TV interviews.
3. Sales Manager of Adam Company for General Trading from 1996 until
Adam company has been involved in the procurement of household electric
equipment of Samsung, LG, Wire poll, WY Westinghouse and Kalvinator and
selling them in the local market as wholesale supplier as well as retail seller.
Most of the supplies have been procured from South Korea Dubai, Lebanon,
Turkey and Jordan; We also supplied company branches with equipment
based on the market demand; besides procurement of spare parts for the
above equipment for the purpose of maintenance, and Undertake maintenance
of the above equipment at a workshop owned and managed by our company.
4. Public relations officer in Adam Company from 1985 until 1996.
I worked as public relations officer in Adam company, and my duties included
arranging business deals with different companies for Adam company in the
general trade of various electronic materials, real estate, and construction
Attached are some of the certificates I have participated in, besides my
graduation certificate, a copy of my Iraqi Businessmen Union ID card and St.
Clements University ID card.
Isamt Ayoub Haji Adam
February 10, 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016
Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016

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Ismat Ayoub Haji CV_Feb. 2016

  • 1. Full Name: Ismat Ayoub Haji Adam Date and Place of Birth: Duhok-Iraq 01/February/1960 Permanent Address: Iraq, Duhok Governorate, Duhok City, Gry Basy Quarter Phone No.: 009647504501181 Email Address: adamco_60@yahoo.com Marital Status: Married, with 2 sons and 2 daughters Educational Level: Graduate of Technology Institute in 1985, and currently a student in Saint Clements Open University, fourth year of Industrial Management Language Skills: Kurdish (Excellent), Arabic (Excellent),and English (Good) Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • 2. Job Record (Starting from the last one): 1. In charge of the Media and Public Relations in the Iraqi Businessmen Union/Duhok Branch since February 2006. My duties include organizing meetings between the Union and other National and International Business bodies, and Governmental agencies(National and Foreign ones), receiving business delegations in DUhok Governorate, and taking care of all related delegations issues while they are in Duhok. During my work, I have participated in several media and business management training courses and conferences inside and outside Iraq (Like Turkey, France, Germany, and Lebanon). Coordination between the local private sector companies and the Iraqi Businessmen Union during holding national and international fairs inside and outside Iraq. Being in charge of Public relations, I continued the follow up of travel issues of our local companies representatives' visa issues during preparing for participation in international fairs, in the Embassies and consulates in Erbil( Like France and Turkey Consulates). I have also participated in several courses in the media, oil management, electronic government, and public relations issues, as it is shown in the attached certificates. 2. In Charge of Public Relations at Duhok International Fair from 2013 until the end of 2015. I was in charge of the public relations department in the Duhok International Fair from January 2013 until the end of 2015. My duties included: planning and monitoring the public and media's coverage for the international fairs and events held in Duhok International Fair, writing editing leaflets, brochures, press releases, speeches, newsletters, and updating website and social media pages related to the Duhok International fair, arranging and representing the Duhok International Fair at events like press launches news conferences and exhibitions arranging for advertising to be produced ,public speaking at presentations, conferences or radio and TV interviews.
  • 3. 3. Sales Manager of Adam Company for General Trading from 1996 until 2006. Adam company has been involved in the procurement of household electric equipment of Samsung, LG, Wire poll, WY Westinghouse and Kalvinator and selling them in the local market as wholesale supplier as well as retail seller. Most of the supplies have been procured from South Korea Dubai, Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan; We also supplied company branches with equipment based on the market demand; besides procurement of spare parts for the above equipment for the purpose of maintenance, and Undertake maintenance of the above equipment at a workshop owned and managed by our company. 4. Public relations officer in Adam Company from 1985 until 1996. I worked as public relations officer in Adam company, and my duties included arranging business deals with different companies for Adam company in the general trade of various electronic materials, real estate, and construction deals. P.S.: Attached are some of the certificates I have participated in, besides my graduation certificate, a copy of my Iraqi Businessmen Union ID card and St. Clements University ID card. Isamt Ayoub Haji Adam February 10, 2016