This document contains action notes for scenes in a Mulan animatic. It describes Mulan fighting terracotta warriors that attack her in her training hall. She uses various weapons like swords, spears and arrows. Though surrounded by the warriors at one point, their attention is drawn away from Mulan by the sounds of laughing children outside, implying the presence of a village.
The opening scenes of the psychological thriller film "Cape Fear" introduce the main characters - a female victim and male villain who is released from prison. Various film techniques are used to convey that the man is the antagonist, including showing him in prison clothing with a tattoo symbolizing death, while the woman wears white and speaks gently. Though minimal details are given about the plot, the chronological storytelling and setting in a city and house provide clues about the genre being a psychological thriller.
The opening scene of The Dark Knight employs various film techniques to set the tense tone and establish key elements. It begins with dark, ominous titles and music before showing a flaming bat, foreshadowing difficulties for Batman. Throughout the bank robbery scene, techniques like zooms, crane shots, and match cuts are used to follow the organized, synchronized actions of the robbers. Low camera angles, natural lighting, and selective sound further build an atmosphere of threat.
The opening scene of The Dark Knight establishes the setting of a bank robbery in a large city. Through the use of parallel editing, the scene introduces two groups of robbers - one arriving in a van and the other using a zipline to access the roof. Their masks hide their identities and intentions. Tension rises as the robbery proceeds through fast-paced jump cuts. A shot reverse shot at the end further hints at the film's complex narrative structure.
Music video analysis of alt j breezeblocksdanielr1007
1) The music video analyzes Alt-J's "Breezeblocks" and uses close-ups and mid shots to emphasize the intensity of the fight between the main male and female characters.
2) It is filmed in reverse, adding an interesting twist as viewers see events like water flowing up a drain instead of down.
3) The video tells a story of an escalating fight that ends in the apparent murder of the female character with a breezeblock, mirroring the song's title.
This document analyzes editing, sound, camera, and mise-en-scene techniques used in the opening scenes of The Silence of the Lambs. It notes how editing uses jump cuts and shot transitions to follow the protagonist and show her exhaustion. Sound establishes atmosphere and location through music and natural sounds. Camerawork uses long shots, close-ups and tracking shots to follow the protagonist's movements. Mise-en-scene contrasts the protagonist's gym clothes with other professionals' suits to show she is out of place in her work environment.
The 9 shot film analysis summarizes the opening scene of "The Dark Knight". It begins with an establishing shot showing wealthy city buildings and zooming into a window to build tension. Subsequent shots analyze characters and their interactions, including an over-the-shoulder shot of a masked antagonist holding a gun near a smashed window. Later shots show three masked men in a car discussing their plans, then an antagonist threatening a civilian. The sequence climaxes with a betrayal captured in a POV shot and a long shot showing a bus crashing into an antagonist. Non-diegetic music builds tension throughout while diegetic sounds like dialogue and screams are also used.
This document outlines the filming schedule and shot list for a short film being filmed at Old Oak Farm in Berkhamstead on February 2nd. It describes 7 shots, including locations, estimated filming times, equipment needed and costumes for the characters. The shots include close-ups of actresses running and falling, entering a house, sitting together with a masked figure appearing, looking at a laptop, making a phone call and answering a phone. The characters are playing roles in a story about teenagers and most shots will take 3-5 minutes to film, using a camera on a tripod or monopod with soft box lighting. Costumes are mostly everyday clothing like dresses, jeans and tops to portray the characters.
The document outlines scenes and details for a movie trailer. It describes 4 scenes showing victims of the antagonist: 1) a woman running in the woods and being dragged, 2) a person stabbed in their kitchen, 3) someone strangled in their car, and 4) a bloody handprint on glass. It also describes two bookend scenes: one introducing the antagonist in their lair looking at photos of victims, and a final scene revealing a tied-up girl back in the lair for a climactic moment. Mise-en-scene, locations, costumes and props are specified to realize each scene cohesively for the trailer.
Representations Of Characters In Music VideosOllie Shepherd
The document discusses representations in the music video for "Leave Before the Lights Come On" by Arctic Monkeys. It analyzes the mise-en-scene, camera angles/shots, and editing used for the main male and female characters. For the male character, his clothing suggests he is coming from work and he acts calmly though gets annoyed with the pestering woman. Camera shots focus on his reactions and show him as dominant. Editing uses jump cuts and parallel shots. The woman's pale clothing suggests unemployment and distress, and shots look down on her to show her lack of importance compared to the man. Her solo scenes are sped up to portray her inner mental state.
The opening scene of The Dark Knight sets the scene in a city and establishes the action-packed tone through a bank robbery. It introduces mystery around a clown mask and hints that the villain will be associated with clowns. Minimal dialogue builds tension until the mention of "Joker," suggesting he will be the main antagonist. Various camera techniques like zooms, aerial shots, and cuts keep the action moving while establishing key locations. The opening effectively hooks viewers in and introduces the superhero genre by teasing the arrival of the Joker character.
The short film Proximity tells the story of a man who must battle for his life as he is hunted by a gang. Four hostages are forced to flee or be killed when their ankle bracelets detonate if two people separate. The protagonist realizes this and carries his unconscious partner to escape. Through tactical camerawork and editing, the film builds tension as the protagonist fights for survival against the ruthless hunters.
141118 Draft Script for our short film- this loveXiao Yun
The document summarizes 4 scenes from a film. In the first scene, a husband and wife argue on a hill and the husband accidentally pushes his wife off. When trying to save her, she snatches his expensive ring. In the second scene, the husband realizes the ring is missing and goes to search for it. The third scene shows him encountering obstacles while searching the jungle for his wife. In the fourth scene, he finds his wife's dead body and retrieves the ring from her hand, revealing to the audience that recovering the ring was his true priority.
This document outlines the scenes and shots planned for a film. It includes 22 scenes ranging from 3 to 5 seconds each. The scenes show the two main characters, detectives Carter and Lee, investigating a kidnapping and tracking down the triads responsible. They interview people at a bar and restaurant, find the van holding the kidnapped daughter, and get surrounded by triads in a fighting scene. Narrations between scenes move the plot forward and build anticipation for the film's release on February 13th.
This short film tells the story of four hostages who are hunted for sport by mysterious gang members. The protagonists discover their ankle bracelets will detonate if the hostages separate. Through clever thinking, the main protagonist carries his unconscious partner to outwit the hunters. The film uses techniques like close-ups, music, and location to build tension and drama throughout the chase scenes and climactic fight. In the end, the protagonist has defeated the antagonist but adopted his appearance, suggesting the cycle will continue.
The short film follows a man who is hunted by mysterious killers for unknown reasons. He is locked with an ankle brace that will detonate if he separates from another hostage. Through observing this, the protagonist carries his unconscious partner to escape. The film uses tactics like close-ups, tracking shots, and music to build tension during thrilling action scenes, such as a fight in the mud. It creates an unsettling atmosphere through its remote woods setting and the antagonists' heartless violence.
The opening scene of Halloween establishes Michael Myers as the killer by showing his point-of-view as he murders his sister on Halloween night. Several techniques are used to build atmosphere, including uneven camera work, low-key lighting, and incidental music. Michael wears a clown costume to surprise the audience and represent fear, and the scene takes place in a normal house to suggest evil can exist anywhere. By the end, Michael is unmasked and the audience sees his face, transitioning him from child to adult killer for the rest of the film.
The screenplay follows a female character through a forest as a male character follows her. Scenes include the female brushing her teeth and looking at a picture of a man in her bedroom. Throughout the forest scenes, the camera focuses on parts of the female's body but never shows her full face. The male character sings about wanting to see her face again and how he died a little inside when she said goodbye. At the end of the song, the female comes up behind the male character in the forest and touches his shoulder, then the video ends with a close up of the two characters looking into each other's eyes.
The opening scene of Scream establishes conventions of the thriller genre. It shows the movie title turning from white to red, symbolizing danger. Close-up shots of a ringing phone build suspense. A woman answers and has a seemingly friendly call but grows fearful. Continuity editing follows the woman through the house as she looks for the caller, building panic and suspense for the audience. Props like knives also symbolize violence typical of the genre.
Narrative theory examines how stories are structured in fictional and non-fictional media. The document discusses Vladimir Propp's analysis of character roles in narratives, including hero, villain, donor, dispatcher, false hero, and helper. It also references Tzvetan Todorov's concept of narratives typically moving from an initial equilibrium state, to a period of disequilibrium where conflict arises, to a new equilibrium where issues are resolved. The author plans to incorporate these narrative concepts - Propp's character roles and Tzvetan Todorov's equilibrium/disequilibrium structure - into their opening trailer sequence to effectively set up the story and characters.
The student produced a short thriller film called "The Nightmare that Came True" filmed at their secondary school. The film follows a young school girl having a nightmare that she is being chased through the school corridors. It is revealed that her nightmare came true as her dead body is discovered in a storage room. Various camera techniques like high and low angle shots were used to create tension and show vulnerable and intimidating characters.
The document discusses potential ideas and plans for three short thriller film projects. It chooses the third idea of a boy filming a school project who is attacked by an unknown man. It discusses the locations that will be used - a house in Crick and fields in East Haddon. It also includes character profiles, costume and prop details, and a pre-production shot list discussing thriller genre research and taking inspiration from the popular thriller film Prisoners.
In this document, you can learn how to build realistic train miniature models by selecting the right scale, materials, and tools. It guides you through creating the layout, adding scenic details like trees and water features, and finishing with painting and detailing techniques to achieve a lifelike appearance.
Representations Of Characters In Music VideosOllie Shepherd
The document discusses representations in the music video for "Leave Before the Lights Come On" by Arctic Monkeys. It analyzes the mise-en-scene, camera angles/shots, and editing used for the main male and female characters. For the male character, his clothing suggests he is coming from work and he acts calmly though gets annoyed with the pestering woman. Camera shots focus on his reactions and show him as dominant. Editing uses jump cuts and parallel shots. The woman's pale clothing suggests unemployment and distress, and shots look down on her to show her lack of importance compared to the man. Her solo scenes are sped up to portray her inner mental state.
The opening scene of The Dark Knight sets the scene in a city and establishes the action-packed tone through a bank robbery. It introduces mystery around a clown mask and hints that the villain will be associated with clowns. Minimal dialogue builds tension until the mention of "Joker," suggesting he will be the main antagonist. Various camera techniques like zooms, aerial shots, and cuts keep the action moving while establishing key locations. The opening effectively hooks viewers in and introduces the superhero genre by teasing the arrival of the Joker character.
The short film Proximity tells the story of a man who must battle for his life as he is hunted by a gang. Four hostages are forced to flee or be killed when their ankle bracelets detonate if two people separate. The protagonist realizes this and carries his unconscious partner to escape. Through tactical camerawork and editing, the film builds tension as the protagonist fights for survival against the ruthless hunters.
141118 Draft Script for our short film- this loveXiao Yun
The document summarizes 4 scenes from a film. In the first scene, a husband and wife argue on a hill and the husband accidentally pushes his wife off. When trying to save her, she snatches his expensive ring. In the second scene, the husband realizes the ring is missing and goes to search for it. The third scene shows him encountering obstacles while searching the jungle for his wife. In the fourth scene, he finds his wife's dead body and retrieves the ring from her hand, revealing to the audience that recovering the ring was his true priority.
This document outlines the scenes and shots planned for a film. It includes 22 scenes ranging from 3 to 5 seconds each. The scenes show the two main characters, detectives Carter and Lee, investigating a kidnapping and tracking down the triads responsible. They interview people at a bar and restaurant, find the van holding the kidnapped daughter, and get surrounded by triads in a fighting scene. Narrations between scenes move the plot forward and build anticipation for the film's release on February 13th.
This short film tells the story of four hostages who are hunted for sport by mysterious gang members. The protagonists discover their ankle bracelets will detonate if the hostages separate. Through clever thinking, the main protagonist carries his unconscious partner to outwit the hunters. The film uses techniques like close-ups, music, and location to build tension and drama throughout the chase scenes and climactic fight. In the end, the protagonist has defeated the antagonist but adopted his appearance, suggesting the cycle will continue.
The short film follows a man who is hunted by mysterious killers for unknown reasons. He is locked with an ankle brace that will detonate if he separates from another hostage. Through observing this, the protagonist carries his unconscious partner to escape. The film uses tactics like close-ups, tracking shots, and music to build tension during thrilling action scenes, such as a fight in the mud. It creates an unsettling atmosphere through its remote woods setting and the antagonists' heartless violence.
The opening scene of Halloween establishes Michael Myers as the killer by showing his point-of-view as he murders his sister on Halloween night. Several techniques are used to build atmosphere, including uneven camera work, low-key lighting, and incidental music. Michael wears a clown costume to surprise the audience and represent fear, and the scene takes place in a normal house to suggest evil can exist anywhere. By the end, Michael is unmasked and the audience sees his face, transitioning him from child to adult killer for the rest of the film.
The screenplay follows a female character through a forest as a male character follows her. Scenes include the female brushing her teeth and looking at a picture of a man in her bedroom. Throughout the forest scenes, the camera focuses on parts of the female's body but never shows her full face. The male character sings about wanting to see her face again and how he died a little inside when she said goodbye. At the end of the song, the female comes up behind the male character in the forest and touches his shoulder, then the video ends with a close up of the two characters looking into each other's eyes.
The opening scene of Scream establishes conventions of the thriller genre. It shows the movie title turning from white to red, symbolizing danger. Close-up shots of a ringing phone build suspense. A woman answers and has a seemingly friendly call but grows fearful. Continuity editing follows the woman through the house as she looks for the caller, building panic and suspense for the audience. Props like knives also symbolize violence typical of the genre.
Narrative theory examines how stories are structured in fictional and non-fictional media. The document discusses Vladimir Propp's analysis of character roles in narratives, including hero, villain, donor, dispatcher, false hero, and helper. It also references Tzvetan Todorov's concept of narratives typically moving from an initial equilibrium state, to a period of disequilibrium where conflict arises, to a new equilibrium where issues are resolved. The author plans to incorporate these narrative concepts - Propp's character roles and Tzvetan Todorov's equilibrium/disequilibrium structure - into their opening trailer sequence to effectively set up the story and characters.
The student produced a short thriller film called "The Nightmare that Came True" filmed at their secondary school. The film follows a young school girl having a nightmare that she is being chased through the school corridors. It is revealed that her nightmare came true as her dead body is discovered in a storage room. Various camera techniques like high and low angle shots were used to create tension and show vulnerable and intimidating characters.
The document discusses potential ideas and plans for three short thriller film projects. It chooses the third idea of a boy filming a school project who is attacked by an unknown man. It discusses the locations that will be used - a house in Crick and fields in East Haddon. It also includes character profiles, costume and prop details, and a pre-production shot list discussing thriller genre research and taking inspiration from the popular thriller film Prisoners.
In this document, you can learn how to build realistic train miniature models by selecting the right scale, materials, and tools. It guides you through creating the layout, adding scenic details like trees and water features, and finishing with painting and detailing techniques to achieve a lifelike appearance.
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14. Scene
Action Notes
2D Paintings showing Mulan's history.
1. Mulan and her father
2. Mulan becominng a respected general
3. Mulan becoming a God.
15. Scene
Action Notes
2D Paintings showing Mulan's history.
1. Mulan and her father
2. Mulan becominng a respected general
3. Mulan becoming a God.
16. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
Shadows of Mulan fighting a terracotta warrior
17. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
Shadows of Mulan fighting a terracotta warrior
18. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
She easily destroys it.
19. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
She easily destroys it.
20. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
She easily destroys it.
21. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
She easily destroys it.
22. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
She easily destroys it.
23. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
She easily destroys it.
26. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
sound fx- arrows thunking into the wall.
Action Notes
Arrows fly into the scene, sticking into the scroll.
27. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
sound fx- arrows thunking into the wall.
Action Notes
Arrows fly into the scene, sticking into the scroll.
28. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
sound fx- arrows thunking into the wall.
Action Notes
Arrows fly into the scene, sticking into the scroll.
29. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
sound fx- arrows thunking into the wall.
Action Notes
Arrows fly into the scene, sticking into the scroll.
30. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
sound fx- arrows thunking into the wall.
Action Notes
Arrows fly into the scene, sticking into the scroll.
31. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
sound fx- arrows thunking into the wall.
Action Notes
Arrows fly into the scene, sticking into the scroll.
32. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
Camera settles on last painting of Mulan.
33. Scene
sound fx- swords slashing, Mulan yelling, minions crumbling
Action Notes
Camera settles on last painting of Mulan.
37. Scene
Action Notes
Location: Mulan's personal Kwoon (Chinese training hall) It is full of memorabillia of her's (perhaps
different armor, and multiple weapons).
56. Scene
Mulan: What are these.. stone soldiers?
Action Notes
Mulan expertly flips her sword, as the camera pulls back to show her off.
157. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if
158. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if
159. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if
160. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if
161. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if
162. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if
163. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if
164. Scene
Kids laughing, a bustling village sounds.
Action Notes
Silhouetted children are seen running outside (this scene can have a window instead of a door if