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Multicultural Advancement
Global Citizenship Program
Being part of the multicultural advancement program
allowed me to meet some of my greatest friends, travel
across the world, and learn and grow from within.
Sydnee Alexander
Social work major
Each of us油belongs to油several diverse communities whether at work, at
school, at home or at leisure.油Youve demonstrated your commitment to
diversity in American society, so give us the opportunity to recognize
your efforts through one of these scholarships.
Multicultural Advancement and Cofer
scholars add a unique element to
their CMU education. Your scholarship
experience affords you the opportunity
to participate in leadership programs,
volunteer activities, and internships
both on and off campus. Your first of
two years living on campus will be
spent as a member of the Multicultural
Advancement Residential College in
Troutman Hall.
In addition to your chosen academic
major, you will be automatically
enrolled into CMUs Cultural and Global
Studies program  a special curriculum
designed to enrich your educational
experience. You will graduate with
a Global Citizenship certificate after
taking special courses focused on
diversity, foreign language, and study
abroad opportunities. (Find more
information at www.chsbs.cmich.
If you are a high school senior
passionate about diversity and making
a difference on campus, we would love
to see your application.
損 First, complete your application
for admission to CMU as an
undergraduate on-campus student
損 Second, submit the attached
scholarship application.
Submit your completed application
for admission and your completed
scholarship application by the last
Friday in January.
If your application for admission is
submitted before November 15, you
also may qualify for one of CMUs merit
Academic Prestige Award
$6,000 per year
(3.25 GPA and 27 ACT/1210 SAT)
Academic Excellence Award
$4,500 per year
(3.0 GPA and 23 ACT/1050 SAT)
Academic Success Award
$3,000 per year
(3.0 GPA and 21 ACT/980 SAT)
Residence Life Grant
$2,000 per year
(3.0 GPA and 20 ACT/940 SAT)
Global Citizenship Program
Multicultural Advancement
Multicultural Advancement Award of Distinction
損 Up to 10 awarded annually
損 Valued at $10,500 per year (to be used toward the cost of tuition, room
and board, and books)
損 Renewable up to an additional three years*
This scholarship is awarded annually to up to 10 new freshmen who
have distinguished themselves in the advancement of underrepresented
groups in American society.
*Scholarship renewal is dependent upon the student earning at least
24 new credit hours each year and maintaining a minimum cumulative
GPA of 3.25.
Multicultural Advancement Scholarship
損 Up to 60 awarded annually
損 Valued at $4,125 per year (to be used toward the cost of tuition, room
and board, and books)
損 Renewable up to an additional three years*
This scholarship is awarded each year to recognize and support students
who have shown interest in the advancement of underrepresented
groups in American society. This interest may be demonstrated through
past activities or through educational aspirations.
*Scholarship renewal is dependent upon the student earning at least
24 new credit hours each year and maintaining a minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.5.
Lloyd M. Cofer Scholarship
損 Up to 10 awarded annually to graduates of a Detroit high school
損 Valued at $4,125 per year (to be used toward the cost of tuition, room
and board, and books)
損 Renewable up to an additional three years*
This scholarship is awarded each year to recognize and support students
who have shown interest in the advancement of underrepresented
groups in American society. This interest may be demonstrated through
past activities or through educational aspirations.
*Scholarship renewal is dependent upon the student earning at least
24 new credit hours each year and maintaining a minimum cumulative
GPA of 2.5.
Last name	 First	 Middle	 Former name (if any)
Home street address	 City	 State	 ZIP code
Email address		 Home phone
Birth date	 Social Security # (optional)	 High school attended	
Year of graduation	 Cumulative grade point average	 ACT/SAT score (if known)
SECTION I(please print)
Please list your participation in clubs and organizations within your high school and community.
Name of organization	 Office held	 Dates of participation (month/year)
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
Name of organization	 Office held	 Dates of participation (month/year)
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
Name of employer	 Job performed	 Dates of employment (month/year)
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________
( )
Multicultural Advancement Scholarships
Global Citizenship ProgramApplication
application continued on back
SECTION II(please type)
These scholarships recognize and support students who, through their past activities or educational aspirations,
have indicated an interest in the advancement of underrepresented groups in American society. On an additional sheet of
paper in essay format, please type your answers to the following:
1. How have your experiences helped you better understand the importance of the advancement of underrepresented
groups in American society?
2. How do your future goals enhance your candidacy for this award?
Please submit at least one letter of recommendation speaking to your character and your interest involving diversity and inclusion.
I certify that the information and materials I have submitted in this application are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of applicant 	 Date
Scholarships will be awarded each spring. A selection committee will review all application materials and make award decisions
immediately after the deadline. Determining factors showing ways in which you have promoted diversity may include:
損 Academic achievement
損 Employment or volunteer/service experiences
損 Demonstrated leadership
損 History of overcoming disadvantages
損 Ability to communicate with both minority and majority student groups
Award recipients will meet the following criteria:
損 Accepted as an undergraduate degree student who will begin as a freshman at Central Michigan University
(Students currently enrolled at CMU are not eligible.)
損 Participation in school and/or community activities
損 A demonstrated desire to promote multicultural experiences on CMUs campus
損 Strong content and style of essay in application Section II
損 Strong letter of recommendation in Section III
Please mail your complete application (Section I), essay (Section II) and letter(s) of recommendation (Section III) to:
Multicultural Advancement Scholarships Committee
Admissions Office
Warriner Hall 102
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
For more information, please contact:
CMU Admissions Office
CMU is an AA/EO institution, providing equal opportunity to all persons, including minorities,
females, veterans and individuals with disabilities (see cmich.edu/ocrie). UComm 9338-20,000 (9/15)
Application - continued

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Multicultural App

  • 1. Multicultural Advancement Scholarships Global Citizenship Program Being part of the multicultural advancement program allowed me to meet some of my greatest friends, travel across the world, and learn and grow from within. Sydnee Alexander Greenville Sophomore Social work major
  • 2. Each of us油belongs to油several diverse communities whether at work, at school, at home or at leisure.油Youve demonstrated your commitment to diversity in American society, so give us the opportunity to recognize your efforts through one of these scholarships. SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS: Multicultural Advancement and Cofer scholars add a unique element to their CMU education. Your scholarship experience affords you the opportunity to participate in leadership programs, volunteer activities, and internships both on and off campus. Your first of two years living on campus will be spent as a member of the Multicultural Advancement Residential College in Troutman Hall. In addition to your chosen academic major, you will be automatically enrolled into CMUs Cultural and Global Studies program a special curriculum designed to enrich your educational experience. You will graduate with a Global Citizenship certificate after taking special courses focused on diversity, foreign language, and study abroad opportunities. (Find more information at www.chsbs.cmich. edu/cgl.) HOW TO APPLY: If you are a high school senior passionate about diversity and making a difference on campus, we would love to see your application. 損 First, complete your application for admission to CMU as an undergraduate on-campus student (apply.cmich.edu). 損 Second, submit the attached scholarship application. DEADLINE: Submit your completed application for admission and your completed scholarship application by the last Friday in January. If your application for admission is submitted before November 15, you also may qualify for one of CMUs merit scholarships: Academic Prestige Award $6,000 per year (3.25 GPA and 27 ACT/1210 SAT) Academic Excellence Award $4,500 per year (3.0 GPA and 23 ACT/1050 SAT) Academic Success Award $3,000 per year (3.0 GPA and 21 ACT/980 SAT) Residence Life Grant $2,000 per year (3.0 GPA and 20 ACT/940 SAT) Global Citizenship Program Multicultural Advancement Scholarships Multicultural Advancement Award of Distinction 損 Up to 10 awarded annually 損 Valued at $10,500 per year (to be used toward the cost of tuition, room and board, and books) 損 Renewable up to an additional three years* This scholarship is awarded annually to up to 10 new freshmen who have distinguished themselves in the advancement of underrepresented groups in American society. *Scholarship renewal is dependent upon the student earning at least 24 new credit hours each year and maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. Multicultural Advancement Scholarship 損 Up to 60 awarded annually 損 Valued at $4,125 per year (to be used toward the cost of tuition, room and board, and books) 損 Renewable up to an additional three years* This scholarship is awarded each year to recognize and support students who have shown interest in the advancement of underrepresented groups in American society. This interest may be demonstrated through past activities or through educational aspirations. *Scholarship renewal is dependent upon the student earning at least 24 new credit hours each year and maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Lloyd M. Cofer Scholarship 損 Up to 10 awarded annually to graduates of a Detroit high school 損 Valued at $4,125 per year (to be used toward the cost of tuition, room and board, and books) 損 Renewable up to an additional three years* This scholarship is awarded each year to recognize and support students who have shown interest in the advancement of underrepresented groups in American society. This interest may be demonstrated through past activities or through educational aspirations. *Scholarship renewal is dependent upon the student earning at least 24 new credit hours each year and maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  • 3. Last name First Middle Former name (if any) Home street address City State ZIP code Email address Home phone Birth date Social Security # (optional) High school attended Year of graduation Cumulative grade point average ACT/SAT score (if known) SECTION I(please print) Please list your participation in clubs and organizations within your high school and community. HIGH SCHOOL Name of organization Office held Dates of participation (month/year) ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ COMMUNITY Name of organization Office held Dates of participation (month/year) ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ EMPLOYMENT Name of employer Job performed Dates of employment (month/year) ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ from ________________ to ________________ ( ) Multicultural Advancement Scholarships Global Citizenship ProgramApplication PLEASE COMPLETE ALL THREE SECTIONS AND RETURN BY THE LAST FRIDAY IN JANUARY. application continued on back
  • 4. SECTION II(please type) These scholarships recognize and support students who, through their past activities or educational aspirations, have indicated an interest in the advancement of underrepresented groups in American society. On an additional sheet of paper in essay format, please type your answers to the following: 1. How have your experiences helped you better understand the importance of the advancement of underrepresented groups in American society? 2. How do your future goals enhance your candidacy for this award? SECTION III Please submit at least one letter of recommendation speaking to your character and your interest involving diversity and inclusion. SIGNATURE I certify that the information and materials I have submitted in this application are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature of applicant Date SELECTION PROCESS: Scholarships will be awarded each spring. A selection committee will review all application materials and make award decisions immediately after the deadline. Determining factors showing ways in which you have promoted diversity may include: 損 Academic achievement 損 Employment or volunteer/service experiences 損 Demonstrated leadership 損 History of overcoming disadvantages 損 Ability to communicate with both minority and majority student groups Award recipients will meet the following criteria: 損 Accepted as an undergraduate degree student who will begin as a freshman at Central Michigan University (Students currently enrolled at CMU are not eligible.) 損 Participation in school and/or community activities 損 A demonstrated desire to promote multicultural experiences on CMUs campus 損 Strong content and style of essay in application Section II 損 Strong letter of recommendation in Section III SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Please mail your complete application (Section I), essay (Section II) and letter(s) of recommendation (Section III) to: Multicultural Advancement Scholarships Committee Admissions Office Warriner Hall 102 Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 For more information, please contact: CMU Admissions Office 989-774-3076 CMU is an AA/EO institution, providing equal opportunity to all persons, including minorities, females, veterans and individuals with disabilities (see cmich.edu/ocrie). UComm 9338-20,000 (9/15) Application - continued