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Phone: +91 7773013218
BehindDurga Mangal karayalaya kandri kanhan Dist. Nagpur Maharashtra 442701
To work in a stimulating and challenging milieu that would facilitate the maximum
utilization and application of my broad skills and expertise in making a positive
difference to the organization
Young, energetic and result oriented Diploma in Mechanical engineering with around 17
years of experience, with expertise in
Operation and Maintenance in Utilities
Working as Asst manager Engineering, Section head of operation and maintenance of utility
equipment, boiler, compressor, dryer, DG, chiller, cooling tower, RO,ETP,STP, HTHP dyeing
machines ,H-Plant ,workshop fabrication activities, civil and mechanical project works.
Key responsibilities
Liosioning with MPPCB, MPSEB and boiler inspector, monthly submission of electricity duty,
water consumption details (form-1), and other communications.
Maintaining minimum inventory without any breakdown, raising indents, approving GRN,
procuring good quality of material with minimum cost.
Managing team of engineers and technicians and giving trainings to workers from time to
time, performance evaluation, working with business tools like 5S, TPM, ISO-9001, 14001,
50001, 8001.
Supplying utilities like Air, Water and steam to process as per production department
without loss.
Managing and supervising expansion and project works in time.
Implementing latest safety practices in plant like LOTO, work permit, keeping fire hydrant,
and fire fighting equipments 100% available.
Preparing MIS reports daily and monthly and monitoring that all utilities cost are within
Targeting and implementing energy conservation activities.
Education& certificates
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Government Polytechnic BPuri
(Maharashtra) with 1stdiv
Internal Auditor certificate of EMS ISO 14001
Internal Auditor certificate of EMS ISO 9001
XII from Porwal college Kamptee with2nddiv.
X from Vidya mandir High school with 1stdiv
Work Experience
Presently working with
Vikram Woollens (A unit of Aditya Birla group) (Gwalior)
AN ISO- 9001, 14001, 18001, 8001, 50001 unit
Dec-2014 till date
Asst Manager Mechanical (SH).
Working as Section Head mechanical in engineering department. Managing steam, air and
water system, operation and maintenance of all utilities like, boiler, compressor, chillers, RO
plant, DG Sets, pump house, dye house maintenance, ETP, cooling towers, fire hydrant
system, fire fighting equipments, civil works, preparing MIS reports, raising indents,
approving GRN, maintaining low inventory without effecting machines utilization. Lisioning
with MPPCB, MPSEB, AKVN for pollution, electrical, and water related issues. Preparing
reports for WCM, sustainability and safety. Imparting training to workers, approving leaves ,
shift adjustment, appraisals.
Indo Rama Synthetic India Limited (Butibori Nagpur)
Sr. Engineer Utility
Duration: From August  2012 to Nov - 2014 (Two years and three months)
Worked n Utility department as SH for water management, managing team of fitters
operators and two engineers. Done water saving of 1000 m3 /day by installing and
successfully operating waste water RO plant oncoming tower blow down by recycling. Saved
350 m3 /day water in fire hydrant underground water line. Successfully managed ETP 541
m3/ day and STP 2000M3/day with desired water outlet water parameters. Coordinating
with local MIDC water management body to maintain water stock of 30000 m3 daily.
worked as coordinator for EMS to MR. Managing pump house with water supply to Plant,
colonies, power plant fire hydrant system.
Visaka Industries Limited (Mouda Nagpur)
Duration: July 1998 to July 2012 (Fourteen Years)
Joined Visaka industries limited as Diploma engineer Trainee and subsequent promoted to
engineer. As a trainee learned operation & maintenance Mechanical utility department. In
due course of time was managing team of 15 technicians to overall managing department.
Equipment handled
Cooling tower
Screw air compressors
Centrifugal air compressors
Air dryers (HOC & refrigerant)
Pumps (centrifugal coupled & mono block, chemical dosing pumps, gear,etc)
RO (Fresh and waste water)
ETP540 m 3/day, 200 m3 / day, 400m3/day
Nitrogen plant
Fire Hydrant system & fire fighting equipment
Maintenance of pneumatic equipments
Water Management
Maintenance& fabrication of MS, GI, SS pipeline for air, water, FO, MEG, steam, etc
Dye house
Pump house
Trainings Undergone
 QMS( ISO-9001), EMS (ISO14001), ISO-5001, Quality circles, CFT, WCM
 Internal auditor certificates of EMS 14001 & ISO-9001
 TPM - participated in national Level & chapter level NCQC program
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 18thAug-1974
Place of birth: Kamptee, Nagpur (Maharashtra)
Languages Known: English, Hindi and Marathi
Hobbies: Watching news
(Murlidhar Yadav)

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  • 1. MurlidharYadav Phone: +91 7773013218 Email:murlidharyadav3002@rediffmail.com Email:V.murlidharyadav3002@gmail.com BehindDurga Mangal karayalaya kandri kanhan Dist. Nagpur Maharashtra 442701 Objective To work in a stimulating and challenging milieu that would facilitate the maximum utilization and application of my broad skills and expertise in making a positive difference to the organization Synopsis Young, energetic and result oriented Diploma in Mechanical engineering with around 17 years of experience, with expertise in Operation and Maintenance in Utilities Working as Asst manager Engineering, Section head of operation and maintenance of utility equipment, boiler, compressor, dryer, DG, chiller, cooling tower, RO,ETP,STP, HTHP dyeing machines ,H-Plant ,workshop fabrication activities, civil and mechanical project works. Key responsibilities Liosioning with MPPCB, MPSEB and boiler inspector, monthly submission of electricity duty, water consumption details (form-1), and other communications. Maintaining minimum inventory without any breakdown, raising indents, approving GRN, procuring good quality of material with minimum cost. Managing team of engineers and technicians and giving trainings to workers from time to time, performance evaluation, working with business tools like 5S, TPM, ISO-9001, 14001, 50001, 8001. Supplying utilities like Air, Water and steam to process as per production department without loss. Managing and supervising expansion and project works in time. Implementing latest safety practices in plant like LOTO, work permit, keeping fire hydrant, and fire fighting equipments 100% available. Preparing MIS reports daily and monthly and monitoring that all utilities cost are within limit. Targeting and implementing energy conservation activities. Education& certificates Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Government Polytechnic BPuri (Maharashtra) with 1stdiv Internal Auditor certificate of EMS ISO 14001 Internal Auditor certificate of EMS ISO 9001 XII from Porwal college Kamptee with2nddiv. X from Vidya mandir High school with 1stdiv Work Experience Presently working with Vikram Woollens (A unit of Aditya Birla group) (Gwalior) AN ISO- 9001, 14001, 18001, 8001, 50001 unit Dec-2014 till date Asst Manager Mechanical (SH). Working as Section Head mechanical in engineering department. Managing steam, air and water system, operation and maintenance of all utilities like, boiler, compressor, chillers, RO plant, DG Sets, pump house, dye house maintenance, ETP, cooling towers, fire hydrant
  • 2. system, fire fighting equipments, civil works, preparing MIS reports, raising indents, approving GRN, maintaining low inventory without effecting machines utilization. Lisioning with MPPCB, MPSEB, AKVN for pollution, electrical, and water related issues. Preparing reports for WCM, sustainability and safety. Imparting training to workers, approving leaves , shift adjustment, appraisals. Indo Rama Synthetic India Limited (Butibori Nagpur) Sr. Engineer Utility Duration: From August 2012 to Nov - 2014 (Two years and three months) Worked n Utility department as SH for water management, managing team of fitters operators and two engineers. Done water saving of 1000 m3 /day by installing and successfully operating waste water RO plant oncoming tower blow down by recycling. Saved 350 m3 /day water in fire hydrant underground water line. Successfully managed ETP 541 m3/ day and STP 2000M3/day with desired water outlet water parameters. Coordinating with local MIDC water management body to maintain water stock of 30000 m3 daily. worked as coordinator for EMS to MR. Managing pump house with water supply to Plant, colonies, power plant fire hydrant system. Visaka Industries Limited (Mouda Nagpur) Engineer Duration: July 1998 to July 2012 (Fourteen Years) Joined Visaka industries limited as Diploma engineer Trainee and subsequent promoted to engineer. As a trainee learned operation & maintenance Mechanical utility department. In due course of time was managing team of 15 technicians to overall managing department. Equipment handled Cooling tower Boilers Screw air compressors Centrifugal air compressors Chillers Air dryers (HOC & refrigerant) Pumps (centrifugal coupled & mono block, chemical dosing pumps, gear,etc) HVAC & AHU Softeners RO (Fresh and waste water) ETP540 m 3/day, 200 m3 / day, 400m3/day STP-2000m3/day Nitrogen plant Fire Hydrant system & fire fighting equipment Maintenance of pneumatic equipments Water Management Maintenance& fabrication of MS, GI, SS pipeline for air, water, FO, MEG, steam, etc DG Dye house Pump house Trainings Undergone QMS( ISO-9001), EMS (ISO14001), ISO-5001, Quality circles, CFT, WCM Internal auditor certificates of EMS 14001 & ISO-9001 TPM - participated in national Level & chapter level NCQC program
  • 3. Personal Details Date of Birth: 18thAug-1974 Place of birth: Kamptee, Nagpur (Maharashtra) Languages Known: English, Hindi and Marathi Hobbies: Watching news (Murlidhar Yadav)