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Museums &
historical narratives
Peranakan Museum, Singapore
 What is a museum? Definitions & agendas
 History of museums
 Museums as narratives/stories
 Museums that aim at a complete narrative
 Nationalist museums
 Preservationist museums
 Themed museums
 Human rights museums
 Multiplying narratives
 Pop-up & online museums
Hong Kong Museum of History, Kowloon,
entrance to the Hong Kong Story exhibit
What is a museum?
 A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open
to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and
intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and
enjoyment.  International Council of Museums, Key Concepts in Museology
 Museums are public spaces dedicated to the interpretation of the past and are a most trusted source
of information. [They] create and share knowledge about the past and operate as locations where
historical consciousness is activated and constructed.  Viviane Gosselin & Phaedra Livingstone,
Museums and the Past: Constructing Historical Consciousness, p. 3
 A lieu de memoire (site of memory): any significant entity, whether material or non-material in nature,
which by dint of human will or the work of time has become a symbolic element of the memorial
heritage of any community (Pierre Nora, Lieux de Memoire). They preserve memory but also make
Why do we visit museums?
 To learn
 Through objects
 Through text or speech
 To connect (to the past)
 To belong (to a community)
 To feel
L: Bung Karno Museum, Denpasar
R: Hall of Remembrance, Montreal
Holocaust Museum
Why museums?
 Three agendas (Will Phillips)
1. Work & context of the museum  mission, exhibits, programs, visitor experience, etc
2. How the museum is organized  people & resources, staffing, communication, etc
3. Change: rethinking the role and responsibilities of museums. Demands public advocacy, an action
Womens memorial, National Assembly, Quebec
Monuments, museums, narratives
 Monuments as political speech (Ben Anderson) and nation-building markers
 Museums are highly trusted due to content and assumed authority  official and sanctioned
storytellers (Pierre-Luc Collin et al, La concept de conscience historique)
 Many museums spread an official narrative that aids in building loyalty to the nation; others reply
primarily on historical thinking (combining & assessing different sources to build possible
Museums over time
 Museums are constructed by states & elites to share knowledge
 They also construct knowledge through a colonial gaze & serve power
c. 90s
 Controversies over representation of the past & claims for inclusion
 Museums attempt to become more inclusive & self-aware
 Critical museology fuels growth of a social justice perspective
 Emergence of Ecomuseums & human rights museums
Museums that aim at a complete narrative
 Hong Kong Museum of History
 Canadian Museum of History
Nationalist museums
 National Historical Museum, Athens, Greece 
 Museum of the Struggle of the Balinese people, Denpasar, Indonesia
Preservationist museums
 Mus辿e des Abenakis, Odanak [Canada]
 Ecomus辿e du fier monde
 An ecomuseum plays into the ecology of its community, meaning it works to preserve the natural
environment that surrounds it. This can include things such as combating pollution, protecting local
wildlife or fostering a better life for the local citizens. Ecomuseums enhance tourism, which in turn
contributes to the economic well being of the community. This system then allows citizens to pursue and
address economic, environmental and social issues ultimately improving life for the members of the
community. (Canadian Museums Assn)
Themed museums
 Peranakan Museum, Singapore (images: interactive terminal on history of fashion)
 Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (Halifax) offers a nationalist story of welcome to
migrants but also temporary exhibits that question the nationalist narrative
Human rights museums
 Sites of conscience
 Holocaust Museums
 Survivors in museums
 Canadian Museum for Human Rights
 Question of prominence to the Holocaust, recognized genocides
 A rights museum that sometimes violated rights of its employees
 Evolves in public debate, becomes a National Museum
 Comfort women
 CAVR  and its narrative
Images: Montreal Holocaust Museum
Multiplying narratives
 National Museum of Singapore:
 Branching and converging paths through the museum, not a single narrative pathway  a multilayered
storytelling approach (Image: the Lee Kuan Yew path)
 Ecomus辿e du fier monde: centring local social history as antidote to nationalist history
 Decolonizing university tours
 Growth of liquid museums with power dispersed across multiple actors and dispersed sites &
museums becoming always emerging institutions (Fiona Cameron, From Mitigation to Creativity,
Museum & Society 9.2 (2011)
 US Holocaust Museum: a choice of final direction, to silent contemplation (Wiesel) or to a take
action space addressing current human rights issues  challenge the visitor
Pop-up & online museums
 History of Chinese medicine, Singapore airport
 Voices of the Canoe (Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver) combines Haida, Squamish & Fijian
perspectives & authorship in an online exhibit, considers circular or spiral, not linear, narrative
Closing thoughts (1)
 Different museums present different narratives
 Human rights museums need an action agenda (from memory to hope)
 The role of objects, people, text and visuals in a museum  eg personal connection via identity
cards (USHM) or presence of survivors
 How do visitors move through a museum (pathways), interact with it and take the experience
home (participate)
 Sense of ownership by communities portrayed  can also threaten accuracy
 Human rights museums own human rights practices become important
Closing thoughts (2)
 Chronology, iconic moments or to build familiarity & thus connection (Mus辿e de la Civilisation,
 Connection after the visit ends
 Emotional responses to content  aim at transformative moments
 Participation through treasure hunt or quest, either paper-based or via an app
 The role of trust in museums
 The gift of disruption
 Never again can lead to a nationalist, local response or to a rights-ist universal compassion

For the dead and the living, we must
bear witness. For not only are we
responsible for the memories of the
dead, we are also responsible for what
we are doing with those memories.
Elie Wiesel, Writer & Holocaust survivor

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Museums & historical consciousness rev.pptx

  • 1. Museums & historical narratives DAVID WEBSTER, BISHOPS UNIVERSITY, QUEBEC Peranakan Museum, Singapore
  • 2. Outline What is a museum? Definitions & agendas History of museums Museums as narratives/stories Museums that aim at a complete narrative Nationalist museums Preservationist museums Themed museums Human rights museums Multiplying narratives Pop-up & online museums Hong Kong Museum of History, Kowloon, entrance to the Hong Kong Story exhibit
  • 3. What is a museum? A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public, which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment. International Council of Museums, Key Concepts in Museology Museums are public spaces dedicated to the interpretation of the past and are a most trusted source of information. [They] create and share knowledge about the past and operate as locations where historical consciousness is activated and constructed. Viviane Gosselin & Phaedra Livingstone, Museums and the Past: Constructing Historical Consciousness, p. 3 A lieu de memoire (site of memory): any significant entity, whether material or non-material in nature, which by dint of human will or the work of time has become a symbolic element of the memorial heritage of any community (Pierre Nora, Lieux de Memoire). They preserve memory but also make memory.
  • 4. Why do we visit museums? To learn Through objects Through text or speech To connect (to the past) To belong (to a community) To feel Images: L: Bung Karno Museum, Denpasar R: Hall of Remembrance, Montreal Holocaust Museum
  • 5. Why museums? Three agendas (Will Phillips) 1. Work & context of the museum mission, exhibits, programs, visitor experience, etc 2. How the museum is organized people & resources, staffing, communication, etc 3. Change: rethinking the role and responsibilities of museums. Demands public advocacy, an action agenda Womens memorial, National Assembly, Quebec
  • 6. Monuments, museums, narratives Monuments as political speech (Ben Anderson) and nation-building markers Museums are highly trusted due to content and assumed authority official and sanctioned storytellers (Pierre-Luc Collin et al, La concept de conscience historique) Many museums spread an official narrative that aids in building loyalty to the nation; others reply primarily on historical thinking (combining & assessing different sources to build possible interpretations)
  • 7. Museums over time Pre1990 Museums are constructed by states & elites to share knowledge They also construct knowledge through a colonial gaze & serve power c. 90s Controversies over representation of the past & claims for inclusion Museums attempt to become more inclusive & self-aware Now Critical museology fuels growth of a social justice perspective Emergence of Ecomuseums & human rights museums
  • 8. Museums that aim at a complete narrative Hong Kong Museum of History Canadian Museum of History
  • 9. Nationalist museums National Historical Museum, Athens, Greece Museum of the Struggle of the Balinese people, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • 10. Preservationist museums Mus辿e des Abenakis, Odanak [Canada] Ecomus辿e du fier monde An ecomuseum plays into the ecology of its community, meaning it works to preserve the natural environment that surrounds it. This can include things such as combating pollution, protecting local wildlife or fostering a better life for the local citizens. Ecomuseums enhance tourism, which in turn contributes to the economic well being of the community. This system then allows citizens to pursue and address economic, environmental and social issues ultimately improving life for the members of the community. (Canadian Museums Assn)
  • 11. Themed museums Peranakan Museum, Singapore (images: interactive terminal on history of fashion) Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (Halifax) offers a nationalist story of welcome to migrants but also temporary exhibits that question the nationalist narrative
  • 12. Human rights museums Sites of conscience Holocaust Museums Survivors in museums Canadian Museum for Human Rights Question of prominence to the Holocaust, recognized genocides A rights museum that sometimes violated rights of its employees Evolves in public debate, becomes a National Museum Comfort women CAVR and its narrative Images: Montreal Holocaust Museum
  • 13. Multiplying narratives National Museum of Singapore: Branching and converging paths through the museum, not a single narrative pathway a multilayered storytelling approach (Image: the Lee Kuan Yew path) Ecomus辿e du fier monde: centring local social history as antidote to nationalist history Decolonizing university tours Growth of liquid museums with power dispersed across multiple actors and dispersed sites & museums becoming always emerging institutions (Fiona Cameron, From Mitigation to Creativity, Museum & Society 9.2 (2011) US Holocaust Museum: a choice of final direction, to silent contemplation (Wiesel) or to a take action space addressing current human rights issues challenge the visitor
  • 14. Pop-up & online museums History of Chinese medicine, Singapore airport Voices of the Canoe (Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver) combines Haida, Squamish & Fijian perspectives & authorship in an online exhibit, considers circular or spiral, not linear, narrative
  • 15. Closing thoughts (1) Different museums present different narratives Human rights museums need an action agenda (from memory to hope) The role of objects, people, text and visuals in a museum eg personal connection via identity cards (USHM) or presence of survivors How do visitors move through a museum (pathways), interact with it and take the experience home (participate) Sense of ownership by communities portrayed can also threaten accuracy Human rights museums own human rights practices become important
  • 16. Closing thoughts (2) Chronology, iconic moments or to build familiarity & thus connection (Mus辿e de la Civilisation, Quebec) Connection after the visit ends Emotional responses to content aim at transformative moments Participation through treasure hunt or quest, either paper-based or via an app The role of trust in museums The gift of disruption Never again can lead to a nationalist, local response or to a rights-ist universal compassion approach
  • 17. For the dead and the living, we must bear witness. For not only are we responsible for the memories of the dead, we are also responsible for what we are doing with those memories. Elie Wiesel, Writer & Holocaust survivor