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Hans Freuden
601 E. 37th Street  Farmington, NM 87401  (505) 258-0852  cellohans@gmail.com
 Interim Director  San Juan College Orchestra (January 2015  present)
 Section Cellist - San Juan Symphony (2003  present)
 Section Cellist and Occasional Section Leader - San Juan College Orchestra (1999  2014)
 Cellist - Tres Rios String Quartet (2001  present)
 Regular Performer - Durango Bach Festival, Durango, Colorado (2009  present)
 Regular Performer - Durango Chamber Music Festival, Durango, Colorado (2009  2013)
 Frequent Performer - Dead Composers Society, Farmington, New Mexico (2008  2012)
 Regular Performer - Showcase Chamber Ensemble, Farmington, New Mexico (2001  2007)
Recent Projects:
 Cellist for a performance of Starsong by Bradley Ellingboe with Caliente Community Chorus,
Farmington, New Mexico (February 2015)
 Cellist for The Interfaith Community Chorus presentation of Selections from Messiah by George
Frederick Handel, Bloomfield, New Mexico (November 2014)
 Cellist for The San Juan College Concert Choir Masterworks Chorale performance of Mass in B Flat
by Johann Nepomuk Hummel (October 2014)
 Provided all on-stage music for the San Juan College Theater Departments production of The
Laramie Project (March 2014)
 Cellist for the San Juan College Jazz Ensemble performance of A Tribute to John Lewis (November
 Cellist for Durango Choral Societys presentation of Requiem by Gabriel Faur辿 (May 2013)
 Kathy Myrick, Executive Director of the San Juan Symphony - kathymyrick26@gmail.com, 970-382-
 Dr. Joseph Pope, Violist with the Tres Rios String Quartet - jpope10@msn.com, 505-326-2737
 C. Scott Hagler, Director of Third Avenue Arts, Durango, Colorado - scott@3rdavearts.org, 970-
 Mollie Mook Fiddler, Director of the San Juan College Theater Department -
mookfiddlerm@sanjuancollege.edu, 505-566-3242

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  • 1. Hans Freuden 601 E. 37th Street Farmington, NM 87401 (505) 258-0852 cellohans@gmail.com Experience: Interim Director San Juan College Orchestra (January 2015 present) Section Cellist - San Juan Symphony (2003 present) Section Cellist and Occasional Section Leader - San Juan College Orchestra (1999 2014) Cellist - Tres Rios String Quartet (2001 present) Regular Performer - Durango Bach Festival, Durango, Colorado (2009 present) Regular Performer - Durango Chamber Music Festival, Durango, Colorado (2009 2013) Frequent Performer - Dead Composers Society, Farmington, New Mexico (2008 2012) Regular Performer - Showcase Chamber Ensemble, Farmington, New Mexico (2001 2007) Recent Projects: Cellist for a performance of Starsong by Bradley Ellingboe with Caliente Community Chorus, Farmington, New Mexico (February 2015) Cellist for The Interfaith Community Chorus presentation of Selections from Messiah by George Frederick Handel, Bloomfield, New Mexico (November 2014) Cellist for The San Juan College Concert Choir Masterworks Chorale performance of Mass in B Flat by Johann Nepomuk Hummel (October 2014) Provided all on-stage music for the San Juan College Theater Departments production of The Laramie Project (March 2014) Cellist for the San Juan College Jazz Ensemble performance of A Tribute to John Lewis (November 2013) Cellist for Durango Choral Societys presentation of Requiem by Gabriel Faur辿 (May 2013) References: Kathy Myrick, Executive Director of the San Juan Symphony - kathymyrick26@gmail.com, 970-382- 9753 Dr. Joseph Pope, Violist with the Tres Rios String Quartet - jpope10@msn.com, 505-326-2737 C. Scott Hagler, Director of Third Avenue Arts, Durango, Colorado - scott@3rdavearts.org, 970- 247-1129 Mollie Mook Fiddler, Director of the San Juan College Theater Department - mookfiddlerm@sanjuancollege.edu, 505-566-3242