This music theory lesson plan introduces students to basic music elements. The 45-minute lesson will begin with a diagnostic test to assess students' existing knowledge of music vocabulary. Students will then be split into groups and play a game matching musical instruments to their categories of percussion, wind, or string. They will present what they learned about instrumental categories. For homework, students will analyze a favorite song using the new vocabulary and present their analysis in the next class.
2. Class Information
Subject: Music Theory
Topic: Basic Music Elements
Lesson Title: What do you hear?
Level: Introductory
Subject level: Form 1
Lesson Duration:45 mins
3. Music Theory
Date: Tuesday 24th November 2014
Prerequisite skills/knowledge: A primary school
understanding of what Music is/sounds like.
Lesson Objectives: At the end of this lesson,
students should be able to:
1. Recognise & define basic music vocabulary.
2. Identify the categorization of musical instruments
3. Use music vocabulary to analyze basic rhythms or
popular songs
4. Activities
Initial Focus: Diagnostic test, to see
how much vocabulary students
actually know. (15 mins)
Major Task & Group Activity:
Match the instrument to its category
game. On White board. Class will be
split into teams and each team given
a instrumental category (Percussion,
Wind, String) (30 mins)
6. Debriefing & Evaluation
Debriefing: Each team must present
something that they have learned from the
Board game, and explain their instrumental
category to the rest of the class. State 2
differences from each category of
instrument to their own.
Homework (Evaluation): In groups,
students will select a favourite song, and
analyze it using vocabulary. They will
present their analysis to the class, in the
following lesson.
7. References
Government of Trinidad and Tobago,
Ministry of Education. (2008)
Secondary SchoolCurriculum Forms
1-3: Visual and Performing Arts.
Couva, Curriculum Planning
andDevelopment Division.