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Online Conference
Area: Music
By Oliver Haise & Jessica Neweyy
There are 3 areas of music which we focus on.
Performing, listening and composing.
This unit of work focuses on composition.
油Students will:
develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through performing as a means of self-expression, interpreting
musical symbols and developing solo and/or ensemble techniques
A student:
4.3 performs music demonstrating solo and/or ensemble awareness
4.3.1 Student can clap in time to the music.
4.3.2 Student can sing in tune.
4.3.3 Student can sing in tune and in time to music.
Students learn to:
perform music through singing, playing and moving to a range of repertoire
perform musical compositions and arrangements individually and/or in groups
perform music that uses different forms of musical notation and technologies
Students learn about musical concepts through:
recognising the use of musical concepts in various repertoire characteristic of the topics studied
understanding how the concepts of music are used and manipulated in compositions and arrangement
understanding various forms of musical notation used in the repertoire studied
Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through composing as a means of self-expression, musical creation and
A student:
4.4 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through exploring, experimenting, improvising, organising, arranging and composing
- 4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available.
- 4.4.2Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments.
- 4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition.
4.5 notates compositions using traditional and/or non-traditional notation
- 4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures).
- 4.5.2Student can notate using simple traditional notation.
- 4.5.3 Student can notate composition using traditional western notation.
Students learn to:
experiment and improvise both individually and in groups using stimulus characteristic of the repertoire studied
explore forms of musical notation, including computer-based applications, as a method of recording their own musical ideas
organise musical ideas into simple compositions both individually and in groups
油Students learn about musical concepts through:
experimenting and improvising music representative of various styles, periods and genres
creating simple compositions both individually and in groups
notating compositions using various forms of traditional and non-traditional notation
Students will:
develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through listening as a means of extending aural awareness and
communicating ideas about music in social, cultural and historical contexts
4.9 demonstrates musical literacy through the use of notation, terminology, and the reading and interpreting of scores used in the music
selected for study
4.11 demonstrates an appreciation, tolerance and respect for the aesthetic value of music as an artform
Students learn to:
listen to and analyse a range of repertoire
identify how concepts of music have been used and manipulated in a range of repertoire
respond to the range of repertoire used for listening
Students learn about musical concepts through:
aurally exploring music of various styles, periods and genres
identifying, understanding and describing how the concepts of music have been used and manipulated
responding to and discussing the varying repertoire used in class and in the world of music
4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available.
 Compose a riff (one bar).
 It must be rhythmic.
 Compose a riff that uses both rhythm and pitch.
4.4.2 Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments.
 Compose a 2 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument.
4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition.
 Choose 2 instruments that work well together and compose a 4 bar melody.
4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures).
 Draw 4 examples of graphic notation.
4.5.2 Student can notate using simple traditional notation
 Test: do a 2 bar rhythmic dictation.
4.5.3 Student can notate composition using traditional western notation.
 Compose a 4 bar melody.
4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available.
 Compose a 4 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument.
4.4.2 Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments.
 Choose 3 instruments that work well together and compose a 4 bar melody.
4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a
 Draw 4 examples of graphic notation and perform them to the class.
 Test: do an 4 bar rhythmic dictation using crotchets and minims only.
4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures)
 Compose an 8 bar Melody.
4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available.
 Compose an 8 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument.
4.4.2 Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments.
 3 percussive instruments and one Orff instrument and compose a 4 bar melody.
4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a
 Draw 4 examples of graphic notation, perform them, and then notate it using traditional
western notation.
 Test: do an 8 bar rhythmic dictation using crotchets, minims and quavers.
4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures).
 Compose an 8 bar melody with an accompaniment.,
Students will learn by:
 Assessments will be set to test what they have
learnt and not simply a regurgitation test.
 Asking students to recognise different notation.
 Discussing with peers during group work.
 Feedback from peers.
 Feedback from teacher.
 Practical approaches to assessments, eg asking
students to talk about what they have learnt.
Informal ways of testing students knowledge:
 Answering questions in class
 Group work
 Performing-both listening to performances and
critiquing them.
 Peer evalutions
Layer C
Student can improvise with sounds
on instruments available.
Student can experiment and
organise sounds on available
Student can distinguish and
discriminate different sounds and
effectively organise a composition.
Student can notate using graphic
Student can notate using simple
traditional notation
Student can notate composition
using traditional western notation.
Assignment choices: 5 points each (40 points
Compose a riff (one bar)
Compose a 2 bar rhythm on a percussion
Choose 2 instruments that work well together
and compose a 4 bar melody
Draw 4 examples of graphic notation.
Test: do a 4 bar rhythmic dictation using
crotchets and minims only.
Compose a 4 bar melody
Create a riff in 2/4
Create a riff in 3/4
Create a riff in 4/4
Create a riff in an unusual metre (eg 5/4, 7/8,
Create graphic notation.
Perform your own interpretation of a
classmates graphic notation
Layer B
Apply this
Student can improvise with sounds on
instruments available.
Student can experiment and organise
sounds on available instruments.
Student can distinguish and discriminate
different sounds and effectively organise
a composition.
Student can notate using graphic
Student can notate using simple
traditional notation
Student can notate composition using
traditional western notation.
Assignment choices: 10 points each
(40 points maximum)
Perform your own interpretation of a
classmates graphic notation
Draw 4 examples of graphic notation
and perform them to the class.
Compose an 8 bar melody.
Create your own 12 bar blues
progression. (If you perform this you get
an extra 10 points).
Write out your own (2 bar) chord
progression using traditional western
Compose a 4 bar riff with a simple
Layer A
Student can improvise with sounds
on instruments available.
Student can experiment and organise
sounds on available instruments.
Student can distinguish and
discriminate different sounds and
effectively organise a composition.
Student can notate using graphic
Student can notate using simple
traditional notation
Student can notate composition using
traditional western notation.
Assignment choices: 15 points each.
(60 Points maximum)
Compose an 8 bar melody over a riff.
Compose an 8 bar rhythm on a percussion
Choose 3 percussive instruments and one Orff
instrument and compose a 4 bar melody.
Draw 4 examples of graphic notation, perform
them, and then notate it using traditional
western notation.
Test: do an 8 bar rhythmic dictation using
crotchets, minims and quavers.
Compose an 8 bar melody with an
Accountability Discussions, in-class
tests, oral questioning.
Students who informally
show their knowledge will
be able to achieve bonus
points-to help those who
are better at speaking
answers, rather than
writing them.
HD Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by:
Regularity with rhythm
Rhythmically perfect
D Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by:
Not as confident
Regularity with rhythm
Rhythmic with one slight error
CR Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by:
Reasonably confident
rhythmic with one or two errors
Rhythm usually regular
P Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by:
Rhythm not as regular
Above 50% correct
F Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by:
Not Confident
Rhythm is irregular
Below 50% correct

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Edst4093 online conference powerpoint 1

  • 1. Online Conference Area: Music By Oliver Haise & Jessica Neweyy
  • 2. There are 3 areas of music which we focus on. Performing, listening and composing. This unit of work focuses on composition.
  • 3. Objectives 油Students will: develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through performing as a means of self-expression, interpreting musical symbols and developing solo and/or ensemble techniques Outcomes A student: 4.3 performs music demonstrating solo and/or ensemble awareness 4.3.1 Student can clap in time to the music. 4.3.2 Student can sing in tune. 4.3.3 Student can sing in tune and in time to music. Students learn to: perform music through singing, playing and moving to a range of repertoire 油 perform musical compositions and arrangements individually and/or in groups 油 perform music that uses different forms of musical notation and technologies Students learn about musical concepts through: recognising the use of musical concepts in various repertoire characteristic of the topics studied 油 understanding how the concepts of music are used and manipulated in compositions and arrangement 油 understanding various forms of musical notation used in the repertoire studied 油 油
  • 4. Objective Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through composing as a means of self-expression, musical creation and problem-solving. 油 Outcomes A student: 油 4.4 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through exploring, experimenting, improvising, organising, arranging and composing - 4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available. - 4.4.2Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments. - 4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition. 油 4.5 notates compositions using traditional and/or non-traditional notation - 4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures). - 4.5.2Student can notate using simple traditional notation. - 4.5.3 Student can notate composition using traditional western notation. 油 Students learn to: experiment and improvise both individually and in groups using stimulus characteristic of the repertoire studied explore forms of musical notation, including computer-based applications, as a method of recording their own musical ideas organise musical ideas into simple compositions both individually and in groups 油Students learn about musical concepts through: experimenting and improvising music representative of various styles, periods and genres creating simple compositions both individually and in groups 油 油 notating compositions using various forms of traditional and non-traditional notation 油 油
  • 5. Objectives Students will: develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the musical concepts through listening as a means of extending aural awareness and communicating ideas about music in social, cultural and historical contexts 4.9 demonstrates musical literacy through the use of notation, terminology, and the reading and interpreting of scores used in the music selected for study 油 4.11 demonstrates an appreciation, tolerance and respect for the aesthetic value of music as an artform Students learn to: listen to and analyse a range of repertoire 油 identify how concepts of music have been used and manipulated in a range of repertoire 油 respond to the range of repertoire used for listening 油 Students learn about musical concepts through: aurally exploring music of various styles, periods and genres 油 identifying, understanding and describing how the concepts of music have been used and manipulated 油 responding to and discussing the varying repertoire used in class and in the world of music 油
  • 6. 4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available. Compose a riff (one bar). It must be rhythmic. Compose a riff that uses both rhythm and pitch. 4.4.2 Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments. Compose a 2 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument. 4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition. Choose 2 instruments that work well together and compose a 4 bar melody. 4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures). Draw 4 examples of graphic notation. 4.5.2 Student can notate using simple traditional notation Test: do a 2 bar rhythmic dictation. 4.5.3 Student can notate composition using traditional western notation. Compose a 4 bar melody.
  • 7. 4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available. Compose a 4 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument. 4.4.2 Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments. Choose 3 instruments that work well together and compose a 4 bar melody. 4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition. Draw 4 examples of graphic notation and perform them to the class. Test: do an 4 bar rhythmic dictation using crotchets and minims only. 4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures) Compose an 8 bar Melody.
  • 8. 4.4.1 Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available. Compose an 8 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument. 4.4.2 Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments. 3 percussive instruments and one Orff instrument and compose a 4 bar melody. 4.4.3 Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition. Draw 4 examples of graphic notation, perform them, and then notate it using traditional western notation. Test: do an 8 bar rhythmic dictation using crotchets, minims and quavers. 4.5.1Student can notate using graphic notation (Pictures). Compose an 8 bar melody with an accompaniment.,
  • 9. Students will learn by: Assessments will be set to test what they have learnt and not simply a regurgitation test. Asking students to recognise different notation. Discussing with peers during group work. Feedback from peers. Feedback from teacher. Practical approaches to assessments, eg asking students to talk about what they have learnt.
  • 10. Informal ways of testing students knowledge: Answering questions in class Brainstorming Group work Performing-both listening to performances and critiquing them. Peer evalutions
  • 11. Layer C Basic knowledge Objectives Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available. Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments. Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition. Student can notate using graphic notation. Student can notate using simple traditional notation Student can notate composition using traditional western notation. Assignment choices: 5 points each (40 points maximum) Compose a riff (one bar) Compose a 2 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument. Choose 2 instruments that work well together and compose a 4 bar melody Draw 4 examples of graphic notation. Test: do a 4 bar rhythmic dictation using crotchets and minims only. Compose a 4 bar melody Create a riff in 2/4 Create a riff in 3/4 Create a riff in 4/4 Create a riff in an unusual metre (eg 5/4, 7/8, 9/8) Create graphic notation. Perform your own interpretation of a classmates graphic notation
  • 12. Layer B Apply this knowledge Objectives Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available. Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments. Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition. Student can notate using graphic notation. Student can notate using simple traditional notation Student can notate composition using traditional western notation. Assignment choices: 10 points each (40 points maximum) Perform your own interpretation of a classmates graphic notation Draw 4 examples of graphic notation and perform them to the class. Compose an 8 bar melody. Create your own 12 bar blues progression. (If you perform this you get an extra 10 points). Write out your own (2 bar) chord progression using traditional western notation. Compose a 4 bar riff with a simple melody.
  • 13. Layer A Evaluating information Objectives Student can improvise with sounds on instruments available. Student can experiment and organise sounds on available instruments. Student can distinguish and discriminate different sounds and effectively organise a composition. Student can notate using graphic notation. Student can notate using simple traditional notation Student can notate composition using traditional western notation. Assignment choices: 15 points each. (60 Points maximum) Compose an 8 bar melody over a riff. Compose an 8 bar rhythm on a percussion instrument. Choose 3 percussive instruments and one Orff instrument and compose a 4 bar melody. Draw 4 examples of graphic notation, perform them, and then notate it using traditional western notation. Test: do an 8 bar rhythmic dictation using crotchets, minims and quavers. Compose an 8 bar melody with an accompaniment
  • 14. Accountability Discussions, in-class tests, oral questioning. Students who informally show their knowledge will be able to achieve bonus points-to help those who are better at speaking answers, rather than writing them.
  • 15. Grade HD Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by: Confidence Regularity with rhythm Musical Rhythmically perfect D Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by: Not as confident Regularity with rhythm Musical Rhythmic with one slight error CR Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by: Reasonably confident rhythmic with one or two errors Rhythm usually regular P Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by: Confidence Rhythm not as regular Above 50% correct F Student follows all criteria above and demonstrates their musical knowledge by: Not Confident Rhythm is irregular Below 50% correct musical