Presentazione originale della mia tesi di laurea triennale con tanti insights dall'era d'oro del P2P... Correva l'anno 2004!
The original slideshow I created to present my bachelor's thesis, with many insights from the golden age of P2P... It was year 2004!
Online learning and curriculumemtinanalqurashiThis document discusses several studies related to online learning and curriculum. It begins with thinking questions about enhancing learning and effective teaching tools. It then summarizes a study by Bangert (2005) that examines an evaluation instrument for online teaching effectiveness based on Chickering and Gamson's seven principles. Another section discusses the importance of learner support based on McLoughlin (2002) and lists 10 dimensions of learner support. It also presents a study by Seok et al. (2010) that compares student and instructor perceptions of online course effectiveness. Questions are provided throughout for peer discussion.
Politropia e WebMarcello BrivioIl concetto di politropia, mutuato dalla retorica psicagogica di Empedocle, applicato all'analisi di un sito web sia a livello del contenuto (testo), sia a livello di interfaccia (paratesto).
Gdit711 mooc test designemtinanalqurashiThe document summarizes concerns and proposed solutions regarding the design of a MOOC course on educational technology. Key concerns discussed include outdated and lengthy reading materials, too many rigidly structured videos, and a lack of specific goals for some course activities. Proposed solutions are to update readings, make videos optional or shorter, and include goals for learners to work towards in activities to keep them focused on weekly topics. The document requests feedback on the proposed solutions.
Hadoop Online TrainingCISCO Online TrainingApache Hadoop is the open source data management software that helps organizations analyze huge volumes of structured and unstructured data, is a very hot topic across the tech industry. It can be quickly learn to take advantage of the Map Reduce framework through technical sessions and hands on labs.
Project Management 2.0 - Da Wiki a TrelloMarcello BrivioLe slide che ho usato per il mio seminario sul Project Management "Agile" all'Ordine degli Ingegneri di Bergamo. Contengono una introduzione teorica ai princìpi dell'agile PM e alle differenze rispetto ai metodi tradizionali. Poi si soffermano su una serie di strumenti pratici e tecniche che possono supportare la gestione dei progetti secondo queste metodologie.
Wikispaces to collaborateemtinanalqurashiThis document discusses using Wikispaces to enhance collaboration in schools and universities. Wikispaces is a free web hosting service launched in 2005 that has over 10 million users. It can be used for classroom management, project-based learning, safe social networking, and online learning to increase teacher capacity, improve student outcomes, and engage students more. Specific features allow for social networking, writing, collaborating on projects, and formative assessment. Additional resources include tutorial videos for using Wikispaces for the classroom.
703 alqurashi i_book chapteremtinanalqurashiThis document discusses collaborative learning in online environments. It describes several benefits of collaborative learning, including promoting critical thinking skills. It also outlines various online tools that can facilitate collaboration, such as Google Docs, wikis, and social media platforms. Finally, it provides a checklist for creating successful online group projects, emphasizing clear expectations, adequate time, and differentiating between process and product in evaluations.
Asian-Pacific Islands Women's Health Forum TalkMindful Accord LLCThe document discusses mindfulness, defining it as paying moment-to-moment attention to one's experiences. It explains that mindfulness can benefit health by reducing stress, worry, and fear while improving focus, thinking, and decision making. The document recommends practicing mindfulness through awareness of one's thoughts, finding a mantra, and taking daily time for self-reflection.
Final group presentationemtinanalqurashiThe document summarizes findings from a MOOC course evaluation. It identifies three main issues: outdated/lengthy readings, long videos, and lack of goals for some activities. For readings, the best solution is to update materials to recent articles. For videos, the best solution is to make videos optional and provide information in other formats like text. For goals, the best solution is to include specific goals for learners to work towards for each activity.
Un modello retorico per l’analisi delle piattaforme partecipative on-lineMarcello BrivioPresentazione originale della mia tesi di laurea. | Original presentation from my Master's Degree thesis.
Gpsy 662 learning disabilitiesemtinanalqurashi1) Brianna is a 9-year old 3rd grade student who is struggling with mathematics and has been diagnosed with learning disabilities related to number sense, basic math skills, and working memory.
2) To help Brianna, a multi-pronged approach is proposed using Peer Assisted Learning Strategies paired with the Dream Box online math program and Concrete-Representational-Abstract instructional techniques.
3) Research has shown these strategies to be effective individually for improving math performance in students with learning disabilities. Together, they are expected to help Brianna succeed in mathematics.
Mindful entrepreneurMindful Accord LLCThis document discusses mindfulness and its benefits for entrepreneurs. It defines mindfulness as paying attention to present experiences with curiosity, acceptance and without judgment. The document explains why mindfulness should be practiced, noting studies have shown it can reduce stress and improve focus, decision-making, health and more. It describes what happens neurologically when practicing mindfulness, such as shifting brain activity and reducing activity in areas associated with fear. Methods for practicing mindfulness discussed include being aware of one's thoughts, using a meaningful word or phrase, and taking daily time to check-in with oneself.
The Internet Explained To Your Mum In 5 ݺߣsMarcello BrivioA non-digital person could be the client of your next website. Or a stakeholder in a project you will be asked to lead. Or, more probably, your user. These 5 slides are for him/her.
Grev 721 enthography presentationemtinanalqurashiEthnography is defined as "the work of describing a culture." Ethnographers conduct field research through observation in natural settings to understand how a culture functions. They aim to understand how learning occurs and how communities are constructed from the perspectives of participants. Data collection strategies involve observing everyday occurrences for long periods of time and thinking like the people being observed. Notes from fieldwork should include time, date, topic, page number, sensory impressions, personal responses, and questions. Analysis begins by reading notes to identify hypotheses or themes, and may also include content analysis, typologies, sociograms, and metaphors. Online ethnography allows studying online social media and reaching diverse populations across distances.
An Introduction to Agile Project ManagementMarcello BrivioAgile Project Management basics explained through the key values and principles of this methodology. A quick overview of some of the most important agile tools and techniques, like "MoSCoW" priority management and "Timeboxing" priority management.
Gdit 726 education in a global society, south koreaemtinanalqurashiSouth Korea has achieved significant educational successes over the past decades through rapid expansion of educational opportunities at all levels and qualitative improvements in education. However, the education system still faces challenges in addressing issues like overcrowded classrooms, achieving a more democratic approach, promoting gender equality, and accommodating South Korea's diverse population in its curriculum. Experts advise ensuring national unification and addressing these ongoing issues to sustain South Korea's high educational performance into the future.
Renewable Sources of Energy- Dynamo in Bicycleadithebest15How can we use a renewable Energy Source to ride a bicycle which can emit light in the night and that too, without no money spent?
This Presentation depicts the production of electricity by simply paddling your bicycle.
Of course it is a little expensive, but surely it is better than the battery system...
You can apply it too in your bicycle!
To know more, download the Powerpoint Presentation.
Di chi sono i miei dati?Paolo AttivissimoRelazione sui problemi della conservazione della cultura digitale, ostacolata da obsolescenza inattesa dei supporti, DRM e copyright
I Share - aspetti giuridici e implicazioni sociali del file-sharingmarco scialdoneLa pratica dello scambio di file protetti dal diritto d’autore attraverso reti P2P costituisce un\'attività comune alla maggior parte delle persone che accedono alla Rete.
Final group presentationemtinanalqurashiThe document summarizes findings from a MOOC course evaluation. It identifies three main issues: outdated/lengthy readings, long videos, and lack of goals for some activities. For readings, the best solution is to update materials to recent articles. For videos, the best solution is to make videos optional and provide information in other formats like text. For goals, the best solution is to include specific goals for learners to work towards for each activity.
Un modello retorico per l’analisi delle piattaforme partecipative on-lineMarcello BrivioPresentazione originale della mia tesi di laurea. | Original presentation from my Master's Degree thesis.
Gpsy 662 learning disabilitiesemtinanalqurashi1) Brianna is a 9-year old 3rd grade student who is struggling with mathematics and has been diagnosed with learning disabilities related to number sense, basic math skills, and working memory.
2) To help Brianna, a multi-pronged approach is proposed using Peer Assisted Learning Strategies paired with the Dream Box online math program and Concrete-Representational-Abstract instructional techniques.
3) Research has shown these strategies to be effective individually for improving math performance in students with learning disabilities. Together, they are expected to help Brianna succeed in mathematics.
Mindful entrepreneurMindful Accord LLCThis document discusses mindfulness and its benefits for entrepreneurs. It defines mindfulness as paying attention to present experiences with curiosity, acceptance and without judgment. The document explains why mindfulness should be practiced, noting studies have shown it can reduce stress and improve focus, decision-making, health and more. It describes what happens neurologically when practicing mindfulness, such as shifting brain activity and reducing activity in areas associated with fear. Methods for practicing mindfulness discussed include being aware of one's thoughts, using a meaningful word or phrase, and taking daily time to check-in with oneself.
The Internet Explained To Your Mum In 5 ݺߣsMarcello BrivioA non-digital person could be the client of your next website. Or a stakeholder in a project you will be asked to lead. Or, more probably, your user. These 5 slides are for him/her.
Grev 721 enthography presentationemtinanalqurashiEthnography is defined as "the work of describing a culture." Ethnographers conduct field research through observation in natural settings to understand how a culture functions. They aim to understand how learning occurs and how communities are constructed from the perspectives of participants. Data collection strategies involve observing everyday occurrences for long periods of time and thinking like the people being observed. Notes from fieldwork should include time, date, topic, page number, sensory impressions, personal responses, and questions. Analysis begins by reading notes to identify hypotheses or themes, and may also include content analysis, typologies, sociograms, and metaphors. Online ethnography allows studying online social media and reaching diverse populations across distances.
An Introduction to Agile Project ManagementMarcello BrivioAgile Project Management basics explained through the key values and principles of this methodology. A quick overview of some of the most important agile tools and techniques, like "MoSCoW" priority management and "Timeboxing" priority management.
Gdit 726 education in a global society, south koreaemtinanalqurashiSouth Korea has achieved significant educational successes over the past decades through rapid expansion of educational opportunities at all levels and qualitative improvements in education. However, the education system still faces challenges in addressing issues like overcrowded classrooms, achieving a more democratic approach, promoting gender equality, and accommodating South Korea's diverse population in its curriculum. Experts advise ensuring national unification and addressing these ongoing issues to sustain South Korea's high educational performance into the future.
Renewable Sources of Energy- Dynamo in Bicycleadithebest15How can we use a renewable Energy Source to ride a bicycle which can emit light in the night and that too, without no money spent?
This Presentation depicts the production of electricity by simply paddling your bicycle.
Of course it is a little expensive, but surely it is better than the battery system...
You can apply it too in your bicycle!
To know more, download the Powerpoint Presentation.
Di chi sono i miei dati?Paolo AttivissimoRelazione sui problemi della conservazione della cultura digitale, ostacolata da obsolescenza inattesa dei supporti, DRM e copyright
I Share - aspetti giuridici e implicazioni sociali del file-sharingmarco scialdoneLa pratica dello scambio di file protetti dal diritto d’autore attraverso reti P2P costituisce un\'attività comune alla maggior parte delle persone che accedono alla Rete.
Music RevolutionMusicrevolutionMusic Revolution - Approfondimento sui servizi di streaming musicale e sull'impatto che questi hanno sull'industria discografica italiana ed internazionale.
Approfondimento a cura di Alessandro Confaloni, Arianna Dalba, Alessandra Giachetta per il corso di Strumenti e Applicazioni del Web del CdL Magistrale Teoria e Tecnologia della Comunicazione dell'Università di Milano - Bicocca. A.A. 2015/2016
Il presente materiale è pubblicato con licenza Creative Commons BY - SA - NC 4.0
La licenza non si estende alle immagini provenienti da altre fonti e agli screenshots, i cui diritti restano in capo ai rispettivi proprietari.
1. Musica on-line e diritto d’autoreMusica on-line e diritto d’autore
L’industria discograficaL’industria discografica
contro le reti peer-to-peercontro le reti peer-to-peer
Prova Finale di Marcello Brivio (matr. 31520)Prova Finale di Marcello Brivio (matr. 31520)
2. Copyright e digitalizzazioneCopyright e digitalizzazione
L’opera digitalizzata èL’opera digitalizzata è
scorporata dal supporto fisicoscorporata dal supporto fisico
riproducibile in modo identico e illimitato ariproducibile in modo identico e illimitato a
costo nullocosto nullo
trasmettibile ovunque per mezzo delle retitrasmettibile ovunque per mezzo delle reti
Circolazione difficilmente controllabileCircolazione difficilmente controllabile
3. Musica digitaleMusica digitale
Compact Disc (CD):Compact Disc (CD): è codificato secondo ilè codificato secondo il formatoformato
WAV, che prevede un “peso” considerevole 10 MBWAV, che prevede un “peso” considerevole 10 MB
per ogni minuto di registrazione.per ogni minuto di registrazione.
MPEG Layer 3 (MP3):MPEG Layer 3 (MP3): le onde sonore digitalizzatele onde sonore digitalizzate
vengono compresse da un algoritmo che ne riduce divengono compresse da un algoritmo che ne riduce di
12 volte le dimensioni senza che l’ascolto ne risenta12 volte le dimensioni senza che l’ascolto ne risenta
in modo modo considerevole.
È possibile la circolazione della musica su InternetÈ possibile la circolazione della musica su Internet
4. Le retiLe reti peer-to-peerpeer-to-peer
Struttura client-serverStruttura client-server Struttura peer-to-peer (P2P)Struttura peer-to-peer (P2P)
7. Gli attacchi legaliGli attacchi legali
Caso Napster (2000-2001):Caso Napster (2000-2001): la RIAA vince il processola RIAA vince il processo
e il giudice ordina la chiusura del programma,e il giudice ordina la chiusura del programma,
condannando i suoi ideatori.condannando i suoi ideatori.
Cambio di strategia (25 giugno 2003):Cambio di strategia (25 giugno 2003): la RIAAla RIAA
comincia a intentare cause legali contro i singoli utenticomincia a intentare cause legali contro i singoli utenti
delle reti P2P; sono promulgate leggi che si muovonodelle reti P2P; sono promulgate leggi che si muovono
in questo senso (in Italia il “Decreto Urbani).in questo senso (in Italia il “Decreto Urbani).
Invulnerabilità dei programmi successiviInvulnerabilità dei programmi successivi
8. Limiti delle nuove normeLimiti delle nuove norme
Limitazioni tecnologiche:Limitazioni tecnologiche: ii providersproviders non sononon sono
attualmente in grado di determinare la natura delattualmente in grado di determinare la natura del
materiale circolante nelle reti telematiche;materiale circolante nelle reti telematiche;
Limitazioni pratiche:Limitazioni pratiche: le nuovele nuove
leggi andrebbero a colpire unleggi andrebbero a colpire un
numero elevatissimo di cittadini,numero elevatissimo di cittadini,
tra i quali molti giovani ignaritra i quali molti giovani ignari
dell’illegalità della loro’illegalità della loro condotta.
9. Mutamenti del mercatoMutamenti del mercato
La discografia tradizionale subisce fortemente laLa discografia tradizionale subisce fortemente la
concorrenza sleale delle reti P2P.concorrenza sleale delle reti P2P.
Diversificazione dei prodottiDiversificazione dei prodotti
Fascia alta:Fascia alta:
Ciò che la rete non può offrire;Ciò che la rete non può offrire;
Fascia bassa:Fascia bassa:
Discesa del prezzo dei CD;Discesa del prezzo dei CD;
Edizioni economiche prive diEdizioni economiche prive di
copertina e libretto.copertina e libretto.
10. Il futuro è on-lineIl futuro è on-line
Nascita dei primi negozi musicali virtuali:Nascita dei primi negozi musicali virtuali:
alternativa legale alalternativa legale al file sharingfile sharing e prezzi contenuti;e prezzi contenuti;
Prospettive favorevoli:Prospettive favorevoli:
tra 3-5 anni il commercio elettronico passeràtra 3-5 anni il commercio elettronico passerà
dall’attuale 2% al 25% dell’intero mercato musicale;dall’attuale 2% al 25% dell’intero mercato musicale;
il CD impiegò 10 anni (1982-1992) per superare leil CD impiegò 10 anni (1982-1992) per superare le
cassette magnetiche e tra 10 anni potrebbe esserecassette magnetiche e tra 10 anni potrebbe essere
superato dagli MP3.superato dagli MP3.