The Responsive Grid & You: Extending Your WordPress Site Across Multiple Dev...Jeremy Fuksa
Presented to WordCamp KC 2011.
If you are a web designer of any type, you're interested in making sure your designs are faithful AND useful to the widest audience possible. This has been true for years. But now, your audience has widened to mobile users and also users on HDTVs. How do you accommodate them? Simple: Responsive Web Design.
This talk shows how to use some of the open source responsive CSS frameworks to make sites that are fluid and adaptable to a wide range of devices.
The document outlines an AWS training module that covers:
- 5 modules that cover AWS history/introduction, infrastructure like EC2 and S3, security, databases, and management tools.
- Module 1 provides an introduction to AWS and its history starting from its launch in 2006.
- AWS has grown rapidly, launching over 1,950 services and features between 2009-2015 to provide scalable application services.
- EC2 provides resizable compute capacity that can be increased or decreased depending on needs, and only pays for what is used.
Este documento habla sobre el software educativo y sus aplicaciones en la ense?anza. Explica que el software educativo se refiere a programas dise?ados para facilitar el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje, como juegos educativos de internet. Tambi└n describe algunos tipos de aplicaciones de la inform│tica en la educaci┏n, como usar programas para que los estudiantes aprendan en contextos reales y act┣en de forma aut┏noma. Finalmente, sugiere que debemos complementar la educaci┏n en el aula con herramientas de software educativo.
Ed20 work introduction to the project TurkishJoel Josephson
EdWeb2Work is a European Union funded education project that has two missions:
1. To create a network that spans education and the world of work and is designed to improve the use of Web2.0 tools in both fields.
2. To create a set of tools for the empirical evaluation of Web2.0 tools
The project will create a network between stakeholders in the education and work sectors that will examine how both should be using Web2.0 in the education and work environments.
This was a workshop I gave at in 2011.
How can you be sure your content reaches the largest audience possible? By designing content for all contexts, that will reach your audience via any device, any phone, any laptop, anywhere.
This workshop will discuss how to create a content strategy for narrative content. We'll explore how to tailor your content, as well as your editorial workflows, for different devices and audiences. We'll use Treesaver, an open-source content layout framework to illustrate narrative content principles.
Publishing usually comes at the end of your content strategy, but by orchestrating your process for narrative content, you can ensure your stories, news, product descriptions, and more will be tailored for your audience wherever they are.
What you¨ll learn
How to optimise workflow, production, and deployment for narrative content.
How to use the technology behind narrative content.
How to customise content for different contexts.
Protecting your Microsoft Workloads with High Availability and ReliabilityAmazon Web Services
Backing up Windows workloads can be a challenge, and cumbersome for many companies. Backup and recovery for Windows workloads on AWS, however, can be easy. This session will cover best practices for backup and recovery, how to configure Windows workloads to back up to AWS; pitfalls to look out for; and recommended reference architectures.
This document contains information about three living things: lettuce, rabbits, and wolves. It describes their physical appearance, habitat, diet, predators, and an interesting fact about each one. Lettuce is described as a green vegetable with big leaves that lives in fields and eats water and minerals. Rabbits are mammals that sometimes live on farms, eat vegetables, and are eaten by humans and animals. Wolves resemble husky dogs, live in mountains, eat rabbits and hares, are hunted by other carnivores, and are known to howl at night.
A presentation which explores contemporary Japanese culture. Includes working notes rather than a transcript. There is a resource list at the end. Enjoy.
The document discusses territorial living labs, which integrate the living lab approach into a territory and its citizens, governance, and strategic plans. Territorial living labs were discussed at ENoLL-World Bank meetings in February 2012. Examples of territorial living labs presented included ones in Sicily, Italy focused on citizen involvement in strategic planning, and the MedLab project model involving regional policy frameworks, ICT platforms, local authorities, citizens, and businesses in multi-level governance. Pilot experiments in various European regions applied the living labs approach to issues like rural ICT services, coastal environment monitoring, and sustainable tourism.
The document discusses aligning three initiatives underway at a company - pricing optimization, automated price list management, and sales analytics. It notes that while each initiative on its own could help, they currently operate independently and place redundant and conflicting demands on the sales force. The proposed solution is to integrate the initiatives into a single portal and sales workbench that creates a unified user experience, eliminates inefficiencies, and aligns pricing and sales compensation strategies for mutual benefit.
Do students with learning differences really need an i pad (1)rickweinberg
This document is a presentation by Rick Weinberg on whether students with learning differences need an iPad. Weinberg discusses that the decision depends on factors like student goals and needs, affordability, and the student's gifts. He notes concerns like overreliance on technology and a lack of planning. Weinberg focuses on helping with reading and writing challenges, discussing tools like speech-to-text, graphic organizers, and public library resources that can aid students both on computers and mobile devices. The presentation provides an overview of assistive technologies and resources that can support students with learning differences.
Digital presentations are increasingly important within schools. "Death by PowerPoint" is also common in schools. Technology and graphic design are famously neutral. It is people that are boring! It is time to reflect on our use of digital presentations and perhaps explore different approaches. It is also time to give some consideration to the design of the individual slides and the most effective ways of getting our message across. Enjoy!
If you are a geography teacher and you have the time, please consider filling in the questionnaire which accompanies this presentation and return it to Much appreciated. Thanks!
Ed20 work introduction to the project TurkishJoel Josephson
EdWeb2Work is a European Union funded education project that has two missions:
1. To create a network that spans education and the world of work and is designed to improve the use of Web2.0 tools in both fields.
2. To create a set of tools for the empirical evaluation of Web2.0 tools
The project will create a network between stakeholders in the education and work sectors that will examine how both should be using Web2.0 in the education and work environments.
This was a workshop I gave at in 2011.
How can you be sure your content reaches the largest audience possible? By designing content for all contexts, that will reach your audience via any device, any phone, any laptop, anywhere.
This workshop will discuss how to create a content strategy for narrative content. We'll explore how to tailor your content, as well as your editorial workflows, for different devices and audiences. We'll use Treesaver, an open-source content layout framework to illustrate narrative content principles.
Publishing usually comes at the end of your content strategy, but by orchestrating your process for narrative content, you can ensure your stories, news, product descriptions, and more will be tailored for your audience wherever they are.
What you¨ll learn
How to optimise workflow, production, and deployment for narrative content.
How to use the technology behind narrative content.
How to customise content for different contexts.
Protecting your Microsoft Workloads with High Availability and ReliabilityAmazon Web Services
Backing up Windows workloads can be a challenge, and cumbersome for many companies. Backup and recovery for Windows workloads on AWS, however, can be easy. This session will cover best practices for backup and recovery, how to configure Windows workloads to back up to AWS; pitfalls to look out for; and recommended reference architectures.
This document contains information about three living things: lettuce, rabbits, and wolves. It describes their physical appearance, habitat, diet, predators, and an interesting fact about each one. Lettuce is described as a green vegetable with big leaves that lives in fields and eats water and minerals. Rabbits are mammals that sometimes live on farms, eat vegetables, and are eaten by humans and animals. Wolves resemble husky dogs, live in mountains, eat rabbits and hares, are hunted by other carnivores, and are known to howl at night.
A presentation which explores contemporary Japanese culture. Includes working notes rather than a transcript. There is a resource list at the end. Enjoy.
The document discusses territorial living labs, which integrate the living lab approach into a territory and its citizens, governance, and strategic plans. Territorial living labs were discussed at ENoLL-World Bank meetings in February 2012. Examples of territorial living labs presented included ones in Sicily, Italy focused on citizen involvement in strategic planning, and the MedLab project model involving regional policy frameworks, ICT platforms, local authorities, citizens, and businesses in multi-level governance. Pilot experiments in various European regions applied the living labs approach to issues like rural ICT services, coastal environment monitoring, and sustainable tourism.
The document discusses aligning three initiatives underway at a company - pricing optimization, automated price list management, and sales analytics. It notes that while each initiative on its own could help, they currently operate independently and place redundant and conflicting demands on the sales force. The proposed solution is to integrate the initiatives into a single portal and sales workbench that creates a unified user experience, eliminates inefficiencies, and aligns pricing and sales compensation strategies for mutual benefit.
Do students with learning differences really need an i pad (1)rickweinberg
This document is a presentation by Rick Weinberg on whether students with learning differences need an iPad. Weinberg discusses that the decision depends on factors like student goals and needs, affordability, and the student's gifts. He notes concerns like overreliance on technology and a lack of planning. Weinberg focuses on helping with reading and writing challenges, discussing tools like speech-to-text, graphic organizers, and public library resources that can aid students both on computers and mobile devices. The presentation provides an overview of assistive technologies and resources that can support students with learning differences.
Digital presentations are increasingly important within schools. "Death by PowerPoint" is also common in schools. Technology and graphic design are famously neutral. It is people that are boring! It is time to reflect on our use of digital presentations and perhaps explore different approaches. It is also time to give some consideration to the design of the individual slides and the most effective ways of getting our message across. Enjoy!
If you are a geography teacher and you have the time, please consider filling in the questionnaire which accompanies this presentation and return it to Much appreciated. Thanks!
(1) Discussione del caso
(2) Il tradizionale Diritto d¨autore
(3) Il Digital Copyright -> il rafforzamento tecnologico del copyright
(4) Il Copyleft -> la logica della condivisione applicata al copyright
Verso i bigdata giudiziari? (Nexa Torino, luglio 2016)Simone Aliprandi
Le slides utilizzate da Simone Aliprandi per il seminario "Verso i bigdata giudiziari? Problemi di privacy e copyright nella diffusione di sentenze sul web" tenutosi al Centro Nexa del Politecnico di Torino (info:
Informatica e diritto, oggi: mobile forensics, protezione dei dati personali, copyleft, pirateria informatica, sicurezza informatica, intelligenza artificiale... ne abbiamo discusso insieme a "Conoscenza in Festa". Il 1< luglio al Caff┬ dei libri alle ore 16.00.
Presentazione originale della mia tesi di laurea triennale con tanti insights dall'era d'oro del P2P... Correva l'anno 2004!
The original slideshow I created to present my bachelor's thesis, with many insights from the golden age of P2P... It was year 2004!
La tutela del diritto d'autore online - lezione del 20 dicembre 2014 SSPL Uni...marco scialdone
Lezione sul diritto d'autore online, sui sistemi di DRM e sulle c.d. utilizzazioni libere, tenuta il 20 dicembre 2014 presso la Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali dell'Universit┐ Europea di Roma
I Share - aspetti giuridici e implicazioni sociali del file-sharingmarco scialdone
La pratica dello scambio di file protetti dal diritto d¨autore attraverso reti P2P costituisce un\'attivit┐ comune alla maggior parte delle persone che accedono alla Rete.
Rossetti-Silvi, Ontologia sociale del documento giuridicoAndrea Rossetti
venerd━ 3 ottobre a partire dalle 9.30 presso l¨Aula Magna dell¨Universit┐ in Via Sant¨Abbondio a Como.
Durante la giornata, dopo i saluti del Rettore dell¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell¨Insubria, Alberto Coen Porisini, e di Laura Castelvetri, direttore del Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia e Culture, si svolgeranno gli interventi di Gianni Penzo Doria, direttore generale dell¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell'Insubria e, tra l¨altro, esperto di diplomatica del documento digitale e responsabile scientifico del progetto ^UniDOC ̄; Filippo Pappalardo, referente del Processo Telematico di Milano - Unione Lombarda Ordini Forensi; Andrea Orlandoni, referente del Processo Telematico di Como - Unione Lombarda Ordini Forensi; Francesca Ferrari, ricercatrice di diritto processuale civile all¨Universit┐ degli Studi dell¨Insubria; Andrea Rossetti, professore associato di Filosofia del Diritto all¨Universit┐? degli Studi Milano Bicocca; Marco Silvi, docente di
Alessio Pennasilico, Cybercrime e cybersecurityAndrea Rossetti
Primo incontro del ciclo: Cybercrime, Digital Evidence e Digital Forensics - webminario organizzato da Giuseppe Vaciago per la cattedra di Informatica giuridica della Bicocca.
Francesca Bosco, Cybercrime e cybersecurity. Profili internazionaliAndrea Rossetti
Primo incontro del ciclo: Cybercrime, Digital Evidence e Digital Forensics - webminario organizzato da Giuseppe Vaciago per la cattedra di Informatica giuridica della Bicocca.
Carlo Prisco, Profili giuridici della corrispondenza elettronicaAndrea Rossetti
Andrea Cavalloni, Digital Rights Management:Il caso Sony-BMG
1. Digital Rights Management: Il caso Sony-BMG Dott. Andrea E. Cavalloni Corso di Informatica Giuridica Universit┐ degli Studi di Milano
2. Il caso Sony-BMG Mark Russinovich Sviluppatore informatico Esperto del funzionamento di Microsoft Windows Sviluppa e distribuisce software open source
3. Il caso Sony-BMG Sony-BMG La pi┫ grande major discografica del mondo Controlla pi┫ del 50% del mercato musicale mondiale 2,55 miliardi di Euro fatturati dall¨agosto 2004 al febbraio 2005
4. Il caso Sony-BMG Rootkit Insieme di meccanismi software il cui obiettivo ┬ quello di cancellare da un computer le tracce della presenza di s└ e di qualche agente attivo
5. Il caso Sony-BMG La Storia 31/10/05 Russinovich scopre un rootkit occultato ^ a tradimento  ̄ nel suo PC e proveniente da un CD della Sony-BMG. Una analisi pi┫ approfondita rivelava che il rootkit aveva la funzione di rendere ^invisibile ̄ un avanzato sistema DRM (XCP)
6. Il caso Sony-BMG Caratteristiche XCP Copy Control Non rimuovibile da Windows Ogni tentativo di rimozione compromette il sistema operativo Compromette la sicurezza
7. Il caso Sony-BMG La Storia 03/11/05 La Sony-BMG pubblica una patch per rendere l¨XCP ^ visibile  ̄ e mette a disposizione un disistallatore dello stesso DRM 04/11/05 Russinovich informa che l¨XCP crea una backdoor che mette in comunicazione il PC dell¨utente dei server della Sony-BMG ogni qualvolta si utilizza il CD con l¨XCP
8. Il caso Sony-BMG La Storia 6/11/05 Russinovich smonta il tentativo di minimizzare della First4Internet ed informa che la patch di ^de-invisibilit┐ ̄ ┬ scritta male e rende instabile il sistema 09/11/05 Russinovich comunica che non esiste un disistallatore universale dell¨XCP
9. Il caso Sony-BMG La Storia 11/11/05 Ammissione con scuse di Sony-BMG nei confronti dei clienti, inoltre comunica di aver sospeso la produzione dei CD con l¨XCP 12/11/05 Alex Halderman (ricercatore Princeton) rende nota l¨esistenza di un secondo sistema DRM (Mediamax) utilizzato da Sony-BMG
10. Il caso Sony-BMG Azioni Giudiziarie Consumatori ed associazioni promuovono diverse class-action su tutto il territorio statunitense (e non solo) contro Sony-BMG
11. Il caso Sony-BMG 28/12/05 Tribunale Federale NY Proposta di accordo Blocco CD con XCP e Mediamax Ritiro dal mercato CD Fornitura software disinstallante Divieto raccolta dati personali ottenuti con XCP e Mediamax Risarcimento clienti di $ 7,5 Autorizzazione a scaricare gratuitamente la musica nel CD e di altri 3 CD Sony-BMG Class-Action
12. Il caso Sony-BMG 21/11/05 Accusa : Violazione del ^Consumer Protection Against Spyware Act ̄ Richiesta Procuratore: Risarcimento danni punitivo di $ 100.000 per ogni utente danneggiato Azione giudiziale in Texas Greg Abbott Procuratore Generale del Texas
13. DRM Definizione Sistemi tecnologici/legali mediante i quali i titolari dei diritti d¨autore possono esercitare ed amministrare tali diritti nell¨ambiente digitale, grazie alla possibilit┐ di rendere protetti, identificabili e tracciabili tutti gli usi in rete di materiali adeguatamente `marchiati¨
14. DRM Elementi Essenziali Identificazione e descrizione dei diritti Tracciamento delle licenze d¨uso e dell¨utilizzo dei contenuti digitali Misure tecniche per restringere l¨uso dei contenuti digitali
16. DRM Fornitore contenuti protetti Massimizzare ricavi Vogliono ampliare il diritto d¨autore Non rilasciano materiale se non tutelato e protetto Produttori tecnologie Producono strumenti per sfruttamento contenuti Vogliono libera fruibilit┐ contenuti Pronti a produrre tecnologie di protezione Ecosistema dei diritti digitali
17. DRM Fornitore di servizi Offrono servizi per accedere ai contenuti Vogliono formati dei contenuti facilmente utilizzabili Non vogliono responsabilit┐ su utilizzo illegale dei contenuti Massimizzare vendita servizi Consumatori Utilizzatore contenuti Disposto a pagare un ^giusto prezzo ̄ per utilizzo Vuole utilizzare in modo facile e veloce E¨ aperto a soluzioni innovative che amplino lo sfruttamento Genera risorse per l¨ecosistema Ecosistema dei diritti digitali
18. DRM Governi Indirizzo politico - economico Quadro giuridico Societ┐ di gestione collettiva dei diritti Promozione Tutela Ridistribuzione economica Ecosistema dei diritti digitali
19. DRM Giurisprudenza Comunitaria Sentenze a favore dei titolari del diritto d¨autore Corte Suprema Francese (2006) Corte d¨Appello di Bruxelles (2005)
20. DRM Attori: Sig. Perquin UFC-Que Choisir (associazione consumatori) Convenuti: Universal Pictures Video Studio Canal Diritto alla copia privata Corte Suprema Francese
21. DRM Oggetto: Impossibile fare copia privata del DVD ^ Mulholland Drive ^ Richieste: - Ritiro e rimozione DRM - Risarcimento di 150 ad acquirente - Ulteriore risarcimento danni per violazioni del diritto dei consumatori Diritto alla copia privata Corte Suprema Francese
22. DRM Diritto alla copia privata Corte Suprema Francese 1< Grado e Appello a favore dei consumatori con affermazione del divieto di inserire misure tecnologiche di protezione che violino il diritto alla copia privata Sentenza (28/2/06) a favore dei titolari del diritto d¨autore affermando che il diritto alla copia privata deve intendersi una eccezione al diritto d¨autore e pertanto non pu┛ essere di ostacolo all¨introduzione di misure tecnologiche di protezione
23. DRM Giurisprudenza Italiana Nessuna sentenza Esposto dell¨A.L.C.E.I. alla Guardia di Finanzia C Nucleo Antifrode Telematica nei confronti di Sony-BMG Diffida ai sensi dell¨art.140 del Codice del Consumo da parte di Altroconsumo nei confronti di Sony-BMG e EMI
24. DRM Attori Claudio Barbieri Margherita Duranti Andrea Giacomel Convenuti Sony Pitcures Home Entertainment Buena Vista Home Entertainment Universal Pictures Giurisprudenza Italiana Tribunale Civile di Milano
25. DRM Giurisprudenza Italiana Tribunale Civile di Milano Chiesto l¨accertamento circa l¨utilizzo di DRM su DVD in contrasto con il diritto alla copia privata Le major cinematografiche si difendono ammettendo il limite posto e motivandolo con l¨inesistenza ad oggi di tecnologia DRM che consenta la copia privata digitale Procedimento in corso´
26. DRM Giornali quotidiani modello di business quotidiani-economici-usa e getta Editori non realizzavano quotidiano elettronico perch└ il modello di business ┬ differente NewspaperDirect ha offerto un sistema DRM che ha ricreato modello di business cartaceo
27. DRM ^ Non esistono tecnologie buone o cattive, ┬ buono o cattivo l¨uso che si fa di esse ̄ (Lawrence Lessig)