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Personal Information
FullName RisaSamuelSunardi.
KTPNo/ Pasport No. 10.5102.060659.0002/M805447
Nationality [ ] Indonesian [ ] ___________________
Birthday Kediri,June 06, 1959
Gender [ ] Male [ ] Female
Marital Status [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Divorced,Separated,Widowed
HomeAddress BabakanPerumnas,BantarKemang - RT 09/IVNo.24, Kel Baranangsiang BOGOR,
TelephoneNumbers 1) 081808 660990.
2) 0812 9778 3559
E-mailaddress risa_sunardi@yahoo.co.id
Availability [ ] Immediate [ ] 1 / 2 / 3 MonthsNotice
Job Skills
English  Written [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ V ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair
English  Spoken [ ] Excellent [ V ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair
Windows Word [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ V ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair
Windows Excel [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ V ] Fair
Windows Power Point [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ V ] Fair
e-mail [ ] Excellent [ V ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair
Name of School, University
or Institute
Agriculture High School.
Period of Study 1977  1980.
Qualifications, Degree,
Diploma, Certificate
Modern Agricultural Management
Name of Courses English Intensive Oxford Course.
Period of Study January 1993 for three months.
Professional Qualificationsand Affiliations
ProfessionalQualification QualityAssuranceand LaboratoryTesting
Type of Membership Course / Seminar
Name of Institution Levis Philippine
Year ofAttainment 1991
Professional Qualification Frontline Leadership Training.
Type of Membership Seminar and Training.
Name of Institution Karl Miller by Hong Kong Liz Cl. HRD Team.
Year ofAttainment 1996
Working Experiences
Nameof Employerand
PT Eratex DjajaLTD,GarmentFactory.-Denim Bottom andother heavy weight
Position QC Foreman and Sample Follow up.
Employment Period May1983  1988.
Reports to (Position Title) Production Manager and Factory Manager.
Main Responsibilities Quality Assurance
Samples Comment.
QAand QC Inspector Trainer..
Reason of Leaving [ ] NotApplicable [ V ] Resignation [ ] Redundancy/Laid Off
[ ] Termination(Reason:NewOccupation)
Name of Employer and
PT.IndopancaGarmentGarmentManufacturing TopandBottom
Position QAand Finishing Supervisor; Samples Follow up..
Employment Period December,1988 to February 1991
Reports to (Position Title) Factory Manager.
Main Responsibilities Inspection Scheduling, Inspection Quotation
Communicating with Buyers Inspector and Shipping Dept.
Invoicing and preparing technical reports
Quality Analysis Report.
Reason of Leaving [ ] Resignation [ ] Redundancy/LaidOff
[ ] Termination(Reason:GotNewOccupation)
Name of Employer and
NewTimesIntl.Ltd.  ApparelTradingCompany.
Position QAInspector.
Employment Period March 1991 to July 1992
Reports to (PositionTitle) SalesManager
Main Responsibilities Follow up Production, Technical Skills support..
Garment Inspection and Samples Comment.
Reason of Leaving [ ] Resignation [ ] Redundancy/LaidOff
[ ] Termination (Reason:JointLizClaiborneCompany)
Nameof Employerand
Liz ClaiborneInc.JakartaOffice.
Position 1992  1993  QAInspector.
1994  1996  Senior QAInspector.
1996  1997  Asst. QAManager at Field.
1997  2001  QACenter Manager.
2001  2006  QACenter Manager and Compliance.
Employment Period August, 1992  June 2006.
Reasonof Leaving EstablishedFamilyBusiness.
Nameof Employerand
PT.SahabatUnggul Bogor  Indonesia.
Reasonof Leaving
August 2006to January2007.
Got anotherjobfor Invigour 8 of HongKong Company.
From February 2007 to December 2008 I work for Invigour 8 Company as Operation In-charge Indonesia.
Since the business was out of Indonesia, I only work as Freelance up to 2009.
From November 2009 to May 2012, I work for Eralda Hong Kong as QA Manager for Indonesia.
Now I am working for BV CPSI as QC Inspector.
I certifythat to the best of my knowledge,theabove informationistrue and correct.
Bogor,April 5th, 2016.
( RisaSamuel Sunardi)

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MY CV - April 5th, 2016.

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Information FullName RisaSamuelSunardi. KTPNo/ Pasport No. 10.5102.060659.0002/M805447 Nationality [ ] Indonesian [ ] ___________________ Birthday Kediri,June 06, 1959 Gender [ ] Male [ ] Female Marital Status [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Divorced,Separated,Widowed HomeAddress BabakanPerumnas,BantarKemang - RT 09/IVNo.24, Kel Baranangsiang BOGOR, 16143. TelephoneNumbers 1) 081808 660990. 2) 0812 9778 3559 E-mailaddress risa_sunardi@yahoo.co.id Availability [ ] Immediate [ ] 1 / 2 / 3 MonthsNotice Job Skills English Written [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ V ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair English Spoken [ ] Excellent [ V ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair Windows Word [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ V ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair Windows Excel [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ V ] Fair Windows Power Point [ ] Excellent [ ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ V ] Fair e-mail [ ] Excellent [ V ] Good [ ] Satisfactory [ ] Fair
  • 2. Education Name of School, University or Institute Agriculture High School. Period of Study 1977 1980. Qualifications, Degree, Diploma, Certificate attained Modern Agricultural Management Name of Courses English Intensive Oxford Course. Period of Study January 1993 for three months. Professional Qualificationsand Affiliations ProfessionalQualification QualityAssuranceand LaboratoryTesting Type of Membership Course / Seminar Name of Institution Levis Philippine Year ofAttainment 1991 Professional Qualification Frontline Leadership Training. Type of Membership Seminar and Training. Name of Institution Karl Miller by Hong Kong Liz Cl. HRD Team. Year ofAttainment 1996 Working Experiences Nameof Employerand BusinessNature PT Eratex DjajaLTD,GarmentFactory.-Denim Bottom andother heavy weight Fabricationsitem. Position QC Foreman and Sample Follow up. Employment Period May1983 1988. Reports to (Position Title) Production Manager and Factory Manager. Main Responsibilities Quality Assurance Samples Comment. QAand QC Inspector Trainer.. Reason of Leaving [ ] NotApplicable [ V ] Resignation [ ] Redundancy/Laid Off [ ] Termination(Reason:NewOccupation)
  • 3. Name of Employer and BusinessNature PT.IndopancaGarmentGarmentManufacturing TopandBottom Woven. Position QAand Finishing Supervisor; Samples Follow up.. Employment Period December,1988 to February 1991 Reports to (Position Title) Factory Manager. Main Responsibilities Inspection Scheduling, Inspection Quotation Communicating with Buyers Inspector and Shipping Dept. Invoicing and preparing technical reports Quality Analysis Report. Reason of Leaving [ ] Resignation [ ] Redundancy/LaidOff [ ] Termination(Reason:GotNewOccupation) Name of Employer and BusinessNature NewTimesIntl.Ltd. ApparelTradingCompany. Position QAInspector. Employment Period March 1991 to July 1992 Reports to (PositionTitle) SalesManager Main Responsibilities Follow up Production, Technical Skills support.. Garment Inspection and Samples Comment. Reason of Leaving [ ] Resignation [ ] Redundancy/LaidOff [ ] Termination (Reason:JointLizClaiborneCompany) Nameof Employerand BusinessNature Liz ClaiborneInc.JakartaOffice. Position 1992 1993 QAInspector. 1994 1996 Senior QAInspector. 1996 1997 Asst. QAManager at Field. 1997 2001 QACenter Manager. 2001 2006 QACenter Manager and Compliance. Employment Period August, 1992 June 2006. Reasonof Leaving EstablishedFamilyBusiness. Nameof Employerand BusinessNature PT.SahabatUnggul Bogor Indonesia. GarmentFactory. Position Period Reasonof Leaving QualityControlManager. August 2006to January2007. Got anotherjobfor Invigour 8 of HongKong Company.
  • 4. From February 2007 to December 2008 I work for Invigour 8 Company as Operation In-charge Indonesia. Since the business was out of Indonesia, I only work as Freelance up to 2009. From November 2009 to May 2012, I work for Eralda Hong Kong as QA Manager for Indonesia. Now I am working for BV CPSI as QC Inspector. I certifythat to the best of my knowledge,theabove informationistrue and correct. Bogor,April 5th, 2016. ( RisaSamuel Sunardi) b